SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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Originally Posted by grandmaj
OK I just found the article on SM being a body builder. It stops with that fitness regimen.

Kimster and I just spoke and we are going to allow the links to the pictures. I did not realize late last night she let that go. So for that I apologize. No pictures brought here just links.

Let's be responsible though. I have received alerts on these links. Thank YOU..

Does anyone have a link to the body building photos? I have missed it along the lines somewhere. TIA!
See I just don't see it as being any different Abbie even though the things that you have listed minus the crocheting and sewing, I do many times to release stress, and thoroughly enjoy those activities.

But I can't say that one thing is okay for them to do and another is not simply because I may not partake in the gym. Although I know many people who do workout continuously and they all say it is a great stress reliever.

Gates told everyone that he did not want anyone searching for Kyron other than those certified and trained. This is to make sure if evidence was discovered/recovered it would be done by those who are experts in their field.

I don't fault them for abiding by the Sheriff's wishes. I am sure other citizens would have also like to contribute too but he made it clear he only wanted those certified to do so. That is to protect the integrity of the case in case something should be found.


I agree about the stress relief and the sheriff's wishes. She may have felt like the walls were closing in on her and felt the compulsion to get "out" to keep from losing her sanity. I do not think it could be taken as anything sinister. The sheriffs were probably keeping a close eye on everybody in the family at the time. It is not what I would have done or wanted to do but I can understand the how a person who had made this a part of her routine would go to the gym. JMO.

Do law enforcement or the victim counselors encourage the family to maintain some normalcy? Isn't the father going to work every day? Why is that acceptable compared to her going to the gym? IIRC he works for Intel and they would likely grant him paid leave for some period of time.
Okay we really need new information, I feel like I'm in the movie "Groundhog Day" with this thread LOL.
Finster said Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment.

Finster said that when Kyron didn't show up at the bus the afternoon of June 4, Horman talked to the teacher who said she thought that Horman had taken Kyron to the doctor that day. Horman told Finster that the child's teacher was new, in her first year of teaching, and was hard of hearing in one ear. "She doesn't know if she understood her," Finster said.

OK the rumors about shouting against a room, or crowded room and teacher couldn't hear.... those are out. You may say what is in the article though! :)

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I started wondering...what if she didn't have anything to do with Kyron's disappearance but was simply having an affair that she can't fess up to.

I hope not. Valuable LE time is being used up investigating her. Now is not the time to hold back anything!

Surely, if she is innocent, she realizes that!
For myself, having had 2 children pass away (I realize we don't know whether Kyron is still with us on earth or not :(..I pray that he is, but I'm not feeling real positive, ya know?) the simple fact that she was physically and mentally able or capable to carry on 'as ususal' that early on and then post on FB about it bothers the h@ll out of me! I know people react differently, but that strikes me as extremely odd and whether I am right or wrong to feel that way..I do.

also, not that it matters, but I don't believe she is doing these things to abide by the sheriffs' wishes. This is JMHO, but I'd bet that the sheriff found it odd too and said that trying to placate the public..

Believe me, it is not their primary concern to placate the public. If he said this, he must have meant it.
Probably working out at the gym is as routine to them as brushing their teeth, it's just something they do every day. But no need to keep on agonizing over it, IMO. It might not be something you or I would do, but many people see it differently. It doesn't make one a murderer.
Finster said Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment.

Finster said that when Kyron didn't show up at the bus the afternoon of June 4, Horman talked to the teacher who said she thought that Horman had taken Kyron to the doctor that day. Horman told Finster that the child's teacher was new, in her first year of teaching, and was hard of hearing in one ear. "She doesn't know if she understood her," Finster said.

OK the rumors about shouting against a room, or crowded room and teacher couldn't hear.... those are out. You may say what is in the article though! :)

That link did not take me anywhere, grandmaj.
All it means is that he has good enough credit to buy a new car and make the payments.

If she needed a new car and he would have provided it anyway I would say that was a finky mother's day gift. That is like getting an engagement ring [or a replacement vaccuum cleaner] for Christmas or Valentines. It cheats you out of a gift because they had to get you that anyway. IMO
I have a hard time believing it as well...of course it's possible but some of the things she is getting bagged on for, like..."Hitting the Gym" for example, is not that big a deal to me. For one, exercise is a well known antidepressant and something I always did when I needed to think. Second, you have to remember the 5 stages of grief and "DENIAL" is at the top of the list. She was probably being told by all of her family and friends "Don't worry, it will be okay... I'm sure will find him"
Links that pertain to the discussion on this thread:,,20395256,00.html

This is the thread to discuss the friend's accusations regarding the polygraph: [ame=""]TMH's friend claims she will do 2nd polygraph - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
This has probably already been said. Haven't had time to read here much over the weekend.

TH appears to be a very likable person, judging by comments from her friend and ex husbands. The only thing I can think of (if she is the perp.) is that the combination of having a new child (Postpartum Depression, maybe), and whole different feelings (more intense) for her biological child made her feel like the others didn't matter anymore.

Edited because I got a PM saying what I posted was a no-no. :confused: No idea why, but it's gone....
I am not sure what side of the fence I'm on in regards to TH, so don't take it that way as I pose a question. This is merely to encourage discussion.

What has been released in the media to make you feel TH isn't involved, if anything?
BTW, until a POI is named, or an arrest is made, please refrain from creating psychological profile stories about the players in this case. Once we have a named POI, those threads will be created. Thank you!
I am not sure what side of the fence I'm on in regards to TH, so don't take it that way as I pose a question. This is merely to encourage discussion.

What has been released in the media to make you feel TH isn't involved, if anything?

Released in the media is tricky, because they aren't saying much - but early articles and other things reveal small things that are telling about how much Kyron loved his mother (referring to TH), and how much time and attention was spent on his science fair project, as well as referring to tight knit family nights with games and activities (most recent Oregonian article on blended family:

....and the cbs website with the 64 pictures of kyron/family interaction:

It's just as easy to read between the lines and see love and impossibility that someone in the family could harm him...these things show a lot of happiness and love and reciprocation....

I would say I am on the fence, too, but feel like I am more to leaping from one side of the fence to the other (equally).
I would like to personally thank the mods for their diligent policing of the WS boards. It is nice to have them kept clean. I know it's a lot of work, but thank you!

Doesn't it seem likely that LE would be able to tell from the camera when different pictures on it were taken? Some people have mentioned that there weren't many pics of Kyron around compared to the toddler, but I've seen quite a few posted, and almost all of them appear to have been taken by SM. Even when pics are deleted from a camera. I thought I read somewhere that they (like a computer) can still be recovered. Wouldn't having that info put context into when the project picture was taken?
I am not sure what side of the fence I'm on in regards to TH, so don't take it that way as I pose a question. This is merely to encourage discussion.

What has been released in the media to make you feel TH isn't involved, if anything?

1. No naming her as a POI.
2. No arrest and we are working on the third week now.
3. No sighting of her leaving with Kyron. ( If so, imo, this case would have had a conclusion very early on.)
4. No plausible motive that I have been able to ascertain.
5. LE saying the truck towed from the Horman property is not a part of the investigation.
6. Cell ping speculation being put out by only one media source and then picked up from that site by the national media but always referencing the information came from the Willamette blog. Yet LE has been on SI since June 10th and have not found Kyron.
7. Police who have said that Terri Horman has been fully cooperating from the beginning. Continues to stress that in last PC.
8. Taking a second poly when asked. No mention by any reputable media sites that she has refused to do so.
9. No evidence released that she is involved.

I dont know if she is guilty or innocent but imo there is no evidence at this time that proves she is guilty or innocent.

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