SL Tribune Article with Steven P. and Susan website created by Josh

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I wonder if Susan even knew it is a lie? I wonder if she believed he had a degree. More and more like Mark Hacking every day!

Of course none of us have any way of knowing how many lies Josh told and how much Susan believed. But If I married a man with supposedly $60,000 of student loans, (as the bankruptcy records stated) I would certainly assume he owed enough for a degree --- especially if he was claiming a Magna *advertiser censored* Laude Graduation and membership in an Honors Fraternity.

My son-in-law graduated *advertiser censored* Laude (NOT Magna *advertiser censored* Laude) -- and he has his diploma proudly and prominently framed.

Course he graduated from Harvard Medical School when 11 years earlier he was an uneducated Mexican wetback who couldn't even speak English.

He has big reasons to be proud. Today he's one of the best neurosurgeons in the country. His student loans were over $220,000. :eek:
Of course none of us have any way of knowing how many lies Josh told and how much Susan believed. But If I married a man with supposedly $60,000 of student loans, (as the bankruptcy records stated) I would certainly assume he owed enough for a degree --- especially if he was claiming a Magna *advertiser censored* Laude Graduation and membership in an Honors Fraternity.

My son-in-law graduated *advertiser censored* Laude (NOT Magna *advertiser censored* Laude) -- and he has his diploma proudly and prominently framed.

Course he graduated from Harvard Medical School when 11 years earlier he was an uneducated Mexican wetback who couldn't even speak English.

He has big reasons to be proud. Today he's one of the best neurosurgeons in the country. His student loans were over $220,000. :eek:

Did I just read a story about this guy somewhere? Maybe Readers Digest?
Of course none of us have any way of knowing how many lies Josh told and how much Susan believed. But If I married a man with supposedly $60,000 of student loans, (as the bankruptcy records stated) I would certainly assume he owed enough for a degree --- especially if he was claiming a Magna *advertiser censored* Laude Graduation and membership in an Honors Fraternity.

My son-in-law graduated *advertiser censored* Laude (NOT Magna *advertiser censored* Laude) -- and he has his diploma proudly and prominently framed.

Course he graduated from Harvard Medical School when 11 years earlier he was an uneducated Mexican wetback who couldn't even speak English.

He has big reasons to be proud. Today he's one of the best neurosurgeons in the country. His student loans were over $220,000. :eek:

Good for him. He must be very intelligent and have lots of perseverance.

As far as Josh's $60,000 student loans, you can borrow lots of money as an undergradute. That might have only paid for a couple years. Plus, even if you fail your classes, you still gotta pay. He might have flunked out and still have the student loans to pay back.
Expert thinks Powell photo is authentic!​
ABC 4 took action to get a professional opinion from Mark Throckmorton, an artist who is also trained to detect photographic fakery.

Finally, Throckmorton took a look at the edge of the green cap of one of the boys. There's an odd color shift around it, a few pixels of a halo that could indicate "masking" - a technique used to superimpose a object onto a scene. "It is possible there may have been something - that's only a maybe at best." Throckmorton said it is possible for a good fake to show no masking.

Still, the results of his investigation: "There's nothing in there that shows any sign of manipulating. It's consistent throughout. I think it's a genuine photo."

To be sure, Throckmorton would like to see the original file. Photos are typically reduced in size and resolution before posting to the web. Such a reduction could make photographic fakery harder to detect.
Originally Posted by grayjay
It's going to be a full time job for Josh, to make sure Charlie isn't asked a question. Ever? The big man will now have to give up on his dreams of being the star real estate agent, ace politician, programmer, web designer, and all-around amazing husband, to be a home schooler. I can just see him now, shopping for the textbooks.​

Exactly! I won't be surprised if he home schools Charlie next fall rather than send him to kindergarten, if he hasn't been incarcerated by then!

This is so sad and heartbreaking. Wasn't Charlie in Pre-K before Susan went 'missing'? The first 5 years of a child's life are the most important; many of their foundations are developed in this time frame - emotionally, values, self worth, respect for others, love, routines and their importance, a start to a spiritual foundation and so much more. Its really painful to see them stashed away like canned goods in a dark dungeon known as the Powell residence - especially with the volatile residents that are living there.

What also concerns me, is that now that that article above has been published, how much more defensive are the Powell's going to be in response to that article? How much of that anger and resentment triggered by that article will be directed unfairly at those innocent boys? I know the article needed to be done and brings very important information to the forefront, but, I pray its not at the cost of those two boys' lives.

I've read a few snippets here and there that they do not appear to be happy in that house - very contradictory to what Josh has reported in the past. I know, surprise, surprise :liar:
In case this hasn't been posted yet - excellent article. BBM

Concerns about Susan Cox Powell's children, ages 5 and 3; experts weigh in

"Given the tragic circumstances, one has to analyze why Josh Powell and his family is choosing to keep the children away from their maternal grandparents and other extended family," said legal experts, Bremner and Wong.
"The children are young and confused and should be afforded the security of familiar family members," they said. "The complete alienation from a set of grandparents and an aunt and uncle, who were very involved in their lives prior to the disappearance, cannot be seen as in the best interests of the children. Especially, when additional comfort and support is essential during this time of transition."

Jennifer Graves, Josh's sister, said that her father, Steven, is the only adult in the home who is working at this time. Three of Jennifer's brothers and one sister all live in the home with their father, are all 24 and older, and are all unemployed. She does not believe it is a good environment for her nephews.

Kirk Graves, Josh's brother-in-law, told that Steven works selling furniture made in prisons that is then sold mostly to public schools and that on the side, he writes and edits songs using the name 'Steven Chantrey'.

Debbie Caldwell, who provided childcare for the Powell's before Susan disappeared, said Susan made it clear to her husband she did not feel comfortable around his father, Steven, and that she never wanted the children left alone in his care. She also said she never wanted her boys left alone with Josh's brother.

A little digging revealed Steven Powell had a troubled childhood. He claimed on his website that he was 'kidnapped' by his grandparents and when he told a friend his grandmother put cayenne pepper on his tongue and stood him in the corner. He was told he would never see his mother again.

::: respectfully snipped due to length :::

"When a mother goes missing (like in the Powell case), the children should automatically be placed by the State with relatives until such time as the husband or father of the children is cleared," Milano said, "We are seeing far too many of these cases and we need to protect the children unable to speak for themselves. "

Imo, this should also be reversed to include when fathers go missing; afterall, men aren't the only ones who murder their spouses, just sayin.
Unfortunately, as logical as this sounds, it will be very difficult to change the laws to support this, imo.

As for the first paragraph (also bolded by me) its pretty obvious the answer to that one. Since Washington state has no grandparent rights laws, the Powells can easier keep the boys from seeing Susan's parents. While it may be too late for the Powell boys, I pray that these laws will change in Washington state for other grandparents who are alienated from their grandchildren for lesser family tragedies/situations like the Powell's is.

Just thought, wouldn't it be nice if a court appointed guardian (in addition tot he 'surviving' spouse) was placed in situations like this so someone can legally check in on the child(ren) daily (or as the court feels its needed) if the laws don't support the state removing a child frome a home where either parent disappears under suspicious circumstances? Wouldnt that at least be an acceptable alternative, sort of like that, better than nothing at all angle? Maybe it would be a start, ya know? At least someone would have a right to check in, unannounced, at any time to make sure the children aren't in an unhealthy environment? jmo

Foxy, thanks so much for posting this article.

Yup, you got it, Doc. He's the hardest working person I've ever known. He's both a top neurosurgeon AND a devoted researcher. I have no doubt that someday he'll discover either the cure, or effective treatment for cancerous brain tumors.

He and my daughter have been married 14 years. He hasn't been out of school, (his residency) even five years yet. They went through all the difficult poverty years of med school and residency together.

They've blessed me with 3 of my 6 grandkids. Needless to say, I'm extremely proud of the entire family! :)
I found out that the college Josh attended was Washington State University in Seattle.

The source is not sure of his high school but believes it was in Spokane.

Josh Powell did NOT earn a degree from the Washington State University in Seattle!

Yup, you got it, Doc. He's the hardest working person I've ever known. He's both a top neurosurgeon AND a devoted researcher. I have no doubt that someday he'll discover either the cure, or effective treatment for cancerous brain tumors.

He and my daughter have been married 14 years. He hasn't been out of school, (his residency) even five years yet. They went through all the difficult poverty years of med school and residency together.

They've blessed me with 3 of my 6 grandkids. Needless to say, I'm extremely proud of the entire family! :)

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so freaking great! I read that article and it just floored me. It was like he would reach one goal and then say well might as well go for the next, I can do that too.. Thank you for sharing this.
I also must go all OT here. I hadn't heard of him. I looked him up and his story is really wonderful. So opposite of Josh's family's story.
Josh Powell did NOT earn a degree from the Washington State University in Seattle!


OK5 must have been mistaken about Josh's supposed University.

The problem is that Washington STATE University is NOT in Seattle. gwenabob looked up Washington State Univ. to see if there was an extension branch in Seattle. There isn't.

The University of Washington is an entirely different institution from Washington State University which is located in Pullman, near Spokane.

The degree verifier online that you posted was for the University of Washington. It too said that there was no Joshua S. Powell with a degree in anything.

Michael C. Powell DID graduate in June, 2009 from the University of Washington in "Asian studies," I believe. Michael also attended Washington State Univ. during 2003-2005. I think Alina might also have attended Washington State for awhile.

If the younger Powells attended college in Pullman, maybe Josh did too. Unfortunately Washington State does not have a free degree-verifier site. I don't think any of us believe Josh has a magna *advertiser censored* laude degree or even a just-barely-degree from anywhere. He's a big :liar:
I researched malignant narcissism extensively when I was going thru my divorce. My narcissistic ex has been litigating and hauling me into court for over six years now. Just like Steven "your music makes me hurl" Chantrey/Powell.

I snipped some traits, but you can read the entire article here:

20 Traits of Malignant Narcissism

1. THE PATHOLOGICAL LIAR is skillfully deceptive and very convincing. Avoids accountability by diverting topics, dodging questions, and making up new lies, bluffs or threats when questioned. His memory is self serving as he denies past statements. Constant chaos and diverting from reality is their chosen environment.
Defense Strategy: Verify his words. Do not reveal anything about yourself - he'll use it against you. Head for the door when things don't add up. Don't ask him questions - you'll only be inviting more lies.

5. THE BLAME-GAME NARCISSIST never accepts responsibility. Blames others for his failures and circumstances. A master at projection.
Defense Strategy: Learn about projection. Don't take the bait when he blames you. He made the mess let him clean it up.

6. THE VIOLENT NARCISSIST is a wife-Beater, Murderer, Serial Killer, Stalker, Terrorist. Has a 'chip-on-his-shoulder' attitude. He lashes out and destroys or uses others (particularly women and children) as scapegoats for his aggression or revenge. He has poor impulse control. Fearless and guiltless, he shows bad judgement. He anticipates betrayal, humiliation or punishment, imagines rejection and will reject first to 'get it over with'. He will harass and push to make you pay attention to him and get a reaction. He will try to make you look out of control. Can become dangerous and unpredictable. Has no remorse or regard for the rights of others.
Defense Strategy: Don't antagonize or tip your hand you're leaving. Ask for help from the police and shelters.

7. THE CONTROLLER/MANIPULATOR pits people against each other. Keeps his allies and targets separated. Is verbally skillful at twisting words and actions. Is charismatic and usually gets his way. Often undermines our support network and discourages us from seeing our family and friends. Money is often his objective. Other people's money is even better. He is ruthless, demanding and cruel. This control-freak bully wants you pregnant, isolated and financially dependent on him. Appears pitiful, confused and in need of help. We rush in to help him with our finances, assets, and talents. We may be used as his proxy interacting with others on his behalf as he sets us up to take the fall or enjoys the performance he is directing.
Defense Strategy: Know the 'nature of the beast'. Facing his failure and consequences will be his best lesson. Be suspicious of his motives, and avoid involvement. Don't bail him out.

10. THE QUIET NARCISSIST is socially withdrawn, often dirty, unkempt. Odd thinking is observed. Used as a disguise to appear pitiful to obtain whatever he can.

12. THE RAGER flies off the handle for little or no provocation. Has a severely disproportionate overreaction. Childish tantrums. His rage can be intimidating. He wants control, attention and compliance. In our hurt and confusion we struggle to make things right. Any reaction is his payoff. He seeks both good or bad attention. Even our fear, crying, yelling, screaming, name calling, hatred are his objectives. If he can get attention by cruelty he will do so.
Defense Strategy: Manage your responses. Be fully independent. Don't take the bait of his verbal abuse. Expect emotional hurt. Volence is possible.

16. THE IMAGE MAKER will flaunt his 'toys', his children, his wife, his credentials and accomplishments. Admiration, attention, even glances from others, our envy or our fear are his objective. He is never satisfied. We see his arrogance and haughty strut as he demands center stage. He will alter his mask at will to appear pitiful, inept, solicitous, concerned, or haughty and superior. Appears to be the perfect father, husband, friend - to those outside his home.
Defense Strategy: Ignore his childlike behaviours. Know his payoff is getting attention, deceiving or abusing others. Provide him with 'supply' to avert problems.

17. THE EMOTIONAL VACUUM is the cruellest blow of all. We learn his lack of empathy. He has deceived us by his cunning ability to mimic human emotions. We are left numbed by the realization. It is incomprehensible and painful. We now remember times we saw his cold vacant eyes and when he showed odd reactions. Those closest to him become objectified and expendable. Defense Strategy: Face the reality. They can deceive trained professionals.

Narcissistic personality disorder is defined by the DSM-IV-TR as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy. . . " and commonly includes a sense of entitlement, interpersonal exploitation, and lack of empathy for others. For the narcissist, it's all about me, my needs, what I want.

Such pathological narcissism, grandiosity or excessive selfishness is evident from early adulthood, and can be seen as a pervasive characterological defense against deep feelings of inferiority, helplessness, sadness, and unlovability stemming from certain infantile and childhood needs having not been adequately met.

When this inflated persona is inevitably deflated by stressful life events such as divorce, rejection, abandonment, failure and loss, narcissistic rage is triggered, along with other long-buried emotions.

The desire for revenge, retaliation, and the compulsive need to repay the hurt no matter what it takes is characteristic of narcissistic rage. These overwhelming emotional reactions are sometimes so severe as to engender or exacerbate what we diagnostically define as a major depressive episode, mania or even psychosis, causing significant impairment of perception, rationality, judgment and impulse control.

In such debilitating, disorienting and dangerous states of mind, anything can happen.
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so freaking great! I read that article and it just floored me. It was like he would reach one goal and then say well might as well go for the next, I can do that too.. Thank you for sharing this.

Ahhh, you're welcome doc. I never dreamed anyone would know who he is. What a coinkidink you came up with his name so immediately. I guess he's the poster boy for the best-o'-the-best, once-illegal immigrants.

He's made himself into an exceptional human being - a remarkable healer; but the journey wasn't easy. I could tell stories you wouldn't believe. Fortunately, he's had a honey of a strong wife ;) behind him all the way. His biographical book is coming out this summer. I wouldn't be surprised if it will eventually become a movie.
Great list, Foxy. I wish I'd had that list of defense strategies many times. I'm saving it now. :D
Josh Powell did NOT earn a degree from the Washington State University in Seattle!


Please, please STOP confusing the University of Washington with Washington State University. This has been done more than once in this thread.

They are NOT the same school. The schools are in DIFFERENT locations. They have different WEB sites.

Please, please STOP confusing the University of Washington with Washington State University. This has been done more than once in this thread.

They are NOT the same school. The schools are in DIFFERENT locations. They have different WEB sites.


We know that. The problem is OK5 said he went to "Washington State University in Seattle." There is no such thing. Either he went to U of W in Seattle, or he went to Washington State in a different city. We are not sure which. Since the registrar at U of W says 2 different Joshua Powells attended school there, my bet is on U of W in Seattle.

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