SL Tribune Article with Steven P. and Susan website created by Josh

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nice tone. it was just my personal opinion, and i am all for thinking outside the box and exploring all the angles, but i think some people are looking way too hard into this photo. no i'm not a doctor of photoshopography or anything like that. are you or any other posters who are giving their opinion that this photo is photoshopped?

No, erynne936, I'm not an authority or expert on anything. I pretty much rely on outside experts and authority figures to help me form my own opinions.

I read as many varying opinions as I can find ... about everything that interests me. I'm soooo grateful for the Internet. I don't know how I ever lived without it. I sure was much dumber then.

I don't own Photoshop and my own limited photo editing is very elementary.

I was curious if you were an experienced photo editor because if you were, you would be the FIRST ONE I've found who believes that campfire photo was not a poorly executed fake.

Thanks for your reply. My vote remains that the FIRE in the photo is a total fraud. I don't care about the rest of the photo. Josh's only point in faking the photo was to try to prove the family has freezing-snowy campground campouts with S'more making blazing campfires.

We already know from Susan's friends that Susan, Josh and the boys had been camping only 4 times -- and NEVER during winter months. Therefore, IMO, that fire in the photo, (whether faked or real) is NOT a camping-in-the-wilderness campfire.

Josh's photo was just another of his half-a$$ed LIES! :mad:
Pickie---And this is suppose to be a website for a missing person. Not a website selling or marketing anything, right?

Send him a dollar to buy a bag of marshmellows.

Hey there's a thought. Everybody send him a bag of marshmellows. Analogy for brains...........
Pickie---And this is suppose to be a website for a missing person. Not a website selling or marketing anything, right?

Send him a dollar to buy a bag of marshmellows.

Hey there's a thought. Everybody send him a bag of marshmellows. Analogy for brains...........

He's hinting here that people can send him money. "These sweet boys will need your support both in terms of prayers and in terms of any other support you would like to offer." I'm surprised there isn't a donate button yet. But, that may come on the site!

Doesn't he realize no matter what he writes on that website that people already think he is a murderer and a jerk of a husband? Words and photos aren't going to change anybody's opinion of him! Why he thinks that his Susan Powell web site is accomplishing anything but making him look even worse is beyond my ability to comprehend. This man, and whomever is advising him that the content is appropriate, all have mental health issues, if you ask me!

The only support I'm willing to provide him is picking up Charlie and Braden to remove them from his custody!
Pickie, I was wondering the same thing. Isn't he in a 5 BR house? Thought I read somewhere he wanted to rent out the BR's for side income?

If they are one of those communities that don't allow street parking after 11:00 p.m. or midnight, unless DaddyP has a 3 car garage, I can't imagine trying to accommodate all those vehicles in his driveway! We're looking at 5 cars, no? And if Josh isn't the only one with a van, thats more space as well.


According to the birdseye photos, the Steve Powell house DOES have only a 2 car garage. The driveway is big enough for two more cars.

I wonder if Big-Daddy's garage space might be packed with Susan and Josh's furniture and possessions? :waitasec:

More interesting details:

The house is a single family, 5 bedroom -- 2.75 baths -- 3,209 sq. foot home on a 6,879 sq. foot, (.15 acre) lot.

According to Zillow it was purchased new on 8/27/2004 for $290,156.

It's estimate worth today is $286,000

Real Estate Taxes are $3,561

The adult residents are:
Powell, Steven Craig (age 60)
Powell, Joshua S. (age 34)
Powell, John S. (age 32)
Powell, Michael C. (age 27)
Powell, Alina D. (age 24)

Considering the mortgage payments on a $290,000 house + $300 per month for Real Estate Taxes + HOA Fees + Insurance + Utilities + Supporting an additional 4 unemployed adults, (their car payments, insurance, etc., etc.) + two children, I hope Steve Powell is selling lots of prisoner made school supplies. He's gonna need a fairly hefty paycheck to support all those non-working family members!

If attorney Scott Williams isn't defending Joshua pro bono, Steven Powell is probably in a heap of financial trouble. Scott Peterson's defense costs were waaaay over a million dollars ... and he still ended up on San Quentin's Death Row. :toast:
Why is the legal disclaimer HUGE and the contact info for the police tiny?
An excellent article about Josh Powell's web site

Some interesting tidbits from this lengthy, informative and terrific article:​

Hellewell said, "I can't imagine why anyone would copyright photos of Susan if they truly want to find her. Even the talented professional photographer who took photos of Susan and her family last fall gave full permission for anyone, anywhere in the world to use her pictures in the effort to find Susan."

"Why Josh would choose some very un-flattering pictures of Susan to put on his website," she said, "when he has thousands to choose from, is anyone's guess."

Kirk said he believes the site's claim that it has exclusive access and copyright to more photos, videos and even continuing information about Susan was an attempt to de-legitimize any other site about Susan.

"Well if it's set up by Josh," Caldwell said, "he should have hundreds of photos of Susan they were married for 9 years and he would have possession of things from her childhood as well. They were all in the house."

Some have questioned why Josh, or whoever set up the site, would choose some of the most unflattering photos of Susan.

Caldwell said, "Susan would be very unhappy that a photo of her was posted on a website with foil in her hair. I'm sure if this is Josh's site he could have found many photos of her painting her nails or something more attractive. I kinda felt like it was a slap. I would hope that he will take that photo down with all the negative feedback."

According to the birdseye photos, the Steve Powell house DOES have only a 2 car garage. The driveway is big enough for two more cars.

I wonder if Big-Daddy's garage space might be packed with Susan and Josh's furniture and possessions? :waitasec:

More interesting details:

The house is a single family, 5 bedroom -- 2.75 baths -- 3,209 sq. foot home on a 6,879 sq. foot, (.15 acre) lot.

According to Zillow it was purchased new on 8/27/2004 for $290,156.

It's estimate worth today is $286,000

Real Estate Taxes are $3,561

The adult residents are:
Powell, Steven Craig (age 60)
Powell, Joshua S. (age 34)
Powell, John S. (age 32)
Powell, Michael C. (age 27)
Powell, Alina D. (age 24)

Considering the mortgage payments on a $290,000 house + $300 per month for Real Estate Taxes + HOA Fees + Insurance + Utilities + Supporting an additional 4 unemployed adults, (their car payments, insurance, etc., etc.) + two children, I hope Steve Powell is selling lots of prisoner made school supplies. He's gonna need a fairly hefty paycheck to support all those non-working family members!

If attorney Scott Williams isn't defending Joshua pro bono, Steven Powell is probably in a heap of financial trouble. Scott Peterson's defense costs were waaaay over a million dollars ... and he still ended up on San Quentin's Death Row. :toast:

You know, I've wondered about DaddyP's finances and other hidden monies. To fight for 10 years over a divorce settlement is insanity, imo. Talk about a junkyard dog on a bone. Have no idea what his prison position pays, either and I'm sure the amount of time he's worked there plays a role in his income. Maybe he has good investments or income property? Guess it also depends if he paid cash for the house as well or not.

Don't know if 5+ years is enough to consider a home equity line of credit or not, that with a house having lost value as well.

As for Josh storing stuff in his garage, hard to say. Depends if DaddyP has his own recording studio (laughing as I type that) or if others have cluttered it up.

Now, I saw that there is an Alina Powell living there? I had no idea there was another sister. I had always thought the one who lived in Utah (her name escapes me at the moment) was the only sister, and that the rest of the siblings were boys and that the total children were 4.

Speaking of the Powells, I still wonder how and why it is that Josh's mom Terrica has been so quiet in all this. Does anyone know?

And another thing, has anyone found any kind of employment history for Josh?
You know, I've wondered about DaddyP's finances and other hidden monies. To fight for 10 years over a divorce settlement is insanity, imo. Talk about a junkyard dog on a bone. Have no idea what his prison position pays, either and I'm sure the amount of time he's worked there plays a role in his income. Maybe he has good investments or income property? Guess it also depends if he paid cash for the house as well or not.

Don't know if 5+ years is enough to consider a home equity line of credit or not, that with a house having lost value as well.

As for Josh storing stuff in his garage, hard to say. Depends if DaddyP has his own recording studio (laughing as I type that) or if others have cluttered it up.

Now, I saw that there is an Alina Powell living there? I had no idea there was another sister. I had always thought the one who lived in Utah (her name escapes me at the moment) was the only sister, and that the rest of the siblings were boys and that the total children were 4.

Speaking of the Powells, I still wonder how and why it is that Josh's mom Terrica has been so quiet in all this. Does anyone know?

And another thing, has anyone found any kind of employment history for Josh?

One would think that Steve Powell has his home almost paid for by now. Regardless, the cost of property taxes, mortgage payment, home owner's insurance, gas, electricity, water, garbage disposal, vehicle insurance, cable, etc. has to be a substantial amount.

It has been reported by I believe Jennifer Graves, Josh's sister, that none of the adults in the household are employed. Whether they are getting unemployment benefits or are receiving disability checks is unknown. Regardless, these people need to eat and have expenses. How they are managing to get by is beyond my ability to comprehend.

If the finances are a struggle, you can bet that there are some pretty unpleasant discussions going on in that household. It would be interesting to talk to the neighbors within close proximity to learn if they hear arguing and yelling. If Josh was arguing with his father and brother on the telephone, just think what is going on now that he is in the same household with them!

According to the birdseye photos, the Steve Powell house DOES have only a 2 car garage. The driveway is big enough for two more cars.

I wonder if Big-Daddy's garage space might be packed with Susan and Josh's furniture and possessions? :waitasec:

More interesting details:

The house is a single family, 5 bedroom -- 2.75 baths -- 3,209 sq. foot home on a 6,879 sq. foot, (.15 acre) lot.

According to Zillow it was purchased new on 8/27/2004 for $290,156.

It's estimate worth today is $286,000

Real Estate Taxes are $3,561

The adult residents are:
Powell, Steven Craig (age 60)
Powell, Joshua S. (age 34)
Powell, John S. (age 32)
Powell, Michael C. (age 27)
Powell, Alina D. (age 24)

Considering the mortgage payments on a $290,000 house + $300 per month for Real Estate Taxes + HOA Fees + Insurance + Utilities + Supporting an additional 4 unemployed adults, (their car payments, insurance, etc., etc.) + two children, I hope Steve Powell is selling lots of prisoner made school supplies. He's gonna need a fairly hefty paycheck to support all those non-working family members!

If attorney Scott Williams isn't defending Joshua pro bono, Steven Powell is probably in a heap of financial trouble. Scott Peterson's defense costs were waaaay over a million dollars ... and he still ended up on San Quentin's Death Row. :toast:

I'd bet the "kids" are getting student loans for school--helping pay the mortgage. 3X @ ? Wonder if Josh would be able to collect public assistance even tho living with a parent? I would guess, yes. How would having a house in Utah affect that?
PickieChickie said:
Doesn't he realize no matter what he writes on that website that people already think he is a murderer and a jerk of a husband? Words and photos aren't going to change anybody's opinion of him! Why he thinks that his Susan Powell web site is accomplishing anything but making him look even worse is beyond my ability to comprehend. This man, and whomever is advising him that the content is appropriate, all have mental health issues, if you ask me!

ROTFL! _ :D _ I totally agree Pickie! But I really hope Joshua continues to flood his websites with more information. It's eventually going to help our side to slam him into a cold gray 7' x 8' new permanent residence.

Regarding the mental health of Josh's advisors:

All we have to do is look at Big-Daddy's Moosic Site. It's kind of a huge tip-off, don't you think?

Another hint might be the *sterling employment records* of Big-Daddy's children. I believe I remember hearing Chuck Cox state they believed Josh might have a mental illness because there were mental health problems with other Powell family members. What a shock, huh?

PickieChickie said:
The only support I'm willing to provide him is picking up Charlie and Braden to remove them from his custody!

AMEN! _ :) _ I think ALL of us will be happy to join you for THAT support!

BTW - EXCELLENT work copying Josh's website pages. Like Trisha, I don't think they'll be available for long. Darn! :mad:

::: respsectfully snipped :::

Regarding the mental health of Josh's advisors:

All we have to do is look at Big-Daddy's Moosic Site. It's kind of a huge tip-off, don't you think?

Another hint might be the *sterling employment records* of Big-Daddy's children. I believe I remember hearing Chuck Cox state they believed Josh might have a mental illness because there were mental health problems with other Powell family members. What a shock, huh?


Great, just great. The last thing we need is Josh getting off by reason of insanity. :nono:
One would think that Steve Powell has his home almost paid for by now. Regardless, the cost of property taxes, mortgage payment, home owner's insurance, gas, electricity, water, garbage disposal, vehicle insurance, cable, etc. has to be a substantial amount.

It has been reported by I believe Jennifer Graves, Josh's sister, that none of the adults in the household are employed. Whether they are getting unemployment benefits or are receiving disability checks is unknown. Regardless, these people need to eat and have expenses. How they are managing to get by is beyond my ability to comprehend.

If the finances are a struggle, you can bet that there are some pretty unpleasant discussions going on in that household. It would be interesting to talk to the neighbors within close proximity to learn if they hear arguing and yelling. If Josh was arguing with his father and brother on the telephone, just think what is going on now that he is in the same household with them!
It was posted above that the home was purchased in 2004 (post #365), if true, I highly doubt it's almost paid off.
One would think that Steve Powell has his home almost paid for by now. Regardless, the cost of property taxes, mortgage payment, home owner's insurance, gas, electricity, water, garbage disposal, vehicle insurance, cable, etc. has to be a substantial amount.

It has been reported by I believe Jennifer Graves, Josh's sister, that none of the adults in the household are employed. Whether they are getting unemployment benefits or are receiving disability checks is unknown. Regardless, these people need to eat and have expenses. How they are managing to get by is beyond my ability to comprehend.

If the finances are a struggle, you can bet that there are some pretty unpleasant discussions going on in that household. It would be interesting to talk to the neighbors within close proximity to learn if they hear arguing and yelling. If Josh was arguing with his father and brother on the telephone, just think what is going on now that he is in the same household with them!

Oh, I don't disagree and they are all valid points. If DaddyP makes good money and was living on his own he'd have substantial monies leftover. But with now 6 other mouths to feed, yes, one does have to wonder where the money's coming from.

There're just other factors we don't know. When he bought the house was it initially just for him and the youngest or youngest two? Did he have substantial savings at the time? Were the others on their own before losing jobs and then forced to return home? Is he a dirty correctional institution 'cop'? Does he make money on the side at his job that no one is aware of?
You know, I've wondered about DaddyP's finances and other hidden monies. To fight for 10 years over a divorce settlement is insanity, imo. Talk about a junkyard dog on a bone. Have no idea what his prison position pays, either and I'm sure the amount of time he's worked there plays a role in his income. Maybe he has good investments or income property? Guess it also depends if he paid cash for the house as well or not.

Don't know if 5+ years is enough to consider a home equity line of credit or not, that with a house having lost value as well.

As for Josh storing stuff in his garage, hard to say. Depends if DaddyP has his own recording studio (laughing as I type that) or if others have cluttered it up.

Now, I saw that there is an Alina Powell living there? I had no idea there was another sister. I had always thought the one who lived in Utah (her name escapes me at the moment) was the only sister, and that the rest of the siblings were boys and that the total children were 4.

Speaking of the Powells, I still wonder how and why it is that Josh's mom Terrica has been so quiet in all this. Does anyone know?

And another thing, has anyone found any kind of employment history for Josh?

I read somewhere Terrica had to pay him child support. Do not know if that was a fact....

He probably has enough equity in his home from the previous sale of the past residence to be eligible for a home equity line.

There was a link on WS or In Sessions re: his salary. If I remember correctly in was in the mid 5 figures.

Re: Alina, I think she and Michael both were in the military. Probably now going to school. The brother John, we have never heard a toot about him...?

The mother has been quite. I wouldn't want to spark any connection with THAT psycho. I've wondered if her name was on the house too when they divorced? I have an inkling it may not have been---he being so controlling/anti-women, etc.

Don't know about Josh's past employment--except the trucking company. It was not small, pretty good size and the CEO was a WOMAN ladies.
It was posted above that the home was purchased in 2004, if true, I highly doubt it's almost paid off.

Steve Powell owned a home prior to that which he sold, one that he was making payments on for a considerable amount of time and most likely sold at a profit. If I recall correctly, Steve Powell had his current home built. He is 60 years old and if he has managed his finances properly, he would have used the majority of the equity to pay for the building of the new home which would make his payments very low over an extended amount of time or high for a shorter period of time. He is close to the age of retiring so I would hope he has his home almost paid for. He certainly has had enough time to accomplish that, at least one would hope so.
Will Josh bring the boys to Saturday's vigil for Susan?
I read somewhere Terrica had to pay him child support. Do not know if that was a fact....

He probably has enough equity in his home from the previous sale of the past residence to be eligible for a home equity line.

There was a link on WS or In Sessions re: his salary. If I remember correctly in was in the mid 5 figures.

Re: Alina, I think she and Michael both were in the military. Probably now going to school. The brother John, we have never heard a toot about him...?

The mother has been quite. I wouldn't want to spark any connection with THAT psycho. I've wondered if her name was on the house too when they divorced? I have an inkling it may not have been---he being so controlling/anti-women, etc.

Don't know about Josh's past employment--except the trucking company. It was not small, pretty good size and the CEO was a WOMAN ladies.

Was it John or Michael who were running for state senate? I know he was a delegate for the democratic convention recently.

Does anyone know what kind of relationship Jennifer has with her other siblings?
Will Josh bring the boys to Saturday's vigil for Susan?

That is a VERY good question. He's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. I very much doubt he will show up. Then again, one never knows what he will do next! The man never ceases to amaze me!
Will Josh bring the boys to Saturday's vigil for Susan?

Can't imagine that he would. If DaddyP claimed the grandkids were upset about seeing flyers I can't imagine them trying to explain a vigil to them. Which is really sad, either way.

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