SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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this is a copy paste of what Terri wrote on there "I am seeking employment with elementary level grades, but while searching, I currently volunteer my reading specialist skills at Skyline Elementary in the Portland Public School System. "

so yes volunteer

Finding a job working with kids is gonna be a big problem for her now. Even as a volunteer.
No, I didn't mean that... I meant **IF** she is their POI, one would think they would move their butts to make the arrest...

IMO, I feel they are in no big hurry to do that.

I think they are in a hurry to make an arrest. There is a lot of pressure on LE right now. I don't think they can make an arrest. No body, no confession, probably no physical evidence, maybe nothing but discrepancies between her story and cell phone pings. They said it themselves, the investigation has to be perfect. If they find Kyron, and especially if he is at Sauvie Island, then look for an arrest. Barring that, without more they can't do a thing.
With LE stating for fact Terri was the last person to see Kyron - what about the account earlier on that he was in a group and then the "sub" or parent volunteer said Kyron was missing and the teacher said calm down maybe he is in the bathroom or getting a drink.

So is that thrown out the window too - because if that were the case the sub or other kids in that group would be the last to see him.
About this..wouldn't they have shown her picture along with Kyron's when they first interviewed the students, parents and staff at the school? I found it odd that they didn't show her picture along with his at the very beginning to trigger the memories of people who were at the school that day, in the event, that someone saw either Kyron or SM or both of them together. I thought if she had been on camera on the TV news or newspapers in a plea for help early on this could have helped, too,

Were a lot of the science fair exhibits set up the night before? While he reportedly arrived fairly early that day, in the picture it looks like a number of exhibits were already in place which would mean there were a fair number of other people at the school. Or, perhaps they arrived early and set up the exhibit but didn't take the photo until later?

As an aside, I saw a thread recently about "The First 48" show in which a detective had written in about how police and crime shows were impairing investigations because they taught suspects how to not only do certain crimes but to also create alibis and cover ups. So, if the ping reports are true, that's a rather shocking slip up if this was a premeditated act.

Longtime lurker..finally many of you..this case (& Ethan's) has made me lose sleep and feel so sad about these horrible things happening to such sweet looking boys.

Welcome aboard, SnoopyGal! Personally, I think LE deliberately left her picture off the initial photo. If you know what I mean...
Even if you suspect, you cannot hold or search or any of that stuff without probable cause and a warrant. This goes for people and trucks ;)

However, they can tail someone while they gather facts of the case. I would hope they wouldn't be telling us about that, if they are :angel:

Even if you suspect, you cannot hold or search or any of that stuff without probable cause and a warrant. This goes for people and trucks ;)

However, they can tail someone while they gather facts of the case. I would hope they wouldn't be telling us about that, if they are :angel:

:gomods: We love you all!!

Oh, maybe you missed all the still public albums; this danger theory doesn't stand a chance!! :saythat:


Where are you finding the public albums? I don't see that she still has an account at all.
My two cents: Whether she can verify where she was or not is irrelevant at this point. They know about her and know she was with Kyron. She is a known factor and they know where she was that day, they know where she is now. They have searched all those places, and no Kyron. So she is adept at concealing or not? If she is not guilty of taking Kyron perhaps they are using the annimosity that is very apparent in the community to solicit information. They want to know everyone that saw Kyron and Terri. This give everyone an opportunity to come forward and say self rightously that they saw them, or their child saw Kyron. That gives LE the chance to say, ok where were you, who was around you, what time was that, where did you park, could we see all of your pictures? ask all the questions. If Terri didn't take Kyron, perhaps the person that did could be identified. Use Terri as a magnet to bring out all the people that want her to be quilty and talk to them. Perhaps someone is pointing fingers for a reason. If she is guilty, that will come out in time, if she isn't . . . . they still need to find Kyron
Also thinking about her going out today and especially after the questionaires to the community,how has that affected her?A teacher is a respected position,all the activities she's been involved with in the community and now she's the focus of an investigation.That in itself is probably an unbearable pressure.
Do we have any video of her going out today? Or was it just stated in an article? I had to go out for a while and missed it.

OMG, Sauvie Island has a clothing-optional beach!:woohoo:
I just don't know where else to ask this, and this thread seemed better than anywhere else!

Has it been confirmed that "RDSQRL" is Terri's username on various web/comment forums? If this is just rumor, say the word and I go no further. ;)

Not confirmed - not allowed for discussion...per mods in previous threads closed for review....
With LE stating for fact Terri was the last person to see Kyron - what about the account earlier on that he was in a group and then the "sub" or parent volunteer said Kyron was missing and the teacher said calm down maybe he is in the bathroom or getting a drink.

So is that thrown out the window too - because if that were the case the sub or other kids in that group would be the last to see him.

Hi Jules, It was Tanner who saw Kyron walk by the door when their group was all together except for him - 9am I assume, right before the bell.

I think the Sheriff's statement postcedes { :waitasec: can't think of the right word meaning comes after} Tanner's seeing Kyron. He flat out stated SM was the LAST one to see Kyron before he disappeared.

Don't you think?
I think they are in a hurry to make an arrest. There is a lot of pressure on LE right now. I don't think they can make an arrest. No body, no confession, probalby no physical evidence, maybe nothing but discrepancies between her story and cell phone pings. They said it themselves, the investigation has to be perfect. If they find Kyron, and especially if he is at Sauvie Island, then look for an arrest. Barring that, without more they can't do a thing.

I actually get the opposite impression, i.e., that they're not in a hurry to make an arrest, but rather are working hard on getting it right. I found significant the statement at the presser today that "goal is to not make any mistakes in this case. To be as perfect as we can in investigating this case." I think they're moving slowly to make sure they get enough evidence and that it's admissible before they make an arrest.

The repeated statements that there's not a significant risk to the public, to me means they have a suspect in mind, they're tailing him/her and trying to build a solid case before they move in.
this is a copy paste of what Terri wrote on there "I am seeking employment with elementary level grades, but while searching, I currently volunteer my reading specialist skills at Skyline Elementary in the Portland Public School System. "

so yes volunteer

Under 'Experience' for both teaching assistant and reading specialist, she has stated X date to present, and references being currently active in those capacities at Skyline. It reads as though she is currently employed by the PPS.
I just don't know where else to ask this, and this thread seemed better than anywhere else!

Has it been confirmed that "RDSQRL" is Terri's username on various web/comment forums? If this is just rumor, say the word and I go no further. ;)

No it hasn't anime. With an anonymous nic anyone could use her nickname that was learned over on FB and totally be someone else. There is no way for any of us to confirm this is really Terri Horman and I have seen this happen before were anonymous posters will use same nics of others and it isn't them at all.

It has even happened to me in the past.

Audreyfan I have been on many and many anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds...And they ALL have seemed to take more than 2 weeks to kick in.
Every doctor I have ever seen has always told me not to expect much from these kind of meds for a month or so.

True! But I used to joke, "a month for the GOOD effects, a day or two for the Bad to set in.." Weight gain and sleepiness almost immediately for me!
Is the general idea now that Kyron and stepmom weren't even at the school that morning? Also, the other closed thread said something about her being a former teacher. Is Terri a teacher?

They were at the school together. Arrived ~8am, did the rounds, saw some people, and then last seen ~8:45-9am but not on record as seen together leaving. For her vita/resume, you can see her public self-posted info on the Professional socmedia site that she and millions of others use. In regards to this school, she is a regular volunteer/helper (well, that is, up until the Science Fair day).

One thought that has been in my mind about Terri "cooperating..."
Well what choice does she have?
She could take a lie detector and fail it...but still they can't say she isn't cooperating because she took one in the first place...
She could "cooperate" with the flier being released...well what the heck is she supposed to say/do? No, I don't agree with it?
She could be "cooperating" by answering LE's questions at any time and STILL be lying... In other words, you can still COOPERATE and be guilty.


Who says he went to the parking lot? He could have run down that walkway right by the door to the street. Apparently, it is common for people to park on the side of the road when the parking lot is full. Nobody would have seen him when everyone was busy with the exhibits. Unless...some kid looking out the window saw him running to a truck parked on the side of the road.

My sentiments exactly - said it before, parking far away would make it very easy to go unnoticed upon departure. Meet me at the car... then once together again, inquiring about the trip to the car.... Did you see any of your classmates or teachers to say bye?? No, mom.

Sedation or supreme acting by someone who knows exactly what happened.

WHY did Kyron not live with his bio mom? I have asked 1000 times and still don't know. Does bio mom have children with her husband? And are we allowed to know why the 16 yr old was sent to live w/ grandparents, yet? I am not feeling well and keep falling asleep and have missed alot of the details, but I am wide awake now and sure wish someone would tell me these things!:banghead:

We do not know and can only privately speculate on this. I did find it interesting that major news outline (HLN today) used language such as "sent away" in regards to this question (perhaps why it is fresh on your mind) when I know I haven't seen any details on the why - even with all the socmedia family public postings out there.

I'm also very interested in info on the cell ping, :waitasec: what does WW mean? Thanks in advance.

WWeek is our weekly paper here in Portland. It's been around for 35 years and has received investigative reporting accolades. I believe in the integrity of their story and have ever since it was reported. To your question, here is how they put the ping part:

"WW has learned that federal, county and city law-enforcement officials say the reason for the search of Sauvie Island is that cell-phone records reveal Kyron’s step-mother, Terri Moulton Horman, may have been on the island the day he disappeared.

This information comes from five separate law-enforcement officials from agencies at the city, county and federal level. To our knowledge, none is directly involved with the investigation." End WWeek quotes.
Hi Jules, It was Tanner who saw Kyron walk by the door when their group was all together except for him - 9am I assume, right before the bell.

I think the Sheriff's statement postcedes { :waitasec: can't think of the right word meaning comes after} Tanner's seeing Kyron. He flat out stated SM was the LAST one to see Kyron before he disappeared.

Don't you think?

Right but I think the operative word is BEFORE he disappeared. He didnt say "when he disappeared."

Do we have any video of her going out today? Or was it just stated in an article? I had to go out for a while and missed it.

One of the TV stations here - KGW - had video of her in the Mustang coming and going today.

I don't remember what was said exactly, but I initially had the impression that she had come and gone more than once today. I could be wrong because I wasn't completely focused at the time.
My two cents: Whether she can verify where she was or not is irrelevant at this point. They know about her and know she was with Kyron. She is a known factor and they know where she was that day, they know where she is now. They have searched all those places, and no Kyron. So she is adept at concealing or not? If she is not guilty of taking Kyron perhaps they are using the annimosity that is very apparent in the community to solicit information. They want to know everyone that saw Kyron and Terri. This give everyone an opportunity to come forward and say self rightously that they saw them, or their child saw Kyron. That gives LE the chance to say, ok where were you, who was around you, what time was that, where did you park, could we see all of your pictures? ask all the questions. If Terri didn't take Kyron, perhaps the person that did could be identified. Use Terri as a magnet to bring out all the people that want her to be quilty and talk to them. Perhaps someone is pointing fingers for a reason. If she is guilty, that will come out in time, if she isn't . . . . they still need to find Kyron

Having just attended a talent show at my grandkids school one week and then a 'graduation' from elementary school for one of my grandsons at the same school a week later, I can tell you I have tons of pics that have other kids, parents, etc in them. Maybe someone has a pic they are not aware of that has valuable info in it, maybe all parents who were there taking pics should bring their cameras in for LE to look at and see if they perhaps caught something on camera that could be of evidentary value.
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