South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #4

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Galloway links Van Breda's injuries to his sister's fist

"I disagree with that," says Van Breda

Galloway getting ready now

"All the injuries can be explained by Marli defending herself against you"

Galloway asks if he sustained the injuries during a fight with Marli #VanBreda while she was trying to defend herself. No, he says.

Where were you on the stairs when you lost consciousness? #VanBreda : Just above middle landing. When regained consciousness, light outside.


G: when did you sustain the bump in your forehead?H: I don't know, either from fall down stairs or from loss into consciousness

G: you are able to tell us the incident with he attacker, but can't tell us how you fell, or where I got the bump

G: is not a combination of the Injuries you sustained when Marli attacked you when she defended herself?
H: No

G: Marli defended herself with her fist, this the bump in your head?

H: I disagree

G: where exactly were you When you lost consciousness? H: just above middle landing

H: I am not sure if the exact timelines, but it was light outside. Can check phone call timelines

G: when did you sustain the bump to your forehead? H: I don't know, maybe when falling down the stairs

"I didn't even really know I had a bump to my head" - Henri

G: Can you enlighten the court as to how you fell down the stairs? H: I fell onto the stairs twice, don't recall how I fell down

G: Marli had an injury which is consistent with defending oneself - matches Henri's back injuries. H: I disagree

G: whereabouts on the stairs were you when you lost consciousness? H: just above middle landing
G: Marli defended herself with her fist, this the bump in your head?

Van Breda says he was unconscious for more than two and a half hours

Galloway says timeline shows between Google search and actual emergency call, 2h40 mins had passed. #VanBreda agrees.

H: I can't recall or say specifically how I lost consciousness

Every suffered random loss of consciousness? #VanBreda: no.

You in plea explanation said didn't use drugs at time to cause this? Correct.


G: timeline shows 2h40mins, would you agree?
H: Yes

H: I can't recall or say specifically how I lost consciousness

G: in your evidence you consulted Dr Van Zyl in the eve after murders?

G: Why did you inform her of loss of consciousness?
H: I wasn't interested in talking to anyone

H: I don't recall talking to the doctor it as a long time ago

G: Did you lose consciousness gradually? Did you fade away? H: I cannot recall

G: Did you consult any doctor regarding loss of consciousness? H: No i didn't

G: Dr. van Zyl testified that you & her had a "nice conversation" together. H: I recall getting stitches, don't recall doctor well

G: Why can't you recall her? H: It was a long time ago

G: In plea explanation, you testified you heard & saw Rudi gurgling on ground. No further reference to him in exhibit SS at all?

H: told police i could still hear Rudi the next morning, specifically enquired about him. Police couldn't tell me anything

G: when you came to on the stairs, what made you notice the blood on the stairs?
H: Seeing it

Galloway searches for precedent for #VanBreda passing out. "You didn't use drugs?" Henri sips water, says correct but sounds like "krekt".

Despite his conservative tie, #VanBreda seeming and sounding both a lot more relaxed and chirpy in court today.
Van Breda says he doesn't recall the doctor

"It was a long time ago"

Galloway addressing contradictions in Van Breda's testimony

Galloway turns to differences in his report on brother Rudi van Breda

Galloway: Didn't amend version to fit in with 2h40m lapse in timeline? #VanBreda: no, I said this to the police.


Galloway searches for precedent for #VanBreda passing out. "You didn't use drugs?" Henri sips water, says correct but sounds like "krekt".

Despite his conservative tie, #VanBreda seeming and sounding both a lot more relaxed and chirpy in court today.

H: I specifically saw a patch of dry blood

H: I was initially disorientated, and it sort of clicked it came from the stab wounds

G: you remember one specific blood spot, after you sustained an injury? Is this not an after thought?

G: your reason for not calling EMS numbers on fridge is because it was of no assistance?

G: What did you notice about blood on the stairs? H: Saw patch of dry blood where my stomach had been, must've been stab wound

G: You cannot remember where you stood on stairs, but you remember one specific blood spot? H: yes
In statement, #VanBreda doesn't mention Rudi moving violently. In plea, only references Rudi once, not gurgling or moving about violently.

Galloway wants to know why Van Breda didn't call the emergency numbers on the fridge

"I could do more by other means," says Van Breda

Galloway asks if he added this to explain blood patterns. #VanBreda says no. He told police he had heard Rudi, enquired on his condition.

G: your reason for not calling EMS numbers on fridge is because it was of no assistance?

Galloway highlights 24-hour support and emergency numbers

#VanBreda had considered emergency numbers on fridge, but thought he would be "doing more by other means",like getting EMS numbers himself.

#VanBreda thought he would be better off speaking directly to the people who were going to help.

I thought I could get an ambulance quicker than these people (emergency numbers), says van Breda

G: but in the fridge there was a 24 hour emergency life, no of security control, security managers, and medical support no?


H: I felt I would be doing more by other means, like getting numbers myself

G: but in the fridge there was a 24 hour emergency life, no of security control, security managers, and medical support no?

G: there is atleast two 24 hour emergency number, and you date saying this is of no assistance?

H: I thought it would be a quicker more direct way of getting help

H: an ambulance would actually be able to help

G: were you hoping Marli and Rudi were alive?
H: I was hoping so

G: you did not mention this in the EMS call, only mentioned Marli

G: the cigarettes you smoked?
H: I lit the first cigarettes while dialing

G: You must have considered 24 hour emergency number and doctor on fridge? H: thought I could get ambulance quicker

H: I thought i would call for help directly, quicker response this way

G: You made no mention of Rudi during emergency call, only Marli?

H: Lit first cigarette while dialling, can't recall lighting second and third

Henri was stuck on a 23 minute emergency call when he had two alternate 24 hour emergency numbers on the fridge.

#VanBreda is on the King's Speech of emergency calls, getting nowhere slowly, and yet he never considers a better, closer alternative?
HvB signed his own statement, why didn't he tell the officer what parts were incorrect.

Oh wow, HvB is smiling and showing real contempt for Galloway's questions! He seems on a high, imo.
Van Breda only mentioned that Marli was still alive - not Rudi

"I don't know why I did that"

#VanBreda says he was hoping Marli and Rudi were still alive - Rudi gurgling, Marli moving. Why not tell EMS on call that they still alive?

G: were you hoping Marli and Rudi were alive?
H: I was hoping so

H: an ambulance would actually be able to help

#VanBreda lit first cigarette while dialling. Can't remember when lit other two. Smoked while sitting at counter on phone to EMS.

H: Lit first cigarette while dialling, can't recall lighting second and third

Van Breda struggles to explain the timeline and when he smoked cigarettes


J Desai: you either told the police officer that or not?

H: I think what's been represented her is a misrepresentation of what I conveyed and what he took down

G: difference between statement and testimony....H interrupts, the word "then is important" in establishing sequencing

G: so there was no time lapse btwn ems call and smoking?H/ Correct

G: why not go outside and shout or check on your family members?
H: I was doing the most I could

J Desai: would someone not have come to help if you shouted?
H: I supposed Ms Op't Hof would have come, wouldn't be helpful

H: I didn't think I could help them, what I was doing was the most help I could have given

Short Adjournment as #vanbreda gets emotional

H: disagrees with timeline version Galloway reads out to court

H: I think what's being represented here (statement) is a misrepresentation of what happened

G: there is a different in your version and what you then testified in court? H: the "then" is important! Sequencing is incorrect

G: While on line to ER, why did you not move around and see if family is okay? H: Did the most I could. G: Like smoke cigarettes?

H: I thought if I had capacity to help them at that point i would have done so

Court adjourned for tea.

#VanBreda refers to asking for multiple ambulances=how he was trying to help Rudi. But took 5 min for operator to see ambulances not for him
In his police statement #vanbreda described what happened when he called ambulance- he says version recorded by police is not his words.

In his police statement, #VanBreda said he smoked while waiting for emergency services. He says those weren't his words. Timeline wrong.

#VanBreda lit first cigarette while dialling. Can't remember when lit other two. Smoked while sitting at counter on phone to EMS.

Galloway says the statement contradicts the timeline

Van Breda counters: "The 'then' is important"

Galloway: "The sequencing is different from what you're testifying now in court"

Van Breda says he sat at the table with the cordless phone

Galloway: "Why didn't you check on your family?"

Cordless phone used.Why, while on call, didn't you move around and check on family? #VanBreda: Thought I was doing most I could to get help.

G: so there was no time lapse btwn ems call and smoking? H/ Correct

Van Breda: I didn't think that I could help them

H: I didn't think I could help them, what I was doing was the most help I could have given

#VanBreda doesn't think Ms Op''t Hof would've been much help in any case. If not medical professional, they wouldn't have been of assistance.

#VanBreda doesn't think he could have helped his family. He feels he did all he could. Short adjournment; Henri appears emotional.


Morning tea
What strange demeanour he shows! Can't fathom it. Seems to be somewhere above all that's happening; arrogant & going through the motions but a smoldering anger just below the controlled surface, I fear. Bizarre!
What strange demeanour he shows! Can't fathom it. Seems to be somewhere above all that's happening; arrogant & going through the motions but a smoldering anger just below the controlled surface, I fear. Bizarre!
He certainly is an enigma, part of me thinks he may attempt suicide if found guilty, then again, he may be a real survivor and live it up in prison like the other rich white prisoners!
I really hope he undergoes a psychiatric assessment.
Marli van Breda’s lawyers have killed further publication of a controversial new book on her family’s murders which was written with the full co-operation and endorsement of her dead mother’s sister.

They are also considering suing the author and publisher for damages for invasion of Marli’s privacy and assaulting her dignity.

Good heavens! What next?
"I didn't think that I could help them." - Henri #VanBreda Or was it: "I didn't think that they could/would help me..."

Galloway puts it to Henri that Marli fought him off, hit him with her fist. Henri starts to stutter. Answers: "Ok...Ok..."

We're back, the trial resumes shortly.

G: what was first thing you registered when you regained consciousness? H: My mom and Marli at top landing

H: Upon seeing that I realized I needed to get help

G: What did you do, did you not go check on others?

G: what did you do when you realized you needed to get help? H: I headed towards home phone in kitchen

G: You never went to check in on state of mother, sister, brother? H: No

G: what was the first think you registered when you came to?
H: I saw mum and Marli at the top landing

H: I realised I had to get help

G: again, regaining your consciousness and seeing your mother and sister, forced you to snap back into reality
H: Yes

G: you testified about Sasha barking, when was this?
H: after I lost consciousness... thinking back now it makes sense

G: timeline of phone calls, incoming call at 07:39, after you spoke to EMS?
H: Yes
"First thing I registered was seeing mom and Marli on the top landing," Says Van Breda

What is the first thing you registered when you gained consciousness? #VanBreda: seeing mom and Marli at the top landing.

Galloway: "What did you do when you realised you needed to get help?"

"I headed to the home phone," says Van Breda

Galloway highlights that Van Breda didn't check on family after regaining consciousness

Henri dwindles his fingers and wears an innocent face with puppy dog eyes and an occasional 'pity me, love me' smile to the judge

G: again, regaining your consciousness and seeing your mother and sister, forced you to snap back into reality
H: Yes

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