Addicts are very clever & smart, and there are times even when your whole world is crashing and burning all around you can still make do with whatever you have, no matter what.
I can say this because I am an addict, and in 1995 I did something that was so outrageous and crazy I managed to get out of going to jail and back to the treatment center I had ran away from earlier in the day after arriving from out of town. After back with family that evening at the center all I wanted to do was suicide with no way to do it, but I found a way, executed it and since I was around people when I passed out cold it was obvious I had taken something, and my condition at hospital was listed as grave, family sent home and told I probably would not make it.
Welp, guess what...
This story is book material and this thread is about CC, not me. I just wanted to say, If there Is A Will, There Is A Way.
BTW, I am a legend at that particular treatment center and I became a sort of celebrity along with the other real celebs who were there also. Something I should not be proud of but I am. lol
I was intoxicated when I did all this.