GUILTY South Africa - Gill Packham, 57, murdered, Cape Town, 22 February, 2018 *arrest*

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After IB posted her video I looked for it on YouTube but couldn't find it. I then searched Kyk regstreeks na die verhoor van Rob Packham and bingo, found hers and this one too.

So today's proceedings were a whopping 1hr 8 mins. Well, it is SA isn't it. Maybe we'll have a full day tomorrow, or maybe not.

ETA Today's streaming was 26mins 45s, and that's it. The second video was only 42 seconds AND there was no sound.
Rob #Packham ahead of Day 2 of his murder trial. He is accused of the murder of his wife, Gill. The State’s next witness is Packham’s former colleague, Lodewyk Janse Van Rensburg.

Lodewyk Janse Van Rensburg works at Twizza Queenstown, but was previously with Twizza in Bellville, where he was the logistics manager and a colleague of #Packham - the general manager. His office was across the corridor from the accused's.

Twizza's offices had glass walls so JvR could see #Packham from where he sat. They have an electronic fingerprint clock-in system. The morning of Gill's disappearance, JvR arived at work just after 08:00. He left for a meeting just after 9:30. He didn't see Packham.

JvR said #Packham called him at 12:23, while with other colleagues. He asked him to move away from the people he was with. He said "buddy, buddy" that he was driving around looking for Gill and that she hadn't been seen since 07:00.

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JvR said #Packham told him Gill and Nicola had a fight with him the previous night. He asked JvR to tell anyone who asks that they had been in a meeting at 08:30. JvR said he agreed because Packham was the general manager and was looking for his wife.

#Packham sounded out of breath when they spoke on the phone, like he had been walking around, JvR said. After they spoke about the 8:30 meeting, he sounded relieved.

JvR knew about #Packham's marital problems as he told had him about it. Gill would phone colleagues to ask if #Packham was at work, but not JvR personally.

JvR had reported the conversation to HR and the production manager because he felt uneasy about it. JvR also said #Packham never called him "buddy" but always "Lodie". He found the "buddy" term strange.

South Africa - Gill Packham, 57, murdered, Cape Town, 22 February, 2018 *arrest*
JvR confirms a hearing was held against #Packham about him not being at work. He does not know what other charges he had faced.

Packham and JvR sent each other messages that day. At 5pm, JvR asked him if he was ok. JvR sent him a Pink Ladies flyer and told Packham that he was there for him and behind him while they searched for Gill. Packham later messaged him to say Gill was still missing.

On Sunday, #Packham messaged "Ken" - the company owner - but accidentally sent it to JvR. Immediately thereafter he messaged JvR wanting confirmation about the "hook-up" - that he had said they had a meeting at 8:30.

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Adv Webster asks JvR where he was when #Packham called him. He says he was at the smoking area, outside the main building. When #Packham asked him to move away from their colleagues, he did so, about 6-7m away.

Packham said he'd been driving around, to their other houses, hospitals and police stations trying to find Gill. "[He said] if anybody phones, I must say we had a meeting at the plant at 8:30."

Packham sounded stressed, JvR says. JvR thought Gill would possibly call him. She, however, normally called other people in the plant and never him.

Packham denies calling him "buddy", Adv Webster says. JvR maintains he did. Packham claims he said that if Gill called, he asked JvR to say he had been around the plant. That could be, JvR says.

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JvR on 28 February made a statement to police. Adv Webster says there is no mention of the fight the previous night. JvR says he can't recall why. Judge Steyn says he made reference in the statement to the #Packham's marital problems.

Adv Webster says Nicola #Packham was not home the night she and Gill supposedly fought with him. JvR didn't know this. JvR had once apologised to Gill by message for supposed offensive material he had sent Rob.

JvR had sent "material" to Packham. Nicola had seen it, JvR testifes. #Packham had typed the apology and wording on JvR's phone and sent it to his own phone.

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Adv Galloway asks for clarity regarding the apology. JvR says #Packham typed the apology and sent it to his own phone.
The witness is excused.

Tea adjournment.
Am hearing SG, the Judge not so much. Happy days though, we’re Live! Thanks JJ
Rob #Packham ahead of Day 2 of his murder trial. He is accused of the murder of his wife, Gill. The State’s next witness is Packham’s former colleague, Lodewyk Janse Van Rensburg.

Lodewyk Janse Van Rensburg works at Twizza Queenstown, but was previously with Twizza in Bellville, where he was the logistics manager and a colleague of #Packham - the general manager. His office was across the corridor from the accused's.

Twizza's offices had glass walls so JvR could see #Packham from where he sat. They have an electronic fingerprint clock-in system. The morning of Gill's disappearance, JvR arived at work just after 08:00. He left for a meeting just after 9:30. He didn't see Packham.

JvR said #Packham called him at 12:23, while with other colleagues. He asked him to move away from the people he was with. He said "buddy, buddy" that he was driving around looking for Gill and that she hadn't been seen since 07:00.

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Move away from the people you are with

How natural
The State's next witness in Cornelius Vermaak. He, too, was a former colleague of #Packham, and worked as a fleet controller. He arrives for work at about 06:00 everyday, checks his emails and inspects the vehicles.

Vermaak had to pass #Packham's office to get to the warehouse. He didn't see anyone in the administrative offices between 07:30 and 08:00 when he walked throuh that day. He didn't see him that morning, only later the day.

Vermaak saw #Packham in his office later that day, but testifies that he had seen him drive onto the premises at about 10:00. The witness is excused.

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JvR on 28 February made a statement to police. Adv Webster says there is no mention of the fight the previous night. JvR says he can't recall why. Judge Steyn says he made reference in the statement to the #Packham's marital problems.

Adv Webster says Nicola #Packham was not home the night she and Gill supposedly fought with him. JvR didn't know this. JvR had once apologised to Gill by message for supposed offensive material he had sent Rob.

JvR had sent "material" to Packham. Nicola had seen it, JvR testifes. #Packham had typed the apology and wording on JvR's phone and sent it to his own phone.

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What a piece of work
The next witness is policeman Clive Muller of the Diep River police station. His shift started at 18:00 that night. Dessie from Pink Ladies phoned him about Gill #Packham.

Muller says he was given information about the #Packham matter by Dessie, but wanted first hand info. He gave a subordinate an instruction to go to Riesling Road - about 3km away - and find a family member for details. Another officer also contacted him about Gill.

While speaking to a sergeant on the phone, WO Muller got a call on the other line from an officer who had been informed by a member of the public that a car was on fire at Diep River train station. One officer went to the station, another to Riesling Road.

Muller said the officer at the scene could not see the registration number to confirm if it was Gill #Packham's car. The constable had confirmed a body was found in the burnt car. As the senior officer, Muller had to report to the scene.

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Muller says the scene was cordoned off, but when he arrived one of the people there told him he had seen a person run away from the car and the scene.

Walking from the scene on his way to his vehicle to take down a witness' number, Muller saw another car approaching. #Packham got out of the car with friends of his, who introduced him as the husband of the missing person.

Muller told them to go to the Diep River police station and wait for him there. #Packham and his friends complied. He was being seen by a victim support councillor when Muller returned to the police station.

Muller says prior to him coming on duty at 18:00 and the call from Dessie, no one reported #Packham missing. It was also not noted in the occurrence book. There's no time limit to report someone missing, he says- this is "widely publicised - even if its just 5 mins".

WO Muller is excused. No cross examination by #Packham's legal team.

Trial adjourns to Wednesday.

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