Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

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I just had a thought. I wonder if LE told G and C to tell KC she was the "boss" and she was in charge of everything. G repeated it over and over. The more I think about it, the more that sounds like a ploy to make her feel in control. Could it be that G and C were trying to manipulate KC for once?

Edited to add: It reminded me of hostage situations where LE makes the hostage-taker feel like they are in control of the situation and that LE will do "whatever it takes" to keep everyone safe.

Early on I thought the A's had to be working with LE, they way they coddle KC. But over the months it's become apparent that they just enjoy coddling KC. :banghead:
In the video CA mentions to KC that she was in Lake County, is there anything there or I need to know about there (something like that) KC gets angry of course. What do you think CA was getting at? There is so much here I can't remember what Lake County plays into any part of KC life.

About Lake County - that is where the great grands are at - Mt. Dora. I thought this before and posted about it. Could this be where KC "got" the choloroform from? Great-grandmas have old, wierd things in their medicine cabinets (know this first hand as I had to clean out my grandmother's house - oh the "things" I found). Anyway, maybe great-grandma found the bottle missing and mentioned it to CA - we know KC stole from her and was therefore in her house - I know young people that go through people's medicine cabinets looking for "goodies" - and this scenerio plays right into KC behavior.

So, could CA know that is where KC got the choloroform from?
Right off the bat, as soon as she could see her parents on the screen she just has this smile and asks dad, "why is she crying???" As if Cindy is overreacting w/ her show of emotion.
If her defense team thought that this would help their client, my goodness. What a big mistake.
but didn't know how.

Just watched the video everyone is talking about. Could KC have a split personality? Comments please.

PS I'm new to posting but have been a lurker for many years
When it is convenient for her, she's "completely informed" and when it's convenient for her, she "has no idea what's going on" (therefore she can't be of any help to them). Sickening.

And her parents pussyfoot around her.. don't bring up any of these inconsistencies... they could have helped this investiation so much more... how disappointing.
KC didn't get angry because Lake Co. was mentioned. She just pulled her usual bullying attack because she didn't want to answer ANY questions from anyone. She knew she killed her daughter. She didn't have any answers for her parents and she sure as heck wasn't going to tell them the truth so she pulled all this anger junk just so she wouldn't have to answer them. This is nothing new. Its a tactit she used all her life to avoid telling them things she didn't want to tell them.
but didn't know how.

Just watched the video everyone is talking about. Could KC have a split personality? Comments please.

PS I'm new to posting but have been a lurker for many years

I think it would fit, but if you read over on the psychological thread....not one of the theories over there.
What struck me the most about the entire video was her anger at police and their (the police's) intentions. Her face displayed hate or evil when she talking about it.

What is also clear is that she has clearly been instructed on what she is/ is not supposed to do regarding phone calls/visits/behavior in she is using that as a shield. She hides behind it.

My husband constantly complains that I always look for the good in people and in the long run, I get hurt/taken advantage of I always get a major headache when she denies having any knowledge or involvement in all of this....because I start to she?? I mean that part of the some of the best lying she does...

Finally, IMHO, if she is so innocent and will be vindicated....why wait until trial? Go the the SA with you 'proof' so they can drop the charges...and start focusing finding the real killer....isn't it just that simple? Isn't that what everyone would want (GA,CA,JB,SA...KC...everyone?)

going to find some aspirin.
Ca and GA have been preaching her innocence to the media in hopes to win over KC's trust so she might lead them to Caylee. If they came out and said they believed she was guilty they know they would have no chance of finding out what really happened. KC has (in her own disturbed way) managed to put it all behind her like nothing ever happened...nothing of importance anyway...therefore her parents really have no chance of getting any truths from her...

So true

But this behavoir is exactly what KC wanted, to the point of impeding TES searches, blaming LE and involving other children to promote false live sightings. It all shows how they were still letting KC control them.

That's the only thing I heard.
I'm never calling my kids sweetie or sweetheart again. I'm rewatching this and it kills me. I wonder if they really talk to her that all the time or if this is a play for the camera?

KC did not seem suprised that this person was there AT ALL and it was her parents that had never met him before.

I'll tell ya how I interpreted this... KC was neutral when they were talking to her about anything other than her missing child. KC got angry when the conversation turned toward Caylee (although I noticed the little girl's name HARDLY EVER came up in this half-hour conversation).
I think it would fit, but if you read over on the psychological thread....not one of the theories over there.

Everyone is so blown away by her behavior on this video. I am too. But she is really acting like she doesn't know what's going on.
KC didn't get angry because Lake Co. was mentioned. She just pulled her usual bullying attack because she didn't want to answer ANY questions from anyone. She knew she killed her daughter. She didn't have any answers for her parents and she sure as heck wasn't going to tell them the truth so she pulled all this anger junk just so she wouldn't have to answer them. This is nothing new. Its a tactit she used all her life to avoid telling them things she didn't want to tell them.

Yup, I agree..
I love the screen shot of the real MonsterMommy. I shudder to think how many times Caylee saw this face.
As much as I don't like George and Cindy's public behavior throughout almost all of this ordeal I can't help but try and look at the whole picture (That's me, that's what I do, can't help it).

It's agonizing to watch them try and kiss up to her but at the same time they literally cannot throttle her through the glass so I think they feel they have no choice but to tiptoe around her to try and get whatever snippets of info she deems them worthy of having.

To begin with, this is the way this family operates. They know no different. So all they are doing is adapting their dysfunctional behavior to fit the horrible situation they find themselves in at the hands of their daughter.
wow.. that video. for one thing, i can see why casey is frustrated with Cindy. she never shuts up.

lightbulb moment after watching: i now feel that casey genuinely believes she is innocent.

Reminds me of watching OJ Simpson: i 100% think he was guilty, but came to see that he genuinely believed, or thoroughly convinced himself, that he did not kill 2 people.

i believe that casey is thoroughly convinced she was not Caylee's killer and no amount of evidence would change her mind. (i also think OJ was a sociopath, btw.) This is not something the rest of us can conceive, but some people can be in 100% denial. They are not faking, they believe it.

I don't think she or OJ genuinely believe they're innocent. I saw a pyschoanalyst on NG saying that people with some disorder (can't remember which) will actually believe the lies they are telling while they're "in the moment", but all the while still knowing they're lying. Look at the book OJ put out ..... IF I did it ... sure, sure. I don't think there's any denial at all, they're just good liars ... lots of practice.
I'll tell ya how I interpreted this... KC was neutral when they were talking to her about anything other than her missing child. KC got angry when the conversation turned toward Caylee (although I noticed the little girl's name HARDLY EVER came up in this half-hour conversation).

This echoes the jailhouse call with Kristina, the "complete waste" one, where Casey gets annoyed and frustrated when Kristina starts to break down about Caylee--"if anything happens to that little girl, I'll just die..." Casey gets mad, then tries to cover with synthetic sympathy. The focus on Caylee, Not Casey, is what angers her. JMO
In the video CA mentions to KC that she was in Lake County, is there anything there or I need to know about there (something like that) KC gets angry of course. What do you think CA was getting at? There is so much here I can't remember what Lake County plays into any part of KC life.


I think we are making to much out of that place/quote....I think kc was just MAD that ca had the audicity to bring up anything unpleasant to kc (i.e., details that perhaps could help.....)---she didn't want a question and answer visit....she just wanted a happy go lucky visit with a pity party...I would be tempted to visit and tell of all my fun out doors and such.....
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