Some want doctor fired because of Facebook post

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Jul 16, 2008
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Some want doctor fired because of Facebook post

Dr. Amy Dunbar, an OB/GYN wrote a post on Facebook about a patient who showed up late for an appointment. The post read “May I show up late for her delivery?” The words garnered a lot of angry comments from those who felt she violated the patient’s privacy.

Wow! And what happens if the MD is actually late for the delivery? Not on purpose necessarily but it would now be interpre:moo:ted that way. My ex is an MD and his attorney tells him to not ever have a facebook account as it can and will be used against you.
I thought that deliveries were scheduled around golf anyway.
Well did the doc actually mention the patients NAME? If not this is a bunch of hysteria over nothing.
Well did the doc actually mention the patients NAME? If not this is a bunch of hysteria over nothing.

I think it depends on just what personal information she mentioned and how big the practice is. I agree with another poster, do not have a FB page!
Sigh. If adults dont get the concept of social media, how can we expect our kids too?

Say it with me- the internet is forever.
If that hospital is like most, she's not an "employee" of the hospital at all, she has privileges there and a private clinic under their name, but she is still not an employee. The money she brings in talks far louder than people on the internet who may or may not be customers of the hospital.

When the hospital said their physician leadership had spoken to her, that's as far as it's going to go.
HI! Local here and I am appalled at the way the dr was speaking and where! First things first, she did NOT post this little rant of hers on her own personal facebook page, she DID post it on the hospitals' Mom's to Be facebook page. The Mom to Be facebook page is completely open to everyone!

She did not say the patients name, however she did mention several private details about this patient, including how she was being induced because of a prior still born and then she joked with several commenters.

If she would've made this comment on her own personal page, then fine. But I am outraged she would post this on the HOSPITALS spin off facebook page where many many many patients frequent.

If I posted the same message (I work at a local hospital but not the same as this physician) I would be fired without a second thought! She should be as well. MOO
HI! Local here and I am appalled at the way the dr was speaking and where! First things first, she did NOT post this little rant of hers on her own personal facebook page, she DID post it on the hospitals' Mom's to Be facebook page. The Mom to Be facebook page is completely open to everyone!

She did not say the patients name, however she did mention several private details about this patient, including how she was being induced because of a prior still born and then she joked with several commenters.

If she would've made this comment on her own personal page, then fine. But I am outraged she would post this on the HOSPITALS spin off facebook page where many many many patients frequent.

If I posted the same message (I work at a local hospital but not the same as this physician) I would be fired without a second thought! She should be as well. MOO

She was GOSSIPING about patients on the Hospitals spinoff page???? What a moron. She deserves to be fired, imo.
Well, personally, I wouldn't want *her* for my ob/gyn. Her post shows a level of immaturity I'm not comfortable with when I think of someone with that much post-secondary education.

We've all had to wait for doctors, things happen with other patients that can make them late. I get that. Why can't she?
I had the (dis)pleasure of reading screen shots of her actual posts and that did it for me. I don't generally advocate for anyone to lose their job over social media, but IMO this was just the dumbest thing she could have EVER done! Not shocking though once I saw other screen shots of hers. It sounds like she is really put out by her job, and the fact that those pesky babies won't come on 9-5 hours. MOO
Drs keep appointments on time? :floorlaugh:

Actually, Sam, in my experience they do a much better job than they used to do. I don't know if it's thanks to computers or what, but I haven't waited more than 10 or 15 minutes for a doctor or a dentist in many years.

But, trust me, I know what you mean!
I'm not a fan of firing people left and right but I must admit: my jaw hit the floor at prayers4missing's post above. Casually mentioning anyone's miscarriage or still-birth shocks me, even if the name isn't given. (I'm talking about the doctor, not prayers4missing. I hope that's clear.)
I enjoy certain aspects of the Internet but we have to be careful what we post. The dr. Imoo showed a gross misjudgment in posting about ANY patient on the web....especially on FB.

I wouldn't go to a dr. who did that.

Even assuming the doctor thought the patient wouldn't be identified by her remarks, mentioning the death of a child (whether during pregnancy, at birth or later) in posts that also joke about delays in delivery makes me a little sick to my stomach.

My maternal grandparents' first child was stillborn and they never mentioned it again for the rest of their lives. I only learned about it after they died. I can't imagine their reaction if some doctor had thought it amusing to mention on Facebook.

Maybe we all need to step back from the keyboard now and then and think what we are typing...
HI! Local here and I am appalled at the way the dr was speaking and where! First things first, she did NOT post this little rant of hers on her own personal facebook page, she DID post it on the hospitals' Mom's to Be facebook page. The Mom to Be facebook page is completely open to everyone!

She did not say the patients name, however she did mention several private details about this patient, including how she was being induced because of a prior still born and then she joked with several commenters.

If she would've made this comment on her own personal page, then fine. But I am outraged she would post this on the HOSPITALS spin off facebook page where many many many patients frequent.

If I posted the same message (I work at a local hospital but not the same as this physician) I would be fired without a second thought! She should be as well. MOO

Is it really THAT serious? If so, don't go to her--tell your friends not to go to her. Or picket her office. That's about all you can do.
Actually, Sam, in my experience they do a much better job than they used to do. I don't know if it's thanks to computers or what, but I haven't waited more than 10 or 15 minutes for a doctor or a dentist in many years.

But, trust me, I know what you mean!
Wow Nova, you have some awesome drs! I would LOVE to have a 10 to 15 minute wait. I never wait less than than 30 minutes and most of the time it's at least an hour. Because of that I avoid Dr visits for myself at all costs, though I do still have to take the kiddos. My daughter's drs office charges extra if you are late for the appt, but of course you don't get a discount when the Dr is late.
I don' t think having some webgroup of expectant moms or anything else associated with a clinic or hospital is a good idea. Too much can happen.

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