Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

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Thats probably what she looked like when she killed Caylee. She reminds me of 'norman bates' in the grandmas role....I wouldn't even kill a fly....

I know what you mean! I was just looking at that pic and thinking the same thing. Her facial expressions are really scary.
so this explains CA and GA not visiting - they didn't have a discussion on the matter, she probably just told them "don't come visit, i will not allow one and you will be turned away"
Maybe JB thought we (the public) would have sympathy for Casey if we saw this tape. All it did for me was make me sympathize with George and Cindy. I thought I was long past that!

Same here. What a rollercoaster of emotions.
Boo hoo cry me a freaking river..........wahhhh, woe is me, I'm in here while you people sit in your nice warm house with internet and all.

She doesn't want to talk about Caylee. She doesn't want anyone asking her questions about Caylee.....she just wants the "how was your day? what are you doing? what new hobbies do you have" type visits. How weird. Whoever posted much earlier on the thread is right. She committed the act, and forgot about 10 minutes later. It's out of her mind so what is the big fuss all about????? It's me, me, me. And the way George and Cindy coddle her....I see how she is. Thanking her for taking the time to talk to them. Oh, how mighty big of you KC.
You can just totally tell all she means by everything is she cannot speak - she cannot admit she cannot speak because speaking will incriminate her, which now her sole purpose in life, is to get out of being charged for murder.

She is an evil sow.
After watching this video, I am certain that she is deranged. And moreover, her parents know it.
This video is by far the most telling as to what KC is REALLY like and how her parents "deal" with her.

KC dominates the conversation with words -- LOTS AND LOTS OF WORDS that don't even add up to anything. She takes over the conversation continually and then just keeps talking in the these long drawn out sentences .... filling the air with her crap .... relieved that her parents are silent and just listening.

She loves to be in control of them.

KC played the game the first couple of times seeing them by acting sad and concerned and trying to appear to answer their questions (when really she wasn't) but now we see that KC, after a very long and lonely month, doesn't have patience for the game she has created. She is sick of the Zanny questions and "clue" talk.

The ways she plays her parents is unreal. CA is hurt and pissed that KC chose GA over her. As soon as KC says who she picked, CA hands to the phone to know she is thinking, "You little b&#ch!".

Then there is George..... by George, that man needs to grow a spine. He witnesses a heated exchange between KC and CA....KC tells her Mom to hand the phone back to Dad like she is done with her.... George says, "Hey sweetheart" all gooey like.

BARF!!! He needed to say, "Listen, you little brat. We are your parents and you will have respect. I don't care if you are in jail right now!"

They complete relinquished any control to her.... probably did years ago.

The way she kisses up to GA and telling him why she chose him....she knows what he wants to hear, how to gain his sympathy, who would be easiest to see in person so she wouldn't be "interrogated".

Loved how when the tape pauses to warn them of their 1 minute, you can tell that KC can see her own reflection in the screen and she FIXES HER HAIR! If that isn't telling, I don't know what is.....little narcissitic brat!

How she got out and went home with them all that time and won them over enough to make complete idiots out of themself all over the media is beyond me. She is a huge waste of time.

(sorry this was such a big rant!)
She doesn't have MPD. She's just a snotty brat or cajoling when it suits whatever she's trying to accomplish. We call that "bitchiness."
Anyway. Whichever "personality" fronts on sentencing day will be the one sentenced to a very long time inside (or DP).
After watching this video, I am certain that she is deranged. And moreover, her parents know it.

I think they know Caylee is dead but that they believe it was an accident. I get the feeling that is Cindy's continued defense of her and that Casey would never hurt Caylee.
My favorite part of the video was the wide eyed stunned silence from KC ....just for a brief moment.....when CA told her that people were saying Caylee was DEAD.
I'm not sure if it's been already asked (sorry!) but why would JB want KC to watch NG?

Because he's clueless and gets his information from there? That's my only guess. I'd still like to know how they managed to watch NG together while she's in jail.
Because he's clueless and gets his information from there? That's my only guess. I'd still like to know how they managed to watch NG together while she's in jail.

**bolded by me**

I think that's the easy part. JB could have an IPhone or even possibly on his Blackberry. Lots of ways to access the net and videos today. I want to know which show he showed her.
I haven't read through the entire thread so I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but did you notice how casey reacted to her mom crying and hearing about lee being sick and her dad losing it with the reporters? she loved it, she couldn'e hold the smiles and laughter back. demented, for sure.

True monster.
By not releasing this particular tape I think Baez got curious. Baez might have been misled by the Anthonys, possibly because Casey told him something about police misconduct. LE was holding this one because it is very damaging to Casey, and by his request, now the whole world sees that "angry" "selfish" side of her.

A classic Rope-a-Dope imo.

Baez is a fool as usual. He got what he asked for.

And the very thought that it probably played out like that pleases me. JB hasn't been doing this nearly as long as LE has.
My favorite part of the video was the wide eyed stunned silence from KC ....just for a brief moment.....when CA told her that people were saying Caylee was DEAD.

How about the sarcasm in her voice when CA says that the new story is that Caylee drowned in the pool and KC says "Surprise, surprise." Even my DH, who I know is sick of me constantly going on about all of this, looked shocked at that! The tone in her voice and just the fact that that was her reaction to a statement about her "missing" daughter shows she has/had no concern for that child whatsoever. Completely selfish!
My answer: because Casey wants to watch it! Jb may record it on a DVD and bring his player/ now he can bring his computer to the jail....isn't that nice of the jail?.


It didn't dawn on me HOW she watched it or WHERE she did..I never used to be this dense..Honestly!..I blame it ALL on this :crazy: case.
**bolded by me**

I think that's the easy part. JB could have an IPhone or even possibly on his Blackberry. Lots of ways to access the net and videos today. I want to know which show he showed her.

There's also the prison lounge...or tv room...whatever you call it. Maybe JB and KC were justing hanging out together in there, you know, like she liked to hang out with TonE and watch tv....kinda like they were on a date. (I kid, I kid!):crazy:
I just watched the video for the first time. I think it might be one of the scariest things I have ever watched. I'm serious!!

I did not see any emotion or hear any concern, there was nothing in the tone of voice that one might expect to hear in a conversation like this, there were no questions about what progress has been made or discussions about what steps to take next, there was zero curiosity about what resources were left or what leads have been followed, no interest in brainstorming possible solutions or ideas to find the baby, no appreciation for the sacrifices. Nothing that resembled a "normal" conversation even for the circumstances.

KC even mentioned that she had not felt one bit of anger since she's been sitting in the tiny cell for the last 30 days??? Really???

Not even a LITTLE bit of anger towards the crazy lady who gave you a fake address...... a fake phone number ....... STOLE your beautiful BABY and is now apparently HIDING her somewhere in New York or Mexico (in KC's fantasy land), and now you have NO way of finding her? And you don't even have a TINY bit of anger???

Nope..... that doesn't make KC angry, but what REALLY makes KC angry is all the stupid QUESTIONS everyone is always asking, and all the talk-talk-talking!!!! Geeeeeezzzz!!! Why is it so difficult for us to understand!!?

Oh wait!! (Screen goes dark for the "One-Minute-Left Message") ...... Oh, Cool! I can see my reflection! Hmmmmm, how does my hair look?? It needs to be fluffier. Oh, yea, much better. My bangs are growing out. Awesome! I'm hot. I'm like Paris Hilton. We both had to go to jail! We're both hot.

Back to the stupid video screen, and the dorks..... (awkward silence, George mumbles somthing, Cindy sighs and puts her head on the table, borrrring....) Well, I'm pretty much done here ... (KC thinks to herself)

Tell my fans I said HEY!! Tell the media to bite me! Tell Lee he's still being punished for interrogating me. Tell our neighbors I love them just like the Bible says..... and same goes for that random guy who you invited over to sit in MY CHAIR at the kitchen table to eat chili for the umm .... What was the party about again??? Oh, yeah, the birthday party, whatever. Well, see ya .... Absolutely! Ba-Bye!!

Holy *&^%.......... something is SO, SO, SO, SO, SO wrong with this picture!! If I was just jumping into this case now and had not kept up with the "characters" as much as I have. I would NEVER believe it. This is truly Kooo-Koooo!!! I might need to take a break from this case. It is making me feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone!

Are we all being Punk'd??

Well Said:clap::clap:
I just finished watching the video,
As a mother of 3 girls I was totally blown away, outraged by this self-absorbed snot-head (as Casey herself said about her own flesh and blood)
My favorite part of the video was the wide eyed stunned silence from KC ....just for a brief moment.....when CA told her that people were saying Caylee was DEAD.

Didn't seem to bother her in the least did it? "Surprise, Surprise" (Casey)
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