SL Tribune Article with Steven P. and Susan website created by Josh

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In Case 07-21460 Doc 2 Page 6 of 31 of the bankruptcy filing 04/05/07
item 29 lists Machinery, Fixtures, Tools Used in Business $1,150, and
item 30 Power and hand tools Not used in business $160, yet earlier,
item 4 he lists computer value at only $200.

It is quite possible that a computer professional can opt to keep work away from family life and not use one at home at all. But if a computer is used for professional work for a business based out of the home as it seems Josh did, then $200 is outrageously low in this time frame, given one piece of software can easily cost that much.

The value of those workshop tools is pretty high, for a white collar kind of career. That seems off, and given other estimates all being very low, it would be reasonable to apply a multiplier to the numbers throughout and the workshop seems even more questionable to me.

Would love to hear an explanation for this, other than for toy value.

Because Josh is a BIG FAT LIAR! Josh was afraid if he listed the actual value of Susan's and his possessions his bankruptcy petition would be DENIED!

A perfect example is his pet, a Blue Crown Conure, which I am highly familiar with because a friend of mine breeds them and I happen to own one as well as three other parrots. Wholesale, directly from the breeder, an adult Blue Crown Conure is worth $200.00 for a bird that is NOT handfed or tame!

The cage, which I saw in the moving video, cannot be purchased for less than $500.00 new and would sell in a heart beat as a used cage for $200.00.

A used computer, monitor, printer, scanner, speakers, mouse, keyboard is worth about $200.00. So, he was right there unless he had just bought it.

In reading the list of items of value on the bankruptcy document, it is very clear he intentionally left out a lot of things and assigned ridiculous values to those he did list!

Check out the RIDICULOUS values he gave the following items!

Food and Provisions $15,
Food Storage $50,
Beds/Bedding $20,
Microwave $25,
Washer $37,
Dryer $25,
Sewing Machine $10,
Freezer and Refrigerator $10
Kitchen Table and Chairs $7,
Utensils, Cookware, Dishes, Pots/Pans $10
Folding Tables $10,
6 Chairs $20,
Chest of Drawers $5,
TV $13,
VCR $5,
Stereo $8,
4 Lamps $12,
2 Piece Livingroom furniture $60,
Vacuum Cleaner $33,
Computer $200,
Video Camera/Camcorder $5,
Radios $3
Books $25,
Musical Instruments used by family $18
Art Objects $60,
Prints and Pictures $30
Fine Jewelry 90.00
Records, Tapes, CDs 90.00
Art Produced by or depicting you or your family 5.00
2005 Chryler Town & Country (basis for value: KellyBB) 15,380.00
1986 Yamaha Radiam Motorcycle; rusty and brown 50.00
Phones, Staplers, Pens, Paper, Shredder 100.00
Machinery, Fixtures, Tools Used in Business 1,150.00
Power and hand tools Not used in business 160.00
Animals. Animals 60.00
Health Aids (Wheel Chair, Special Beds, etc...) 120.00
Yard and Lawn Care Equipt 60.00
Videos $125, Dvd/CD/Mp3 Player $25,
Entertainment Center $50


And less than three years later, it takes two moving vans plus another trip to move all of his stuff. There is definitely something wrong if he can get away with that.
Because Josh is a BIG FAT LIAR! Josh was afraid if he listed the actual value of Susan's and his possessions his bankruptcy petition would be DENIED!

A perfect example is his pet, a Blue Crown Conure, which I am highly familiar with because a friend of mine breeds them and I happen to own one as well as three other parrots. Wholesale, directly from the breeder, an adult Blue Crown Conure is worth $200.00 for a bird that is NOT handfed or tame!

The cage, which I saw in the moving video, cannot be purchased for less than $500.00 new and would sell in a heart beat as a used cage for $200.00.

A used computer, monitor, printer, scanner, speakers, mouse, keyboard is worth about $200.00. So, he was right there unless he had just bought it.

In reading the list of items of value on the bankruptcy document, it is very clear he intentionally left out a lot of things and assigned ridiculous values to those he did list!

Check out the RIDICULOUS values he gave the following items!

Food and Provisions $15,
Food Storage $50,
Beds/Bedding $20,
Microwave $25,
Washer $37,
Dryer $25,
Sewing Machine $10,
Freezer and Refrigerator $10
Kitchen Table and Chairs $7,
Utensils, Cookware, Dishes, Pots/Pans $10
Folding Tables $10,
6 Chairs $20,
Chest of Drawers $5,
TV $13,
VCR $5,
Stereo $8,
4 Lamps $12,
2 Piece Livingroom furniture $60,
Vacuum Cleaner $33,
Computer $200,
Video Camera/Camcorder $5,
Radios $3
Books $25,
Musical Instruments used by family $18
Art Objects $60,
Prints and Pictures $30
Fine Jewelry 90.00
Records, Tapes, CDs 90.00
Art Produced by or depicting you or your family 5.00
2005 Chryler Town & Country (basis for value: KellyBB) 15,380.00
1986 Yamaha Radiam Motorcycle; rusty and brown 50.00
Phones, Staplers, Pens, Paper, Shredder 100.00
Machinery, Fixtures, Tools Used in Business 1,150.00
Power and hand tools Not used in business 160.00
Animals. Animals 60.00
Health Aids (Wheel Chair, Special Beds, etc...) 120.00
Yard and Lawn Care Equipt 60.00
Videos $125, Dvd/CD/Mp3 Player $25,
Entertainment Center $50



Total listed: $201,366.80
House: -$180,000.00
Total: $21,366.80
Van: -$15,380.00
Total: $5,986.00
Interest in retirement plan: -$3995.80
Remaining total which represents the claimed value of all Susan and Josh's possessions: $1,991.00

Based on the total of $1,991.00, Josh and Susan lived in poverty and owned mostly junk. If this were true, why did it take two trips with the largest U-Haul plus a large, closed U-Haul trailer to move all this junk to Washington? Why did Josh spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on airfare, moving boxes, U-Haul rental fees plus gasoline to move all this junk? I am assuming he has put the majority of the things he moved into a storage facility. Why would someone pay money to store this junk if it is really worth what he claimed?

Susan's engagement and wedding rings plus Josh's wedding ring are only worth $90.00?
In case this hasn't been posted yet - excellent article. BBM

Concerns about Susan Cox Powell's children, ages 5 and 3; experts weigh in

"Given the tragic circumstances, one has to analyze why Josh Powell and his family is choosing to keep the children away from their maternal grandparents and other extended family," said legal experts, Bremner and Wong.
"The children are young and confused and should be afforded the security of familiar family members," they said. "The complete alienation from a set of grandparents and an aunt and uncle, who were very involved in their lives prior to the disappearance, cannot be seen as in the best interests of the children. Especially, when additional comfort and support is essential during this time of transition."
Jennifer Graves, Josh's sister, said that her father, Steven, is the only adult in the home who is working at this time. Three of Jennifer's brothers and one sister all live in the home with their father, are all 24 and older, and are all unemployed. She does not believe it is a good environment for her nephews.
Kirk Graves, Josh's brother-in-law, told that Steven works selling furniture made in prisons that is then sold mostly to public schools and that on the side, he writes and edits songs using the name 'Steven Chantrey'.

Debbie Caldwell, who provided childcare for the Powell's before Susan disappeared, said Susan made it clear to her husband she did not feel comfortable around his father, Steven, and that she never wanted the children left alone in his care. She also said she never wanted her boys left alone with Josh's brother.

A little digging revealed Steven Powell had a troubled childhood. He claimed on his website that he was 'kidnapped' by his grandparents and when he told a friend his grandmother put cayenne pepper on his tongue and stood him in the corner. He was told he would never see his mother again.

Levi Page, Host of the Levi Page Show, a crime-based Internet radio show on Blog Talk Radio, has been covering Susan's case. He said, "Let's not forget about the suspicion that is growing around Joshua's father. Why is the family of Susan Powell afraid of Joshua's father? Having the children living with someone like Joshua in addition to his father, could be TNT, an explosion waiting to happen."

"Unfortunately," Page said, "Child Services rarely take children out of the homes of parents, but this at least should entail an investigation. I've covered cases where children are left in the care of unstable parents and they end up abused, missing or murdered. Hopefully that will not happen in this case."

"The big question," he said, "is what do the children know? Did they witness anything that could implicate Joshua? If so, I believe the children are in immediate danger."

Jennifer Graves, Josh's sister, says, "I don't feel it's an emotionally safe environment for the boys."

Kirk, Jennifer's husband, and Jennifer believe it's no place for their nephews who they say they have not seen since Jan. 22. They traveled 900 miles to see the boys and were asked to leave when they asked Josh about Susan's disappearance.

Chuck Cox, Susan Powell's father, said that physically he doesn't believe his grandkids are in danger. But then again, did he ever consider his son-in-law could possibly be involved in the disappearance of his wife?

Did he consider Josh, his son-in-law, would tell the unbelievable story he told, that he would move away from the house where Susan lived before she disappeared, and that he would not help police find her?

He never thought any of those things. He did say during a recent press conference that he feels Steven Powell's home is dysfunctional.

Are they in danger? No one really knows.

Levi Page shared his opinion and said, "I believe that based on Joshua's strange behavior that his children are in danger. Putting aside the obvious fact that it is a strong possibility that he was involved in his wife's mysterious disappearance, according to his time line of events, he had taken his children out to a remote area to go camping after midnight while it was 10 degrees outside and snowing."

"The fact that he would subject a two-year-old toddler, and a four-your-old to that sort of weather, that late at night, while they should have been sleeping peacefully in their own beds," he said, "shows that he is lacking proper judgment and that the children are not safe in his care. Joshua also acts on impulse, according to him he suddenly decides to go camping in freezing weather after midnight and then acts on those impulses."

Legal Analyst, Lisa Bloom, said on the Dr. Phil Show, "Let me speak plainly, I think that Josh's alibi
is preposterous, it's outrageous, and it's an insult to our intelligence. Nobody can really believe that he would take two little children out camping in the middle of the night. But there may be a germ of truth in it just as there was a germ of truth in Scott Peterson's story, because, unfortunately, Laci's remains were found in the bay where he said he had gone fishing. And I do believe that Josh Powell probably did take a long ride that night with the boys in the car, and, unfortunately, that may have been where he disposed of his wife."

"But we really can't believe anything that he said. His story is so far beyond the pale. And his refusal to be part of the search, his refusal to cooperate, his clamming up, his moving out of state when people are still looking in the state for his own wife, none of that adds up to anything good for Josh Powell," Bloom said.

Susan Murphy Milano, Violence Expert, said, "Jason Young, after 3 years, was finally indicted in North Carolina for the murder of wife Michelle Young, who was pregnant at the time. Young, like so many who are finally charged, do not take their own life as they believe they will never 'get caught.' The children are in danger in my opinion when the person with whom they identify with as 'daddy' is a suspect in not some random act, but premeditated murder.

"When a mother goes missing (like in the Powell case), the children should automatically be placed by the State with relatives until such time as the husband or father of the children is cleared," Milano said, "We are seeing far too many of these cases and we need to protect the children unable to speak for themselves. "
OMG - I'm just reading thru the comments on the above article. Someone suggested that Steven Chantrey's unrequited love interest that he is pining for in his lame-o "songs" could be Susan! ewwwwwwwww

I masochistically looked at Steve Chantrey's website again to review his lyrics with this in mind. He has a new photo on his home page. Josh is getting prolific at photoshopping family members into various backgrounds! /Images/SteveSeattleSkyline.jpg" alt="Steve in front of Seattle skyline at night." style="border-width:0px;" />

He has also updated his polished marketing website. It's virtually unreadable now!

Concerns about Susan Cox Powell's children, ages 5 and 3; experts weigh in

"Given the tragic circumstances, one has to analyze why Josh Powell and his family is choosing to keep the children away from their maternal grandparents and other extended family," said legal experts, Bremner and Wong.
"The children are young and confused and should be afforded the security of familiar family members," they said.

I'm not sure Josh want to take the chance that someone would turn the children of 5 and 3 (i.e. very impressionable age) against him. Like telling the children, or even the children overhearing, that Josh killed their mother.
I'm not sure Josh want to take the chance that someone would turn the children of 5 and 3 (i.e. very impressionable age) against him. Like telling the children, or even the children overhearing, that Josh killed their mother.

Exactly! Also, he can't risk letting them out of his site for fear a social worker, police officer or family members will thoroughly question the children to learn information he is trying to keep them from sharing! I was surprised he allowed them to visit Susan's parents unsupervised over the holidays. Perhaps he knew them well enough to know they wouldn't interrogate the boys. Unfortunately, that should have been done by a professional when the Cox's had the opportunity.
It's going to be a full time job for Josh, to make sure Charlie isn't asked a question. Ever? The big man will now have to give up on his dreams of being the star real estate agent, ace politician, programmer, web designer, and all-around amazing husband, to be a home schooler. I can just see him now, shopping for the textbooks.
It's going to be a full time job for Josh, to make sure Charlie isn't asked a question. Ever? The big man will now have to give up on his dreams of being the star real estate agent, ace politician, programmer, web designer, and all-around amazing husband, to be a home schooler. I can just see him now, shopping for the textbooks.

Exactly! I won't be surprised if he home schools Charlie next fall rather than send him to kindergarten, if he hasn't been incarcerated by then!
I found out that the college Josh attended was Washington State University in Seattle.

The source is not sure of his high school but believes it was in Spokane.
I was at Josh's house on moving day and went down into the basement for something and I was able to see the amount of food storage they had down there. According to the bankruptcy document, he has his food storage listed as worth only $50. I know this was filed in 2007, but if they had a similar amount of food storage then as they do now, there is no way it was only worth $50. There was a LOT of food storage stuff down there. It would have taken quite a while to accumulate that much food storage and stuff and taken money over time to buy it.
I was at Josh's house on moving day and went down into the basement for something and I was able to see the amount of food storage they had down there. According to the bankruptcy document, he has his food storage listed as worth only $50. I know this was filed in 2007, but if they had a similar amount of food storage then as they do now, there is no way it was only worth $50. There was a LOT of food storage stuff down there. It would have taken quite a while to accumulate that much food storage and stuff and taken money over time to buy it.

Food and Provisions $15,
Food Storage $50,
Beds/Bedding $20,
Microwave $25,
Washer $37,
Dryer $25,
Sewing Machine $10,
Freezer and Refrigerator $10
Kitchen Table and Chairs $7,
Utensils, Cookware, Dishes, Pots/Pans $10
Folding Tables $10,
6 Chairs $20,
Chest of Drawers $5,
TV $13,
VCR $5,
Stereo $8,
4 Lamps $12,
2 Piece Livingroom furniture $60,
Vacuum Cleaner $33,
Computer $200,
Video Camera/Camcorder $5,
Radios $3
Books $25,
Musical Instruments used by family $18
Art Objects $60,
Prints and Pictures $30
Fine Jewelry 90.00
Records, Tapes, CDs 90.00
Art Produced by or depicting you or your family 5.00
1986 Yamaha Radiam Motorcycle; rusty and brown 50.00
Phones, Staplers, Pens, Paper, Shredder 100.00
Machinery, Fixtures, Tools Used in Business 1,150.00
Power and hand tools Not used in business 160.00
Animals. Animals 60.00
Health Aids (Wheel Chair, Special Beds, etc...) 120.00
Yard and Lawn Care Equipt 60.00
Videos $125, Dvd/CD/Mp3 Player $25,
Entertainment Center $50

One chest of drawers worth $5.00? Give me a break! I used to manage a thrift store and know for a fact you can get $50.00 for most any dresser unless it is falling apart!

What else on this list is absolutely preposterous? How could they even want to own a refrigerator and freezer that had a combined value of $10.00? They must have had to tape the doors shut with duct tape if they were in that bad shape!

What else on this list is outrageous, in your opinion?
Food and Provisions $15,
Food Storage $50,
Beds/Bedding $20,
Microwave $25,
Washer $37,
Dryer $25,
Sewing Machine $10,
Freezer and Refrigerator $10
Kitchen Table and Chairs $7,
Utensils, Cookware, Dishes, Pots/Pans $10
Folding Tables $10,
6 Chairs $20,
Chest of Drawers $5,
TV $13,
VCR $5,
Stereo $8,
4 Lamps $12,
2 Piece Livingroom furniture $60,
Vacuum Cleaner $33,
Computer $200,
Video Camera/Camcorder $5,
Radios $3
Books $25,
Musical Instruments used by family $18
Art Objects $60,
Prints and Pictures $30
Fine Jewelry 90.00
Records, Tapes, CDs 90.00
Art Produced by or depicting you or your family 5.00
1986 Yamaha Radiam Motorcycle; rusty and brown 50.00
Phones, Staplers, Pens, Paper, Shredder 100.00
Machinery, Fixtures, Tools Used in Business 1,150.00
Power and hand tools Not used in business 160.00
Animals. Animals 60.00
Health Aids (Wheel Chair, Special Beds, etc...) 120.00
Yard and Lawn Care Equipt 60.00
Videos $125, Dvd/CD/Mp3 Player $25,
Entertainment Center $50

One chest of drawers worth $5.00? Give me a break! I used to manage a thrift store and know for a fact you can get $50.00 for most any dresser unless it is falling apart!

What else on this list is absolutely preposterous? How could they even want to own a refrigerator and freezer that had a combined value of $10.00? They must have had to tape the doors shut with duct tape if they were in that bad shape!

What else on this list is outrageous, in your opinion?

So his office equipment-"Phones, Staplers, Pens, Paper, Shredder 100.00"
is worth more than their wedding rings? Figures.
So his office equipment-"Phones, Staplers, Pens, Paper, Shredder 100.00"
is worth more than their wedding rings? Figures.

:dance:Ahahahahaha! I started laughing so hard I started choking! Lol! :dance:
Wonder what the need for Health Aids was? Wheel chair? Special bed? A $3 radio? I imagine their electric bill was just sky high since they had such old, worthless household appliances! $97 worth of washer/dryer, fridge, & microwave?
Wonder what the need for Health Aids was? Wheel chair? Special bed? A $3 radio? I imagine their electric bill was just sky high since they had such old, worthless household appliances! $97 worth of washer/dryer, fridge, & microwave?

:dance:He probably thought they meant marital aids! The "special bed" got him confused!:dance:
Ludicrous. Can you imagine this same guy filing a claim for losses against his homeowners' policy, and how he'd value these same items in that situation? Cracks me up. The only garage sale trash at his house in 2007, actually, was him!
I found out that the college Josh attended was Washington State University in Seattle.

The source is not sure of his high school but believes it was in Spokane.

Spokane sounds right. That's where they lived when the folks divorced.

Now, who is going to call WSU and see if he actually has a degree? You can do that, you know. Just call and ask and they will tell you. Anyone live in Washington who is willing?
And less than three years later, it takes two moving vans plus another trip to move all of his stuff. There is definitely something wrong if he can get away with that.

And not only that - but did he put his furniture in storage as well? I doubt his father wanted all of that in his home. If his stuff was so worthless, why didn't he sell it and save the money on the U-Haul boxes and U-Haul truck and trailer?

At those prices, I bet he could have sold all of his furnishings very quickly. All of the dishes, pots & pans for $10!!!!

Beds $20 (for all of them combined?)

The lawyer agreed to this?
And not only that - but did he put his furniture in storage as well? I doubt his father wanted all of that in his home. If his stuff was so worthless, why didn't he sell it and save the money on the U-Haul boxes and U-Haul truck and trailer?

At those prices, I bet he could have sold all of his furnishings very quickly. All of the dishes, pots & pans for $10!!!!

Beds $20 (for all of them combined?)

The lawyer agreed to this?

It is obvious Josh Powell is a LIAR! Between the airfare, gas, renting the biggest U-Haul truck twice, renting a U-Haul trailer and the U-Haul boxes and blankets, he had to have spent about half of what all that he claims his belongings are worth!

And, to store all that stuff would cost at least 150.00 a month to rent a storage unit large enough!

Poor Susan having to use a 5.00 refrigerator and a 5.00 freezer yet Josh goes out and spends 80 grand on refrigerator magnets and 1500 hundred dollars on a bicycle motor and won't allow her to have her own car when she was earning most of the money?

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