So... where is Lee?

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EXCEPT--Casey had to have known the car was towed from Amscot and it was a matter of time before her parents found out because the car was in their name. Upon reading, "big problem," I think she went into cover up mode. She wasn't planning on Amy bringing Cindy to the apt, but what else would "big problem" mean to Casey when received from her mother? Cindy knew something and the walls were closing in.....

Ok, true....BUT, she told Cindy at the apartment "I'll go with you, but I'm coming back!" so she expected she was going to come back later. So why would she have crashed the laptop earlier, upon getting that text?

I don't think she had a clue about what was getting ready to go down back at home with the cops getting involved, etc. She thought she could do what she'd always done, and talk Cindy into giving her a few more days. So I'm still puzzled......:waitasec: < my fave new icon!
Ok, true....BUT, she told Cindy at the apartment "I'll go with you, but I'm coming back!" so she expected she was going to come back later. So why would she have crashed the laptop earlier, upon getting that text?

I don't think she had a clue about what was getting ready to go down back at home with the cops getting involved, etc. She thought she could do what she'd always done, and talk Cindy into giving her a few more days. So I'm still puzzled......:waitasec: < my fave new icon!

KC had to know ---was about to hit the fan though.AH had just got back -how long was it gonna take her to find out KC had stolen all that money ! I do think that the text from CA was really weird though..the wording of it was almost like "were in trouble"
If the laptop was incorrectly shut down just once on WindowsMe or several times on XP, the BSOD will show up on it's own. I really don't think it was done on purpose. Maybe whoever shut it down didn't know the correct process. (believe me, I know many who had to be taught!) Plus, if you know anything about pc's, you know data can be recovered once it's deleted. I just don't see the purpose of trying to sabatoge the laptop.
Another coverup...CA/GA specifically told LE they "hoped & prayed" it wasn't KC or Caylee....but then she texts her saying we have a problem? Wouldn't one text her and say " OMG honey we found your car we suspect foul play cuz it stinks so bad...please even if you dont want to talk to us, send me text that you AND Caylee are ok".

They obviously stripped all the evidence they could..while CA contacted AH to find KC (admitted finding AH # digging thru car)

The car was returned at 230p-300p...she didnt contact AH until 5pm OR text Casey incessantly to find her. One text isnt a manhunt.

Did TonE mention in his interviews why the laptop had the BSOD? I know KC was using it when CA came to the apartment to speak with her.

I can't keep all of the facts straight in this case!

I do not recall TL mentioning it in any of his interviews. I think only LA talks about it in the initial interview with LE.
It would be easier to keep the facts straight if we didn't have to weed out all the lies one by one!:crazy:
Just wanted to point out that CA and GA hadn't see CAYLEE in 30 days, not Casey, so the message about "we have a problem" may not seem like a big deal to Casey. She had been talking to and seeing CA and GA from June 16 on and was making up excuses why Caylee wasn't with her (nanny).
We're missing something here - why would LE even use the word 'destroyed' unless Lee had said something to them about it? You'd expect to see the question "And you gave her back the key?", but that's not what he was asked.


I agree, but I believe the cop said it on his own.... To me it does sound like something a cop would say....Cop lingo to me
Is there any independent testimony about the BSOD on the laptop? If not, isn't it possible that Casey crashed it AFTER Lee brought it back to the house--and Lee is just saying the BSOD was there all along so that Casey doesn't get in trouble for tampering with potential evidence?
Just wanted to point out that CA and GA hadn't see CAYLEE in 30 days, not Casey, so the message about "we have a problem" may not seem like a big deal to Casey. She had been talking to and seeing CA and GA from June 16 on and was making up excuses why Caylee wasn't with her (nanny).

EXACTLY....why didn't Cindy text "GET YOUR FUC*ING AZZ HOME"!!! (Since she has a mouth like a sailor...LOL)

ETA : Maybe Casey just thought she got busted for stealing from Amy with Cindy's text being so nice, in a backwards sort of way???

I do not recall TL mentioning it in any of his interviews. I think only LA talks about it in the initial interview with LE.
It would be easier to keep the facts straight if we didn't have to weed out all the lies one by one!:crazy:

So true. The amount of lies told in this case is unbelievable.
I think it's clear that it was LE who used the word "destroyed" not Lee.

Lee may have assumed it was to her new car, since Casey had been driving it that week. Amy may have even thought it was the key to her new car.

But with the idea that there was a wrecked car that smelled like a dead body ... it is very possible that Amy had given Casey a key to that car before it got wrecked, and Casey left Caylee in the wrecked car, which had been towed to Tony's.

Wish we had LA testimony on what he did with the key or AH testimony on what key was returned to her ...
Bend it out of shape????

EXACTLY!!! Don't you all know that Lee has "super powers"?? He bends keys like Uri Geller bends spoons.....with his "mind".....although, Lee, having lost the ability to use his, must get his powers elsewhere.....
I’m not the linguist who’s an expert in translating Cindese into English, but it could be that “Call me – major prob” =

I just shelled out five hundred bucks to pick up the damn car you said was in Jacksonville. Where the hell are you?
I’m not the linguist who’s an expert in translating Cindese into English, but it could be that “Call me – major prob” =

I just shelled out five hundred bucks to pick up the damn car you said was in Jacksonville. Where the hell are you?

That sounds about right. I think the text was about the car being in the towyard and not in Jacksonville like KC claimed.
Lee would have to be in a bit of a quandry this week. The sister that he's been protecting/defending has accused him of incestuous behaviour and it's all over the press, that's gotta be a bit awkward! Kind of hard to keep saying "I love my sister" to the press after this.
Maybe he's "missing" and the As are conducting their own investigations to find him. For all I know, he's buried under the sandbox. Nothing that family does would surprise me!
Maybe he's "missing" and the As are conducting their own investigations to find him. For all I know, he's buried under the sandbox. Nothing that family does would surprise me!

Hey, have you seen Lee lately? No, come to think of it, I haven't. Let's go see if his body's in the trunk!
Hey, have you seen Lee lately? No, come to think of it, I haven't. Let's go see if his body's in the trunk!

LOL! It just goes to emphasise how odd it was that C & G went looking in their backyard for Caylee when they knew she was missing....if they thought she was alive, that's a really odd thing to be doing!
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