Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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not a fit of rage at all...she had a plan and she changed it at the last minute because she was mad at Cindy, she was getting ready to kill, she was preparing...researching and weaving stories in her head. She tried out the Chloroform on Amy.

I think shes a spider...I think she wanted all of her family's posessions to herself. She is intitled after all, as she is the most cunning and beautiful spider. She would feel more despair for ripping the head off her barbie doll , than she feels for Caylee.

I cannot wait for ZG's attorneys to interveiw Casey to try to find out how she knew the names of ZG's children, how she knew ZG was at Sawgrass.

I wonder if the A's realize what a monster their little girl really is?

Strange you refer to her as 'the most beautiful spider' as folks here comment about the large size of her ears and call them 'dumbo ears' and how pushing her hair back behind her ear lobes makes them look even larger. From the side view she looks like her ears are much too large for the size of her face. If she had ever realized that , my bet is she would stop tucking the hair back. Not saying this to be 'catty' just remarking about folks opinions of the ears.
I have my doubts about GA's testimony about June 16th, too. But, I don't think he knew she was dead, or was covering for her, or intentionally lied. What if he was just wrong about the last day he saw her. If they left every day in the same routine, and he wasn't asked about it until a month later, I could see where he might have confused the happenings of those days. Remember at first they said it was June 9th that they last saw her. It wasn't until LE found the Father's Day video that they changed it to June 15-16. So, what if what GA remembers as being the last day he saw her was actually June 9th, and it happened just as he described. Then, Caylee and Casey move out, which they supposedly did and stayed at RM's house for a few of those days. KC lets Caylee go with CA to see Grandpa on Father's Day, (I don't know if GA was there or not), they come home, CA and KC get in a big fight, KC leaves with Caylee, or stays and goes to bed, like CA says. KC kills Caylee that night, I'm not sure where, either in her room, or out somewhere. KC doesn't see GA that next day, either she sneaks out, or waits until he leaves, or was already gone. Then, a month later, they start backtracking when they last saw Caylee, and GA is thinking back to his last time seeing her, June 9th. When they realize it was later, he just shifts his last memory of her as being June 16th and sticks with it.

ITA with your theory. I have always thought that GA was simply mixed up on his dates and days. I also believe that CA's statement that everything was normal on that sunday evening, was in reference to sunday June 8...considering that was also the time they believed they last saw Caylee on June 9. June 8 is when CA took Caylee to visit her great grandfather, as it was his birthday...then again on June 15 for fathers day, which was the evening CA and KC were in their huge argument. I can see how they might be confused on the dates, after a month has gone by.
i must say though how does one get a fair trail by Jury if they are all tainted by "guilty fry her" comments ? and NO the media doesnt say that but its going around all over and people would have to be blind not to see that.

Also Question will this case be moved to another ? county? location not sure what you call it over there ? district ? whatever ?

I just have to say how does a person get a fair trial if its all over the media that "it was intentional? "

Why bother with the expense of a trial ? why not just have the judge lock her up and throw away the key ? Is obvious the 12 people are going to find her guilty.
How could they not with all whats been said.

You would be very surprised to know that almost 70% of the people do not read a newspaper, 62 % do not watch the news except for big events. I would bet money you could take a street and call everyone on that street and 80% of them would not know a thing about that news account, even in Orlando.

People here are very informed, many times much more informed than the media themselves.

It is not that hard to get an unbiased jury pool even in a high profile case.
I have always thought she killed her and it was not an accident, wonder if they will bring back DP??

the death penalty would be much more effective if the offender had to die the same way the victim did. Just MHO.
not a fit of rage at all...she had a plan and she changed it at the last minute because she was mad at Cindy, she was getting ready to kill, she was preparing...researching and weaving stories in her head. She tried out the Chloroform on Amy.

I think shes a spider...I think she wanted all of her family's posessions to herself. She is intitled after all, as she is the most cunning and beautiful spider. She would feel more despair for ripping the head off her barbie doll , than she feels for Caylee.

I cannot wait for ZG's attorneys to interveiw Casey to try to find out how she knew the names of ZG's children, how she knew ZG was at Sawgrass.

I wonder if the A's realize what a monster their little girl really is?

I agree! Unfortunately, it looks like the questions will not be posed in person but through written deposition. So, I'm sure she will have help with her answers and they will probably be vague or something like "I do not recall."
Do G&C realize what a monster she is? G will before C will! I don't know if C will ever let herself believe it! I don't think she can live with that realization!
Ok I posted this a little while ago, but I added some questions at the end and if anyone has any input I would greatly appreciate it! I heard on Nancy that it is confirmed that the duct tape was around Caylee's mouth, I immediately thought of something from the JonBenet case..Steve Thomas wrote in his book that one of the reasons he thought the Ramsey's faked JonBenet's kidnapping was the duct tape found on her mouth..heres an excerpt:As part of her staging, Thomas wrote that Patsy put a strip of duct tape over JonBenet's mouth. "There was bloody mucus under the tape, and a perfect set of the child's lip prints, which did not indicate a tongue impression or resistance," indicating that JonBenet had not been alive when the tape was affixed to her mouth. So if Casey's fingerprints were found on the duct tape, and evidence of resistance (showing Caylee was ALIVE when the duct tape was placed, knocking out accident theory) I think that is enough to indicate intentional murder. I notice many people think that Casey killed Caylee w/ chloroform, possibly by taping a rag over her mouth? I don't know anything ab chloroform so i was wondering why Casey would do this, rather than just hold the rag herself? I hope I am accurate about the duct tape, I would love to see how Baez would explain why Casey's fingerprints were on duct tape that was clearly placed on Caylee while she was still alive. hmmm
dtown, Take a deep breath and let me put my two cents in here. I'm retired from a 22-year career as a reporter. So, I just feel the need to respond to your many post concerning the media's handling of this news.
The reporter is not personally reporting about this case and the evidence. This is not the reporter's opinion. What you are reading is what the reporter has gathered from the sources. That's what reporting is all about - gather the news from the sources on your beat and put it out to the public.
No where in the article does it say this information comes from an "unnamed" source. It clearly states "Sources close to the case..." The persons who relayed this information do not have to be named. And, please note the story says sources. That's plural. More than one source.
There are many types of sources a reporter will use. Ones you can readily attach a name to and those you can't identify by name or they would no long be your source. But over time they have proven to be reliable and truthful sources. So, a reporter feels safe using the source they can not identify by name.
I personally used sources, some in the courts and cop shop beats, who willingly gave up information (or as you call it - leak) which when checked was true. They do it for many reasons - sometimes because the information is going to be released shortly anyway. Other times as part of a controlled plan to get certain facts out to the public eye and defense experts and attorneys. It happens all the time. What you need to understand, by "leaking" the information, that source or person, is working the case. They only release what they know can be reported without giving away the entire case's investigative results.
Casey is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. She will receive a fair trial. You call what is reported as irresponsible. However, it would be professionally irresponsible for the reporter to not include facts they have gathered from their sources.
You can bet the facts the reporter brings to the story are checked and backed up before they are aired or seen in print. Despite what you may think, the media is very aware of the consequences of reporting something that is false.
You do not believe the press has the right to report from its sources what has been said about the defendant's guilt; then that means you also believe the media should not be allowed to report what Casey's defense team and supporters have to say about her being innocent.
Regardless of what I've written here, you may still want to challenge what has been printed in this report. I encourage you to do that. Contact the news medium that released this story. Talk with both the reporter and editor. Perhaps what they point out will allow you to take a different view on how the news is reported and the safeguards that allow it to brought to the people.

Great post! Thank you!:clap:

I posted before that I think this "leak" has more to with Prosecution positioning than anything else. Possibly a plan to let Def know they have what they consider an airtight case and Def should try to make a deal - LWOP before they return the DP to the table or that plea (senile, can't remember what it's called) where you don't admit guilt but accept that the SA has the evidence to put you away and you kinda throw yourself on the mercy of the court (although I don't think Judge S. would be inclined to be very merciful) and avoid trial. JMO
I have always thought that Casey intentionally killed little Caylee...The statement that she said to Lee still haunts me "Because I 'am a spiteful bi+++"...I to believe that the forensics in this case will be what convicts Casey....that and the mounds upon mounds of circumstantial evidence that law enforcement has collected....JMHO

I always wanted to believe it was an accident. When Caylee's body was found and I heard about the duct tape, that did it for me. Now I know for sure it was intentional. I could barely stand to look at her yesterday, knowing she wanted to kill that precious child and could sit in court like it was a pain in her #*$ to be there.

You would be very surprised to know that almost 70% of the people do not read a newspaper, 62 % do not watch the news except for big events. I would bet money you could take a street and call everyone on that street and 80% of them would not know a thing about that news account, even in Orlando.

People here are very informed, many times much more informed than the media themselves.

It is not that hard to get an unbiased jury pool even in a high profile case.

I agree. There are a lot of ppl who just don't care to know much about murder cases. I'm not anywhere near Orlando of course, but I know few people here who are familiar with this case at all, other than there is young mom accused of killing her child. Hardly any of my friends watch NG or TruTV, either. That's why I'm here with you guys! :blowkiss:
I agree. There are a lot of ppl who just don't care to know much about murder cases. I'm not anywhere near Orlando of course, but I know few people here who are familiar with this case at all, other than there is young mom accused of killing her child. Hardly any of my friends watch NG or TruTV, either. That's why I'm here with you guys! :blowkiss:

That's so true! I'll go to work and people will ask me "So what's new with the Caylee case"? They get their info from me-I'm their biggest "resource"!:crazy:
Question - If she broke her neck, wouldn't that be able to be determined as the cause of death? I know it wasn't a full skeleton but I would think that the if her skull was there, the neck bones would have been found as well. God, that was hard typing :(

I think that she taped the chloroformed rag or what ever she put it on to Caylee's mouth and nose and then proceeded to smother her with a pillow. If Caylee was out because of the chloroform when she was smothered then she probably just stopped breathing without knowing what was happening to her. I hope and pray that that is what happened. Caylee would have just went to sleep and never woke up. I hope she just surprised her with the chloroform and Caylee was out before she realized that was happening too.

Didn't LE take a pillow from the Anthony's home during the last searches along with some bedding? LE must have found a treasure trove in that bag with Caylee. It seems to me like Casey didn't think that Caylee would ever be found. She sure has acted like it anyway.

After hearing all of the evidence....watching that tape of Caylee...and then hearing about Casey's behavior as soon as Caylee was dead...the jurors are going to despise her. If the Pros decides to go for the death penalty I really believe that the jury will go for it.

As far as Casey being offered any kind of plea is never going to happen. She has nothing to bargain with now that Caylee has been found. I doubt that the Pros is going to want to give an inch to this monster.

I would love to know just where George, Cindy, and Lee stand now. It's hard to believe that George and Cindy are keeping quiet because an attorney told them too. I hope that they are grieving for Caylee and that is why they are quiet and remain that way. Why aren't they seeing Casey...their choice or hers? I'm a snoop and want some answers!
I personally think it was the other way around. I think that Baez is following a money trail on this case, and he is the one in charge. He has made Casey believe that he will get her off, and therefor taking a deal would end it all..
He wants this circus to continue for PR purposes.

that's how I see it too. I also can't help but feel there is a strong attachment with the two of them that is unhealthy for either of them. I'm not sure if it was sexual, emotional or both. I just think it's something?
So based on a few comments here and there it seems that its also a very good possibility that she did not plan to do this. That instead the fight with her mother threw her into an impossible rage of which Caylee was the recipient of.

What if she struck her and blood was seeping out of her mouth and nose and she duct taped it to keep it all in ?

My thoughts have always been accident or rage attack. whilst I am saddened that it was not a complete accident I think something that is a rage attack is more understandable than a actual premeditated murder of a 2 year old.

ETA sorry Understandable is NOT The right word :( I mean something else and I cant think of the word ? but im sure you know what I mean

I sense your desire to believe this was an accident, it's so horrifying to think anyone, much less her own mother, killed this baby. However, I don't mean to sound ugly but duct tape to stop a nosebleed is really reaching. Besides, it went all the way around her head. She never intended to take that tape off.

As far as a "complete accident", either it was or it wasn't. I don't see how you can rationalize the tape away. Just won't happen, IMO.
This is standard for high profile cases -- LE and/or prosecutors leak puffery. What was said may be accurate. But that doesn't make it truthful.

I forget: who was it that so told the media?
Im afraid you are grasping at straws in this case, attempting to minimize what LE has on Casey.
Much like Casey's defense team.
I dont believe this statement regarding the evidence or its conclusive proof of Casey's guilt is going to turn out to be 'Puffery' at all.
Im sure even her defense team knows that. Obviously, considering theyve been up on their hind legs trying to cast doubt on LE's abilty to conduct an autopsy or secure a crime scene therefore casting doubt on the evidence itself in the minds of the juror pool.
A pretty transparent and desperate ploy.
Its also doubtful that certain key parties would be scrambling for immunity in the face of 'Puffery'.
I think the facts once they come out will bear me out on this.
Ok I posted this a little while ago, but I added some questions at the end and if anyone has any input I would greatly appreciate it! I heard on Nancy that it is confirmed that the duct tape was around Caylee's mouth, I immediately thought of something from the JonBenet case..Steve Thomas wrote in his book that one of the reasons he thought the Ramsey's faked JonBenet's kidnapping was the duct tape found on her mouth..heres an excerpt:As part of her staging, Thomas wrote that Patsy put a strip of duct tape over JonBenet's mouth. "There was bloody mucus under the tape, and a perfect set of the child's lip prints, which did not indicate a tongue impression or resistance," indicating that JonBenet had not been alive when the tape was affixed to her mouth. So if Casey's fingerprints were found on the duct tape, and evidence of resistance (showing Caylee was ALIVE when the duct tape was placed, knocking out accident theory) I think that is enough to indicate intentional murder. I notice many people think that Casey killed Caylee w/ chloroform, possibly by taping a rag over her mouth? I don't know anything ab chloroform so i was wondering why Casey would do this, rather than just hold the rag herself? I hope I am accurate about the duct tape, I would love to see how Baez would explain why Casey's fingerprints were on duct tape that was clearly placed on Caylee while she was still alive. hmmm

:clap: Isn't it wonderful that a cheap roll of duct tape can turn out to be Priceless?!?!
~Bolded by always~

Tracey and Truth- ITA. There have been so many *HUGE RED FLAGS*.

I have not been one to believe it was an accident. And I'm not gloating either.

To Janeinoz- :blowkiss: I can understand your willingness to believe it was an accident. Several years ago- I might have been right there with you. My first husband was very abusive. I kept believing he would change. I had a belief that ALL people have the ability to be *good*. After he tried to kill me- that belief went out the window. ( And he went to prison.) My rose colored glasses came off....

Sometimes people can *see* the darkness without ever having it touch their lives.

Some people (me) have to live in/with the *darkness* to realize it exists and develope the ability to recognize it.

OMG!!! I'm happy you are where you are and he is where he is. God bless you and your family.
This one sentence in the article really stood out to me..............

"Investigators who initially thought that Caylee's death could have been an accident have changed their minds, sources said."

There must be something that is so clearly indicating that Caylee's death was intentional, that investigators who initially thought it was accidental, now have changed their minds.
I haven't been able to read this whole thread - it's 39 pages! But having read the first few pages.....................

I believe that whatever was found at the crime scene, in the bag with the remains was something that was very clear to all who saw it. It was something that made detectives leave the scene and obtain a search warrant for the Anthony home.

Let's hope there's finger prints and other evidence that will lead to a conviction, but the detectives on scene didn't see finger prints and race to get a search warrant. It was something that they made an immediate visual identification on and that sent them to get the warrant.
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