Source: Casey's Attorney Marketing Photos To Media

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IMO, KC, Baez and whoever else from that team that was grinning and snickering today did a lot of damage to themselves. You don't sit there and laugh at what her new attorney (Mason) said to the judge because it sounded clever, brazen and confrontational. Not a smart thing to do. KC seems to have a new found confidence in herself but from where I was sitting, she did a nominal amount of damage to her image, her intent of the alleged reason she is going through with this trial and her general lack of remorse that her team would even have to ask the taxpayers of Florida to foot the bill for the remaining work that needs to be done to get through trial. I am one of those taxpayers and I for one, don't like being laughed at when you're asking for the money I paid this State for people to receive a fair trial, all of which as far as I know, did not spend nearly a quarter of a million dollars that they first made while in jail on objects that belonged to their victim. I am hopping mad about this and the judge was well within his rights to ask what they did with that money before addressing the request that the State of Florida would cover the remaining cost for KC's trial. He did that out of respect for the people that paid that money to the State yet, Mason says "it's nobody's business". Well, I beg your pardon but it most certainly is!
I m very anger over the fact that Casey could sit in Court and smile after knowing she killed her beautiful baby and then cause further indignity to her dead daughter by selling pictures to ABC !!!

OMG....she profited off her own baby girl she murdered to save her own arse from death !

Why isn't everyone else upset by this? ...Shame on ABC too!

I'll give Casey this much, she has good luck. Things seem to fall into place for her and Baez. I sure hope that luck runs out and she sits and faces her maker and not because of some accident but because somebody pulled the switch and knocked that ugly grin off her evil and selfish face:furious:

This stuff should be illegal !!!!

No worries-He is watching, always-and Caylee Marie Anthony is right there in His arms.
I would refrain from calling her a murderer . . . yet. In the eyes of the law she is innocent until proven guilty. YES, I do say that through gritted teeth. I really do, but it's just one of those sort of rights that our fore-fathers believed in.

As for the indiginity and injustice to Caylee for her to sell those photos, well it's incalculable. It truly is. EVEN if there was just a sliver of truth to the whole zanni and/or Kronk did it theories, OR it was an snowball accident (okay, I did a little rewording there . . .) it is STILL the death of an INNOCENT child. A lovely little girl who will NEVER get to grow up. Her life is gone now. Yes, KC profitting under ANY circumstance is just wrong.

You aren't alone in your anger, I promise. From time to time we all crack; we all rage, and then we calm down again & get back to discussing the facts.

Sending you understanding cyber-hugs.
It should be illegal to get ANY kind of financial deals before trial! I can't believe this is allowed!
...and what was the purpose of funding her defense by the sale if it wasn't (and could never be) "enough"?
OK. Let me get this straight... An (alleged, [cough]) Murderer gets to sell photos of their victim while their victim was still alive, in order to pay for their defense.....


ADD: they have Nebia (sp) hearings to make sure drug dealers aren't using drug money to pay for their defense, because the courts know that is obviously WRONG. Why not in this circumstance?? Why is this ok??
The kicker is...remember how often Cindy talked about getting Caylee's picture out there? She pushed hard. At the time, I wondered who hadn't heard about Caylee and seen her picture. It went global pretty d*mn quickly.
To me it is not the fact that it can be done, it is the fact that people would actually pay it.
She can't sell them if no one will buy them. If we believe someone has the ability to kill their own child then why the shock that they would sell the image of the child they may have murdered?
The shock is that they would be bought. Unfortunately they are bought because the buyer has a market for them and the market is us.
To me it is not the fact that it can be done, it is the fact that people would actually pay it.
She can't sell them if no one will buy them. If we believe someone has the ability to kill their own child then why the shock that they would sell the image of the child they may have murdered?
The shock is that they would be bought. Unfortunately they are bought because the buyer has a market for them and the market is us.

You are soooo Right JBean..we should be hopping mad at ABC...they need to know how disgusted we are with paying Blood Money for her Defense..We need to change the laws..:banghead:
You are soooo Right JBean..we should be hopping mad at ABC...they need to know how disgusted we are with paying Blood Money for her Defense..We need to change the laws..:banghead:

And who owns ABC?


The Disney-ABC Television Group is home to all of Disney's worldwide entertainment and news television properties. The Group includes the ABC Television Network (including ABC Daytime, ABC Entertainment Group and ABC News divisions); the Disney Channels Worldwide global kids' TV business, ABC Family and SOAPnet; as well as television distribution divisions Disney-ABC Domestic Television and Disney-ABC ESPN Television. The Disney-ABC Television Group also manages the Radio Disney Network, general interest and non-fiction book imprint Hyperion, as well the Company's equity interest in A&E Television Networks.
yep Dr. Fessel!!! I'm so hoping that "the powers that be" at Disney are in some behind-closed doors meetings today and forcifully come forward about who brokered what and "here's the cancelled check, wire confirmation" - whatever.

Its just disgusting to think about this connection.

Disney / ABC will not want any negative publicity and they have the means to try and thrwart any and all of it.

Let's just hope they do and ole JB will be pitched out on his ear!!!!
A mother who sells pictures of her child to fund her defense does not point to a mother who loves her child. If my child were kidnapped, which she would have us believe at the time, I would have given the pictures to the media, free of charge....please, please, please put them out there. Not looking good for KC. JMO
I would refrain from calling her a murderer . . . yet. In the eyes of the law she is innocent until proven guilty. YES, I do say that through gritted teeth. I really do, but it's just one of those sort of rights that our fore-fathers believed in.

As for the indiginity and injustice to Caylee for her to sell those photos, well it's incalculable. It truly is. EVEN if there was just a sliver of truth to the whole zanni and/or Kronk did it theories, OR it was an snowball accident (okay, I did a little rewording there . . .) it is STILL the death of an INNOCENT child. A lovely little girl who will NEVER get to grow up. Her life is gone now. Yes, KC profitting under ANY circumstance is just wrong.

You aren't alone in your anger, I promise. From time to time we all crack; we all rage, and then we calm down again & get back to discussing the facts.

Sending you understanding cyber-hugs.

True, but at the time ABC paid a woman who was charged with child neglect, correct? I read somewhere (sorry forget where but a news site) that ABC did not do an interview but was supposed to and it was cancelled due to her being arrested for murder. So if that time frame is correct, they paid her when she was out from jail and the evidence about decomp in the car, her lying, her partying, and her being charged with felony child neglect were all out there.
A mother who sells pictures of her child to fund her defense does not point to a mother who loves her child. If my child were kidnapped, which she would have us believe at the time, I would have given the pictures to the media, free of charge....please, please, please put them out there. Not looking good for KC. JMO
Just to play devil's advocate, would you feel similarly about a person that proclaimed innocence and then used the money to fund her defense in order to prove it?

IOW, if a person is innocent and wants to prove it, should they be allowed to sell images of the murdered child in order to finance an adequate defense ?

is it the perceived guilt that makes it wrong ? or is it selling the images in general under any circumstances?If the person is found innocent is it ok that they sold what they had to cover costs while incarcerated?
JBean - For me, personally, it is not percieved guilt. It's selling pictures of a dead person in order to help yourself. If I loved somebody, and they died, I couldn't even think about brokering contracts and setting up my future. That's just me though.
good point JBean. Again, tho, if she is innocent, we still have:

why wait 31 days?

why lie about her whereabouts (the wild goose chase around Orlando)

If I was innocent in a case like this I would have told LE everything I knew, everywhere I had been, been digging for receipts of places I went to prove I had been there,

KC has simply not done any of this. If she is innocent why? You are your best advocate.
A mother who sells pictures of her child to fund her defense does not point to a mother who loves her child. If my child were kidnapped, which she would have us believe at the time, I would have given the pictures to the media, free of charge....please, please, please put them out there. Not looking good for KC. JMO

On the other hand, if the Mother is innocent, it would be justice for Caylee to help with her Mothers defense. We really don't know the whole truth here. This is putting the cart before the horse. IMO
On the other hand, if the Mother is innocent, it would be justice for Caylee to help with her Mothers defense. We really don't know the whole truth here. This is putting the cart before the horse. IMO

It's true....we don't know the whole truth. BUT.....can anyone name ONE other case of a missing child where the mother and family sold $200k worth of photos and videos to major networks? KC and her family never offered even $1.00 as part of a reward for info or the safe return of Caylee. If anyone put the cart before the was KC for planning a defense fund before "knowing" what happened to her daughter.

If a mother is innocent.......they would theoretically be more concerned with finding their child and wouldn't anticipate needing $big bucks to defend themselves.....It's not about what KC did or that she sold's about what she didn't do....offer assistance to police and offer money she raised to find her daughter. IMO she didn't offer because she couldn't admit her involvement.
But that is MOO.
On the other hand, if the Mother is innocent, it would be justice for Caylee to help with her Mothers defense. We really don't know the whole truth here. This is putting the cart before the horse. IMO

She sold pictures of Caylee (to help herself) at the same time she was impeding the investigation into Caylee's disappearance. Why didn't this "innocent" mother, that could "feel' Caylee was close and just fine, invest the $200K into searching for her "just around the corner", living and breathing baby? Why no help financially or even through truthfullness to get her "missing love" back?
It's true....we don't know the whole truth. BUT.....can anyone name ONE other case of a missing child where the mother and family sold $200k worth of photos and videos to major networks? KC and her family never offered even $1.00 as part of a reward for info or the safe return of Caylee. If anyone put the cart before the was KC for planning a defense fund before "knowing" what happened to her daughter.

If a mother is innocent.......they would theoretically be more concerned with finding their child and wouldn't anticipate needing $big bucks to defend themselves.
....It's not about what KC did or that she sold's about what she didn't do....offer assistance to police and offer money she raised to find her daughter. IMO she didn't offer because she couldn't admit her involvement.
But that is MOO.


I agree sleutherontheside. Talk about putting the cart before the horse.
I have re-typed this post four times already. I have enough time and words invested in WS that I read the TOS every time I log on. For once, I am at an almost complete lack of words, barring obscenities. The victim is demonstrably paying for the alleged perp's defense. I think me friends are right, time to step back and take a break from this case.
On the other hand, if the Mother is innocent, it would be justice for Caylee to help with her Mothers defense. We really don't know the whole truth here. This is putting the cart before the horse. IMO


Don't know how Caylee would feel she's getting justice from an "innocent" Mother who had no interest in talking about her daughter who was missing. Out of jail at the time, and not even helping to find Caylee. :twocents:

Snipped from article:

McLaughlin was with Anthony around the clock in the days after she was released from jail in August 2008 to protect the bail bondsmen's investment in Anthony.

"I'm thinking, 'She's not even upset. Not a word about her daughter,"' McLaughlin said. "It was unbelievable."
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