Source: Homes of Terri Horman's friends searched

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Just to add to my above comment.......if everyone thinks this case is weird, sleazy, dysfunctional etc etc....wait until Kyron is found and the accusations start flying.....
Terri may have managed to convince her that Kyron was in terrible danger, either eith Kaine or possibly there was talk of him going to live with Desiree, just speculation. She may have felt she was/is protecting him. She obviously has no compassion for what Kaine and Desiree have been living this last 7 weeks. Maybe she feels they deserve it?


Am thinking that since older sibling was butting heads and was sent away...she was heartbroken about that...and now is turning the tables to send some of ''the pain'' towards DY & KH
Oh my God......I have just got on and saw the letter that KH & the other two have written re this this changes things for me......

For one thing I am sure Kyron is alive and being hidden........

Secondly in that letter is says that she is also telling others that know info re the whereabouts of Kyron not to speak I dont know if it is just Terri or there are also a little circle of others...

This to me means two things and one is right and the other is wrong.......

1) We have it wrong about Terri and she is in fact protecting Kyron.......there is no other reason that others especially women with so much media attention would withhold the whereabouts of a missing child this long unless they adamantly thought he was in danger and were waiting for more evidence to prove something was happening to him so as he did not have to go back to said danger........I bet it is KH that they think they are protecting him from.....could be sexual abuse.....but it could be one of the two...hope not.

2) The above is what they have been told and BELEIVE and they are in fact being conned and used by a vindicative woman

#1 would certainly be the best-case scenario, that he's being kept in a 'safe-house' somewhere. It would also help explain how someone could keep such a thing secret for a friend, and the "hold out a little longer" comment (if indeed the person is connected to this somehow).

At this point, I don't know what the hell to believe.
Just to add to my above comment.......if everyone thinks this case is weird, sleazy, dysfunctional etc etc....wait until Kyron is found and the accusations start flying.....

Or the "network" breaks down and people start talking.

I agree though; I don't think we've seen anything yet.
Just got here and trying to read through this thread before posting...but I got to this point and OMG!

I can barely believe they are doing this. To call this woman out and publicly accuse her then threaten her publicly with civil remedies is beyond believe. They better hope they are right or they may find themselves on the other end of a lawsuit.

I really wish K,D & T would leave this investigation to LE. I really doubt that LE is giving them all this type info. I want to hear it from LE that is woman is not cooperating. I would really think LE or their lawyers should be advising them to quit these types of actions.


I really couldn't care less if this woman is a friend of TH's and she is devotedly supporting her. And I doubt LE cares, either. I don't give a rip what she did on June 4th from 11:30 am until about 1:00 pm. Unless her abrupt leaving was preceded by a phone call from TH. Then I want to know where she was and what she was doing. I am sure LE does, too.
Oh my God......I have just got on and saw the letter that KH & the other two have written re this this changes things for me......

For one thing I am sure Kyron is alive and being hidden........

Secondly in that letter is says that she is also telling others that know info re the whereabouts of Kyron not to speak I dont know if it is just Terri or there are also a little circle of others...

This to me means two things and one is right and the other is wrong.......

1) We have it wrong about Terri and she is in fact protecting Kyron.......there is no other reason that others especially women with so much media attention would withhold the whereabouts of a missing child this long unless they adamantly thought he was in danger and were waiting for more evidence to prove something was happening to him so as he did not have to go back to said danger........I bet it is KH that they think they are protecting him from.....could be sexual abuse.....but it could be one of the two...hope not.

2) The above is what they have been told and BELEIVE and they are in fact being conned and used by a vindicative woman

Number 2 is most likely IF there are people hiding Kyron. After all TH tried to get someone to kill Kaine and the excuse wasn't "He's abusing his son" the excuse was "he cheated and hurt my feelings" so thats all I need to know about TH.
It is inconceivable to me that any functional adult, even if she thought her best friend was being wrongfully persecuted by LE, would tell others not to cooperate with LE in regard to an investigation into the disappearance of a little boy. Mind blowing.
Well Fox 12 just did a live shot out in front of her condo's, saying the full name of them.. And interviewed her neighbors..
Judging from the comments on the news sites and over the internet, I'm guessing she is going to learn Terri's world pretty darn fast and I'm thinking she's NOT going to get a warm welcome from the public..

Every time I hear something about this case, I think "this is just crazy" , then it happens again.. and again...

What about KYRON?? =(

Yes what about Kyron, but what about these people if they are NOT involved? It is beginning to sound like the Salem Witch hunts to me. I sure hope LE addresses all this in their press conference one way or the other.

Am thinking that since older sibling was butting heads and was sent away...she was heartbroken about that...and now is turning the tables to send some of ''the pain'' towards DY & KH

I think he was sent away so TH could off Kaine without interference.

At least she thought that's what she was going to do.
ITA...:) I have felt this way from the beginning and wavered a bit, but I really believe this to be true... Especially from the comments of KH, DY and TY...I think the altercations between the family members led to this... and she is spiteful.. In all honesty, she did alot with Kyron and his schooling.. she was very involved in Kyrons life.... Maybe she thought all that was about to be taken away from her...This is what I've been feeling all along, and I :praying: its true.. and that somehow she convinced these people that it was in Kyrons best interest to be removed from the house.. and they are scared of accomplice charges, but are now talking... I'm praying anyhow...:(

Moo, Moo, Moo, but if Kyron was being abused in the slightest prior to him disppearing, then why isn't TH screaming to high heaven about KH having sole temporary custody of her own flesh and blood.

IMO, TH didn't want to be a wife or mother anymore...Maybe she just wants to get her physique back and compete again. This new revelation of her friend Deede is informing. Deede doesn't have children and is all about personal individual goals/lifestyle.

Just my two pennies.
Have you seen the stuff in the KGW report about there have been over 200 seponeas issued in the case so far? Just so I have this right a seponea forces one to testify on the record right? They are looking for a lot of evidence then.

So between these 3 search warrants carried out and the seponeas I would think that is pretty serious stuff going on. To get search warrants takes some work to prove to a judge it is warranted. :innocent: No pun intended!

Interesting they waited on the search warrants until after TH left the area or maybe it was just luck of timing.

Also interesting that the DA is asking for more funds but not the Sheriff. :croc:
Revampz , there is no doubt that these women believe what they have been told by Terri whatever it is...If she has lied and have convinced them that she is protecting Kyron by hiding him they are risking their lives and future for that unknown.

I pray Kyron is alive but what if Terri is lying to them about Kyron's wherebouts? Unless they know where he is and have seen him alive they need to think long and hard about what they are risking.I think a picture has been painted of TH that shows she is not to be trusted. What do they think they know that would make Dede and others think they are above the law and helping to find Kyron??
They stated LE did so. Do you think DY, KH and TY are lying?

I must say I was very surprised reading thru all those pages of comments at OL that were so digging towards Kaine. All very emotional.

Has anyone put 2 + 2 together yet as to who these OL commentors may be in real life?

Also, does anyone think Terri getting a different shade of 'red' done after Kyron went missing means anything. Considering this Dede also has red hair, much the same color I think as Terri's used to be. She did make the comment she would have to go back to the hairdresser the following week to have it fixed. Bad red I guess, too bright. LOL Maybe shades of confusion? I mean is it amazing or what how much these two gals look alike. At first glance or from a distance that is. WOWsers

PS: I bring this up as I am sure LE is reading these comments very carefully. Bet the 'war room' is exceptionally busy tonight, eh?

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