Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #8

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People move for many reasons. Some to be closer to family, some because of work, and others because they find a place they love and can afford. The girls knowing each other before isn't really an issue as fast as their friendship grew. We know now that both have similar family backgrounds and that both families may have wanted to distance themselves. People who work together often get their children together to hang out so the girls could have met through the adults after both moved to the area or the girls met at school and the reverse happened.

It is interesting they both have criminal family ties, but how it could be related to the killings doesn't seem to jump out with the way they happened. Skyla's brother testifying would appear to me to be more along the lines of what could be deemed as a reason for murder tho. OSBI evidently has had their hands full just running backgrounds on both families.
People move for many reasons. Some to be closer to family, some because of work, and others because they find a place they love and can afford. The girls knowing each other before isn't really an issue as fast as their friendship grew. We know now that both have similar family backgrounds and that both families may have wanted to distance themselves. People who work together often get their children together to hang out so the girls could have met through the adults after both moved to the area or the girls met at school and the reverse happened.

It is interesting they both have criminal family ties, but how it could be related to the killings doesn't seem to jump out with the way they happened. Skyla's brother testifying would appear to me to be more along the lines of what could be deemed as a reason for murder tho. OSBI evidently has had their hands full just running backgrounds on both families.

Rice mentioned that his office had been used for interviews and lie detector tests. I would think it is routine that OSBI would ask all family members to submit to one and maybe even any of the eye witnesses too. If anyone of them refused, I am sure they would be put into the large stack to be looked out more closely.

Maybe all of Taylor and Skyla's immediate family willing took one and passed and that is why OSBI came out rather quickly and stated the families aren't suspects.

So you sure could be correct and some of our beliefs about being suspicious of the family members may have been cleared already with OSBI by now and it is just a red herring. OSBI knows the past activities of the extended family members and may feel they have nothing at all to do with these OSBI forges on to see if they can uncover the person(s) who does.

I just wish they would have a presser to let everyone know more details of the vehicle (since the forensic artist can draw it or they can use visuals to determine the exact make, model, and year!), where they are on the case, and to let us know they are still working on it! People feel better when kept informed and I feel OSBI should take it into consideration. The community desperately wants answers and are living in fear now. Children are afraid as are their parents with good reason. OSBI needs to address the issue and move the investigation forward with more information being released, imo.
I have been thinking of the vehicle as well.

Most Fords I have noticed and seen recently and in my lifetime have either the Ford logo on it or FORD splashed across the tailgate. Chevy's usually have similar id on their vehicles.

We also discussed why someone in rural parts of OK wouldn't be able to identify a truck (the consensus was that they should be able to).

While doing my share of driving the past week (taking a kid to camp and back), I came across two or three trucks that looked kind of Fordish from the back, but had no maker id in the back. Both were white Toyota Tacoma single cab trucks. So, I really wonder if the truck is a Ford or a Chevy.
I just wish they would have a presser to let everyone know more details of the vehicle (since the forensic artist can draw it or they can use visuals to determine the exact make, model, and year!), where they are on the case, and to let us know they are still working on it! People feel better when kept informed and I feel OSBI should take it into consideration. The community desperately wants answers and are living in fear now. Children are afraid as are their parents with good reason. OSBI needs to address the issue and move the investigation forward with more information being released, imo.

Of course it is hard to get into the minds of each LE and determine why they do something a certain way but I have never understood why the description of the truck was so generalized. First, it is the color of most trucks on the road today and that has to be hard for them over looking for another color that is not so common but you would think they would want to narrow it down.

But maybe the witness or witnesses are truly unsure if it was a Chevy or a Ford and if they released the truck sketch making it look like the wrong one then there they go again....on other wild goose chases with people calling in.

And then I think.....:waitasec: Do they know the year model and this is a way that they can weed out the tips they get on perhaps a newer or new model? Or did the witness tell them of maybe a scrape or dent on the vehicle and they are keeping that close to their vest wanting the POI to think the truck description is very vague so they will not rush to ditch it or fix the vehicle to disguise it? It is very confusing.

I don't think they have anything to tell that community that would make them feel safer. :(
There were only slight ditches and this was a country dirt road. I was under the impression he was outside by the driver's side door. If he was crouched, I would have to guess he was in full view since the witnesses could describe in detail all of his clothing and the back of his truck was facing the road because they could see he had an OK license plate.

Even slight ditches would leave tire impressions, more so than a dirt road with lots of tire impressions, right? There's also risk of getting stuck in slight ditches no matter what, or at least, when I was out there it was like that. But you're right, it would not be the primary reason to park funny on the road, just to avoid ditches.

A career criminal tried to get in my vehicle on a country road once. He squeezed me off the road and he moved his vehicle in a weird position which allowed him the fast getaway when another vehicle appeared of passerbys. You'd be surprised how fast someone can get out of and back into a vehicle and leave a scene when they have a reason to run.

Another thought here, since you brought up the truck parked funny and his being crouched behind it, was there an actual gun battle between two different people and the girls walked between it? Doesn't seem logical but I'm just thinking outside the box.

Still think it was a local not much older than the victims.
There are many people here who are offended by the notion and I won't be entirely surprised if they are up in arms when they see it. I know I upset some royally by bringing up the team that went to Aruba to search for NH. I am surprised they are now allowing it. I learn something new around here every day.

Well, there is the Sandra Belanger (EVP) thread on the Stacy Peterson thread, that some people find interesting. I don't understand why this would be issue if that is allowed.
It has been moved temporarily for review.

I do not know why your thread needs to be reviewed but, I hope they bring it back. I find it interesting to read all points of view with this case. I have no intuitive ability that goes beyond what my "gut" occasionally tells me. I appreciate those who "put themselves out there" to potential ridicule because some do not believe that people can ascertain info. in a non-traditional way.
If the caption beside this picture is right, the crime scene wasn't as far from the house as some have led us to believe. I saw an article this morning that said half a mile and I have seen 300 yards. The picture before it with the sign still up gives another view.

Go to the last picture. I thought it would put up the one I was looking at when I copied but it didn't.
While I do not consider myself psychic in the least I had a dream (nightmare actually - the whole details were in a post in the Psychic Thread now under review because that's where it seemed to fit) that brought up an interesting alternative scenario. I don't think it was a true "psychic" dream but perhaps my sub-conscious trying to lead me to a different way of looking at this case.

Anyway, long story short I dreamed I was there when the murder occurred and I saw and felt part of what happened from Taylor's perspective. I was sitting in the drivers side of a parked PU Truck - the drivers door was open. The shooter was standing on the outside of the open door (which was open, as it would be if you were getting out of the vehicle) with his arms leaned to rest casually on the window ledge - like he was just talking to me. I was not afraid. And he just shot me - with no warning he raised a gun and shot me thru the open window. I raised up my left arm (instinctively) to shield my face and he shot me twice in the left side of my chest under my arm. I fell over on my right side in the truck and the killer pulled/slid me out the open door and I fell onto the road by the truck on my side. I did not see a face, I did not see Skyla, I didn't see anything but the details of the truck and a flash of peach colored shirt on the shooter.

So - what I am wondering is if the killer was parked on the roadway and one (or both) of the girls were sitting in the killer's parked vehicle "talking'? Maybe Taylor was in the vehicle and Skyla was standing beside the killer or at the side of the truck? Does that make sense? Maybe the reason Taylor was found lying in the "ditch" practically on the roadway was that she had been sitting IN the truck cab when she was shot and fell (or was pulled) out and shot again on the ground?

The whole scenario changes if Taylor knew (or felt she knew) this person well enough to sit in the cab of his truck - and maybe Skyla DIDN'T feel as comfortable. This scenario points to someone younger - say in their late teens or early 20's - maybe he (killer) was showing Taylor his "new truck" - maybe there was flirting (Taylor was 13). It also allows for a scenario where the killer was someone "older" Taylor met online or at a gathering of her family's friends. Skyla (who had just turned 11) might have felt like a "3rd wheel" while Taylor was flirting with some guy she had a romantic interest in. If Skyla was standing back a few feet fron the truck's driver door - say in the area of the back wheel, but OFF the roadway, waiting for Taylor to finish talking it would put her in the position she was found if she backed up a step or two when Taylor was shot.

So that's my new theory. Taylor was flirting with this guy (or at least thought she was) and something happened to set him off - or he had some grudge or score to settle (real or imagined) or he was a sociopath - regardless, he used Taylor. I do not think this was a pedophile - I think it might have been someone older than Taylor - but not over - say a young looking late 20's - someone Taylor would have thought was older, but yet still "cool". He was flirting with Taylor on purpose and encouraging her romantic feelings, but the flirting was just a means to an end - a way to get her to go with him maybe? And I don't think Skyla was "supposed to be there". Skyla kinda messed things up - maybe she was what set the killer off? Maybe it was supposed to be just Taylor and the additional "girl" forced the killer to use a second gun? Maybe Skyla was jealous and said she was gonna "tell" on Taylor? Who knows?

Anyway -just another theory to throw into the pot.....

My Opinion
Thank you for posting the link, Annie. Kind of gives a whole new perspective , looking at the crime scene. Kind of screams family-related, or personal revenge, not stranger random, doesn't it? As you're looking at the photo of the road, did they find fresh atv tracks in the woods to the right? Did I read that somewhere? Where does this road come from before it passes by Taylor's driveway? What is in that direction? Would the killer be able to easily come up this road, pass the driveway, etc. That white truck off the side of the driveway in the photo is making me wonder. Is that THE truck? Or just coincidence?
Why not go with them? Keeping a watchful eye on your children is not taking away their freedom in the overall scheme of things. It is our job to keep our children safe.

Just what every teen (and almost teen) dreams of, their parents tagging along on a walk in their own neighborhood. The girls had a cell phone, I'm sure that gave them and the family a sense of security, false security though. Still, there is not blame to be put on the family for allowing what every older kid should have, the ability to take a walk with their friend in a place they call home and to come back alive.
While I do not consider myself psychic in the least I had a dream (nightmare actually - the whole details were in a post in the Psychic Thread now under review because that's where it seemed to fit) that brought up an interesting alternative scenario. I don't think it was a true "psychic" dream but perhaps my sub-conscious trying to lead me to a different way of looking at this case.

. . .

If the psychic thread was removed for review, perhaps there is a problem with psychic/dream stuff being posted here??
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