SL Tribune Article with Steven P. and Susan website created by Josh

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Sheesh, I thought I was gonna be reading about "Old Faithful."

They're talking about average *gushes* of 1-5 ml.

5 ml equals one teaspoon.

Even if the *gusher* was 10 times larger it would still be a pretty tiny amount -- 3.3 Tablespoons.

I don't think that kind of *gusher* would have caused a wet spot on the living room carpeting that would have required two big box fans to dry.

Sorry Pickie, No congratulatory cigar this time. :D

Methamphetamine can make a woman have countless gushing orgasms all night long amounting to cups of liquid and I am not joking! I have conducted research into this topic and have even interviewed people! Lol! Several males have verified that the first time they shot up meth they achieved an instant erection and began climaxing without any stimulation whatsoever. I am saying that drug induced gushers can produce massive amounts of female liquid when she is having sex all night on meth. In fact, a woman can drink a case of beer while on meth and not even get drunk if she has done enough. It turns the couple into animals basically! This is why so many people get addicted to it: because of the sex!

And you are going to say "Susan was tired". I realize this. There are probably other drugs that have the same effect but make you tired.
Methamphetamine can make a woman have countless gushing orgasms all night long amounting to cups of liquid and I am not joking! I have conducted research into this topic and have even interviewed people! Lol! Several males have verified that the first time they shot up meth they achieved an instant erection and began climaxing without any stimulation whatsoever. I am saying that drug induced gushers can produce massive amounts of female liquid when she is having sex all night on meth. In fact, a woman can drink a case of beer while on meth and not even get drunk if she has done enough. It turns the couple into animals basically! This is why so many people get addicted to it: because of the sex!

And you are going to say "Susan was tired". I realize this. There are probably other drugs that have the same effect but make you tired.
Got a link? I visited that Wikipedia page from your link, but found nothing about this.
Got a link? I visited that Wikipedia page from your link, but found nothing about this.

There [are] a whole variety of reasons to try methamphetamine," explains Dr. Richard Rawson, associate director of UCLA's Integrated Substance Abuse Programs. "[H]owever, once they take the drug … their reasons are pretty much the same: They like how it affects their brain." Meth users have described this feeling as a sudden rush of pleasure lasting for several minutes, followed by a euphoric high that lasts between six and 12 hours, and it is the result of drug causing the brain to release excessive amounts of the chemical dopamine, a neurotransmitter that controls pleasure. All drugs of abuse cause the release of dopamine, even alcohol and nicotine, explains Rawson, "[But] methamphetamine produces the mother of all dopamine releases."

Among the effects reported by methamphetamine users are increased libido and sexual pleasure, the ability to have sex for extended periods of time, and an inability to ejaculate or reach orgasm. In addition to increasing the need for sex and enabling the user to engage in prolonged sexual activity, methamphetamine lowers inhibitions and may cause users to behave recklessly or to become forgetful.
Source: [ame][/ame]

I know EXACTLY what you are going thru...
.....I went a year and a half of desensitized disintrest..
for one thing orgasms are less than a second long.

meth orgasms go on for actual numbers of minutes...
....and so intense you think you might have burned out a bearing.
Source: there sex after meth.htm

There is a lot of information on the Internet. I did this research four years ago on a different computer which crashed and I lost all my documents and browser bookmarks. I don't feel like looking for more information right now.

My note: The inability to reach orgasm is for MEN, not women! The intensity of the initial high depends on how they introduce the drug into their body, whether they snort, inject, smoke or ingest it by eating or drinking the drug. The effects of the drug lesson with each use therefore more and more is required to get that same initial high.......... so they keep chasing the high they remembered that was the best. Also, how high a person gets or how they feel depends on who made it and the process they use. Some manufacturers stop at a particular point where taking three more steps will turn it into an intense sex drug. (I have interviewed three different people who were methamphetamine manufacturers.)
When some of us thought she might have been poisoned, this isn't what I, at least, was thinking. A drug that makes you want to go to bed? It's a novel thought. I still think the rumor of it being blood in the carpet fits with those early comments in the case. I wonder how it helps the case, to not at least divulge their findings about the carpet by now.
Very interesting, Pickie. You feel super-sexy, but we've all seen the pictures of how these addicts look. Ghostly skinny with rotten teeth. Yuk.
When some of us thought she might have been poisoned, this isn't what I, at least, was thinking. A drug that makes you want to go to bed? It's a novel thought. I still think the rumor of it being blood in the carpet fits with those early comments in the case. I wonder how it helps the case, to not at least divulge their findings about the carpet by now.

How about a sedative overdose?
Josh could have put a sedative in her food or beverage and given her too much. The cleaning of the carpet could have been due to Susan vomiting. This sounds outrageous but what if he was slipping her sleeping pills so he could do things to the boys at night? I have a friend whose husband did that to her so he could molest her daughters! Or, what if he put some in her drink and she took more on her own because she didn't know he had done that, causing the overdose?

Signs and symptoms of an overdose are:
Slurred speech
Trouble breathing
Dizziness or fainting spells
Being unable to think or respond normally
Methamphetamine can make a woman have countless gushing orgasms all night long amounting to cups of liquid and I am not joking! I have conducted research into this topic and have even interviewed people! Lol! Several males have verified that the first time they shot up meth they achieved an instant erection and began climaxing without any stimulation whatsoever. I am saying that drug induced gushers can produce massive amounts of female liquid when she is having sex all night on meth. In fact, a woman can drink a case of beer while on meth and not even get drunk if she has done enough. It turns the couple into animals basically! This is why so many people get addicted to it: because of the sex!

And you are going to say "Susan was tired". I realize this. There are probably other drugs that have the same effect but make you tired.

I thought people liked Meth because they could party all day and all night with boundless energy - while never having to worry about getting tired.

So Meth is addictive because of good sex? Hmm, just goes to show the ingenious creativity of horny chemists, eh?

If Josh was feeding Susan Meth for sex he darn well better have consumed a bunch himself. He doesn't impress me as being Mr Super Stud with anyone but a bimbo on a monitor screen.

Thanks for the explanation - I think.

I still think the gusher hypothesis is extremely implausible.
I thought people liked Meth because they could party all day and all night with boundless energy - while never having to worry about getting tired.

So Meth is addictive because of good sex? Hmm, just goes to show the ingenious creativity of horny chemists, eh?

If Josh was feeding Susan Meth for sex he darn well better have consumed a bunch himself. He doesn't impress me as being Mr Super Stud with anyone but a bimbo on a monitor screen.

Thanks for the explanation - I think.

I still think the gusher hypothesis is extremely implausible.

People use meth for various reasons. Whatever it is a person attempts to do, they can obsess with that particular activity and keep at it mindlessly for hours at a time whether it be sorting a box of miscellaneous nails, screws, washers, bolts, etc. to having sex. Enhanced sexual pleasure is one of the reasons people get addicted. However, extended use separates the part of the brain where connections need to occur to experience pleasure and if the use is continued, permanent damage can occur.

I am not saying that was why there was a huge wet spot on the floor. None of us know why the carpet cleaner, which the Powells owned for years and which is NOT listed on the bankruptcy document, incidentally, was used.

What could the reasons be for the wet spot?

Someone spilled soup or a drink
Sexual fluids

We don't even know what color the carpet was, do we?
When some of us thought she might have been poisoned, this isn't what I, at least, was thinking. A drug that makes you want to go to bed? It's a novel thought. I still think the rumor of it being blood in the carpet fits with those early comments in the case. I wonder how it helps the case, to not at least divulge their findings about the carpet by now.

I have thought, from the very beginning, the less information the police or district attorney releases, the better. Because this is a high profile case, and because Susan's body has not been found, if Josh is to be prosecuted on circumstantial evidence alone, the district attorney really needs to make sure all his ducks are in a row.

I believe part of their strategy is to keep silent in hopes Josh lets his guard down and makes some stupid moves. If he thinks he's gotten away with murdering Susan, this will cause him to feel an overpowering desire to boast about his accomplishment! (We all know he is a braggart judging by his two web sites!)

If the police were to have a press conference tomorrow and announce they found Susan's DNA on the carpet and in the van, do you think Josh would be more cautious than ever? I think so!

The more time that goes by without any pressure on Josh due to NEW, DAMNING information being released, the more comfortable he will be. Hopefully he will slip up and say the wrong thing to the RIGHT person!
Very interesting, Pickie. You feel super-sexy, but we've all seen the pictures of how these addicts look. Ghostly skinny with rotten teeth. Yuk.

By the time they get to that stage, they can no longer experience sexual pleasure because of the brain damage!
Get your 31 page Josh Powell bankruptcy document here!

If you would like to receive a pdf document of all 31 pages filed with the
United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Utah, Central Division

Send an e-mail to:

I'm still trying to catch-up here, but I'm curious about this for other reasons. Can you get copies of a bankruptcy filing before it is completed?
Also, how long does it take for a bankruptcy filing to be completed? TY!
I'm still trying to catch-up here, but I'm curious about this for other reasons. Can you get copies of a bankruptcy filing before it is completed?
Also, how long does it take for a bankruptcy filing to be completed? TY!

In California, all case file documents filed with the court can be viewed except juvenile case files.

Once the bankruptcy papers are filed, it's a matter of a judge signing the document to approve the bankruptcy petition. The amount of time varies depending on how busy the courts are.

If you were to file for bankruptcy, I could walk into the clerk's office and request to see your documents shortly thereafter, just as long as they weren't in a judge's inbox for review.
Josh loves to socialize with friends and family. He enjoys gardening, woodworking, and building construction projects. He knows a few songs on the piano and guitar. And he has been known to sing a song when the mood hits. He also loves photography, especially when the photos are of Susan and the boys. He enjoys problem solving and he is a computer programmer by trade. Josh is very involved in his children's lives and every day he includes the children in many hobbies, educational events, and outdoor activities.

I have never, ever, ever seen anything like this. Ever. In any missing persons case. Ever.

An entire page about HIM and a photo, too? What in the world is something like that doing on a site for a missing woman. His pleas for help are so weak. And notice the readers have no avenue to leave messages. This is so one sided, he is just covering his butt. I'm sick seeing this trash. jmo
An entire page about HIM and a photo, too? What in the world is something like that doing on a site for a missing woman. His pleas for help are so weak. And notice the readers have no avenue to leave messages. This is so one sided, he is just covering his butt. I'm sick seeing this trash. jmo

The entire site is pathetic. If you scroll down, I have started a list of the things that are wrong with the page. I'm not finished by far! In my opinion, Josh Powell is mentally ill! This web site makes it very clear! What on earth would move him to think his approach to this web site is acceptable is beyond my ability to comprehend! I'm surprised he doesn't have hit counters at the bottom of each page!
This broker was previously registered with
11/2005 - 05/2006
09/2004 - 05/2005

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC is located in Rhode Island. I believe she studied online or through a correspondence course. She didn't actually hold an official job as a stockbroker until she started working at Wells Fargo, if I'm not mistaken.


Fidelity is a national concern. Rhode Island is probably just their brokerage services "home office"; I know their mutual fund HQ is in Boston. They have retail service centers and call-servicing centers in several other cities. The office search feature on their website shows an investor center located in downtown SLC.
Fidelity is a national concern. Rhode Island is probably just their brokerage services "home office"; I know their mutual fund HQ is in Boston. They have retail service centers and call-servicing centers in several other cities. The office search feature on their website shows an investor center located in downtown SLC.

But it doesn't say she was employed with by these firms, only registered with:

Registration and Employment History
This broker was previously registered with the following FINRA member firms:

CRD# 7784
11/2005 - 05/2006

CRD# 7784
09/2004 - 05/2005

Her current registration and employment indicates she is both registered with and employed by the same institute:

CRD# 4840292

Currently employed by and registered with the following FINRA Firms:
CRD# 10582
Registered with this firm since: 2/5/2008

This is what leads me to believe she was not employed as a stockbroker prior to her job with Wells Fargo because there is no employment history, only registration history.

Pickie Chickie
I think you have it right. I have tears in my eyes as I read it. What a shame.
But it doesn't say she was employed with by these firms, only registered with:

This is what leads me to believe she was not employed as a stockbroker prior to her job with Wells Fargo because there is no employment history, only registration history.


Susan did work at Fidelity for several years, whether as a broker or not I do not know. I know she did not start as a broker with Fidelity, but if she was registered as a broker with Fidelity, it seems most likely to me that she developed her career there with training, then switched to Wells Fargo for better career prospects, working conditions or salary, or possibly just because it was an easier journey.

Susan used to carpool with my wife when they were both working at Fidelity, because even back in 2004 she did not have her own car. Meantime Josh was spending hundreds of thousands on his failed businesses.
Susan did work at Fidelity for several years, whether as a broker or not I do not know. I know she did not start as a broker with Fidelity, but if she was registered as a broker with Fidelity, it seems most likely to me that she developed her career there with training, then switched to Wells Fargo for better career prospects, working conditions or salary, or possibly just because it was an easier journey.

Susan used to carpool with my wife when they were both working at Fidelity, because even back in 2004 she did not have her own car. Meantime Josh was spending hundreds of thousands on his failed businesses.

Thank you for your information. If Susan did work at Fidelity as a stock broker, it would have been listed under Employment History.

We would all love it if you would answer some questions about Josh and Susan.

1.) What was your impression of him?

2.) Was he an incessant talker as described?

3.) Did your wife ever notice bruises on Susan?

4.) Did your wife report Susan seemed to be upset a lot, as though she had been crying?

5.) Did Susan ever complain to your wife about Josh?

6.) What did your wife think about Josh?

7.) Did either of you hear Josh call Susan names or yell at her?

8.) Did Susan ever express fear of Josh?

9.) Was Susan constantly saying, "Oh Josh would never let me do that!" or "I would love to go but Josh wouldn't like it!"

10.) Did you or your wife like Josh?

11.) Have you ever thought perhaps Josh had a closeted drug or drinking problem?

12.) Do you know why Josh wouldn't allow Susan to use their home computer?

13.) Did you and/or your wife keep in touch with Susan after she started her new job with Wells Fargo?

14.) Were you aware Josh was making Susan ride a bicycle to work?

15.) Did you or your wife ever entertain the idea that perhaps Josh was/is a closeted homosexual or bisexual?

16.) Did you or your wife ever wonder if Josh was molesting the Powell children?

17.) Did Susan ever complain to your wife that Josh was looking at *advertiser censored* on the Internet?

18.) Did your wife ever telephone the Powell residence to speak to Susan and Josh would not allow her to come to the phone or stated he would have her call her back but never gave Susan the message?
In Case 07-21460 Doc 2 Page 6 of 31 of the bankruptcy filing 04/05/07
item 29 lists Machinery, Fixtures, Tools Used in Business $1,150, and
item 30 Power and hand tools Not used in business $160, yet earlier,
item 4 he lists computer value at only $200.

It is quite possible that a computer professional can opt to keep work away from family life and not use one at home at all. But if a computer is used for professional work for a business based out of the home as it seems Josh did, then $200 is outrageously low in this time frame, given one piece of software can easily cost that much.

The value of those workshop tools is pretty high, for a white collar kind of career. That seems off, and given other estimates all being very low, it would be reasonable to apply a multiplier to the numbers throughout and the workshop seems even more questionable to me.

Would love to hear an explanation for this, other than for toy value.

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