Sniff tests, hair decomp, really so conclusive? Fence sitters thread

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Right, I still don't have enough facts to know whether she's a pathological liar or if it's an innocent compulsive lying problem, or whether Casey is alive or not. So I will remain hopeful that she is alive unless the evidence becomes irrefutable. Of course even if the evidence finally proves that Caylee is no longer living (hopefully this is not the case), then there would be the next hurdle of whether Casey had anything to do with her death.

Boy, I know the defense team would want you on the jury!!
A person on a different site said they had smelled a dead body and that they really couldn't tell the difference between it and a dead animal.

There is definitely a difference . . . if you have not experienced the smell of a decaying body, then go search it out! You will then know there is NO comparison to animal decomp or food that is spoiled . . .
Reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith's final days . . . anyone remember the bizzare video that surfaced when she had her faced painted like a clown, talking like a kid, playing with a young girl . . .

HMMMM dugs make you do strange things.
I'll continue to sit on the fence til I hear it from his mouth himself. Not trusting reporters on this one. I want to believe there is still a chance.

I heard it from the detectives mouth on the news so far 2 times today. He confirmed all the media reports are accurate and that they have conclusive evidence that Caylee was in the trunk of her mom's car and was dead. He said now we are searching for a dead body.

Cindy also responded saying that she wanted an apology from the OCSO and that we should be searching for an alive Caylee.
Again though, this isn't about Casey. We don't know yet who is the one who killed little Caylee - we can only assume with what information we have.

However, with Caylee, we do know the outcome based on the information we have. It's science!
EntreNous wrote: Hi guys. I'm new to this forum but this is one question I can answer, prolly the only one :crazy:.

Thank you so very much for this explanation and in layman's terms I can understand.:) Much Appreciated!
I heard it from the detectives mouth on the news so far 2 times today. He confirmed all the media reports are accurate and that they have conclusive evidence that Caylee was in the trunk of her mom's car and was dead. He said now we are searching for a dead body.

I wish you could point me to a video. Because I need to hear it myself from the detectives. Even though I still would want to sit on the fence. Hate me for not wanting to believe that she is not with us anymore, if you want. Oppinions are like a$$h0le$ we all have them. That's what my father always said anyway.
Didn't you find Casey's statements to police very strange? Like saying, "Zenaida lived there (pointing to an old folks' home) on the second floor with her mother, and her roommate lived on the floor above her, the 3rd floor".....all that weird stuff. It doesn't make sense, it's incoherent.
Oh, but trust me, I was just as horrified as you at her not being able to give police concrete leads all this time.
Then it turns out this building she was pointing at for police was across from where she'd been staying with friends (Ricardo and JP's apartment where Amy also stayed). So, was she trying to clue the police in to anything? Is she confused and doesn't know the difference? It doesn't make any sense as a lie since they of course find out in 5 minutes that it's an old folks' home she's pointing at.
Fear can do strange things. Not saying I agree with her actions but then again I am not her so I can't say what she was feeling.
Fear of what??? The kidnappers ??? I mean in the beginning the nanny had her and she just loved Caylee so much per Casey that is. what was the fear I think maybe the only fear was people finding out she no longer had Caylee. what do you think? then the kidnappers came and they had her then ,Zanny had a sister Sam. Now was any of this incoherent????
EntreNous wrote: Hi guys. I'm new to this forum but this is one question I can answer, prolly the only one :crazy:.

Thank you so very much for this explanation and in layman's terms I can understand.:) Much Appreciated!

Welcome Amity!
Do you still believe in Santa Claus too? I could discount the body farm saying they was a dead body in the car. I could discount the FBI saying there was DNA evidence saying Caylee's hair was in the trunk and it came from a dead person. I could discount the mother not telling anyone her daughter was missing for 31 days. I could discount the dogs hitting on the trunk. I could discount the mother saying a person that cannot be found to have existed took her baby. I could discount that her saying she told 2 other people about her missing in those 31 days even if one denies it and the other doesn't exist. I could discount a lot of things. BUT IN THE SAME CASE? I want her to be alive, too. I also want the tooth fairy to come and leave me money when I put my tooth under the pillow, but that isn't going to happen. Are the Anthony's posting here?

LOL!! I've been wondering the same thing!!
I really wish I could agree with you Seagull. I unfortunately, do not share your views. I am not sure why you think a pathological liar has to make things up that sound plausible. Also, I don't think there could be a good reason for her stealing large amounts of money from family and friends. I would love to still have the hope that you do. Perhaps by understanding your views, we may be able to understand a little better where Cindy is coming from. I say that with respect, I am not trying to be sarcstic at all.
As someone who has smelled a rotting corpse, I can verify that it smells NOTHING like animal, food, or plant decomp. AT ALL.

My hubby is a funeral director and has sadly had much experience with badly decomposed bodies. He said that even a person who is uneducated in what human decomposition smells like would almost certainly know what they were smelling if they encountered it - human decomposition, in his own words, is the worst smell imaginable, especially is high heat is also a factor in the situation.
Fear of what??? The kidnappers ??? I mean in the beginning the nanny had her and she just loved Caylee so much per Casey that is. what was the fear I think maybe the only fear was people finding out she no longer had Caylee. what do you think? then the kidnappers came and they had her then ,Zanny had a sister Sam. Now was any of this incoherent????

I believe I said I was not her and I could not say what she was feeling.
My hubby is a funeral director and has sadly had much experience with badly decomposed bodies. He said that even a person who is uneducated in what human decomposition smells like would almost certainly know what they were smelling if they encountered it - human decomposition, in his own words, is the worst smell imaginable, especially is high heat is also a factor in the situation.

Yes--it was beyond description, and even though I had never smelled it before, there was no question what it was.
Reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith's final days . . . anyone remember the bizzare video that surfaced when she had her faced painted like a clown, talking like a kid, playing with a young girl . . .

I will never forget that.
One of the saddest things I've ever seen. And him filming it with amusement.
I wish you could point me to a video. Because I need to hear it myself from the detectives. Even though I still would want to sit on the fence. Hate me for not wanting to believe that she is not with us anymore, if you want. Oppinions are like a$$h0le$ we all have them. That's what my father always said anyway.

1) WESH-Channel 2 trumpeted that it had broken the news. Anchor Amanda Ober said, "For the first time, Orange County investigators go on the record: They tell WESH2 that recent FBI lab tests indicated Caylee Anthony's body was in her mother's trunk and that the child is dead. It's a story our Bob Kealing broke on this afternoon."

2) WFTV-Channel 9 on Wednesday reported that the child was dead. WFTV promoted that coverage in an early evening newscast Sunday. WFTV also offered Allen on camera saying, "There was a dead body in the trunk of Casey's car and that body was Caylee."

3) WOFL-Channel 35 reported that Sgt. Allen would say, off camera, that the evidence suggests Caylee's dead body was in the car.

So, three Orlando stations apparently have LE confirming forensics . . . I bet video is on their sites.
The "My fear made me pole dance" defense.


that part of the character assassination has irked me throughout this case, too. Even if she worked as a stripper, or pole dancer, or prostitute, that would have nothing to do with being a murderer.

It's possible she thought or knew Caylee was with someone safe at the time, it's possible she's so confused and disintegrated that she forgets what's going on, it's possible she's in shock and doesn't really understand that Caylee is gone. I can't tell yet. She definitely mixes dates up completely, she said the 9th was the last she saw Caylee but Caylee was definitely fine until the 15th at least.
Let me tell you I have had the opportunity or should I say unfortunate opportunity to live with a person who was just like Casey it was so much like it my hubby said the other day you know who she sounds like and I said who he told me I said you know my friend and I just said that this morning, are they dangerous well lets just say he took his life and his girl friends you know why he was nailed to the wall to accept responsibility for actions he was involved in at the time. people with these problems are capable of killing their child or you if you cross her wrong make no mistake.
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