Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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This is not new. When the Grand Jury heard the evidence even before Caylee was found, they indicted her on First Degree Murder which means premeditated. OCSO arrested her on those charges and stated then it was premeditated. INTENTIONAL.

Why be surprised at something we already knew to be a fact in this case? If there was not enough evidence, they would not have brought the charges. Now, with the body and further evidence of the timeline, they only have solidified the state's case against Casey. The growth of plants and bug evidence only played the role of determining how long Caylee's body was left in the field where she was found.

I believe the reason they are leaking this information now is due to the motions Baez sought in court yesterday and knowing they are going to have to release certain information out to the media (doc dump).

I can't understand why people don't realize yet that when "sources" come out with this type of information, it turns out to be correct and was intentionally leaked by LE for a reason. This has happened repeatedly in this case and they haven't lied yet. I have had no doubt that Casey killed Caylee intentionally...because OCSO, the FBI, and the SA's Office said she did and they have had evidence to prove it. (I have believed it since I saw the words, "31 Days" tho.)

Thank you, SS. I completely agree with you, they would not have brought charges without being able to back them up, and the discovery of Caylee's body only made their case stronger.
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Originally Posted by 21merc7

"Sources close to the Casey Anthony case told Local 6 News on Thursday that they have overwhelming evidence showing that she intentionally killed her young daughter, Caylee, and was solely responsible for the toddler's death."

"Sources also said investigators have now established a time frame of death that dates back to June, according to reports returned by forensic botanists and entomologists brought in to anaylize the terrain and insect growth where Caylee's remains were found. Sources said plants were growing through the skeleton and bug evidence was also recovered, both of which helped scientists reach their conclusion."

Forensics are going to do it again!
I guess now we know why she wouldn't give it up and tell what happened, because what happened wasn't an accident and she knew the minute that they found Caylee that story would be easily disputed.

What a truly horrible woman, after seeing her yesterday (I am not making excuses) and how she physically appears so different (slightly healthier, pale and dirty but somewhat healthier looking), I think there is very good possibility that she was doing some serious drugs. Meth, would be my first choice...her red eyes and blotchy skin, her extreme thinness make me think this is what she was on

I wish, this murder could be blamed on the use of drugs. It would make it easier to understand. We look at pictures of Caylee and just can't imagine why or how this could have happened. The sad facts are that almost EVERYDAY,SOMEWHERE,this same thing is
happening.The is a petition , the link is below,that would go along way in helping to bring awareness to child abuse and proper prosecution for predators...PLEASE SIGN IT
I have always hoped that Caylee was asleep when Casey placed the duct tape on her mouth.I imagine it happening this way so it doesn't creep me out as much.
I think I first knew when Cindy asked Casey what she would like to say to the media.
When she said "Tell Caylee to be brave" That is the same thing the mother that drowned her children while strapped in their carseats said. "Tell them to be brave" (Smith)
Overwhelming evidence....the tape is enough to show cold ,calculated murder.
Casey is going away for a long time, I now have no doubt,unless there is a mess up in the court process. The only positive aspect of this whole case, is that ,it may open a lot of peoples eyes to understand that when or if you are raising a child that manifests attitudes such as Casey has shown, GET HELP for them. Just ignoring, or allowing the behavior to go on is not the answer.
I take comfort in knowing that Justice for Caylee will eventually be carried out.
Casey had so many more outs than MURDER. She could have just left Caylee but she chose to be a spiteful bi&ch.
Get used to it ,Casey your partying days are over.
I bolded -- I believe that she was visiting missing children sites before any of this started. Did she create a Caylee is Missing Myspace site?

I thought that this page was Casey's normal myspace page, she however just changed it on the 15th or the 16th before she was arrested. I knew the forensics on the computer said she searched for missing children. I still can't find that discussion on it though..maybe someone else will remember?
ITA-and although it may sound cynical, I don't believe "leaks" are just leaks- someone didn't just wake up this morning thinking"Hmm, I think I'll give that reporter a call and tell them how I feel about this case, even if it means I could be suspended or fired for leaking the info." Leaks are usually strategic in nature, LE or SA is "leaking to get a message across to defense or perp or to scare them into making a move that would benefit Prosecution. I think this is a very well thought out leak, maybe designed to show some of their hand to defense in hopes of forcing a deal, say LWOP vs. state putting DP back on table due to the "intentional" act info being leaked. JMO

Yes I agree. Proceed with caution.
I personally believe KC better take LWOP before it is too late - this could be an intentional leak right before the DP is put back on the table - That is what I believe.
I have no doubt this is an intentional leak coming from LE. They have done this repeatedly all along. They do it for very specific reasons. We will see why soon enough. I really think it is because of the pending doc dump.
I know this evil KC needs the DP, however, if she gets that she will continue to sit in a cell alone for 20+ years through out the appeals process. I want her to get LIFE so she has to mingle with the other prisoners. THAT will be her DP.
It amazes me at how the investigators can determine it was no accident....:clap: How, I just want to know how? Not that I am doubting, I am just so curious. I want to know everything they know. Impressed 100%.
Wouldn't it be something, if now that the anthony's have surely come to realize they will be kc's next victims, they've decided to rat her out?

Wishful thinking maybe, but maybe they're admitting to the awful fight now and saying some things that will point to intentional murder?

What if she called LA and said something to him? She could have called his home phone from hers. All of this is speculation, but I'm not going to be shocked if something like this happened and now that she's throwing them under the bus they plan to fight back.
The sunglasses - this will be interesting to see if this was found at the crime scene JUST because she bought new sunglasses with the stolen money from Amy - could be the reason she did, because darnit! She forgot where she put that other pair!
I'm sorry but I'm not really sure why ANYONE is introducing the idea that the tape found on the remains is GAFF TAPE and not DUCT TAPE. Two TOTALLY DIFFERENT types of tape. All the reports from LE, etc. that have been reported in the media have referred only to DUCT TAPE.

Here is what gaff tape is:

Here is what duct tape is:

Although both are pressure sensitive, one is backed with cotton material and the other vinyl.

PLEASE, PLEASE don't try to confuse the issue ... it makes me think that anyone that tries to say gaff tape was with the remains is trying to point the finger at someone who has not been implicated and is merely involved because she just happens to be a friend of the accused.

Excellent point---not sure how or who started this "gaff" tape nonsense.
Why does this unnamed source appear with info flowing just now? Just after a court appearance? Why now?

So sad. So tragic.

In my opinion it is to get Baez to get her to take LWOP because they are getting ready to put the DP back on the table.

It won't work because Baez is not smart enough as an attorney to recognize it and do what is in the best interest of his client. He has ONLY his own ego and interests in this and he is way too STUPID as an attorney to do what is best.

This is where his inexperience will destroy KC. I despise her, but I do wish she had a better attorney. She could have plead this down as an accident originally with maybe 15 years max and now she is DONE. I guess having him is a strange form of karma in this case.
I believe this too Turbo. I know alot of people don't put much stock into what LP says, but he does know alot more than we do for sure. One thing he said a few months back is something like you will be shocked. But the previews we're seeing more or less are preparing us for that. :eek:

LP loves drama, but I agree he knows more than the rest of us. I'm not sure how much uglier this case can get, but have a suspicion we are about to find out.
Turbo, every since the reports that Casey slept in her parents room when she was released, I thought that same thing. I feel she did it in her own room in the wee hours of the 16th. George never said Caylee walked out of the house. My mind tells me that Casey played it off as she was napping, and carried her little body out of that house right in front of George. Or, he didn't see them leave that day..
What about the duct tape?
This week, I stood with my mother as we buried my grandmother. Her last few days were awful, and despite morphine, she did suffer. We prayed for God to take her and end her suffering.
I had a long conversation with our preacher about it, and he assured me, that when my grandmothers feet hit that golden path, all the pain, all the sickness immediatly went away. As hard as it is knowing that Caylee suffered in any way, I am at peace knowing now that when she walked that golden road, she forgot it all.:blowkiss:

MDO-Your post made me cry. I'm so happy knowing that Caylee will never have to endure again the horrible things that may have happened to her at the end of her short life. I'm sorry for your loss. I have lost both my mom and my grandmother and know how difficult that is. Hugs to you.
The only person I have heard use the word "gaffer tape" is Geraldo. He has always said "gaffer tape" never once heard him say duct tape. In fact I had never heard the word gaffer tape before hearing him.

Also impossible to use duct tape with gloves they stick together!!!!:blowkiss:

I'm thinking of heavier gloves working though. If you could get ahold of the tape. Canvas type gardening gloves wouldn't stick like latex. Just a thought.

"Sources close to the Casey Anthony case told Local 6 News on Thursday that they have overwhelming evidence showing that she intentionally killed her young daughter, Caylee, and was solely responsible for the toddler's death."

"Sources also said investigators have now established a time frame of death that dates back to June, according to reports returned by forensic botanists and entomologists brought in to anaylize the terrain and insect growth where Caylee's remains were found. Sources said plants were growing through the skeleton and bug evidence was also recovered, both of which helped scientists reach their conclusion."

Forensics are going to do it again!

Bold Me
Trying to picture that is just sickening. Caylee was in that spot for a very long time.:furious:

Also snipped from same article.
"Investigators who initially thought that Caylee's death could have been an accident have changed their minds, sources said."
Originally Posted by dtown
These reports aren't comming from investigators. The news media's report is based on an anonymous source. I find it exceedingly difficult to believe that an investigator close enough to this case to have this kind of info would not stoop to leaking it and therefore potentially harming the case. I believe that they adhere to a strong ethics policy.
I do believe that the reporter had better back up these accusations with documentation pronto or s/he is going to find themself in a whole mess of trouble before the day is done.
If you will go back through this case, you will find many, many instances where their "sources" could only be LE or the defense. The information which "leaked" turned out to be coming directly from their reports and information only they would have had access to in order to release it.
I'm thinking of heavier gloves working though. If you could get ahold of the tape. Canvas type gardening gloves wouldn't stick like latex. Just a thought.

You are right, they don't stick as badly, but they would leave fiber and any dirt on them left behind.
I agree. So far, I can't remember any leaks not being known as fact at a later time. I think its a possibility they are doing this in order to try to squeeze a confession out of Casey.

Yep--totally what I thought when I first read the article this AM. I hopewe are right!!!:)
Excellent point---not sure how or who started this "gaff" tape nonsense.

I believe it was the inimitable Geraldo who first said Gaff tape. I remember rolling my eyes when he said it.
If you will go back through this case, you will find many, many instances where their "sources" could only be LE. The information which "leaked" turned out to be coming directly from their reports and information only they would have had access to in order to release it.

I think what we are dealing with here are posters who have not followed this all along, so they don't see the pattern of "sources" right before something big happens.
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