Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #16

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Sorry, I can't seem to get past SS post, (trying to figure out where I belong) If a local shares his/her local opinion or knowledge of something is it a
rumor or a source? OSBI call's it possible leads.
Why I'm asking> the meth lab theory for the "creek" area just doesn't make sense to us locals. You can feel about this cooking meth theory however you want.
As a local we think we are helping with info about the area. Like the LE's stated kids shoot off the bridge-hang out, people are around that creek a lot
I walk to that creek bridge at least 2 times a week, I would see something.
Hopefully you can see why locals/rumor/source would feel this way.

I, for one, really appreciate the local input you give on this case Sheza! It's good to know what the locals are thinking and how they feel about what might have happened.
Drug dealers with a local connection would know the "lay of the land" if they had met there previously a few times so for me it does not discount strangers to the girls or the area. In my opinion, it is so very clear that the shooters were not local and the reason they have not been found.

Maybe LE is just waiting for all of their reports to come back to make an arrest. That is the best possible scenario for this case.
Sorry, I can't seem to get past SS post, (trying to figure out where I belong) If a local shares his/her local opinion or knowledge of something is it a
rumor or a source? OSBI call's it possible leads.
Why I'm asking> the meth lab theory for the "creek" area just doesn't make sense to us locals. You can feel about this cooking meth theory however you want.
As a local we think we are helping with info about the area. Like the LE's stated kids shoot off the bridge-hang out, people are around that creek a lot
I walk to that creek bridge at least 2 times a week, I would see something.
Hopefully you can see why locals/rumor/source would feel this way.
How familiar are you with the local drug dealers? These would be the same people (not kids any longer) you went to school with there. You would know who they are if you are paying any attention. I can go back to my hometown today and tell you who is still dealing/who finally grew up.

Have you ever seen anyone target practicing off the bridge before? I bet LE found evidence of such down below the bridge when they were searching there. It was a standard place (low water bridge) for that even in our "neck of the woods".

It isn't that I don't appreciate what the locals have to say! I do! However, being in the middle of the situation, people tend to overlook things which are not unusual or out of the context of the "regulars". You don't look at people the same as one would from outside. Does that make sense? People who didn't grow up in Oklahoma can't understand the small town situation here or appreciate it as much as people who lived it for umpteen years both as a child and as an adult. Weleetka isn't different than where I grew up...only the names change.
Maybe LE is just waiting for all of their reports to come back to make an arrest. That is the best possible scenario for this case.
Riiiiight. I am buying that one. :rolleyes: How long do they NEED to get their "reports" back?! Next year sometime?

They have had PLENTY of time to crack this case if it was local and make an arrest. They don't have anything besides what they initially got from the evidence at the scene and those tests have been back for awhile now, imo.
Riiiiight. I am buying that one. :rolleyes: How long do they NEED to get their "reports" back?! Next year sometime?
They have had PLENTY of time to crack this case if it was local and make an arrest. They don't have anything besides what they initially got from the evidence at the scene and those tests have been back for awhile now, imo.

No more preposterous than people openly cooking meth by the bridge.
Yes, they have had time if it was locals, but maybe there are some loopholes they need to close before making an arrest to assure conviction.
Okay, I have been reading and reading for the past few days, and it just makes my head spin. To go with what frog has stated about the possible meth lab...I get that her first impression was drug related. Then we search out the family backgrounds and viola, drug involvement. Now I am not trying to "attack the families" with what I am about to say...
Maybe the killers did know the lay of the land because they had been there before. Maybe Taylor wasn't initially scared of the killer/s because she did know/recognize them. Maybe the reason the girls were walking down the road was because the killers were at the home the girls had just left from, and were asked, "hey why don't yall take a walk down to the bridge or something, take your bag just in case you find a turtle, while we adults talk". So the girls leave, the adults talk and something goes wrong. The killer/s then leave in an enormous fit of rage, see the girls walking back, stop and Taylor maybe walks toward them. Then the killings and the killer/s drive away.
This would account for the family not having much to 'say' but then again having more to say than Skyla's family. They are scared and want the killer/s to know they aren't going to 'rat' them out because they fear for their lives. Also would account for the family moving and no one really knowing for sure where to. They wanted to get out of there before something else happened...Sorry for the length...
No more preposterous than people openly cooking meth by the bridge.
LOL People cook meth in trailer parks here all the time with neighbors three feet away next door. We just had a bust recently where they had been cooking for so long at an apartment complex surrounded by family homes a block off one of our main arterial streets in Midtown Tulsa that they actually took down walls to create one large apartment instead of 3! I don't find them cooking meth on that road "preposterous" whatsoever!!
How familiar are you with the local drug dealers? These would be the same people (not kids any longer) you went to school with there. You would know who they are if you are paying any attention. I can go back to my hometown today and tell you who is still dealing/who finally grew up.

Have you ever seen anyone target practicing off the bridge before? I bet LE found evidence of such down below the bridge when they were searching there. It was a standard place (low water bridge) for that even in our "neck of the woods".

Everyone around here knows who the local drug uses are and the LE knows also and they are all still here :( ! People "think" it has to be linked to drug use maybe it is.
But we "know" they used guns, Local's are focusing more on gun charges- violent crimes- if somebody up and moved -didn't show up when school started - who may have just been release from prison..ect.

I've not seen anyone target practicing off the bridge but it's evident there has been many years of it.
LOL People cook meth in trailer parks here all the time with neighbors three feet away next door. We just had a bust recently where they had been cooking for so long at an apartment complex surrounded by family homes a block off one of our main arterial streets in Midtown Tulsa that they actually took down walls to create one large apartment instead of 3! I don't find them cooking meth on that road "preposterous" whatsoever!!

Yes, I remember that one. Happened just a few weeks ago. Hello neighbor.

Dang. I almost feel like I opened a new can of worms, but what I was trying to do was start over, see what we could have missed, that may be right in front of our eyes.

I think there has been some EXCELLENT sluething going on in here. And I very much appreciate everyone's point of view. We are definately all feeling lost and frustrated. Maybe we should realize everyone has their own different canvas (our minds), and the same paints (the FACTS), and appreciate each other's painting (the picture of all this in our own minds.)
If we could add a little kindness and respect that others feel (paint)differently than ourelves, then maybe, just maybe, when we are through with our pictures, and share them with one another, we can take pieces that are similar from them all, and put them together to see clearer, the REAL picture.

Yea, I know I have a funny way of saying things... I have a very graphic mind. But I believe you all get the point I am making.

I for one, appreciate every single idea everyone has. That is the point of sluething, isnt it? I can see a little bit of possibility in something that almost everyone says. We cant get stuck on one picture to the point we close our eyes to the rest.

I VERY much appreciate the locals. And I appreciate comments from others who may know alot more about the world and things that go on nowadways, than I do. I appreciate people who are from other places, who can share their POV, I appreciate the psychic's point of view, even though I dont have psychic feelings myself.

Lets just stay kind and respectful. It's the girls who matter here, and JUSTICE!
To add to my last post, maybe we all need to be sure to state if it is a feeling, a fact and where it came from, or just rumor. This way we remain perfectly clear.
Does anyone from the Weleetka area, know if there is any "family fueds" going on in the area where the Plackers lived?
There were several articles that said drugs were a problem in Weleetka, FC source says drugs are not a problem. My question is are drugs a problem there or are they not?

In my opinion, this wasnt a planned killing. I think two shooters were involved, I think drugs had a part in it. But with mixed information about the drug situation there its hard to know if thats a dead end or not. So if someone could answer if drugs are a big problem in that area or not that would be really helpful.
Nicely said Frog. I like the picture you painted (lol) as I am very visual too and I needed your sweet reprimand. Sheza, Missing Susan and others, PLEASE, continue to share your local perspective and opinion. Having grown up in Oklahoma, not close to weleetka, cannot compare with you living there today. We appreciate you!
There were several articles that said drugs were a problem in Weleetka, FC source says drugs are not a problem. My question is are drugs a problem there or are they not?

In my opinion, this wasnt a planned killing. I think two shooters were involved, I think drugs had a part in it. But with mixed information about the drug situation there its hard to know if thats a dead end or not. So if someone could answer if drugs are a big problem in that area or not that would be really helpful.

Drugs are a problem almost everywhere. Oklahoma in itself seems to have alot of drug problems. Weleetka is not excluded. But to say it has more problems than other places, I dont know. I'm not sure anyone would. I'm seeing now how much differently even locals see things. But that's ok.

The above posting is just my own personal opinion.
I was all for the meth lab theory, but as I recall it was "shut down" by FC and her "sources" saying it wasn't happening there. (shrugs shoulders)

:confused: Quotations marks yours?

Not sure if you're advocating discarding meth connection or considering one....
Did anyone notice this post? It was posted yesterday in the Slain Weleetka girls' classmates return to school forum:

I am an instructor who teaches crime prevention, to include Safety for Children. I have a contact here in Nashville, Gale Carrier, who is a psychic. She has solved and assisted in various cases in several states. She may have information on the Skyla Whitaker and Taylor Paschal-Placker shootings. She is currently working on a drawing of the suspect.
You can contact Gale at or .
I think it would be beneficial to contact her. She does not charge to work cases and has proven success in the past.
Thank you,
J Yates, M.S. Criminal Justice

Sorry if someone has already posted this. Just got in from work and haven't had time to catch up on today's posts.
Hmmm interesting, she is working on her own drawing of the killer. Does peak my interest. But why did she not post on the forum herself? Why did someone else give out her information? And say to contact her? Strange.
That's really interesting, Lauren. That psychic needs to contact OSBI. I wish she and I could compare drawings.
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