So... where is Lee?

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Chilly's right. LA hasn't been accused of anything except by gossips.
Lee kind of drifted off after getting his rear kicked by a sign and then disappeared when he had to have a subpoena for DNA because he refused to give it voluntarily like his parents.
This is the first I've heard that his gf is pregnant.

I think LA, wisely, stepped away. I think he figured out that if he is out of site and not getting the attention then hopefully the attention will go to the right place, which is finding Caylee.

He seems very stable and level-headed to me.
The old thread on this topic was pulled by admin. It is cool to post about this topic until you all start posting maps to Lee's house and revealing all the personal information about him. If you want to discuss his absence go for it; but stay on that topic and not digging into his personal life.

Thanks JBean. Been wondering what happened to that thread. :)
I think it's so funny that this question keeps getting asked. For so long people have been saying that the Anthonys need to go crawl under a rock somewhere and keep their mouths shut, and then when one of them does, they're looked at with suspicion.

If by suspicion, you mean curiosity I can agree with you. I have not read this whole thread but the posts I see say curious, not suspicious. I also did not see rock crawling mentioned.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I didn't see Lee "everywhere" or in the spotlight prior to being asked for a DNA sample. Actually, I rarely saw him unless he was at his parent's home. Where did you see him loving the spotlight?

He gave many interviews and was beside or behind Cindy for a lot of hers. I saw it many times. Look in the archives at any of the old front yard interviews. Hope this helps.
All places he had a right to be and needed to be, he certainly can't be blamed for the cameras following the Anthonys every movement. To say he 'loved the spotlight' makes it sound as if he went on a media tour. I don't think that's fair.

EDIT to add: If the cameras were still filming at the Anthony house 24 hours a day we'd probably see Lee just as much as ever. Just because he's not being filmed constantly doesn't mean he's gone into hiding.

Of course he had a right to be there. No one questioned that. Having been on a few tours myself, It sounded nothing like that to me. I guess my question is why are you so defensive for Lee? You are taking others posts and twisting them and adding words they did not say or imply.

My guess is that Lee originally said if he thought Casey was lying or not being helpful he would not be involved.(Not a verbatim quote, just a jist thing) At thsi point he has surely seen most of the evidence and may be just moving on with his life. I could be wrong though. Have a nice day.
I hope he is taking care of the important things in his life, i.e., working to make a living, pregnant GF, paying bills, mowing the yard, etc.

He told KC he wasn't going to put up with any of that crap she had been throwing out for the past few weeks. And he meant it.

I don't think he ever wanted to be in front of the cameras at the Anthony's house, either. I imagine he is supporting them quietly, behind the scenes.

Lee if you are reading this, my thoughts and prayers are with you as this tragedy unfolds. God be with you.
why do I get the feeling that everytime a discussion starts about a member of the A fam that some are criticized for expressing an opinion about them? Obviously we are not here for an A fam fan club. I think everybody in the family should be considered suspect until the case is proved in court, and although we are not a part of the actual legal investigative powers working on this case in an official capacity, we are all here as armchair detectives and I am so tired of feeling like my mom is watching over me on every thread. Express an opinion but for the love, stop criticizing everybody who says something you might not have said. I'm just tired of reading the criticism, if I want to speculate about LA on the LA thread, I should be allowed to do that w/o someone picking me apart about it. Enough of the "poor A fam can't do anything right" pitty party.
Nope...but if you find out...let us know. LOL

PS- I just learned yesterday reading GA's interview that Lee lived just a block away. I knew he lived close, but never knew HOW close. Same cell phone tower, too, I imagine.

My theory after reading GA's transcripts is...LA and GA actually tried to help LE as much as possible. They seem to be the most level headed...and do not want to end up in jail for impeding (sp?) the investigation. GA has to live there, but LA probably got some heat for cooperating (from CA & KC). He probably figured he did what he could, now will take care of his own business.
Honestly if I were part of that family, I would do the same (probably change my name too).
why do I get the feeling that everytime a discussion starts about a member of the A fam that some are criticized for expressing an opinion about them? Obviously we are not here for an A fam fan club. I think everybody in the family should be considered suspect until the case is proved in court, and although we are not a part of the actual legal investigative powers working on this case in an official capacity, we are all here as armchair detectives and I am so tired of feeling like my mom is watching over me on every thread. Express an opinion but for the love, stop criticizing everybody who says something you might not have said. I'm just tired of reading the criticism, if I want to speculate about LA on the LA thread, I should be allowed to do that w/o someone picking me apart about it. Enough of the "poor A fam can't do anything right" pitty party.

I TOTALLY freaking agree!!! It's arguing just for argument sake, after a while those posts all end up just reading like 'blah blah blah'.
I think it's so funny that this question keeps getting asked. For so long people have been saying that the Anthonys need to go crawl under a rock somewhere and keep their mouths shut, and then when one of them does, they're looked at with suspicion.

So true!! I do wonder where Lee is at, but more out of concern, just hoping he's doing ok.
I think everybody in the family should be considered suspect until the case is proved in court

Do you have information then that LE doesn't? Because I guarantee you if there was any evidence of wrongdoing, they would be sitting in jail right alongside KC.

Personally, until I see evidence, I will regard this family as any other. They all have their problems, they all have their quirks, they are victims of a manipulative loved one. They don't deserve to be pilloried by a public with the mentality of a lynch mob.

In light of that, you are going to see some vigorous defenders of the Anthony family. I would defend them not because I like them, not because they're deserving of admiration, but because due process still exists in this country.

Moving on, I think that Lee has disappeared from the public eye for a couple of reasons. First is the public, outrageous and nasty speculation about Caylee's paternity. Second is because the evidence released is incriminating and decisive. He is a logical guy and doesn't seem like a dummy. I believe that for him, KC's lies could not stand the litmus test of such evidence and he no longer feels the need to be by her side supporting her.

Do you have information then that LE doesn't? Because I guarantee you if there was any evidence of wrongdoing, they would be sitting in jail right alongside KC.

Personally, until I see evidence, I will regard this family as any other. They all have their problems, they all have their quirks, they are victims of a manipulative loved one. They don't deserve to be pilloried by a public with the mentality of a lynch mob.

In light of that, you are going to see some vigorous defenders of the Anthony family. I would defend them not because I like them, not because they're deserving of admiration, but because due process still exists in this country.

Moving on, I think that Lee has disappeared from the public eye for a couple of reasons. First is the public, outrageous and nasty speculation about Caylee's paternity. Second is because the evidence released is incriminating and decisive. He is a logical guy and doesn't seem like a dummy. I believe that for him, KC's lies could not stand the litmus test of such evidence and he no longer feels the need to be by her side supporting her.


I don't think the poster implied they had any secret info that LE doesn't. Sometimes people state an opinion in here. Just b/c you don't agree doesn't mean you can't be nice about it.
My theory after reading GA's transcripts is...LA and GA actually tried to help LE as much as possible. They seem to be the most level headed...and do not want to end up in jail for impeding (sp?) the investigation. GA has to live there, but LA probably got some heat for cooperating (from CA & KC). He probably figured he did what he could, now will take care of his own business.
Honestly if I were part of that family, I would do the same (probably change my name too).

That's how I feel also.

Lee must have been devastated that he couldn't get Casey to stop her sick game. And all she did was tell him the same ridiculous lies she wanted the police to believe. Sad.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lee doesn't move to another state after Casey's trial is over... start a new life away from the memories.
I sincerely hope Lee has pulled out of the circus and is tending to his own business. I also hope LE puts him on the stand when KC is taken to trial and makes him tell the truth about everything he knows.
why do I get the feeling that everytime a discussion starts about a member of the A fam that some are criticized for expressing an opinion about them? Obviously we are not here for an A fam fan club. I think everybody in the family should be considered suspect until the case is proved in court, and although we are not a part of the actual legal investigative powers working on this case in an official capacity, we are all here as armchair detectives and I am so tired of feeling like my mom is watching over me on every thread. Express an opinion but for the love, stop criticizing everybody who says something you might not have said. I'm just tired of reading the criticism, if I want to speculate about LA on the LA thread, I should be allowed to do that w/o someone picking me apart about it. Enough of the "poor A fam can't do anything right" pitty party.

haha where did you come from? I like you! I agree- don't tell me how to feel about Cindy or LP or whoever. and my opinions are subject to change... I'm here to express how I feel not how you (not you personally) feel .I'm not here to please you. Im'a say what I feel, why else be here? So if you find you don't like the things I say, don't read my !
haha where did you come from? I like you! I agree- don't tell me how to feel about Cindy or LP or whoever. and my opinions are subject to change... I'm here to express how I feel not how you (not you personally) feel .I'm not here to please you. Im'a say what I feel, why else be here? So if you find you don't like the things I say, don't read my !

High 5 to that, OLG! :clap:
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