Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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I've only been on here since December. :p Need to satisfy myself, as I read a story somewhere, with I thought Annie, & it stuck in my mind.

No need to trouble yourself with it!
You can bring anything you like up for discussion. Doesn't matter if it has been discussed or not. Just search the threads and bump the one with the discussion you want. let me know if you need help.
I do remember he asked her (Casey) where she was going and when she'd be back...he said it was like any other time. (cough, cough)

Still doesn't say if Caylee was awake or supposedly asleep - which could bring up the question, was Caylee killed on the 15th, that night of the fight - and if so was it in the house - so will LE have fibers, etc. They took all the bedding, pillows, etc. from the room
I personally think it was the other way around. I think that Baez is following a money trail on this case, and he is the one in charge. He has made Casey believe that he will get her off, and therefor taking a deal would end it all..
He wants this circus to continue for PR purposes.

If it is true that someone with deep pockets is bankrolling this, then since he is a nobody attorney he is using this to support himself like all the other people in this case.

I absolutely despise KC, but that is not the type of defense she should have. He "absolutely" should have plead this down before that body was found as an accident and she would have pulled about 15 years and with good time she would have been out in 7.

He has gone about this totally backwards (fits her backwards) and now he is "sucking hind teat" because she is going to get life and maybe the DP. That is what makes me think he is also in it for the money and the fame.

If he is the one putting the money up, then I believe he is out of money. Any attorney who could not pay a $900.00 bill for state's evidence and had to be asked for it in a hearing is out of money.
the Caylee is Missing myspace was NOT created before she went missing. KC and CA just changed the name of KC's myspace (I believe after the police left that first night) in some sort of an attempt to "reach out" to all her friends.

This misconception comes from people viewing the 'date created' on the page (which would be when KC initially joined myspace), seeing the Caylee is Missing title, and reaching that conclusion. When you sign up for myspace, you pretty much get a blank page. YOu can do what you want with it, update however you want, etc.... but it will always show your original join date. I could change my myspace site right now to read "Casey Did It" and it would still show my join date of 2007. It can see how easy it is to jump to conclusions from there...

Yup, thats true, my daughter does it all the time, confuses the heck outta me!!!! LOL
I agree there should be some kind of microscopic evidence, but I am also thinking there was something that could be seen relatively easily found as well. I don't think they were to the microscope phase when they sealed off the Anthony home.
Then again, maybe it was just SOP as soon as they were reasonably sure it was Caylee.

Yes, I think there was something else there like the bed cover, sunglasses, etc.
La law: don't misinterpret me.... I am NOT gloating over Caylee's murder whatsoever. What I am is happy and excited and very, very pleased to hear today's news. I feel very strongly that much could be disproven without getting KC's prints off of the duct tape.
I can't wait for NG tonight!!!!

Hi, tasylshari! Oh, no! I was not addressing your post. I was just pointing out that I would never gloat over something as horrid as a child's murder! I was actually addressing Jane, the person who started this thread. Sorry I was not clear!

Jane, I understand where you are coming from. I see you as a very good person who prefers to think the best unless shown differently. That is an admirable trait to have!

I was just meaning that I have never thought Caylee's death was an accident!

Love all of my fellow sleuthers!
Yes, I think there was something else there like the bed cover, sunglasses, etc.

Your post made me think of something. What if she used caylee's bed cover, and then went to JCP (assuming that's where it original came from) and bought another one to replace it. Just a thought..
Still doesn't say if Caylee was awake or supposedly asleep - which could bring up the question, was Caylee killed on the 15th, that night of the fight - and if so was it in the house - so will LE have fibers, etc. They took all the bedding, pillows, etc. from the room
Well he did describe what they both were wearing as they left so....
I always thought the 16th was a product of George's imagination.

I thought that was a question. Could you clarify your statement? I'm confuzzled.
Wudge said how can one draw the conclusion it was premeditated and I said you can't. I even got a gold star for my answer.
Well he did describe what they both were wearing as they left so....
I always thought the 16th was a product of George's imagination.
But in reality, why wouldn't he just say I saw her the 15th? Why didn't Cindy lie and say she saw her also? It doesn't make sense to lie about seeing her,imo.
Originally Posted by trac View Post
I think that too - when George said he saw Casey and Caylee leave the house on the 16th - did he say he talked to Caylee? Did she bye? or was she asleep on Casey's shoulder as she carried her? It will be interesting to hear, because after the fight on the 15th, Caylee could have passed away that night, as Casey leaves with Caylee (if that is true about George seeing them on the 16th) Casey could have easily said that Caylee was sleeping - then George and Cindy leave that week for their vacation and thats when Casey takes Caylee back to the house - aka the two days in the trunk

Just thinking outloud

George is a Ex Police Office I think he could tell the difference between a sleeping baby and dead baby. I don't think he would have seen her or if he did then she wasn't dead then

the Caylee is Missing myspace was NOT created before she went missing. KC and CA just changed the name of KC's myspace (I believe after the police left that first night) in some sort of an attempt to "reach out" to all her friends.

This misconception comes from people viewing the 'date created' on the page (which would be when KC initially joined myspace), seeing the Caylee is Missing title, and reaching that conclusion. When you sign up for myspace, you pretty much get a blank page. YOu can do what you want with it, update however you want, etc.... but it will always show your original join date. I could change my myspace site right now to read "Casey Did It" and it would still show my join date of 2007. It can see how easy it is to jump to conclusions from there...

Actually that is not 100 correct. You can change your my space NAME all you like
But you CAN NOT change the URL
The URL was also caylee is missing.

As I said in a few posts back it IS POSSIBLE That Myspace allowed this particular one to be changed. They say when you choose your URL to CHOOSECAREFULLY as it can NOT be unchanged.
You are stuck with it for life.
They even have pop ups are YOU SURE
You can not change it

But perhaps they CAN change it and did so because of the circumstances

One question -

How can you tell it was intentional ? rather than a complete rage and then killed in the act of that rage ?
I know there is duct tape. But someone made suggestions in another thread a while ago about it being used to hold in secretions etc.
No, not what was found with the remains necessarily. The article doesn't say when investigators made this determination or what evidence was used in making the determination.

Caylee was reported missing July 15th, a month after she actually went missing.
Nothing in Casey's story about what happened to Caylee checked out.
At that time she was charged with child neglect and lying to LE. While an adult can choose to disappear legally as long as they aren't trying to commit fraud, society frowns on those who wave their magic wand and make their children disappear.
Preliminary forensics reports came back showing evidence of human decomposition in the trunk of the car Casey was using, that was considered 'her' car, even if it wasn't in her name. Hair was found consistent with Caylee. Still, no alive Caylee is produced.
People were interviewed. No one, other than George, even claims to have seen Caylee since June 15th. For all I know, Casey is still sticking to the June 9th story.
So here is the evidence we KNOW LE has.
Missing child.
No explanation of where child is that checks out.
No verifiable sighting of child since June 15 (16).
Testimony by several people of A) Casey seen with no Caylee, B) no firsthand knowledge of Zani the Nanny, C) everywhere Casey said Caylee was during this time is unsubstantiated
Video of several places showing Casey minus Caylee June 16-July 15.
Decomp that is consistent with child found in vehicle of last known person to see child.
Unusual levels of chloroform, a known toxic substance, found in same vehicle.
LE making a determination, and being found guilty by a court of law are two different things. What more do you think they should have to reach a determination that Caylee was killed by her mother? LE can't just sit around all day with their hands in their pockets waiting on a confession with video tape backup as proof.
Anyone know if there is a certain amount of time SA has to put DP back on the table??
But in reality, why wouldn't he just say I saw her the 15th? Why didn't Cindy lie and say she saw her also? It doesn't make sense to lie about seeing her,imo.


Well, they never had the date right in the first place. Second, GA could have seen perp carry Caylee out of the house. Doesn't mean Caylee was alive, could have appeared to be sleeping. But, but, but, they lied since they kind of knew with the pizza decomp car, and the mistake of CA calling LE and saying something about it. (CA was not in the loop yet, GA was from gas can day??????) IMO.
I haven't seen it yet. No one keeps score here.

Just for clarification again!

My post was on the first page #19 late at night just before turning in
Its an emotional time for me atm (other things) and it really got to me
I asked that no one do gloat- as it is so often done - human nature
ie "i told you so" yada yada.

My post was as I said #19 out of what #730 odd now....
I didn't say anyone was ....
Well he did describe what they both were wearing as they left so....
I always thought the 16th was a product of George's imagination.

What they were wearing was not a big deal - it's whether or not Caylee was awake or asleep - did George say he said bye to Caylee and she said bye back - did he say she appeared asleep being carried by Casey

The point is - there are some that think Caylee was killed the night of the 15th after the huge blow up fight between Cindy and Casey and whoever else was there during it

So lets say that Casey and Cindy have that HUGE fight - Casey takes Caylee into the room - slams the door - thats the last they hear of or see Casey or Caylee until the next morning or afternoon as George says

Casey comes out in the 'work attire' and is carrying Caylee - is Caylee awake 'bye papa' and George gives her a kiss and says bye - OR does Caylee appear asleep, laying on Casey's shoulder - and they leave

LE took all the bedding, pillows, etc. from the room - maybe they also have fibers or something from the room or something is missing from the room found at the crime scene -could be an indication that Caylee died in the room the night of the 15th

What I'm wondering if George states in his interviews - as he said Casey was dressed in slacks and blouse, carrying Caylee - and she has the backpack and Caylees backpack as normal - is Caylee awake and talking or does she appear asleep

Which could coincide with the thought, Caylee died the night of the 15th - by accident or not - Casey is carrying her out of the house saying she's napping/asleep and thats the last time they see Caylee

Just a thought and thinking outloud
If it is true that someone with deep pockets is bankrolling this, then since he is a nobody attorney he is using this to support himself like all the other people in this case.

I absolutely despise KC, but that is not the type of defense she should have. He "absolutely" should have plead this down before that body was found as an accident and she would have pulled about 15 years and with good time she would have been out in 7.

He has gone about this totally backwards (fits her backwards) and now he is "sucking hind teat" because she is going to get life and maybe the DP. That is what makes me think he is also in it for the money and the fame.

If he is the one putting the money up, then I believe he is out of money. Any attorney who could not pay a $900.00 bill for state's evidence and had to be asked for it in a hearing is out of money.

ITA-I firmly believe GR is the machine behind JB and GR has many resources he can pull from for what they see as a blockbuster media event when this comes to trial! Poor Caylee and her justice is lost in them-It's all about their ego and greed!:twocents:
Wudge said how can one draw the conclusion it was premeditated and I said you can't. I even got a gold star for my answer.

Ah! Thanks much! I agree with that. But the wording of Wudge's post confused the heck outta me, and your response threw me off completely.
Me no good with the big wordishness after hours reading here...>.>
Hi, tasylshari! Oh, no! I was not addressing your post. I was just pointing out that I would never gloat over something as horrid as a child's murder! I was actually addressing Jane, the person who started this thread. Sorry I was not clear!

Jane, I understand where you are coming from. I see you as a very good person who prefers to think the best unless shown differently. That is an admirable trait to have!

I was just meaning that I have never thought Caylee's death was an accident!

Love all of my fellow sleuthers!

LaLaw: That's alright. You are completely forgiven. You can owe me a bottle of Dom, okay? That'll make it all better for sure :blushing:
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