Sociopaths and Speech Patterns

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Hello WS :)

I definitely may be getting sociopath(s) and borderline personality disorder confused. Its true. In searching for an "answer" to why my mother is the way she is, I have thought it was a lot of things. But, she and my father and most of my family and my husbands family exhibit different behaviors belonging to the descriptions of both disorders. I am fine with calling it just plain mean.

I know my mother hates herself, and in seeing her children as extensions of herself, she then treats us hatefully. I think my mother felt powerless as a child, and then just as powerless as a woman and so when she was given power over her children: she went mad with power. I think of her like a dictator, she ruled the roost with an iron fist.

She would actually say, "My father ruled us with an iron fist." She was very clear that she had grown up in a much more strict way and that we were lucky she was so easy going.

When I was in the second grade, I was invited by our neighbors who had kids my age, to see fourth of July fireworks with them. I got really excited by the idea but then very upset at thinking that I would not be with my mom for the holiday. I had it all worked up in my mind to the point I saw my mom sad and lonely and alone and I started crying. I couldn't fall asleep and so I went downstairs and through sobs I told my mom I didn't want to go see the fireworks and why. She looked at me flatly and said, "well, I was never going to let you go."

This falls under the category of "you get yourself all worked up over nothing." My mother feels it is me who has the mental illness. She would laugh a hearty laugh at the idea that it is she and not me, who needs help. She would also tell everyone, that I am a liar.

I have had to work to not believe my mother's reality. I still see Casey as 100% responsible for what she did to Caylee but I have no problem in seeing the influence Cindy had on making Casey who she is. It can't be overstated the importance of how a mother treats(raises)her children to those children.

When children are successful in life, they and we always praise the parents for doing such a great job but when they fail, most parents want to say it had nothing to do with them. In my mother's opinion the worst thing I do is my "blaming" of her, she sees any of my objections to the way I was raised as just blaming her for my problems that are 100% my fault.

That is why Cindy's words of, "well, you only have yourself to blame sweetheart" is included in my list of "speak." Cindy may only have a personality disorder and then she had Casey who was predisposed to certain behaviors and then being raised by Cindy created sociopathic behavior/actions in Casey. Whatever the technical definitions of each, I see some of the same behaviors for all of them. My mother has a sense of entitlement towards her children but not the world in general. She has had flat effect reactions to most of my emotional needs, and has mocked troubles in my life making light and later bringing up my pain and being glib about it.

I am reading a book called "Mean Mothers" by Peg Streep. It is taking me a while to read it because it is hard to process the emotions.

I think what we are seeing is this: out in the world the sociopath thinks they are king of the world, they are drawn to positions of power and then we have all the manifestations of that reality. Ideas that certain races, women and children are inferior are weaved into the foundation of the Judeo-Christian Western world in which we are raised. It's the whole system, and its called a patriarchy. IMO, the tenants of patriarchy: might is right, war is necessary and the big one: women are by nature inferior to men that creates all these crimes we see on Websleuths. As long as women and children are considered second class citizens our world will have violence.

Sociopathic speak to me is anyone touting the virtues of our current system. I don't mean to keep pulling this to the personal but it is easier to say it in personal terms. My mother agreed with these ideas, that some people weren't as strong or good as others and that it was their fault. Blatantly, she is a racist. She thinks that most of the poor are that way because they do not work hard enough or what has befallen them must be of their own doing. I.E. They have no one to blame but themselves.

So, what we may be talking about her is: if my mother had been born to be a leader I would then call her behavior that of a sociopath but because she is "just" my mother then it is seen as a personality disorder. I get that each disorder has a definition and I have been incorrect with my definitions. But when I am reading about a true sociopath I can't help but think of my mom.

ETA: I'm not sending anyone away with this link, I saw that Reagan said the thread was closed for this subject and since it was brought up I listened to them again, too. I just wanted to give the link for the thread in case anyone wanted it. I also plan to post about it, I transcribed stuff I found interesting after reading Reagan's post. :),+interview,+recordings

This may have already been discussed in this thread, but the most telling exchange between CA & KC is in the call home when KC huffily says: "I saw your little cameo" and CA says, "which one? I've given several".
You can hear the venom in KC's voice and the complete self righteous smugness in CA's voice. That exchange would make a great snippet in a movie trailer.

KC wanted all the attention (ie: the blue hoodie walk) but not long in jail she apparently saw one of CA's impromptu televised press conferences (that clearly, inexplicably CA ENJOYED!*) KC had to get on the phone right away (and risk being recorded) just to call CA out on it. Man! you hear can the mutual hatred and competition in those few words.

The Anthony family is so pathetically attention starved because they are so jealous of one another! I bet you KC never heard one authentic complimentary thing from that rival shrew of a Mother of hers ever......until, of course, CA realized how serious all this was/is and decided to magically turn KC into Joan of Arc. If CA & KC had a miracle performed and could live together again the jealousy/hatred/rivalry dynamics would be back in place in less than 60 seconds. KC knows CA is as fake and as much of a liar as she herself is! CA can beat her chest over how much she looooves KC but KC knows CA is lying about everything..and mostly about loving KC. CA hates KC and KC knows it!

* If I didn't dislike CA so much I would feel sorry for her too--her life must be so vacuous to have enjoyed the hooplah about your missing grandchild!!

:dance:POST OF THE DAY!!:dance:

I wanted to bold the best parts, but I guess I would pretty much have to bold the entire thing. Thanks Affinity!
This may have already been discussed in this thread, but the most telling exchange between CA & KC is in the call home when KC huffily says: "I saw your little cameo" and CA says, "which one? I've given several".
You can hear the venom in KC's voice and the complete self righteous smugness in CA's voice. That exchange would make a great snippet in a movie trailer.

The Anthony family is so pathetically attention starved because they are so jealous of one another! I bet you KC never heard one authentic complimentary thing from that rival shrew of a Mother of hers ever......until, of course, CA realized how serious all this was/is and decided to magically turn KC into Joan of Arc. CA can beat her chest over how much she looooves KC but KC knows CA is lying about everything..and especially these proclamations of love for KC. CA hates KC, has hated her for years and KC knows it!

* If I didn't dislike CA so much I would feel sorry for her too--her life must be so vacuous to have enjoyed the hooplah about your missing grandchild!!

Hello Affinity :)

ITA. Great Post. And the bolded part is something I have been trying to articulate regarding Cindy and her supposed "suffering." Cindy has been thriving during this tragedy.


The eyes are the window to the soul...

Look at the photo at the above link...It's is truly scary they both have that same 'look'....

The eyes are the window to the soul...

Look at the photo at the above link...It's is truly scary they both have that same 'look'....

they both look like the shark in jaws....remember what Quint says..... "The thing about a shark, it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it comes at you it doesn't seem to be livin'"
I have read a lot of the psych profile of psycho and sociopaths on this site but I found this one really intriguing. I highlighted some traits I thought really applied to Casey -- particularly the one about parenting.

Sociopath/Psychopath Common Traits

1. Waking up in a Pool of Sweat

2. Severe Migraines During Full Moons and Beginning of Menstrual Cycles

3. Needing at Most 4-5 Hours Sleep a Night

4. Inconsistent Timelines and Missing Past Histories

5. Eyes Dead and Lifeless/then Racing Frantically from Side-to-Side When Pulling off a Scam. No “Crows Feet” on females due to smiling with their teeth and not their eyes.

6. Falls Asleep and Wakes Up Instantly

7. Constantly Trying to Correct Others’ Opinions (arrogant pseudo-skeptic/debunker)

8. Narcissism/Boastful/Self Pity/”Why Me!” Sob Stories.- Kindness and the ability to feel pity are considered weaknesses rather than attributes, and it is generally through pity that they beckon the target to become ensnared.

9. Righteous Indignation/Condescending/Always Right-Never Wrong

10. Crocodile Tears and Unconvincing Emotional Responses, Superficial Laughter

11. Extreme and Obvious Flattery – Emulating/”Brown Nosing”/Sycophant

12. Idealisation Followed by Cold Rejection/Invented Persona to Manipulate Others

13. Sexual Promiscuity/A-Sexuality/One Night Stands

14. History of Brief or Failed Relationships Ending Badly

15. Moving from State to State or Region Under Suspicious or Vague Circumstances

16. Claims to be the Only Person who Really Relates to You

17. Obsessed with the Latest Pharmaceuticals/Hypochondriac

18. Has No Real Creative Talent (can only copy other styles – can’t innovate/be original)

19. Buys into Either Secular and Non-Secular Belief Systems to Act Superior/Enlightened

20. Gifts Designed to “Buy You” or to Mould You in a Certain Way (their taste in clothes, pop psychology books)

21. Lack of Emotional Depth in Terms of Others’ Problems/Hurt/Cheap Apology at Most. The sociopath/psychopath will never acknowledge, take ownership, or apologize for the harm that they have caused

22. Little or No Interest in Parenting (even if they have children while claiming to adore them)

23. Easily Bored

24. Becomes Obsessed with Hobby or Causes/Individuals and then Loses Interest Instantly

25. Feels they are Entitled to the Best of Everything/Lights Cigarette without Asking if it is OK to Smoke.

26. Exploits Parents, the Elderly or Handicapped (money, free rent, getting into wills)

27. Defends Orthodoxy Based on Reading a Book/Discovery Channel/Penn and Teller

28. Claims to Have a Special Relationship with God or Faking Being Religious

29. Either Extreme Atheist or “Holy Roller” Very common of sociopaths to mock people who are on their own spiritual journey reading metaphysical books etc.

30. Highly Unreliable/Broken Promises/Nothing is Ever their Fault. Rather than take ownership of the faux pas, the sociopath will invent a more dramatic problem to deliberately deflect the focus on their actions. Usually, the deflection is something that is so personally sensitive that it cannot be supported or debunked.

31. Wants to Know Your Every Move/Life Story – While their Own is Elusive or Vague. Often have no photos of them before they met you.

32. High Testosterone (large clitoris/sexually aggressive/”pervy” pronounced Adam’s Apple in Females)

33. Parasitic Lifestyle/Slacker/Highly Strung “Genius”/Middle Aged Student who Never Graduates
Hello WS :)

I definitely may be getting sociopath(s) and borderline personality disorder confused. Its true. In searching for an "answer" to why my mother is the way she is, I have thought it was a lot of things. But, she and my father and most of my family and my husbands family exhibit different behaviors belonging to the descriptions of both disorders. I am fine with calling it just plain mean.

I know my mother hates herself, and in seeing her children as extensions of herself, she then treats us hatefully. I think my mother felt powerless as a child, and then just as powerless as a woman and so when she was given power over her children: she went mad with power. I think of her like a dictator, she ruled the roost with an iron fist.

She would actually say, "My father ruled us with an iron fist." She was very clear that she had grown up in a much more strict way and that we were lucky she was so easy going.

When I was in the second grade, I was invited by our neighbors who had kids my age, to see fourth of July fireworks with them. I got really excited by the idea but then very upset at thinking that I would not be with my mom for the holiday. I had it all worked up in my mind to the point I saw my mom sad and lonely and alone and I started crying. I couldn't fall asleep and so I went downstairs and through sobs I told my mom I didn't want to go see the fireworks and why. She looked at me flatly and said, "well, I was never going to let you go."

This falls under the category of "you get yourself all worked up over nothing." My mother feels it is me who has the mental illness. She would laugh a hearty laugh at the idea that it is she and not me, who needs help. She would also tell everyone, that I am a liar.

I have had to work to not believe my mother's reality. I still see Casey as 100% responsible for what she did to Caylee but I have no problem in seeing the influence Cindy had on making Casey who she is. It can't be overstated the importance of how a mother treats(raises)her children to those children.

When children are successful in life, they and we always praise the parents for doing such a great job but when they fail, most parents want to say it had nothing to do with them. In my mother's opinion the worst thing I do is my "blaming" of her, she sees any of my objections to the way I was raised as just blaming her for my problems that are 100% my fault.

That is why Cindy's words of, "well, you only have yourself to blame sweetheart" is included in my list of "speak." Cindy may only have a personality disorder and then she had Casey who was predisposed to certain behaviors and then being raised by Cindy created sociopathic behavior/actions in Casey. Whatever the technical definitions of each, I see some of the same behaviors for all of them. My mother has a sense of entitlement towards her children but not the world in general. She has had flat effect reactions to most of my emotional needs, and has mocked troubles in my life making light and later bringing up my pain and being glib about it.

I am reading a book called "Mean Mothers" by Peg Streep. It is taking me a while to read it because it is hard to process the emotions.

I think what we are seeing is this: out in the world the sociopath thinks they are king of the world, they are drawn to positions of power and then we have all the manifestations of that reality. Ideas that certain races, women and children are inferior are weaved into the foundation of the Judeo-Christian Western world in which we are raised. It's the whole system, and its called a patriarchy. IMO, the tenants of patriarchy: might is right, war is necessary and the big one: women are by nature inferior to men that creates all these crimes we see on Websleuths. As long as women and children are considered second class citizens our world will have violence.

Sociopathic speak to me is anyone touting the virtues of our current system. I don't mean to keep pulling this to the personal but it is easier to say it in personal terms. My mother agreed with these ideas, that some people weren't as strong or good as others and that it was their fault. Blatantly, she is a racist. She thinks that most of the poor are that way because they do not work hard enough or what has befallen them must be of their own doing. I.E. They have no one to blame but themselves.

So, what we may be talking about her is: if my mother had been born to be a leader I would then call her behavior that of a sociopath but because she is "just" my mother then it is seen as a personality disorder. I get that each disorder has a definition and I have been incorrect with my definitions. But when I am reading about a true sociopath I can't help but think of my mom.

ETA: I'm not sending anyone away with this link, I saw that Reagan said the thread was closed for this subject and since it was brought up I listened to them again, too. I just wanted to give the link for the thread in case anyone wanted it. I also plan to post about it, I transcribed stuff I found interesting after reading Reagan's post. :),+interview,+recordings


I can't even find the words to tell you how grateful I am that you have shared so much with us.
TG you were blessed with the wisdom to see what was happening in your family and rose above it.
OMG - I included your quote because it's worth another read for those unlucky enough to have this type of family.

As I was reading this I thought it could have been written by me! I never had any mother was a big part of that. I have had far too many of these people in my life, most of them women and I can spot it a mile away too.

The crazy part is - there are those moments when they are good mothers, it's like they have a split personality but whatever loving feelings you may receive are negated by the cruelty, selfishness guilt throwing, controlling etc.

Anyway, thanks for that post. You are not alone as you know.

Bold is mine-

Amen! That's the hardest part to try and understand about these people... they way they switch so quick! Even though my mom is being treated and is much better than she uised to be there are some moments I have to tell myself over and over again that she doesn't mean what she is saying and that no matter what she says I know she loves me. I have learned to remind myself she isn't all evil and remind myself of the sweet things she does. Other wise I'd have all that self hatred, thinking she meant what she's saying but they just do it to hurt you because they feel hurt. I used to think it was all about being evil and mean but it really is all just because they hurt and don't have a clue as to handle it so they lash out.

They sure leave their mark though, don't they?
Hello WS :)

I definitely may be getting sociopath(s) and borderline personality disorder confused. Its true. In searching for an "answer" to why my mother is the way she is, I have thought it was a lot of things. But, she and my father and most of my family and my husbands family exhibit different behaviors belonging to the descriptions of both disorders. I am fine with calling it just plain mean.

I know my mother hates herself, and in seeing her children as extensions of herself, she then treats us hatefully. I think my mother felt powerless as a child, and then just as powerless as a woman and so when she was given power over her children: she went mad with power. I think of her like a dictator, she ruled the roost with an iron fist.

She would actually say, "My father ruled us with an iron fist." She was very clear that she had grown up in a much more strict way and that we were lucky she was so easy going.

When I was in the second grade, I was invited by our neighbors who had kids my age, to see fourth of July fireworks with them. I got really excited by the idea but then very upset at thinking that I would not be with my mom for the holiday. I had it all worked up in my mind to the point I saw my mom sad and lonely and alone and I started crying. I couldn't fall asleep and so I went downstairs and through sobs I told my mom I didn't want to go see the fireworks and why. She looked at me flatly and said, "well, I was never going to let you go."

This falls under the category of "you get yourself all worked up over nothing." My mother feels it is me who has the mental illness. She would laugh a hearty laugh at the idea that it is she and not me, who needs help. She would also tell everyone, that I am a liar.

I have had to work to not believe my mother's reality. I still see Casey as 100% responsible for what she did to Caylee but I have no problem in seeing the influence Cindy had on making Casey who she is. It can't be overstated the importance of how a mother treats(raises)her children to those children.

When children are successful in life, they and we always praise the parents for doing such a great job but when they fail, most parents want to say it had nothing to do with them. In my mother's opinion the worst thing I do is my "blaming" of her, she sees any of my objections to the way I was raised as just blaming her for my problems that are 100% my fault.

That is why Cindy's words of, "well, you only have yourself to blame sweetheart" is included in my list of "speak." Cindy may only have a personality disorder and then she had Casey who was predisposed to certain behaviors and then being raised by Cindy created sociopathic behavior/actions in Casey. Whatever the technical definitions of each, I see some of the same behaviors for all of them. My mother has a sense of entitlement towards her children but not the world in general. She has had flat effect reactions to most of my emotional needs, and has mocked troubles in my life making light and later bringing up my pain and being glib about it.

I am reading a book called "Mean Mothers" by Peg Streep. It is taking me a while to read it because it is hard to process the emotions.

I think what we are seeing is this: out in the world the sociopath thinks they are king of the world, they are drawn to positions of power and then we have all the manifestations of that reality. Ideas that certain races, women and children are inferior are weaved into the foundation of the Judeo-Christian Western world in which we are raised. It's the whole system, and its called a patriarchy. IMO, the tenants of patriarchy: might is right, war is necessary and the big one: women are by nature inferior to men that creates all these crimes we see on Websleuths. As long as women and children are considered second class citizens our world will have violence.

Sociopathic speak to me is anyone touting the virtues of our current system. I don't mean to keep pulling this to the personal but it is easier to say it in personal terms. My mother agreed with these ideas, that some people weren't as strong or good as others and that it was their fault. Blatantly, she is a racist. She thinks that most of the poor are that way because they do not work hard enough or what has befallen them must be of their own doing. I.E. They have no one to blame but themselves.

So, what we may be talking about her is: if my mother had been born to be a leader I would then call her behavior that of a sociopath but because she is "just" my mother then it is seen as a personality disorder. I get that each disorder has a definition and I have been incorrect with my definitions. But when I am reading about a true sociopath I can't help but think of my mom.

ETA: I'm not sending anyone away with this link, I saw that Reagan said the thread was closed for this subject and since it was brought up I listened to them again, too. I just wanted to give the link for the thread in case anyone wanted it. I also plan to post about it, I transcribed stuff I found interesting after reading Reagan's post. :),+interview,+recordings


I have read a lot of the psych profile of psycho and sociopaths on this site but I found this one really intriguing. I highlighted some traits I thought really applied to Casey -- particularly the one about parenting.

Sociopath/Psychopath Common Traits

1. Waking up in a Pool of Sweat

2. Severe Migraines During Full Moons and Beginning of Menstrual Cycles

3. Needing at Most 4-5 Hours Sleep a Night

4. Inconsistent Timelines and Missing Past Histories

5. Eyes Dead and Lifeless/then Racing Frantically from Side-to-Side When Pulling off a Scam. No “Crows Feet” on females due to smiling with their teeth and not their eyes.

6. Falls Asleep and Wakes Up Instantly

7. Constantly Trying to Correct Others’ Opinions (arrogant pseudo-skeptic/debunker)

8. Narcissism/Boastful/Self Pity/”Why Me!” Sob Stories.- Kindness and the ability to feel pity are considered weaknesses rather than attributes, and it is generally through pity that they beckon the target to become ensnared.

9. Righteous Indignation/Condescending/Always Right-Never Wrong

10. Crocodile Tears and Unconvincing Emotional Responses, Superficial Laughter

11. Extreme and Obvious Flattery – Emulating/”Brown Nosing”/Sycophant

12. Idealisation Followed by Cold Rejection/Invented Persona to Manipulate Others

13. Sexual Promiscuity/A-Sexuality/One Night Stands

14. History of Brief or Failed Relationships Ending Badly

15. Moving from State to State or Region Under Suspicious or Vague Circumstances

16. Claims to be the Only Person who Really Relates to You

17. Obsessed with the Latest Pharmaceuticals/Hypochondriac

18. Has No Real Creative Talent (can only copy other styles – can’t innovate/be original)

19. Buys into Either Secular and Non-Secular Belief Systems to Act Superior/Enlightened

20. Gifts Designed to “Buy You” or to Mould You in a Certain Way (their taste in clothes, pop psychology books)

21. Lack of Emotional Depth in Terms of Others’ Problems/Hurt/Cheap Apology at Most. The sociopath/psychopath will never acknowledge, take ownership, or apologize for the harm that they have caused

22. Little or No Interest in Parenting (even if they have children while claiming to adore them)

23. Easily Bored

24. Becomes Obsessed with Hobby or Causes/Individuals and then Loses Interest Instantly

25. Feels they are Entitled to the Best of Everything/Lights Cigarette without Asking if it is OK to Smoke.

26. Exploits Parents, the Elderly or Handicapped (money, free rent, getting into wills)

27. Defends Orthodoxy Based on Reading a Book/Discovery Channel/Penn and Teller

28. Claims to Have a Special Relationship with God or Faking Being Religious

29. Either Extreme Atheist or “Holy Roller” Very common of sociopaths to mock people who are on their own spiritual journey reading metaphysical books etc.

30. Highly Unreliable/Broken Promises/Nothing is Ever their Fault. Rather than take ownership of the faux pas, the sociopath will invent a more dramatic problem to deliberately deflect the focus on their actions. Usually, the deflection is something that is so personally sensitive that it cannot be supported or debunked.

31. Wants to Know Your Every Move/Life Story – While their Own is Elusive or Vague. Often have no photos of them before they met you.

32. High Testosterone (large clitoris/sexually aggressive/”pervy” pronounced Adam’s Apple in Females)

33. Parasitic Lifestyle/Slacker/Highly Strung “Genius”/Middle Aged Student who Never Graduates

A lot of that is also symptoms/traits of a person with Borderline too though.
This may have already been discussed in this thread, but the most telling exchange between CA & KC is in the call home when KC huffily says: "I saw your little cameo" and CA says, "which one? I've given several".You can hear the venom in KC's voice and the complete self righteous smugness in CA's voice. That exchange would make a great snippet in a movie trailer.

The Anthony family is so pathetically attention starved because they are so jealous of one another! I bet you KC never heard one authentic complimentary thing from that rival shrew of a Mother of hers ever......until, of course, CA realized how serious all this was/is and decided to magically turn KC into Joan of Arc. CA can beat her chest over how much she looooves KC but KC knows CA is lying about everything..and especially these proclamations of love for KC. CA hates KC, has hated her for years and KC knows it!

* If I didn't dislike CA so much I would feel sorry for her too--her life must be so vacuous to have enjoyed the hooplah about your missing grandchild!!

Bold is mine. That right there is what caused me to follow this case the way I have. .. I knew what she was as soon as I heard that conversation.
This is a great movie to watch if you wanna see a psychopath doing what they do best.

I think some people are confusing borderline personality disorder for sociopathy.

Those of you with crazy-making biological mothers need to read:

"Understanding the Borderline Mother" by Christine Lawson.


"Laura's mother was no ordinary mother. Submerged in the cold darkness of despair, mothers with borderline personality disorder (BPD) struggle to keep their heads above water. They cling desperately to whoever is near and can pull their own children into the blackness. Borderline mothers are intense, unpredictable, and sometimes volatile. One day they may see their children as angelic; other days their rage or sarcasm can shatter their children's souls. Mothers with several children may perceive one child as all good and another as no-good, splitting and projecting contradictory feelings about themselves onto different children."

"Children who grow up with borderline mothers live in a make-believe world that is neither fiction nor fantasy. Borderland is an emotional world where loving mothers resemble storybook characters: helpless waifs, frightened hermits, bossy queens, or vindictive witches. This whimsically dangerous world is filled with contradiction and fraught with emotional storms that defy prediction."

Great post!
It happens often, people confuse the symptoms.
Wow I watched that clip OneLostGrl and thought...a true psychopath/sociopath can cause all kinds of chaos in lives that overlap and cause a ripple effect into others. As in mr. zig's case, his ex is a perfect specimen of a sociopath (the reading on this thread has been fascinating) and unless you have been up close and personal with these people you can't understand their capacity to drive a normally sane and good person mad. That's why it's so important to understand what you are dealing with and how to spot them before it's too after you have kids with them :(

Maybe George has been driven mad and can't see up from down anymore. Families get sucked into the "play" and just can't imagine breaking free or they imagine they can talk some sense into the person, eventually, which never happens.

Cindy and Casey in one house - woooooaaaaahhhhh. That must have been something.
Hello Affinity :)

ITA. Great Post. And the bolded part is something I have been trying to articulate regarding Cindy and her supposed "suffering." Cindy has been thriving during this tragedy.


This is an interesting observation. I've noticed that too but couldn't find words to describe CA.

Two nights ago I happened across a forensics show that caught my attention. The LE detective pointed out that forensics is not only blood and lab evidence but encompasses human behavior too (words and body language). In this case, the Prosecutors won when the jury witnessed the tape of the accussed in the room while being questioned. He remained cool and his arm and hand gestures were open and demonstrative. The detective thinks that when he left the room for a few minutes it gave the accused time to formulate a story. When he returned to the room the accused proceeded to try to convince him he was not guilty and continued on "as if he were a salesman".

The LE officer said that is a very telling sign of a sociopath. He has conducted hundreds of interviews over the years and considers himself a student of words and body language. He said to the trained eye and ear there is a marked difference between how a falsely accused person acts versus a sociopath who is formulating his own defense.

His comment, 'like a salesman', struck me as a fitting description of CA. Her take over personality and arrogance rubs me the wrong way. She gets upset when people don't buy her spiel - just like a saleswoman would (but would not let it show). After she calms down she approaches her goal from a different angle. If the client fails to bite, she fires the client who she really should be kissing the arse of imo.

The more I learn about sociopaths (that they aren't usually murderers but simply impossible to be in a relationship with), the more I think that CA must be one. You could never ever win an argument with her - ever. And don't get in her way or else! Sociopaths can never see another person's point of view and believe their own lies.
I think some people are confusing borderline personality disorder for sociopathy.

Those of you with crazy-making biological mothers need to read:

"Understanding the Borderline Mother" by Christine Lawson.


"Laura's mother was no ordinary mother. Submerged in the cold darkness of despair, mothers with borderline personality disorder (BPD) struggle to keep their heads above water. They cling desperately to whoever is near and can pull their own children into the blackness. Borderline mothers are intense, unpredictable, and sometimes volatile. One day they may see their children as angelic; other days their rage or sarcasm can shatter their children's souls. Mothers with several children may perceive one child as all good and another as no-good, splitting and projecting contradictory feelings about themselves onto different children."

"Children who grow up with borderline mothers live in a make-believe world that is neither fiction nor fantasy. Borderland is an emotional world where loving mothers resemble storybook characters: helpless waifs, frightened hermits, bossy queens, or vindictive witches. This whimsically dangerous world is filled with contradiction and fraught with emotional storms that defy prediction."

Great post!
It happens often, people confuse the symptoms.

Ugh! Just when I think I understand what a sociopath is, I realize I'm not clear about what borderline is.

Here's my amateur off the top of my head distinction.
Bipolar is a chemical imbalance that can be helped with medicine. Bipolar makes a person act unpredictable, therefore they are hard to get along with, but it's an inside job and they are not meaning to upset you but their behavior is hard to take.

Borderline is a personality disorder that makes a person act unpredictable but cannot be helped by medicine. We don't know why people are like this.

Sociopath is a step beyond anti-social pd. This persons only concern is that which benefits himself. He will go out of his way to manipulate other people to get what he wants. He may be conscious as in plotting to get what he wants and can seem really cooperative until he is crossed. Whereas a Borderline may snap into another mood all of a sudden for no apparent reason and take it out on you.

Is any of the above on track?
I hope I don't have any of these things - :crazy: - nevermind, I wouldn't believe you if you told me (none of the above conditions are easily recognized by the person who has them). Right?
Bold is mine. That right there is what caused me to follow this case the way I have. .. I knew what she was as soon as I heard that conversation.

What about the remark KC made to her mom while on the phone that was something like "you don't know what my role is in this?'. I find that remark very confusing/telling too. It's a question that really sounds as if KC is telling her mom to cut the crap because she already knows the whole story and KC is indignant that CA goes as far as she does when acting whatever role she is acting at the time.

I know it's not a popular opinion but I can't help question whether or not KC is willing to be some kind of a fall guy because she has been assured it will all work out because afterall, she really didn't directly do it. I know, I know but there is something too odd with the parent's behavior imo. If they keep lying about what they know, someone should throw the book at them. :banghead:
From personal experience I can tell ya, the only way to win an argument with a sociopath is to disengage ones self from it. By simply smiling, turning around and walking away. Pizzs them off, oh well better them than me.
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