SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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The more I think about it, even though LE isn't saying anything outright yet, I feel that the questionnaire indicates that she's a POI. She's not missing, they've talked to her, yet they're asking for people who've seen her. Obviously, she's told LE her version of where she was and what she did that day, but they're looking for other people's versions. Isn't this saying they don't believe her? They're not asking for people who saw Kaine to verify he was where he said he was. They're not asking for people who saw Kyron's teacher that day.
:wave: Guests. Nice to see you've found Websleuths, why not sign up and join in the conversation. We'd love to hear your opinion's concerning Kyron's case.

What a completely sweet post. You seem like a very lovely person, momtective, from your posts. I just wanted you to know that.
It seems kind of odd that a woman would give up her career, especially a reading specialist. Now the comment about the child blocking the door at the gym does seem kind of odd. I'm assuming a reading specialist is special ed, so she must have been used to dealing with troublesome kids or those who might cause a few problems. I'm not suspecting her yet, but this intolerance is the most suspicious for me so far. Hopefully they're interviewing the families of previous students who may have possibly been treated badly.

She is not teaching now, correct? There may be a reason that goes beyond staying home with her daughter..or there may not be.
She should definitely have some idea of what is appropriate developmentally. A 7 year old teasing a toddler is not that unusual. Obviously there are better ways to handle it than she chose (and that she chose to post it as a Facebook status speaks volumes, IMO). It points to her having a strange tone deafness with regard to children and perhaps an exaggerated sense of threat to her own daughter.
Humm.. maybe she is not LE's POI ...

Wouldn't they think she might run off, or hurt herself maybe... I mean *IF* she has harmed Kyron, she is not in the right frame of mind IMO ...

Even if you suspect, you cannot hold or search or any of that stuff without probable cause and a warrant. This goes for people and trucks ;)

However, they can tail someone while they gather facts of the case. I would hope they wouldn't be telling us about that, if they are :angel:

All I know is, I'm even more confused now and I didn't think that was possible. So Kyron was last seen with TH, at least we know that. But the other evasive answers, the flier, the statement about him not being there on Father's Day...

I can't tell if she's a POI or not, but I can see that Father's Day statement as way to put some more guilt on her. What is worse than denying a father his child on Father's Day? Still, a rather odd statement if they still don't know what exactly happened to Kyron.

I can't make heads or tails of this. Low alarm? How can it be a low alarm if someone is still out there and can still hurt children? Do the police have someone, maybe the stepmom, under surveillance? And even if they do, people can escape surveillance and do horrible things. I am not comfortable at all at how little the LE is saying when someone, family or not, could still be out there and potentially hurt someone else.

And if they are suspicious of someone, why not bring them in and interrogate them? This is a missing child for goodness sakes. Why all the hush hush and let's wait until this person cracks, just because they might lawyer up? Why does this person, whoever they are, deserve special treatment, especially if the killing of a child is involved? Unless they think this perp has access to high powered lawyers that would make things extremely difficult for them?

It's looking more and more like the Casey Anthony case except very little media involvement this time around. Maybe they're waiting until they actually have a body. Maybe the perp feels confident right now because there is no body even though people have been convicted without a body.

I totally understand why not to have the media involved, but I am just completely confused about this case. And this poor, sweet little boy, dead or alive, really needs to be found. It's like the rights of the perp, whoever it may be, are sorely outweighing the rights of the victim here. I just don't get it.

Even if you suspect, you cannot hold or search or any of that stuff without probable cause and a warrant. This goes for people and trucks ;)

However, they can tail someone while they gather facts of the case. I would hope they wouldn't be telling us about that, if they are :angel:

be sure to tip your waitress, we'll be here all week.

:gomods: We love you all!!

I hope someone is keeping an eye on the baby girl... *if* TH is responsible and feels LE is closing in on her, the daughter may be in danger

Oh, maybe you missed all the still public albums; this danger theory doesn't stand a chance!! :saythat:
Also thinking about her going out today and especially after the questionaires to the community,how has that affected her?A teacher is a respected position,all the activities she's been involved with in the community and now she's the focus of an investigation.That in itself is probably an unbearable pressure.

It must be hard for her. I know where I'd be headed if in a similar situation, to have a smooth belt of El Presidente!
It seems kind of odd that a woman would give up her career, especially a reading specialist. Now the comment about the child blocking the door at the gym does seem kind of odd. I'm assuming a reading specialist is special ed, so she must have been used to dealing with troublesome kids or those who might cause a few problems. I'm not suspecting her yet, but this intolerance is the most suspicious for me so far. Hopefully they're interviewing the families of previous students who may have possibly been treated badly.

I missed the story about a child at the gym. Could someone point me toward it? TYI!
What a completely sweet post. You seem like a very lovely person, momtective, from your posts. I just wanted you to know that.

What a nice thing to say.....and by the way.....I LOVE your doggie.

Her license says out right that she cannot teach subjects requiring specialization because she only has a basic teaching license.

I think her resume' is as inflated as her mother's claims that she's the perfect mother and wife.

I had thought all along that she was being described as a volunteer at the school (along with references to being a SAHM). The resume makes it sound like she is an employee of the PPS. Or is that just how it came across to me? I thought it read as being employed with PPS from X date through now. Can her employment be verified?
Prayers for Kyron. Whatever happened...didn't need to happen.
BBM You mean let her drive her vehicle somewhere? They can't stop her just because she's a poi (if she's a poi).

No, I didn't mean that... I meant **IF** she is their POI, one would think they would move their butts to make the arrest...

IMO, I feel they are in no big hurry to do that.
I consider the following very low probability but it's possible.

If LE had ruled out the stepmom very early and suspected someone at the school, they could be slyly doing things that make it look like the stepmom is their suspect to put their real suspect off balance. The family continues to cooperate with this because they trust it will further the investigation.

As I wrote above, though, I consider this low probability.
I have really ambivalent feelings about TH, but I have to say that the tearlessness was a side effect, at least for me, of medication I took for awhile for anxiety and depression. I could still feel sadness, but my eyes were dry as a bone. I guess what I am trying to say is, it would not be strange for her to be medicated, and heavily at that, in this situation.

Audreyfan I have been on many and many anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds...And they ALL have seemed to take more than 2 weeks to kick in.
Every doctor I have ever seen has always told me not to expect much from these kind of meds for a month or so.
Police Distribute Flyer With Photo Of Kyron Horman, Stepmother

Portland, OR June 18, 2010 4:18 p.m.

The form has a picture of the second grader and his stepmother, Terri Horman. It asks people whether they saw Kyron and who he was with. It also asks whether they saw Terri Horman and when, and about her truck -- a white Ford F-250.
Captain Jason Gates with Multnomah County was asked whether the stepmother is now a suspect or person of interest.
Jason Gates: We're not in a position to talk about people of interest. She's associated with the case because she's the last person to see Kyron."

About this..wouldn't they have shown her picture along with Kyron's when they first interviewed the students, parents and staff at the school? I found it odd that they didn't show her picture along with his at the very beginning to trigger the memories of people who were at the school that day, in the event, that someone saw either Kyron or SM or both of them together. I thought if she had been on camera on the TV news or newspapers in a plea for help early on this could have helped, too,

Were a lot of the science fair exhibits set up the night before? While he reportedly arrived fairly early that day, in the picture it looks like a number of exhibits were already in place which would mean there were a fair number of other people at the school. Or, perhaps they arrived early and set up the exhibit but didn't take the photo until later?

As an aside, I saw a thread recently about "The First 48" show in which a detective had written in about how police and crime shows were impairing investigations because they taught suspects how to not only do certain crimes but to also create alibis and cover ups. So, if the ping reports are true, that's a rather shocking slip up if this was a premeditated act.

Longtime lurker..finally many of you..this case (& Ethan's) has made me lose sleep and feel so sad about these horrible things happening to such sweet looking boys.
Her license says out right that she cannot teach subjects requiring specialization because she only has a basic teaching license.

I think her resume' is as inflated as her mother's claims that she's the perfect mother and wife.

ok, thanks!
I was reading her resume on linkin.
I have a thought about the gym comment, but are we allowed to talk about that here? I am not sure...

I am still on the fence and don't know why. I do find it telling though, that LE is not circulating a photo or description of anyone else who may or may not have been on school grounds that morning. No drawing of a delivery man, etc...

I am not on the fence about Tanner, et al. I do not believe children have a sense of what time it is when they see things and I feel that he may have elaborated his story a wee bit when he was in front of a camera. I could be wrong and if so, I apologize now to Tanner, but I also feel it is wrong that he was ever allowed to speak out. Obviously, LE is not taking what he said about times too seriously.

I do wonder why teacher thought he had left with Terri; I know there have been rumors but like almost everything else, nothing substantiated.
I was just watching our news here KMTR, and the reporter said "bits and pieces of SM's accounts do not add up". Anyone else hear that?
What a nice thing to say.....and by the way.....I LOVE your doggie.


She's my Grand-dog, my daughters dog. Her name is Daisy and she's like one of the grandkids to me. I love her madly. Hubby & I are disabled and can't handle a dog, the walking, etc., unfortunately. Also, she's a boxer, so she's a licker!!!!
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