So sad: Man, 70 puts ad in paper, just wants a friend

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DuckFeet said:
I am still getting letters from Dennis consistently portraying himself as a much younger man -- taking Real Estate Classes to expand his horizens and income, decorating his apartment, dating, looking for a partner... Because I do not feel comfortable with his CONSISTENT inaccuracies, I have not responded. That only increases my mail from him. I am now writing "Refused-Return to Sender" on the envelopes and sending them back. He is not making inconsistent, forgetful- type, statements. They are a consistent and elaborate story that does not jive with what the rest of you are getting from him/relaying about him. This situation seems really odd to me.
Previous quote "Today I received a long handwritten letter from "Dennis". I had sent him a short note in response to this thread. His reply--- "I was given your name and address by a mutual friend who made me promise I wouldn't tell who. ...
I am a white 47 year old male, not married or involved with anyone right now."

Just my observation--------Dennis is the "mutual friend" of yours-Dennis has your address..........

Dennis may have given your address to his 47 yo friend-and made his friend promise not to tell. The correspondence is most likely not from Dennis, but from Dennis' friend. Dennis may have wanted to help his friend out since his friend may have been jealous of all the females writing to him-and thought he might get lucky and find a nice gal! My guess- this is one of his helpful neighbors who brings him groceries, and reads his mail.....
AND COULD have the same name "Dennis" or is giving you that name in hopes to hear back from you.
At least it sounds that way....
I wonder if someone should contact the elder abuse authorities about Dennis. Since his phone is now disconnected, he seemed extremely confused to the one messenger who delivered the initial letters, and because of this very strange development. One of the posts said that a pay pal account was being set up for Dennis and many people were responding, so Dennis could have gotten quite a bit of cash in the mail. I haven't read any posts stating that anyone has actually gone to visit Dennis in person, and only a few have talked to him on the phone. Someone could be taking advantage of him or running some type of scam. How could Dennis afford a newspaper ad, be able to give an interview, receive money from people, then have to disconnect his telephone. It all seems fishy to me, and I'll bet the newspaper that ran the ad about Dennis would be glad to help out and do some investigating.
I sent a request to the newspaper to please do a follow up story on Dennis - I have heard nothing from them - if anyone local sees a story, please post.

When I sent a letter, I did not put an address on the letter itself, just the envelope - he said he got it off the pkg. This is when he told me what cigarettes he smoked and that he kept beer in the house for friends... I too feel he is being taken advantage of by someone helping him - I feel sad because the real Dennis may not even know there are people who care about him.
Casshew said:
Hi Duckfeet,

I never received a reply from him at all... I sent him a nice card & letter in February. It is funny how some he replies to with truthful statements, some, like yourself with odd statements, and to me not at all!

Well at least he knows people cared enough to contact him and converse ~ he was really not alone in the world after all.

Do you think you will write him back? :confused:

=====<>< I just found this thread today, May 23, 04.
Casshew, maybe he runs short of paper and stamps!

Those who have gotten letters, what type of paper does he write on, stamps are an expense for him no doubt, especially if he is on the up and up. It is difficult for older folks to physically write much, arthritis etc. My heart went out to his needs as well, but surely he could qualify easily with his military service to get into an assisted living situation, or a nursing home.

Sad, deal. I saw a whole boatload of sadness in the nursing home when hubby was there. Guys who obviously were veterans, and through hard living and lifes slings and arrows were having a hard time, and wheel chair bound. The VFW should come to the rescue and would be a valuable asset in determining for one of our WS'ers on just 'Exactly' what Dennis needs are for us, and if someone is taking advantage of him in some way, etc.
The first time I wrote, I sent lined writing paper, envelopes, and a book of US Flag stamps. That is what my letter from him was written on and the return addy was in two different handwritings. I can't remember what I said in my letter - nothing to indicate I was a single female looking for a love interest I'm sure. I think the real Dennis needs help but not sure I can help by writing, I think someone is taking advantage of him. Do they mean any harm to him? I doubt that - just using the kindness of strangers. Does it make me mad? - no, but it does make me sad. Wish someone could take care of this situation for his sake.
May I ask whatever happened with all this?? I just found this thread (thanks to Casshew's link) and now I'm curious!! Does anyone still keep in contact with the man???
I also wondered what has happened. Whether his web tv was delivered. A paypal account was set up in his name, so I would think that he got some extra money for stamps. I don't know, there were no more posts about it. If Dennis was getting some in home health care they should be able to refer him to other programs. I think Dennis may have a younger friend who ran a scam. Some people talked to him on the phone and they think he is legit, but that he may being taken advantage of. I know from my experience with my own veteran dad, he was a con artist until the day he died. I've seen him move out of apartments without notice, getting his full deposit back, being given the whole apt. full of furniture, and not lifting a finger to move his own self. He was even bootlegging in a retirement home. Not all elderly are honest but hopefully Dennis is okay and happy.
I have not heard anything from Dennis in a while. I have tried to call, as well, and every time I get a recording (from Germany in German) that is so fast I cannot understand it.

It's not the usual recording, so I doubt his line is busy.

Anyone else tried to call lately?

Praying he is ok, Lanie
I haven't heard from him in a long time. I no longer have his phone number as he left many rude and nasty voice messages on my answering machine when I was out of town visiting family. I really wanted to help out and was enjoying what we were doing but I did not appreciate the tone and language he used when leaving me messages. I have a child that could have easily heard these messages. Thank Goodness he didn't.

Since I did not return his calls, I have not heard from him nor did I write down his new number he left on my machine.
I have been curious about this post as well...I am glad it started up again. What kind of rude/nasty messages did he leave you, alpha? What were they regarding? It all seems so bizarre to me. After reading everything, it does sound quite inconsistent and like there is more than one person running some type of scam. Does anyone have the name or phone number of the original reporter who first ran the story? Perhaps someone in that town could contact the reporter and tell him what has gone on with this group and see if he could do a follow-up. If it does turn out to be a scam, the newspaper could be made more aware of people trying to do this type of thing.
I don't think it was a scam. He did put an ad in the paper and the reporter went to his home to interview him. ( I live in the area )

I'm not sure if he's "confused" or enjoys having one "pity" him but he would tell me no one has wrote him or called him. (And I knew they had, I had even sent over lots of cards, letters and books that came from my PO Box and he said he never got them but my friend HAND DELIVERED them so I know he did. I'm not sure what was up but I went out of town for 2 weeks and when I came back he had left me over 25 messages. They were full of demands and he used swear words that I did not appreciate. (Demands to call him, demands to go to the store and purchase him cigarettes, etc) I think he thought I was ignoring him and he gotr angry and began to curse me in the messages. I did not ignore him, I was visiting relatives. Anyways after those messages and what I read on here I decided not to call him back or go to his apt. (Another member and I were making plans to take him to lunch)I haven't heard from him since.
alpharee said:
I don't think it was a scam. He did put an ad in the paper and the reporter went to his home to interview him. ( I live in the area )

I'm not sure if he's "confused" or enjoys having one "pity" him but he would tell me no one has wrote him or called him. (And I knew they had, I had even sent over lots of cards, letters and books that came from my PO Box and he said he never got them but my friend HAND DELIVERED them so I know he did. I'm not sure what was up but I went out of town for 2 weeks and when I came back he had left me over 25 messages. They were full of demands and he used swear words that I did not appreciate. (Demands to call him, demands to go to the store and purchase him cigarettes, etc) I think he thought I was ignoring him and he gotr angry and began to curse me in the messages. I did not ignore him, I was visiting relatives. Anyways after those messages and what I read on here I decided not to call him back or go to his apt. (Another member and I were making plans to take him to lunch)I haven't heard from him since.

Thanks for the update, alpha

So you never did get to go and visit him, then?

Do you know what ever happened with the web TV and the other pc that was offered, did anyone get either one to him?

Did you say you got some paypal donations, and if so what happened with the monies donated?

I think he is confused. I think he is depressed and probably drinks out of boredom and depression sometimes. I mean he is stuck in that little apartment with nothing but a dern TV. That would bite.

If you happen to find out anything, a new number, please e-mail it to me, alpha, cuz I wish to try and stay in touch if possible. I think Dennis is safe, but you have to follow your heart and do what is best for your child.

Thanks and blessings to you and yours, Lanie
this could be more of a police matter or social services issue. Or better yet, contact a minister of a christian church near where he lives.

He may well have Alzheimers, and could in fact need more help than a card or phone call would give him.

Crimes against the elderly are manifest and an ugly little secret.

He, I believe needs someone in authority in his city to check the whole thing out, for his benefit, just to make sure someone is not taking his living money from him and just providing booze or something similar.
I tried to contact the reporter by email several months ago but my email was returned and I don't remember exactly why. I know that someone had to run that initial ad, but I wouldn't doubt if Dennis had some extra help from someone. Dennis doesn't sound too confused if he knew to call the number of the person who has the po box where things were being sent to him at. He, or whoever was with him, were probably hoping for quite a lot of cash to be sent or donations via pay pal.
Now that is really strange if the reporter's email was returned. The only thing I can figure is that this man does have Alzheimers, or is somewhat senile and does not remember or understand what is going on. That, or he has some "help" from a younger neighbor, relative or acquaintance who is pocketing the money and taking the help offered for Dennis for himself. If he was a veteran, could the local VA hospital send someone to check on him at that address?
WasBlind said:
Thanks for the update, alpha

So you never did get to go and visit him, then?

Do you know what ever happened with the web TV and the other pc that was offered, did anyone get either one to him?

Did you say you got some paypal donations, and if so what happened with the monies donated?

I think he is confused. I think he is depressed and probably drinks out of boredom and depression sometimes. I mean he is stuck in that little apartment with nothing but a dern TV. That would bite.

If you happen to find out anything, a new number, please e-mail it to me, alpha, cuz I wish to try and stay in touch if possible. I think Dennis is safe, but you have to follow your heart and do what is best for your child.

Thanks and blessings to you and yours, Lanie

No I never said I got donations. I did set up a paypal acct because others suggested it but no one donated so closed it months ago.
He may be safe but I am not taking chances, sorry. As far as alcohol involved I think it is and I will not be around it or subject my family to it. I really enjoy helping people but I think this turned into much more than someone wanting a "friend" I'm sorry to involve so many, I thought we were doing a good deed but I indeed think it was a mistake now.
Yes he seemed like a nice man in the beginning but if you had heard those messages, you would understand where I'm coming from. DO I think it was a scam NO, but abusing ones' friendliness, YES.
txsvicki said:
I tried to contact the reporter by email several months ago but my email was returned and I don't remember exactly why. I know that someone had to run that initial ad, but I wouldn't doubt if Dennis had some extra help from someone. Dennis doesn't sound too confused if he knew to call the number of the person who has the po box where things were being sent to him at. He, or whoever was with him, were probably hoping for quite a lot of cash to be sent or donations via pay pal.
He recieved no cash as far as I know. He did receive the webtv because it was mentioned in one of his messages. You're right, he wasn't confused a bit when he continued to call me. He did ask me for money on several occassions to buy "cigarettes" in which I said NO I will not do, he got angry with me.
We proved that we here at Websleuths are a good family. We wanted someone to know they were respected for their past service, we wanted this person to not have to spend their days being lonely, on and on, our prayers and attempts to help are a good thing.

Evidently, the people here are use to helping others for whatever reason. Perhaps we have been helped at one time, or someone we know, or just like to give a helping hand. This instance does not change that for me. This just proved to me that Dennis (or Dennis and friend) do need our prayers and good thoughts. Maybe someday, if we were being used, he will get the message.

This will not keep me from doing things for other people, there are so many people that just receiving a card can make a big difference in their day. So keep doing for others cause it feels sooo good.
lorann said:
We proved that we here at Websleuths are a good family. We wanted someone to know they were respected for their past service, we wanted this person to not have to spend their days being lonely, on and on, our prayers and attempts to help are a good thing.

Evidently, the people here are use to helping others for whatever reason. Perhaps we have been helped at one time, or someone we know, or just like to give a helping hand. This instance does not change that for me. This just proved to me that Dennis (or Dennis and friend) do need our prayers and good thoughts. Maybe someday, if we were being used, he will get the message.

This will not keep me from doing things for other people, there are so many people that just receiving a card can make a big difference in their day. So keep doing for others cause it feels sooo good.
You're right lorann :clap: There are many many good people out there that could use a helping hand and I will gladly help all that I can.
i have been reading about Dennis, I live in a complex for 62yrs and older, this is a lonley place too.every one here has family but me, being the youngest here, i know what lonley is. the hardest thing is not having a car, every one wants money for gas, which is fair.i know there are things i need, even dish soap. i'm going to be 64 on the 23th of sept. ouch.
thanks for being out there.
judy long

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