Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #5

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Oct 5, 2007
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Originally Posted by MissHolmes
The family tree has been partially updated. I will be working on it throughout the day.
Stars added to the front of the name have been added to note they may not be in the
proper place in the tree. But it did seem necessary to add them at this time.

Thanks to those who have sent me additional information :blowkiss:
Please continue to send me any info you may have to add.
agreed, this puts the Placker Family Tree into perspective, hearty TY!!
Bringing forward last topic of discussion prior to article coming out above.

Originally Posted by Lyn1001
In regards to the position of the bodies, I know Skyla's grandmother saw them face up, but could that be because of the EMTs? Is it possible they were face down but turned over by the EMTs? I know there has been a lot of discussion on how we think they would have fallen after being shot. I thought if they were moved in the course of the EMTs work, it may make more sense.
Thank you KR, I agree!!

I will bring over Thread #4 once no one posts there any more. I hope some people are taking snap shots of some of the articles before they are not available to us anymore. I got a feeling this thread of topic is going to be around for a long while.

OK..POI is not in custody. The first story mistakenly thought the man arrested for the school incident was also the POI in the murder of the girls.

The 🤬🤬🤬 was at the Weleeka school, and is quoted as being mentally ill, armed with a rifle.

I know people want this 🤬🤬🤬 caught, but publishing it on the WEB prior to the correct info, is not good.
This event happened at 10:15 a.m. this morning. The mentally ill man was supposedly shouting that he had killed the Weleetka girls. Any number of people could have heard this, or a deputy could have and called it in to a news organization.

To me, it's not so much the news folks to blame for not waiting to get all the facts, but the LE or locals who are calling the people with heresay, etc. Like it our not, our media are focused more on getting the story first for an exclusive rather than getting the facts 100 percent straight.

Remember too that the average news media reader is interested in the details but not at the level of details we here on this website are.
Thanks Littledeer! Can you edit your first post in this thread to add links to the first 4 threads?
I really hoped the POI was in custody. I thought it seemed to good to be true. I see this as a case that may take a while, if ever, to solve. I hope I'm wrong.
This event happened at 10:15 a.m. this morning. The mentally ill man was supposedly shouting that he had killed the Weleetka girls. Any number of people could have heard this, or a deputy could have and called it in to a news organization.

To me, it's not so much the news folks to blame for not waiting to get all the facts, but the LE or locals who are calling the people with heresay, etc. Like it our not, our media are focused more on getting the story first for an exclusive rather than getting the facts 100 percent straight.

Remember too that the average news media reader is interested in the details but not at the level of details we here on this website are.

Your right, but its frustrating!:)
Just a question: Is it possible for a profiler to place the poi with a tribe affiliation?
That didn't sound right, I mean by looks.
If you posters have anything that should definately be brought over, help yourselves. I know there might be some information that should be here before it gets lost in all the theads.

If we keep up with it, it will be easier when we get our forum. :)
Thanks KR!

I hope I haven't overstepped my bounds by doing this since I'm not a mod. But I thought it was getting too long over on the last thread.
Can you imagine the horror those poor kids and parents had to go through with this lunatic?? I just shudder thinking about it.
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