Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #15

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FlowerChild, agreed that women generally are the softer sex, but the phone call release has brought no information from females or from anyone. The killer(s) are hard core; they simply saw this as "taking care of business" and may not mention it to anyone, not even girlfriends. I don't think this is huge. Instead, IMO it was a hit, and I suspect someone related to one of the families has a clue - maybe not exactly WHO but why. IMO the person(s) who did this are not local and are long gone from OK.
How would we know the phone call release has brought no new info?? Until an arrest is made, we won't know how (or when) the OSBI go the infor resulting in the arrest of a suspect (or suspects). And we have no idea where OSBI REALLY is in the investigation...they aren't required to tell the public exactly what they are doing (or why). For all we know that tape was released to affect one or two specific people - maybe even someone in, or close to, the family?

My Opinion
For all we know that tape was released to affect one or two specific people - maybe even someone in, or close to, the family?

I would presume the reason part of the tapes was realeased was to get at someone's conscience. I believe, however, there would be a leak if someone had come forward.

Can we compare the open case of Jessica Lundsford with the closed OSBI investigation? Did it matter in the end? And, if I correctly recall, Elizabeth Smart was found walking along the road by a private citizen.

It seems that being open about the types of guns and/or pictures would get someone thinking. The killer(s) could have a next door neighbor who remembered seeing the guns, but w/o public info about them, how would anyone know? And, what has happened to de-emphasize the POI? The picture is still out there, but several posters on Topix stated some posters in public places had been taken down. Why? Could OSBI address this?
If they don't release at least some tidbits about the investigation, the public will soon push it to the back of their minds and life will go on as before in Weleetka.

I wonder what Taylor's grandparents did for a living where they lived before. And I wonder how long Skyla's parents have lived in the vicinity.
YD I really don't think the focus is on the wrong element. The other family is pretty clean. Nothing that compares to what we have uncovered. The situation has been discussed before, and since this didn't happen at Skylas house is only one reason I really don't lean that way. I know her bro is in jail in KS but he seems to be the only one serving time not like the other band of misfits, gun runners, meth heads ect.. JMO
Honestly at this point who knows, but when it comes down to sleeping with the enemy well you know my opinion.
Not a good idea to be penpals with inmates, Okie Ties.
YD I really don't think the focus is on the wrong element. The other family is pretty clean. Nothing that compares to what we have uncovered. The situation has been discussed before, and since this didn't happen at Skylas house is only one reason I really don't lean that way. I know her bro is in jail in KS but he seems to be the only one serving time not like the other band of misfits, gun runners, meth heads ect.. JMO
Honestly at this point who knows, but when it comes down to sleeping with the enemy well you know my opinion.

Yes, Taylor's family definitely has the most notorious members. I was just thinking though how people in jail talk to other people in jail. Skyla's brother did murder someone and probably left enemies behind and may have spent time in the Weleetka area before he was locked up.

I'm really grasping at straws through frustration over this case which is being kept so quiet.
Not a good idea to be penpals with inmates, Okie Ties.

Yeah, I know PGW. I posted that comment tongue in cheek. Maybe the sarcasm didn't come through. Thanks anyway.
Okie ties : Yeah, I know PGW. I posted that comment tongue in cheek. Maybe the sarcasm didn't come through. Thanks anyway.

Well Okie Maybe if LE is reading these boards it will give them some idea that the public is wanting to help... I don't know....

Anyone that wants I have made a couple of siggys for the girls & they are in my album if you want to use them :)
Fantastic post (below), FlowerChild! Thanks for putting so much thought and time into it.
As I posted before:


WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR NOW! Here's a link to one of the biggest Oklahoma web news sites, (the 'Letters to the Editor' section. Scroll all the way to the bottom!);

"I would like to know the gun types and calibers but not because I believe these guns are being used to kill other people. Bullet casings and bullets were recovered in this case and OSBI/LE would know if the guns had been used before in a murder, or if they had been used again in another murder."

Victor responded: Well, not necessarily. It's a very real possibility that the killers have killed again without having the victim discovered yet.

FlowerChild wrote:
"I don't want the info released out of fear, but so that someone who unwittingly had obtained information on the killers based on the disappearance of said guns, or the appearance of said guns, or someone suddenly getting rid of guns could report the information to LE.

Unless it was a young person using Dad's guns, or the guns have a strong meaning for the killer(s), I think the guns used in this murder are currently at the bottom of a local lake - I don' think even the dumbest killer(s) would hang on to these particular guns KNOWING they can link the directly to these murders. If the killer(s) want to kill again, they won't do it with these guns, they'll just go and buy (or steal) another set of hot "throw away" guns. The killer(s) had plenty of time and yet they left a pile of bullet casings in the road, they didn't care if LE found them WHY? - they had no intention of having these guns long enough to get caught with them."

Victor responded: Again, not necessarily so. There are tons of multiple murder cases where the killer uses the same gun. Probably the most famous is the Son Of Sam case. He used the exact same 44 caliber gun to kill over and over again. You might say "Ya, but he was a total nut."

I'm afraid the same can be said about the murderers of these two little girls.

FlowerChild wrote:

"So yes, I think we should encourage (politely) OSBI to release more information on the guns (and the autopsies). A polite, logical, well thought out letter outlining the reasons we feel such information would be helpful and stating we are still highly motivated to find the POI and/or the killer(s) would be the best way to communicate our interest and our continuing support for all LE who are working to solve this case. I would never suggest OSBI is just being proprietary OR that they don't take getting these weapons of the street seriously - all that will do is get the letter filed under "crackpots". The way to get OSBI to take such a request seriously is to approach them with respect and invite them to give the public more information that could prove to be valuable tool for associates and family members to use in identifying possible POI's in the case.

I would communicate FIRST with the OSBI and the Okfuskee County Sheriff by mail (registered if possible) and follow that letter up with a COPY of the letter (and proof of receipt) to several media (TV and print) outlets in the area - National (Greta Nancy, et al), Oklahoma City AND Tulsa. It's always better to hand media justification to approach LE with a question (such as why are you not responding to all these legitimate requests?) than to just write a letter ranting about how they should put heat on OSBI and Local LE to talk about the guns and other evidence. Usually the media will respond and turn up the heat on ALL the LE working on a case IF it comes with a guaranteed ratings grabbing "hook" they can exploit easily like "the public is outraged". If we give the media the whole thing wrapped in a nice, tidy, easy package they are much more likely to pursue it.

My Opinion

Victor responded: Great strategy, FlowerChild! I think it would a HUGE help to this case to have us posters write to at least the media demanding action. We should demand release of vital info that could help the public catch or turn in these cold-blooded child killers. But I'm afraid it might be a little too involved, time-consuming and expensive for some people to send 'registered' letters with 'Proof Of Receipt' to both LE as well as media sources. Plus, as the Oklahoma police spokeswoman said in the news conferece about this case just the other day, many people are very reluctant to talk directly to police.

If nothing else, at least email a letter to my link at the top (& bottom) of this post. If we posters on this thread wrote even one-tenth of the amount they have posted here already, to the media, we would be sure to get some real action.

Come on, folks, take a few minutes, which you are already doing anyway on this case, and contact the media so they can prod LE to give us some info to catch these killers. If you can find other good media links to write to, please post them here.

Wouldn't it be fantastic if our efforts got LE to give up the type murder weapons used, and it lead to the capture of the killers?


WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR NOW! Here's a link to one of the biggest Oklahoma web news sites, (the 'Letters to the Editor' section. Scroll all the way to the bottom!);
I just don't get this whole situation. This is a brutal horrendous crime. Two innocent girls, walking on a country road are just gunned down. What the heck is the deal??? OSBI is either clueless..which by the "heartstring" press conference I believe so. they need to release the caliber of the bullets. That would do something....anything.....
All you have to do is look at the activity this case gets on this site now and you reach the conclusion, this case is fading fast. Such a shame.

I've tried to think of all the possible reasons these girls were killed and this is what I came up with.

1. Robbery: No.

2. Sexual attack or attempted attack: I doubt it. Sexual predators are amazingly efficient animals. In a remote location like this those girls would have been gone in a heartbeat. The idea he was interrupted during his attempt to grab them so he killed them doesn't make sense either.

3. Boys horsing around: Every time I see this one I bite my tongue. You have got to be kidding. Boys messing around shoot up road signs, tin cans, other stuff that doesn't move, and maybe a few small animals.

4. Accidental shooting gone bad: This is another "You have got to be kidding."

5. A thrill kill: A possibility.

6. A nut job: A possibility.

7. Somebody high on something: A possibility.

8. A random rage attack: A possibility. This would be like the dad and two sons who were recently gunned down in San Francisco.

9. The girls saw something that day: A possibility.

10: The girls knew something: A possibility.

11. A problem with someone the girls knew: A possibility.

12: Sexual abuse involving someone in the family: A possibility.

13. A problem involving the Placker family: A possiblility.

14. A problem involving the Whitaker family: A possibility.

Am I missing other possible reasons?

There are a lot of possibilities but LE should have evidence that narrows the list considerable. What everybody was doing that day and where they were around 5pm should also narrow the possibilities.

I think the way the girls were shot makes number 5 and 8 unlikely.

The way the Placker family has reacted makes number 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 14 unlikely.

If we knew more about where the family was that day we could either rule number 12 in or out.

There is the possibility it could be number 11, young punks in the neighborhood, but why would this cause the Plackers to curl up into a ball. Wouldn't they come out fighting? I don't see the extended Placker family as a bunch of pansies. Is all this talk about how much they loved Taylor a bunch of bunk or is there a reason for their behavior. I think there has to be a reason.

And I assume the Whitaker family is behaving the way they are because they aren't stupid.
re: albert's list

#3 this was one of my first possible explanantions ... boys horsing around, showing off or seeking revenge for taylor's "telling on a classmate"

but i have a hard time believing kids would have emptied 2 guns..... that seems unlikely...... however, there is no sensible reason for these girls to have been killed. normal, reasonable minds could never justify such.

i only hope investigators know much more than has been released.
My responses in red...

I've tried to think of all the possible reasons these girls were killed and this is what I came up with.

5. A thrill kill: A possibility.
Multiple shots from 2 guns? That's pretty well executed for a "thrill".

6. A nut job: A possibility.
Nutjobs usually stay close to home so it's a A LOCAL NUTJOB - have they all been cleared? And why would he bring 2 guns?

7. Somebody high on something: A possibility.
Again - multiple shots, 2 guns - doesn't seem likely - just cause you're high doesn't mean you suddenly start shooting kids - plus no paranoia here - they KEPT SHOOTING long after they could have run.

8. A random rage attack: A possibility. This would be like the dad and two sons who were recently gunned down in San Francisco.
I kind of put this in a more complicated thrill-kill/rage category because this isn't OKC or Tulsa. I don't think a rage or vengeance type killer would just be driving around on the sparsly populated rural area dirt roads LOOKING for some people to shoot. It was Sun afternoon, he could have found plenty of people close to the interstate or hwy 75 or walked into a church and killed 25 people....much more satisfying and those types are trying to make a point - a BIG POINT when they kill - two kids in the middle of nowhere doesn't make much of a statement?

9. The girls saw something that day: A possibility.
And that somebody just happened to have two guns with him? Ok maybe two "somebody's", But nobody else who was in the area "saw something"? They saw the POI and the girls, but not the "something"? And what could they have seen to get them killed - it would have to be someone they knew doing the "something", I think. (This is where I wonder about the crazy neighbors - 1 ex-con, one ex mental patient - who could have walked over unseen by passers-by)

10: The girls knew something: A possibility.
Something about what? What could 2 girls "know" that would get them killed execution style? I would think they'd have to know something really significant (and criminal) about someone pretty close to them for murder to be the result.

11. A problem with someone the girls knew: A possibility.
How would that person know where the girls would be at 5PM on that Sunday? Just happened to be driving by with two guns and decided to kill them?

12: Sexual abuse involving someone in the family: A possibility. Neither girl was sexually assaulted - I would take that to mean EVER.

13. A problem involving the Placker family: A possiblility.
Umm, all I can say is "D'oh" - well and I would include cousins (like "baby cousin Nita's" siblings maybe?) and "friends".

14. A problem involving the Whitaker family: A possibility.
Again, how did they know where Skyla was? And why didn't they just go the the Whitaker's house (or the GP's (Farrow's) next door) and kill all of them? Going to the Plackers to kill ONE Whitaker when the Whitakers were having a BBQ that night and would have all been home and outside, seems like a stretch
Am I missing other possible reasons?
There are a lot of possibilities but LE should have evidence that narrows the list considerable. What everybody was doing that day and where they were around 5pm should also narrow the possibilities.

I think the way the girls were shot makes number 5 and 8 unlikely.

The way the Placker family has reacted makes number 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 14 unlikely.

If we knew more about where the family was that day we could either rule number 12 in or out. I think we can rule it out on autopsy

There is the possibility it could be number 11, young punks in the neighborhood, but why would this cause the Plackers to curl up into a ball. Wouldn't they come out fighting? I don't see the extended Placker family as a bunch of pansies. Is all this talk about how much they loved Taylor a bunch of bunk or is there a reason for their behavior. I think there has to be a reason.
I think we are left with two possibilities - #6 a local nutcase who had some sort of real or imagined "grudge against the Plackers or kids and #12 The Paschal-Placker extended family and their associates. They had just had a family gathering 2 weeks before...who was there? Does anybody besides "baby cousin Nita" hang out with hard core gang bangers? How about Bandidos Bikers?
And I assume the Whitaker family is behaving the way they are because they aren't stupid.

I think they played that 911 tape for the FAMILY - so they could hear what they did to Vicky and Peter. I think somebody in the family KNOWS what happened and is too afraid of the family reaction to admit THEY might be the reason Taylor is dead. Keep quiet - family still loves you, talk and family hates you AND you rat somebody else out..hate from 2 sides.

My Opinion
There is another possibility.............the girls had a prearranged meeting via cell phone or computer with a person or persons. Perhaps there was a grudge or fight going on amongst them and they met to settle things once and for all. Kids can be cruel and some get so hurt by teasing or feeling like an outcast that the hate grows in them like a cancer. If it was kids who did this they had to be well versed in guns.......not someone who took Daddy's gun out of the closet and was shooting it for the first time.

Have the genders of the people on the bridge that day ever been disclosed? Was it a meeting place where boy meets girl kind of place? A place to hang out and drink beer?
A demarcation line of sorts between the kids living in town and the kids living in the country? A swimming place?
Flowerchild and Albert,
Kudos to posting a well thought out list of possibilities and then answering it logically.

FC, I did not make the same assumption about sexual abuse. Just because the coroner said the girls had not been sexually assaulted, do we really have proof that some type of sexual abuse hadn't previously taken place? And would they really release that information making a potential suspect hide further? Also, I don't think we know whether either of the girls had been sexually active. While I am hoping and praying that hadn't happened, we have to be realistic about the things they are going on in the world at very young ages and specifically in small towns where there is not a lot of "entertainment" and things for kids to do. Sexual abuse can happen in any type of family, from the weathliest to the poorest. When sexual abuse happens to kids that age, they are extremely confused. Sometimes feeling that they encouraged it or somehow were responsible for the actions of others.
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