Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #15

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That is so very true -- worth repeating. Whoever did this to these 2 girls, is as cold blooded and as heartless as you can get. OSBI has been trumped.
So - now what???

I think you may be correct. The 911 call was to elicit sympathy, most likely from a female who knows something. IMO if they've heard nothing by now, revealing the 911 PARTIAL call was meaningless. Then, too, there may not be a female who knows anything.

One question that stands out to me is why the Plackers are afraid to live in their house. I can understand not wanting to be near the crime scene, but being afraid is another type of statement.
that was my question.....the post wasn't there and there were several that were gone. What did it say?

And is there a picture of Joe Mosher anywhere?? His behavior, just my wild thoughts here, but his behavior kind of reminds me of, and I hate to say this because I don't think Mosher is a perv, but I'm getting the Michael Jacques feel about him. I may be totally wrong as well.

CC... I'm a little too late to read post #9351, on Topix...

This is also weird..It seems post from 9346 thru 9352 have been deleted.

IF the post wasn't rude or obscene, then why would it be deleted?....jmo
I can kind of see it....their daughter (grand) was gunned down in cold blood, less than a mile from their home, and OSBI doesn't seem have a clue....I wouldn't want to be there, or have to drive by it everyday. Maybe the term "scared" was a random choice of words. But..didn't that come from good ole Uncle Joe???

I think you may be correct. The 911 call was to elicit sympathy, most likely from a female who knows something. IMO if they've heard nothing by now, revealing the 911 PARTIAL call was meaningless. Then, too, there may not be a female who knows anything.

One question that stands out to me is why the Plackers are afraid to live in their house. I can understand not wanting to be near the crime scene, but being afraid is another type of statement.
Geeze, now I'm stuck on uncle Joe. (re: his comments in that Tulsa World article). Maybe OSBI isn't telling Uncle Joe what he wants to hear.
He may not have heard the exact call, but in some places anyone who has a scanner can hear calls from police units. I don't blame the Plackers for moving. Not only is it a constant reminder every time they go down that road, but until someone is arrested and they know why the girls were killed, the family may very well be in danger. The only problem is, if someone really wants to find them, they can no matter where they go especially if there is a family connection in any way.
You are right Annie, if this was a revenge killing for something connected to the Placker family, they may be moving for their own safety.
Quote from Sailor Moon: "that was my question.....the post wasn't there and there were several that were gone. What did it say?

SM, The post inferred that the POI had been monitoring topix yesterday and had left an email for a friend. It was a yahoo account that hasn't been used for quite a while. Through more research however, I found that yahoo email linked to an old Xanga which listed others emails that then linked me to a current youtube account and also a current myspace. I do find it interesting that those posts on topix were removed. I understand taking the email address of, but why all the posts around that?
I'm excited to have something to post (this is my first)!
Those are song lyrics quoted in his profile. By The Misfits, I think?

Back to reading!

Welcome Imjen! Thanks for your insight. You were right. The quote is from the misfits song, Last Caress. Pretty unsettling lyrics.. killed your baby, raped your mother, one last caress.... sweet death.
Quote from Sailor Moon: "that was my question.....the post wasn't there and there were several that were gone. What did it say?

SM, The post inferred that the POI had been monitoring topix yesterday and had left an email for a friend. It was a yahoo account that hasn't been used for quite a while. Through more research however, I found that yahoo email linked to an old Xanga which listed others emails that then linked me to a current youtube account and also a current myspace. I do find it interesting that those posts on topix were removed. I understand taking the email address of, but why all the posts around that?

Most likely they were removed because the posters quoted the original.
Thanks for the welcome, Okie Ties! Very disturbing lyrics, I remember this song upsetting me when I was a kid. Yuck.
trey bizzare Tom's Girl!! I just searched and found those same pics. Hmm. Wasn't what I was expecting. Which has no relevance or meaning. I mean what is the text book description for an uncle Joe anyway?? I had seen them early on in the case but you know how that all blends together. I don't know.

Who the heck did this anyway? I'd like to know what they really found on the computers and phones. If the girls were in contact with someone else...that day or at all.
Could Lanita possibly be Juanita's real name. You know how some kids want to change their names as they get older............maybe a combination of Linda/Juanita?

Thank you, BusyLady and FlowerChild for the information. And here I thought I was beginning to slueth!
Strange to me that 1st cousins have the same name, but maybe not so strange to other families.

All this name stuff is making me dizzy! And the rapsheets! I may need a brain transfusion to get it all together! Mine's getting old!

#9351 15 hrs ago
rumor has it, the POI has been in here reading these post. He left his friend his email address on another forum.

This all leads to someone who posts under "Big bad john". Reference to real name Ricky Cates. Used to live in oklahoma. Still goes back fishing. Posts on McAlester topix. Friend posted that he in under care of psychologist for severe multiple personality disorder. This is BBJ's latest post:

i,m going away for a=while my psychologst said it would be good for me to get away from the internet,,, i,m sorry for making all you folks mad,,, my psychologst says i suffer dissocitve identy disoder,,, big bad john is one of my identies i,m now taking zoloft and some other medences to help me,,, my psycholgost told me to stay=off the computar for a=while,, i will be back soon a canged man and will be nice to every one, i will also be posting this on all the other foroms,, i go to on topics.

take care,,
big bad John

p,s, i may get on the topics and try to post agin, and say i didn,t mean to or my natphrew posts these,,, i don,t even have a natphew,, goodbye folks,

Seems he used to live in Hartshome, OK. Another poster knows him and made the comment that he should be ashamed of what he did to that poor indian girl a long time ago. ???? I don't know if this pertains to anything. But it is interesting.
Thank you, BusyLady and FlowerChild for the information. And here I thought I was beginning to slueth!
Strange to me that 1st cousins have the same name, but maybe not so strange to other families.

All this name stuff is making me dizzy! And the rapsheets! I may need a brain transfusion to get it all together! Mine's getting old!

Any local news on the murders today?
Any local news on the murders today?

Dont live there. Used to be a local, sorry! Hevent heard anything. I dont think they hear much.

I'm not pointing fingers, and I am not saying I believe this is our guy(s) but we have been concentrating so much on revenge, that I dont want you all to forget about the old man in the woods.
I have been told by locals, in the past, that his crimes should have ended him up in prison more than once, but instead, he was delared mentally insane, thus avoiding imprisonment. I was also told that his wife accidently chocked on a weiner and died, and that wasnt investigated well. Also he had 2 daughters taken from him due to molesting them. when they were young.
Could it be he kept hearing the girls, watched them through the woods, and eventually snapped?
I just dont want you great sluethers to dismiss this possiblilty. Could the poi just have been someone who was seen on Bryant Road earlier, he had to relieve himself, so he turned off on what he thought would be a more private road, parked the truck at an angle so he could do his thing and the girls wouldnt see him, (since whoever called in saying they saw him (the poi) said the truck was parked almost blocking the road and the girls were STILL ALIVE at this point) That maybe he backed up in a turnabout fashion and went back the way he came so he could procede on to where he was going? I just see this as a possibility and dont want to lose it due to focusing too much on other things.
But still, it puzzles me who called him in. His truck and appearance is so generic, but then again, it COULD fit the description of LOTS of people and vehicles in the area, and most other areas to tell the truth! Maybe he was just down there visiting someone, had a background, and is afraid to come forward for fear of being accused.

I still can see in my head this old crazy man in the woods.... following... watching, snapping! No telling how many days, weeks, months, he had been watching. How does the mind of a madman think? Hearing the things I have heard about him, I wouldnt want to live anywhere near him! Maybe that is why Placker's are moving. I dont think this man has been cleared. Could he have been carrying more than one gun? Hmmmm overalls have lots of pockets. What was he wearing? Why would he have more than one gun? He's a hermit. He may have lots of guns. and in those woods, and that creek there, it would be easy to dispose of some. Or go home and then drive down to the river. Splash, splash.... GONE!:eek:
Just something to think about.
Sry for the long post.
Yes, I read the post/s, I have that window open to all of the posts, from you and others posting here!

BBJ talks about storm chasing in some of his postings. Here is a link re:storm chasing that is talking about the same Ricky Cates. Unfortunately, the video has been removed.

This is a commented about the blog entry:
The opportunity to identify and locate this character was too great to pass up. I posted info that I knew and hopefully others will post as well. The combined information will hopefully allow him to be identified.

He's a loose cannon and could be the potential next mass murderer that is becoming too commonplace nowadays. If ignored, he is unstable enough to resort to other measures.

If you think I'm paranoid or hyping it up, you've been hiding under a rock for the past several years. Turn on the news every once in awhile or read a newspaper.

TUE FEB 19, 12:08:00 AM CST
This all leads to someone who posts under "Big bad john". Reference to real name Ricky Cates. Used to live in oklahoma. Still goes back fishing. Posts on McAlester topix. Friend posted that he in under care of psychologist for severe multiple personality disorder. This is BBJ's latest post:

i,m going away for a=while my psychologst said it would be good for me to get away from the internet,,, i,m sorry for making all you folks mad,,, my psychologst says i suffer dissocitve identy disoder,,, big bad john is one of my identies i,m now taking zoloft and some other medences to help me,,, my psycholgost told me to stay=off the computar for a=while,, i will be back soon a canged man and will be nice to every one, i will also be posting this on all the other foroms,, i go to on topics.

take care,,
big bad John

p,s, i may get on the topics and try to post agin, and say i didn,t mean to or my natphrew posts these,,, i don,t even have a natphew,, goodbye folks,

Seems he used to live in Hartshome, OK. Another poster knows him and made the comment that he should be ashamed of what he did to that poor indian girl a long time ago. ???? I don't know if this pertains to anything. But it is interesting.

WOW! That's scary! I remember when I used to post at topix, Roy swore over and over that he heard someone talking, at the State Park when he was fishing. There is 2 state parks down there. One not far from McAlester!
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