Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #16

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I was all for the meth lab theory, but as I recall it was "shut down" by FC and her "sources" saying it wasn't happening there. (shrugs shoulders)

I also brought up the possibility that the area would be an excellent location for Drug/Gun dealers to meet with a local person or a person from Tulsa if they were bringing stuff in from anywhere (particularly Texas).

I hear drugs are a pretty big thing down there. When I was young, I remember the big deal was prescription drugs. Now.... I guess it's meth.
(no, I was never a druggie)

Now when I speak, I speak about growing up in Henryetta, but we were all over the countryside. Nothing much to do down there 'cept drive around. Kids were always looking for a place to "party!" I remember we would drag Main and stop at the In and Out and gather and someone was always saying, "hey, where's the party at?" And the kids all knew places. Like maybe out at a certain bridge, or pasture, pond, river, etc. There is less to do now than there was then! No skating rink anymore, no theatre, no bowling alley. (this ages me somewhat, doesnt it? lol)

The income level down there for the average person is very low. I wonder if drugs are more prevailant because of usage, or for the money?

I had a few rentals down there for awhile. Found they were making meth in some of those apts and that was 10 years ago! Yea, I got rid of the tenants that were, uh, how should I say it... "Shady" to say the least! But it wasnt without alot of trouble with them before they would leave and demolish, steal and destroy everything in their path.

I don't have any idea nowadays what those two little girls could have walked up on. But this meth lab thing sticks in my mind. And I have also heard some local RUMORS... which quite often pan out to be true. (sometimes not when something of this magnitude happens.) There have been lots of unsolved and solved murders down there, but not 2 little girls!!!!!

Back to Mapquest....... I'm a big map person, its part of my profession. And I keep looking, zooming in as close as I can on an aerial view. Looking... kinda like a bird flying above, just checking things out. Can't see well enough for a good view, but it sure looks like there are alot of paths and stuff down there through the trees and pastures I hear there are several old cemetaries in that almost immediate vicinity. Lots of places I would go prowling down around through, even now, except like I believe Christine said on her signature, WS has changed my whole way of looking at the world! Before this, I wouldn't have had a clue that all those little hidden places could be so dangerous. In the past I was mostly just afraid of getting into some poison ivy! Gosh! Mom and I used to drive around and into fields to pick flowers to dry for future flower arrangements. Lots of reasons to "walk down to the bridge" so to say. Lots of things to do on the way!

I think the answer is there close. Or at least it WAS, that day.
I'm sorry if I seem to be rambling in my recent posts. I am just trying to relate a feeling of someone who grew up there. Thank you.
One thing about drug dealers, gun runners, and drug mules...they come prepared. They are fully armed and in defense mode against "enemies" (anyone they consider a threat to their existence or business). Most serious drug cartels use seasoned people to deliver because of the money involved and these people have no qualms about killing. It isn't only in the movies.

People who would be cooking in a mobile meth lab are not as savy. While I could see them being armed, I don't see them as being as bloodthirsty or so willing to go to these lengths to protect their ventures. Most are scumbags who cook only enough for the locals in certain areas and keep their profits for their own addictions. There are a lot of "cooks" who don't use meth, but are addicted to Heroin, for instance. Meth is simply an easy method to obtain money because of the supply and demand factor. However, with the crackdown on mobile labs, obtaining various substances involved in cooking, etc., it has allowed for the larger drug trade to take hold in certain areas of Oklahoma. This is a known fact among the DEA and other entities who are dealing with those issues.
I was all for the meth lab theory, but as I recall it was "shut down" by FC and her "sources" saying it wasn't happening there. (shrugs shoulders)

I also brought up the possibility that the area would be an excellent location for Drug/Gun dealers to meet with a local person or a person from Tulsa if they were bringing stuff in from anywhere (particularly Texas).

This area/creek you speak of has lot's of oil production - pumpers/oil trucks are in and out all hours of the day, a large sub station, cemetery, hay feild - cattle, kids driving around, four roads (can't see a car until it's right up-on-you) and this is just on each side of the creek.
The OSBI searched around the creek for days, if anything was found they did not tape that area off.
The girls had walked to the creek and was on their way back, they both had cell phones if there was a problem, Rose spoke to Skyla, a witness saw the girls moments before they were killed and they were OK at that time.
I personaly do not feel they saw anything that alarmed them.
The problem I have with thinking the girls were killed because they saw some type of criminal activity is that I would consider that type of killing a business deal. This crime looks personal to me, not business.
It sounds almost exactly like the town I grew up in OK and I know for a fact that none of those things mattered when it came to our drug dealers. They would sell right on main street without getting caught. So that part doesn't sway my opinion of what could be happening in broad daylight on that stretch of road.
The problem I have with thinking the girls were killed because they saw some type of criminal activity is that I would consider that type of killing a business deal. This crime looks personal to me, not business.
And I feel just the opposite. It looks to me to be carried out by complete strangers with no emotional attachment to the girls in any way. Drop them where they stood and drove away. No fear of getting caught. No fear of being seen. No fear of people hearing what went down. They simply did not care and as we can well see...they have gotten away with it because no one has a clue who they are or where they are. They did this very casually as if it was nothing to them. Doesn't sound like someone who is trying to cover their tracks at all or is personally vested in this crime.
This area/creek you speak of has lot's of oil production - pumpers/oil trucks are in and out all hours of the day, a large sub station, cemetery, hay feild - cattle, kids driving around, four roads (can't see a car until it's right up-on-you) and this is just on each side of the creek.
The OSBI searched around the creek for days, if anything was found they did not tape that area off.
The girls had walked to the creek and was on their way back, they both had cell phones if there was a problem, Rose spoke to Skyla, a witness saw the girls moments before they were killed and they were OK at that time.
I personaly do not feel they saw anything that alarmed them.

I see what you're saying, but could it be that the girls did see something, and maybe didnt even know what they were seeing? But the killer(s) thought they knew? It may be there isnt anything to find. That maybe what was there is now gone?
I dont know. It's just a feeling, like we all have, huh? It feels like we have made a complete circle, and are back at square one. I still feel like someone was doing something they shouldnt have been doing, and the girls saw it, whether they knew what they saw or not.

its just a feeling...I could easily be wrong. We all just go by our own experiences, things we have heard, things we know. We all have a different canvas, and with the same paints, all paint a different picture.

BTW. Thanks for your own ideas. You are a local too? (past for me)
The problem I have with thinking the girls were killed because they saw some type of criminal activity is that I would consider that type of killing a business deal. This crime looks personal to me, not business.

Albert, that's been my feeling. The shots to Taylor were very personal! I still get the rejection/payback thing.
It sounds almost exactly like the town I grew up in OK and I know for a fact that none of those things mattered when it came to our drug dealers. They would sell right on main street without getting caught. So that part doesn't sway my opinion of what could be happening in broad daylight on that stretch of road.

Same thing back home. I have seen many bags of pot sold right in plain sight. It's like, no big deal!

I believe that young people could do this. Especially if it was someone who knew the girls, or even just one of them.

As previously mentioned about video games, I really dont think some of our youth understand the magnitude of this! I could see a kid shooting Taylor in the face, just because he was pi--ed! It's kinda like that "monkey see, monkey do" thing. One kid shot kids at a school... and then, and then..... ya see what I am saying? UGH! I think a young person could have done it fast without much thought.
I know that sounds horrible, but it sure wouldnt hurt if we paid more attention to what is REALLY in the minds of kids. I think even decent kids are so overexposed to crime in just their games, that it starts to seem like just part of life to them.
This is really scarey! But I believe it could be true to more kids than we can begin to realize! Look at what they are growing up seeing, every night, in most living rooms, on TV! We know it is wrong, but this is their world.... this is what they see!!

I'm not sure I am doing a good job in expressing myself. Sorry. Thanks for your posts. I feel like you are with me here.
Albert, that's been my feeling. The shots to Taylor were very personal! I still get the rejection/payback thing.

And you very well could be right. I guess what I am trying to say, is that it doesnt take that much in today's world, to go after that kind of revenge. Not like Taylor had to have done something really HORRIBLE for this kid to take this kind of revenge. Maybe just PO'd the guy(s)

I might oughta go back into my cave. lol
I'm not buying into the meth lab theory for this reason... these girls, and Taylor in particular, have a family that has been involved in drug and drug related activities for many years. While I have no knowledge as to whether these girls were around meth or other illegal drugs, my personal experience is that when members of your family use and/or deal, you see it, smell it, and know about it. What would be so surprising if these girls did stumble onto a meth lab or a drug deal? Would any of those revelations really be enough to warrant a killing? Now if, on the other hand, they had stumbled upon two or more boys raping or sexually abusing another boy or girl in the woods, that would seem more plausible. They have seen probably more than most of us have in their short years of life. JMO
~snipped from okie ties: What would be so surprising if these girls did stumble onto a meth lab or a drug deal?

Maybe the girls were't surprised.... but what could have been in the minds of the other persons.

And I am not necessarily thinking meth lab... I AM however, still feeling that they saw something that the other party or parties, felt very invaded by.

And I am not necessarily thinking meth lab... I AM however, still feeling that they saw something that the other party or parties, felt very invaded by.

Very good point, so lets think of more things the girls could have seen that would make the killer(s) want to silence the girls.

Here is one off the top of my head:
The killer(s) could have been trying to dump the body of someone they already killed, the girls seen the body and the person(s) attempting to dump the body freaked and killed again. This time in an unprepared fashion.

I know thats pretty far out there, but were at pause in this case, we can not let any reason or idea not be looked at.
I still think it was done in anger for something the girls had done or one of their family members had done. It was an execution and they made sure both girls were dead and would not be able to talk.

It may have originated at the bridge but I don't think so. I think it was something that had been festering for quite awhile. Since they were shot in the front and not in the back, the shooter/shooters were pretty close to Taylor's home, maybe even laying in wait for them to return to the house. I could see them hiding in the brush and waiting until the girls were almost upon them to step out from their hiding place and start shooting with no warning whatsoever.

It could go back to something that happened at school. They might have been spreading rumors about another student or making fun of them. They could have been threatening to report them for something illegal that they had done either to the police of their families. It could have been the old guy that lives behind Taylor. They could have been aggravating him in some way intentionally and so he planned their demise.
It would have been so easy for him to lie in wait and he might have even seen them leave Taylor's house. It could have been something as simple as the girls throwing rocks at his house or making anonymous phone calls to him.

I don't think it was a stranger. It was someone very familiar with the lay of the land.

I wish they would divulge the contents of Taylor's purse. That might hold a clue.
I agree that the girls were targeted. Especially since there are other "witnesses" who had seen them just prior to the shootings and said they appeared fine (according to previous posts - I can't quote a news article). If others were in the area and something was "going down", why were the girls the only ones killed? Just something to think about.
I think Sheza makes a good point, it doesn't appear the girls were spooked before the shootings.
I was all for the meth lab theory, but as I recall it was "shut down" by FC and her "sources" saying it wasn't happening there. (shrugs shoulders)

I also brought up the possibility that the area would be an excellent location for Drug/Gun dealers to meet with a local person or a person from Tulsa if they were bringing stuff in from anywhere (particularly Texas).

Sorry, I can't seem to get past SS post, (trying to figure out where I belong) If a local shares his/her local opinion or knowledge of something is it a
rumor or a source? OSBI call's it possible leads.
Why I'm asking> the meth lab theory for the "creek" area just doesn't make sense to us locals. You can feel about this cooking meth theory however you want.
As a local we think we are helping with info about the area. Like the LE's stated kids shoot off the bridge-hang out, people are around that creek a lot
I walk to that creek bridge at least 2 times a week, I would see something.
Hopefully you can see why locals/rumor/source would feel this way.
Drug dealers with a local connection would know the "lay of the land" if they had met there previously a few times so for me it does not discount strangers to the girls or the area. In my opinion, it is so very clear that the shooters were not local and the reason they have not been found.
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