SL Tribune Article with Steven P. and Susan website created by Josh

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Doesn't the lawyer have an obligation to question these estimated amounts? It just doesn't seem right that a person could charge up so much debt, then claim he is unable to pay for it - and be able to keep every thing he has. If I am not mistaken, chapter 7 is when he does not have to pay back the creditors?

So is there any recourse to the creditors if they found that Josh lied on this? If his wife was not on the bankruptcy, but she was earning money (as some have suggested by working for Fidelity?)
And not only that - but did he put his furniture in storage as well? I doubt his father wanted all of that in his home. If his stuff was so worthless, why didn't he sell it and save the money on the U-Haul boxes and U-Haul truck and trailer?

At those prices, I bet he could have sold all of his furnishings very quickly. All of the dishes, pots & pans for $10!!!!

Beds $20 (for all of them combined?)

The lawyer agreed to this?

Well, in defense of Josh (never thought I'd say those words), the lawyer probably came up with those values. I'd be very surprised if Josh or Susan did anything more than sign off on them.

I knew a guy who was a paralegal at a bankruptcy firm. I'm almost sure it was this same firm - it was on the same street, behind a mall. It's not exactly Class A office space, in other words - and I can't imagine there are two bankruptcy attorney offices back there. The whole bankruptcy thing is sort of a joke. It's a game to see how little the judge will allow you to pay. This guy's job, among other things, was to make a list of the claimant's belongings, and assign values to each item. He would start out at an aggregate, believable total; then reverse apply values to various items that would add up to the total. The list he would use would be a generic list of typical household items.

For a chapter 13, the attorney's goal would be to not make the claimant's assets look all that desirable for the creditors - giving them the impression that they will get more out of a payment plan than they would from forcing a liquidation of the assets.
Well, in defense of Josh (never thought I'd say those words), the lawyer probably came up with those values. I'd be very surprised if Josh or Susan did anything more than sign off on them.

I knew a guy who was a paralegal at a bankruptcy firm. I'm almost sure it was this same firm - it was on the same street, behind a mall. It's not exactly Class A office space, in other words - and I can't imagine there are two bankruptcy attorney offices back there. The whole bankruptcy thing is sort of a joke. It's a game to see how little the judge will allow you to pay. This guy's job, among other things, was to make a list of the claimant's belongings, and assign values to each item. He would start out at an aggregate, believable total; then reverse apply values to various items that would add up to the total. The list he would use would be a generic list of typical household items.

For a chapter 13, the attorney's goal would be to not make the claimant's assets look all that desirable for the creditors - giving them the impression that they will get more out of a payment plan than they would from forcing a liquidation of the assets.

I appreciate your insight. However, Josh DID sign that 31 page document and declared under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Utah that the foregoing information was true and correct. So, he is still liable for allowing his attorney to submit fraudulent information to the court!

I can't believe that BEEP went and spent 1500 dollars on a bicycle motor rather than paying back Chuck and Judy Cox! He can get 80 grand worth of refrigerator magnets on credit but can't charge the money he owed them to get cash and pay them? Susan must have been constantly irritated with him! What an absolute IDIOT I think he is!
Well, in defense of Josh (never thought I'd say those words), the lawyer probably came up with those values. I'd be very surprised if Josh or Susan did anything more than sign off on them.

I knew a guy who was a paralegal at a bankruptcy firm. I'm almost sure it was this same firm - it was on the same street, behind a mall. It's not exactly Class A office space, in other words - and I can't imagine there are two bankruptcy attorney offices back there. The whole bankruptcy thing is sort of a joke. It's a game to see how little the judge will allow you to pay. This guy's job, among other things, was to make a list of the claimant's belongings, and assign values to each item. He would start out at an aggregate, believable total; then reverse apply values to various items that would add up to the total. The list he would use would be a generic list of typical household items.

For a chapter 13, the attorney's goal would be to not make the claimant's assets look all that desirable for the creditors - giving them the impression that they will get more out of a payment plan than they would from forcing a liquidation of the assets.

The rule is that you are supposed to use a "thrift store" value for household items. I still think their stuff was undervalued.

Also, this was a chapter 7, not 13. Any assets should have been sold and disbursed amongst the creditors. They purposely undervalue everything so the trustee won't bother trying to sell anything.

The part that bothers me more than the undervalue is the lie about Susan being a homemaker and having no income. Between that lie and the lie of omission on Josh's crappy "SusanWasn'" website, he seems to be in total denial the woman had a career of any sort at all.
Interesting, Dom. Are you saying there's a wink and a nod and this type of lying is accepted in bankruptcy courts?
The rule is that you are supposed to use a "thrift store" value for household items. I still think their stuff was undervalued.

Also, this was a chapter 7, not 13. Any assets should have been sold and disbursed amongst the creditors. They purposely undervalue everything so the trustee won't bother trying to sell anything.

The part that bothers me more than the undervalue is the lie about Susan being a homemaker and having no income. Between that lie and the lie of omission on Josh's crappy "SusanWasn'" website, he seems to be in total denial the woman had a career of any sort at all.

1. Rent or home mortgage payment $ 1,296.00
2. Utilities: a. Electricity and heating fuel $ 175.00
b. Water and sewer $ 32.00
c. Telephone $ 130.00
d. Other Cable $ 60.00
3. Home maintenance (repairs and upkeep) $ 20.00
4. Food $ 600.00
5. Clothing $ 30.00
6. Laundry and dry cleaning $ 10.00
7. Medical and dental expenses $ 100.00
8. Transportation (not including car payments) $ 150.00
9. Recreation, clubs and entertainment, newspapers, magazines, etc. $ 30.00
10. Charitable contributions $ 80.00
11. Insurance (not deducted from wages or included in home mortgage payments)
a. Homeowner's or renter's $ 0.00
b. Life $ 25.00
c. Health $ 0.00
d. Auto $ 100.00
e. Other See Detailed Expense Attachment $ 1,325.00
12. Taxes (not deducted from wages or included in home mortgage payments)
(Specify) $ 0.00
13. Installment payments: (In chapter 11, 12, and 13 cases, do not list payments to be included in the
a. Auto $ 303.00
14. Alimony, maintenance, and support paid to others $ 0.00
15. Payments for support of additional dependents not living at your home $ 0.00
16. Regular expenses from operation of business, profession, or farm (attach detailed statement) $ 0.00
17. Other $ 0.00
Other $ 0.00
18. AVERAGE MONTHLY EXPENSES (Total lines 117.
Report also on Summary of Schedules and,
if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.)
$ 4,466.00
19. Describe any increase or decrease in expenditures reasonably anticipated to occur within the year
following the filing of this document:
a. Average monthly income from Line 15 of Schedule I $ 4,500.00
b. Average monthly expenses from Line 18 above $ 4,466.00
c. Monthly net income (a. minus b.) $ 34.00
The rule is that you are supposed to use a "thrift store" value for household items. I still think their stuff was undervalued.

Also, this was a chapter 7, not 13. Any assets should have been sold and disbursed amongst the creditors. They purposely undervalue everything so the trustee won't bother trying to sell anything.

The part that bothers me more than the undervalue is the lie about Susan being a homemaker and having no income. Between that lie and the lie of omission on Josh's crappy "SusanWasn'" website, he seems to be in total denial the woman had a career of any sort at all.

Was it a Chapter 7? I was under the impression it was a Chapter 13. I thought they would have had to get out of the house in a Chapter 7, wouldn't they? Or does that not apply if they are upside-down on the loan?

I wonder if they left Susan off because she was working, and they didn't want to report her income in the bankruptcy filing. It seems crazy that she would not have been liable for their debts, in that situation. I'm trying to think of any loans I've gotten that weren't in both my wife's and my names. I think I might have done a car loan once, because she didn't want to go to the dealership. Otherwise, I think she is on everything I'm on. It would be a disservice to her to do it any other way. The last thing a person would want would be to end up alone (through death or divorce) and without a credit history.

If they used the firm I'm thinking of, the place is a bit of a dive. I used to hear stories from this guy about the attorneys there. It wasn't a healthy working environment. This guy was a bit of a dirtbag himself, though - so I don't think he lost much sleep over it.
Interesting, Dom. Are you saying there's a wink and a nod and this type of lying is accepted in bankruptcy courts?

That's the impression I always got from him. I think it comes down to the creditors. If a creditor objects to something, the court can investigate. If no creditor objects, then the court just rubber stamps it. I don't think they have the bandwidth to stay on top of it themselves.

I'm sort of talking out my hindquarters here, though. The sum of my experience with it was small talk with this guy, who I've spent all of probably four hours with.

I appreciate your insight. However, Josh DID sign that 31 page document and declared under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Utah that the foregoing information was true and correct. So, he is still liable for allowing his attorney to submit fraudulent information to the court!

I can't believe that BEEP went and spent 1500 dollars on a bicycle motor rather than paying back Chuck and Judy Cox! He can get 80 grand worth of refrigerator magnets on credit but can't charge the money he owed them to get cash and pay them? Susan must have been constantly irritated with him! What an absolute IDIOT I think he is!

Where is the bicycle motor thing coming from? I think I've missed that. Heck, I don't think I knew that there was any such thing.
Where is the bicycle motor thing coming from? I think I've missed that. Heck, I don't think I knew that there was any such thing.
Selling Susan's car against her wishes learned from those closest to Susan that selling Susan's car was Josh's idea. Susan was not happy about it but finally relented. Josh claimed they didn't need a second car and it was too expensive to keep up two cars. Was it another form of control?
Gifford said during the Feb. 15 press conference that Josh held the only set of keys to the family mini-van.

Susan ended up having to bike it to work. According to friends and family, she had a regular bike, nothing special.

Caldwell said, "Susan rode seven miles to and from work on a very busy road twice each work day for about two months. The ride took her about 45 minutes each way."

Caldwell, Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan's best friend, and others tried to convince Susan it was too dangerous but she told them it would be okay, she could use the exercise.

They told that they discussed their concerns with Josh and he finally agreed he'd ride his bike and Susan could take the van.

That lasted a week, they said, after Josh went out and spent $1,500 on a motor for his regular bicycle. All while he claimed there wasn't enough money for food and incidentals. His ride to work was five miles.

When riding his bike didn't work out for Josh he turned to his friend, John Hellewell, and asked if they could carpool together.

Kiirsi Hellewell , Susan's best friend, said , "John was the one who drove. The carpool lasted only about a week because Josh expected John to pick him up, drop the kids off at daycare, drop Josh off to work, pick him up from work, and pick the kids up from daycare. On most days John had to leave home earlier and get home later, so John decided to stop the carpool arrangement."

For the remainder of the time before Susan went missing Josh drove Susan to work and picked her up. Caldwell remembers six or seven times when he failed to pick Susan up and failed to call. Caldwell would have to pack the kids up into the car to pick Susan up.

If Susan wanted the van on the days she had off, she had to drive Josh to and from work.

On one occasion Caldwell let Susan borrow her car so she could go to the local LDS temple. She said Josh became angry.
1. Rent or home mortgage payment $ 1,296.00
2. Utilities: a. Electricity and heating fuel $ 175.00
b. Water and sewer $ 32.00
c. Telephone $ 130.00
d. Other Cable $ 60.00
3. Home maintenance (repairs and upkeep) $ 20.00
4. Food $ 600.00
5. Clothing $ 30.00
6. Laundry and dry cleaning $ 10.00
7. Medical and dental expenses $ 100.00
8. Transportation (not including car payments) $ 150.00
9. Recreation, clubs and entertainment, newspapers, magazines, etc. $ 30.00
10. Charitable contributions $ 80.00
11. Insurance (not deducted from wages or included in home mortgage payments)
a. Homeowner's or renter's $ 0.00
b. Life $ 25.00
c. Health $ 0.00
d. Auto $ 100.00
e. Other See Detailed Expense Attachment $ 1,325.00
12. Taxes (not deducted from wages or included in home mortgage payments)
(Specify) $ 0.00
13. Installment payments: (In chapter 11, 12, and 13 cases, do not list payments to be included in the
a. Auto $ 303.00
14. Alimony, maintenance, and support paid to others $ 0.00
15. Payments for support of additional dependents not living at your home $ 0.00
16. Regular expenses from operation of business, profession, or farm (attach detailed statement) $ 0.00
17. Other $ 0.00
Other $ 0.00
18. AVERAGE MONTHLY EXPENSES (Total lines 117.
Report also on Summary of Schedules and,
if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.)
$ 4,466.00
19. Describe any increase or decrease in expenditures reasonably anticipated to occur within the year
following the filing of this document:
a. Average monthly income from Line 15 of Schedule I $ 4,500.00
b. Average monthly expenses from Line 18 above $ 4,466.00
c. Monthly net income (a. minus b.) $ 34.00

I don't understand how a real estate broker doesn't have business expenses? Aren't there office fees, licensing fees? I don't think that $4500 a month was Josh's income.

Also why does he have two auto insurance payments, one for $100 (per month?) and $303?

SALT LAKE CITY -- Workers at a South Salt Lake strip club say Josh Powell may have been there in the hours after his wife Susan was reported missing.

A bartender at the Duces Wild exclusively tells KSL Newsradio a man, whom she later identified as Powell in several pictures provided by police, made sexual advances toward her then turned belligerent with her and other customers in the afternoon of Dec. 7.

"He (Josh Powell) wanted me to come over and bend down so he could see my *advertiser censored*, kept telling me I had a nice [behind], telling me to come down there; he wouldn't hurt me; bend over," Liz Burkholder said.

Customers also claimed the man identified as Powell made them uncomfortable and said things like, "You don't know what kind of day I've had."

He even grabbed another patron's drink, and customers applauded when he finally exited after his nearly two-hour stay.

Police were looking for Susan, Josh and their two children until Josh and the kids showed up at their home between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. the evening of Dec. 7. Josh has said he took the boys camping to the west desert, beginning at 12:30 that morning.

West Valley Police Capt. Tom McLachlan says investigators are aware of the tip, and they did investigate it, however police were not able to confirm it was for sure Josh based on statements from the eyewitnesses.

The owner of the Duces Wild says surveillance cameras were not working that night.

I just knew there had to be a perverted side of Josh Powell! And, where were the boys during these two hours? What did he do, give them some sedative too so they were sound asleep in the van while he was in the STRIP CLUB! It's just a matter of time and this LOSER will be arrested! Next thing his drug dealer is going to spill the beans! Josh is probably a closet TWEEKER! Who goes to a STRIP CLUB after MURDERING their wife but a TWEEKER high on crank who is as horny as hell!

Josh wanted SEX from SUSAN that night and lost his temper because she wouldn't give him any! (In my opinion!)
I don't understand how a real estate broker doesn't have business expenses? Aren't there office fees, licensing fees? I don't think that $4500 a month was Josh's income.

Also why does he have two auto insurance payments, one for $100 (per month?) and $303?

I think the $303.00 payment is the van payment and the $100.00 is for insurance.

Why don't you e-mail me at and I'll send you the entire 31 page bankruptcy document. It's one pdf document that is 31 pages long.

SALT LAKE CITY -- Workers at a South Salt Lake strip club say Josh Powell may have been there in the hours after his wife Susan was reported missing.

A bartender at the Duces Wild exclusively tells KSL Newsradio a man, whom she later identified as Powell in several pictures provided by police, made sexual advances toward her then turned belligerent with her and other customers in the afternoon of Dec. 7.

Josh Powell
"He wanted me to come over and bend down so he could see my *advertiser censored*, kept telling me I had a nice [behind], telling me to come down there; he wouldn't hurt me; bend over," Liz Burkholder said.

Customers also claimed the man identified as Powell made them uncomfortable and said things like, "You don't know what kind of day I've had."

He even grabbed another patron's drink, and customers applauded when he finally exited after his nearly two-hour stay.

Police were looking for Susan, Josh and their two children until Josh and the kids showed up at their home between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. the evening of Dec. 7. Josh has said he took the boys camping to the west desert, beginning at 12:30 that morning.

West Valley Police Capt. Tom McLachlan says investigators are aware of the tip, and they did investigate it, however police were not able to confirm it was for sure Josh based on statements from the eyewitnesses.

The owner of the Duces Wild says surveillance cameras were not working that night.


I wonder why they are coming public on this story now? (I am assuming the tip was investigated back in December by police)
I wonder why they are coming public on this story now? (I am assuming the tip was investigated back in December by police)

?? I am curious about when he was in the strip bar. Was it that night that Susan went missing? Where were the boys? Or was it when he had the rental car and the boys were with Jennifer?

It could lead to a *advertiser censored* and/or strip club addiction, I guess. That would explain why he wouldn't let Susan use the computer. Could explain tight finances. Could explain why he didn't want to go to church. Could explain the worldview he has of women in general that he seems to have picked up from his dad. Wow. Could explain A LOT!

I just knew there had to be a perverted side of Josh Powell! And, where were the boys during these two hours? What did he do, give them some sedative too so they were sound asleep in the van while he was in the STRIP CLUB! It's just a matter of time and this LOSER will be arrested! Next thing his drug dealer is going to spill the beans! Josh is probably a closet TWEEKER! Who goes to a STRIP CLUB after MURDERING their wife but a TWEEKER high on crank who is as horny as hell!

Josh wanted SEX from SUSAN that night and lost his temper because she wouldn't give him any! (In my opinion!)

Guess he was looking for a 'gusher'!
FYI, A thread was started on the strip club .
Regarding the "wet spot" on the carpet, it could have been bodily fluids expelled at time of death. It seems like if it were blood, we might know by now and/or an arrest would have been made - but maybe not?
Regarding the "wet spot" on the carpet, it could have been bodily fluids expelled at time of death. It seems like if it were blood, we might know by now and/or an arrest would have been made - but maybe not?

This is my opinion. Very few people are tried for murder when there is no body. This is always the last resort and generally several years pass before prosecutors elect to take the suspect to trial with only circumstantial evidence to prove their case.

I believe the West Valley City Police Department has enough circumstantial evidence to charge Josh with murder. However, they are waiting in hopes that they can find Susan's body.

As you know, a person tried for murder who is found innocent cannot be tried again. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the Salt Lake County District Attorney have all of the possible evidence he can gather before he requests a grand jury hearing and an indictment of Josh Powell.

I believe they are waiting in hopes Josh will slip up and tell someone where Susan's body is, or that the person(s) Josh has confided in will finally betray his trust and talk.

This is WHY I have been so annoyed with the reward only being $11,000.00. If it were a much larger amount, say $100,000.00 or more, someone who has kept silent would be compelled to come forward because of the love of money!

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