So... where is Lee?

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The poster knows all about that...she's with TES now, but if around I'm sure would have responded.
Did you try an advance search? Sorry, can't remember what thread it was on. Maybe someone else can help.

It's all out there in the threads if that person would put in the time needed to do a search. If you don't agree with what someone says, it's really up to you to find the information to disapprove it, not sit back and expect everyone to do it for you. IMO.
It's all out there in the threads if that person would put in the time needed to do a search. If you don't agree with what someone says, it's really up to you to find the information to disapprove it, not sit back and expect everyone to do it for you. IMO.
Doesn't matter 'cause it wasn't verifiable.
It's all out there in the threads if that person would put in the time needed to do a search. If you don't agree with what someone says, it's really up to you to find the information to disapprove it. IMO.

I've always thought it was the opposite, that posters were expected to prove their own statements, not disprove other people's.
Doesn't matter 'cause it wasn't verifiable.

I'm speaking in general terms, not specifically to this question. It's just a peeve of mine that when someone disagrees with something another person posts, they want that person to bring them the "proof". I say it's up to them to dispprove it. That's all.
I've always thought it was the opposite, that posters were expected to prove their own statements, not disprove other people's.

And I always thought it was the opposite of what you think.
I'm speaking in general terms, not specifically to this question. It's just a peeve of mine that when someone disagrees with something another person posts, they want that person to bring them the "proof". I say it's up to them to dispprove it. That's all.
ITA...I firmly had my tongue-in-cheek!! :blowkiss:
Nope...but if you find out...let us know. LOL

PS- I just learned yesterday reading GA's interview that Lee lived just a block away. I knew he lived close, but never knew HOW close. Same cell phone tower, too, I imagine.

Yeah, I think George called it "the next street over from us"...that is pretty close. Close enough I'd say that Casey could have stayed there lots of times when she had no place else to go and likely did. They love one another "unconditionally" remember and they understand one another on all levels, so I am fairly certain that somtimes Casey was at Lee's.
I have done a search. I can't find anything that's verifiable. To believe it certainly I would like to see a screenshot, and a header with an IP address. If anyone has a link to that it would certainly be welcome.

Email is SO easy to perpetuate frauds with. So, so easy. It isn't that I don't believe he might do this, I don't know. But in light of how easy it is to use Email in a fraudulent manner I would want proof, at least to the extent of seeing an Orlando IP and other verified Emails from LA originating from that same address and IP.

More than one of the folks that also got that email came on here and verified what it said. The reason it went out to Lee in the 1st place was because one of the ladies had been corresponding with him in a supportive manner (his email was and likely still is posted right on the Caylee site), and when she sent out this "mass" communication to everyone in her address book she neglected to recall that he was there, so therefore he got the email. He responded with a mass communication of his own and sent it out to everyone who got the 1st email, which FYI was just requesting small $5 donations be made to Tim Miller and Equusearch.

David Lhor of The Criminal Report Daily a reporter and blogger for the Discovery Channel, also received it and reported it, and he is very thorough and would have verified it-so it has been pretty well verified that Lee did send that email and it was not nice either. It said in effect, don't waste your money sending it to Equusearch who have not done one thing to find Caylee, and don't even get me started on Tim M.
Where is Lee? I couldn't even hazzard a guess but I hope Lee is taking care of himself and maintaining as much of a normal life as he can under the circumstances. He gets mad, he does foolish things but he is human and a as far as we know, he didn't kill anyone. He should have some privacy. The dignity of the whole family has been torn to shreds. Hopefully, he can salvage some and move on with his life.
I can't speak about whether a request for DNA would have caused Lee to retreat to the waydownlow, but the unintentionally hilarious spectacle of his attempt to kill a protest sign, immediately followed by his confiscation of a dog dish may have been sufficiently humiliating to make him hide his face.

LOL! And don't forget nearly running over protestors with his Mustang outside the family home.
I agree with you 100% regarding the family being innocent of any wrong doing regarding the PRE-MEDITATED MURDER of Caylee.

However.......... this sleazy bunch of "family" members will NEVER get a free pass from me regarding how they handled themselves before, during, or after the investigation.

I totally agree with you, I think they have behaved like asses and have done everything in their power to legally obstruct this investigation. But I try to look at things from all sides and try to empathize with them. Not agree with them, empathize with them. I really think that KC is such a skilled manipulator and liar that they up to very recently have believed whatever lies she has been telling them that we're not privy to. I think they have wanted to believe her even when logic was screaming not to, because it is horrifying to imagine your own flesh and blood doing such a thing, and even more horrifying to wonder if something you did caused your daughter to turn into such a monster. It is no wonder to me that Cindy acts like a nut, George looks like a deer in the headlights and Lee has vanished like smoke. KC is family, no matter what she did. I have a 9 month old daughter now and when I'm nursing her, playing with her, changing her diapers, and loving her I can't imagine fast-forwarding 20 years and dealing with such a situation. Can any of us say what we would choose to do and believe in this situation? I just don't think this family deserves to be burnt at the stake in the court of public opinion, and I won't succumb to a mob mentality, even if going against the grain earns me scorn.

Oh, and thanks to those who provided links.
And I always thought it was the opposite of what you think.
When someone posts something as fact, they should be prepared to back it up. You would be surprised at how much information is carried as fact when it isn't. It's not because people are trying to be deceptive, it's because they read it somewhere from someone that posted it as fact, but they didn't ask for a link or backup and the reality is, it wasn't fact at all. By asking for a link or backup, it keeps all of us from passing on bad info unintentionally.
Now there are times when certain things should be stipulated as fact because we have documented it so many times. In those instances it is annoying to have to repost the same thing over and over. Agreeing on what items those are can be a source of argument lol.
I agree with you 100% regarding the family being innocent of any wrong doing regarding the PRE-MEDITATED MURDER of Caylee.

However.......... this sleazy bunch of "family" members will NEVER get a free pass from me regarding how they handled themselves before, during, or after the investigation.

Agreed. I hope that they are not given a free pass by LE or SA either if they were involved in anything criminal after the fact. They have all behaved abominably from day one. No sympathy for the A's from me.
Can someone post a media link where the cops ? lee, and by the way I still remember the FAMOUS High Five!
When someone posts something as fact, they should be prepared to back it up. You would be surprised at how much information is carried as fact when it isn't. It's not because people are trying to be deceptive, it's because they read it somewhere from someone that posted it as fact, but they didn't ask for a link or backup and the reality is, it wasn't fact at all. By asking for a link or backup, it keeps all of us from passing on bad info unintentionally.
Now there are times when certain things should be stipulated as fact because we have documented it so many times. In those instances it is annoying to have to repost the same thing over and over. Agreeing on what items those are can be a source of argument lol.

If I read a post that I don't agree with, I go and research it to see if I'm right or not. I don't want to presume I am. If I find information or documentation that supports my opinion, I'll post the link. I won't ask someone to go get a link for me. I think the burden is on me to check MY opinion.
Lee has taken the high road. No free pass for Lee. It's like this...tell the truth or don't speak at all...he has chosen to not speak.
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