South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi Van Breda, 22, Murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #5

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Desai asked for sentencing reports, so I don;t know if that includes a psychiatric evaluation.

The defence can ask for a psycho-social pre-sentencing report for the court. HvB hasn’t assisted the court, unless they count the fact that he testified … after he’d heard all the expert witnesses and tailored his evidence accordingly. The defence can hardly raise the issue of rehabilitation as he hasn’t taken responsibility for what he’s done, and he’s shown not a shred of remorse. Even if he's sentenced to life, he may be eligible to apply for parole after serving 25 years but I hope his applications are knocked back. I’d like to see him get a lot more than that but his age may be taken into account by Correctional Services.

I just read this:

"If a prisoner has been sentenced to life imprisonment, the decision to release him or her on parole must be made by the Court and not by the Correctional Supervision and Parole Board [S73(5)(a)(ii)]".

We'll have to wait and see what his sentence is - 25 years+ or life.

Lock him up and throw away the key.
Can you imagine him in jail with his attitudes and arrogance? Porridge for you too Henri.
Exactly what I said JJ, unappealable. And I hope the family trust funding his legal bills cuts him off this minute.

Yes, it will be interesting to see what happens. I'd like to think they'd wouldn't fund an appeal but somehow I rather doubt it unless pressure is brought to bear on who administers the trust. I wonder if the entire inheritance goes to Marli now.

He'll have nothing when he gets out of prison and at present isn't qualified for any sort of job. Oh well, he can always get a degree while he's in prison, but I'm not sure what he'd be looking at. Nah, he'll probably revert to his old ways and live in cheap rented accommodation which will become a pigsty after a few weeks like the other place he was living at with Danielle. He didn't even get to say goodbye to her.
Botha said, "He is on chronic medication now for the epilepsy, possibility of awaiting sentencing prisoners to access proper care is difficult. If you find against me I will ask that you endorse a warrant that he be held on the hospital wing"

Disgusting to the end.

I noticed Desai took one or two pokes at Botha for his part in the trial. Fully justified IMO.
Yes, it will be interesting to see what happens. I'd like to think they'd wouldn't fund an appeal but somehow I rather doubt it unless pressure is brought to bear on who administers the trust. I wonder if the entire inheritance goes to Marli now.

He'll have nothing when he gets out of prison and at present isn't qualified for any sort of job. Oh well, he can always get a degree while he's in prison, but I'm not sure what he'd be looking at. Nah, he'll probably revert to his old ways and live in cheap rented accommodation which will become a pigsty after a few weeks like the other place he was living at with Danielle. He didn't even get to say goodbye to her.
I just don't know how serial rapists can get 100+ year sentences and premeditated mass murderers can get 25 years. I am still hopeful he will never be released. I think remorse (therefore admission) is a parole requirement.
Can you imagine him in jail with his attitudes and arrogance? Porridge for you too Henri.

As virtually no-one here followed the Panayiotou trial, I've carried this over from that thread. Here's the fine dining experience HvB can look forward to while in prison.

There is no smell of bacon and eggs as inmates are marched to breakfast. They are greeted with a spread of porridge and coffee or juice.

The next meal will be served at 11 o’ clock. Lunch consists of a form of meat or protein, a starch and a vegetable.

At 3 o’clock inmates have their last meal of the day. The menu for supper varies – mostly it consists of six slices of bread and a beverage of some sort.

His days of wine and roses are well and truly over now, oh, and drugs, unless we count his epilepsy medication.
Did you catch the bit when Galloway said he could try to forge passports and Botha said his face is recognizable everywhere now. Henri is the master of disguises IMO - every time I see him he looks different, put on or lost weight, grown a beard, lost the beard, long hair, no hair..shadowed eyes to baby faced.
Look at the differences



I just don't know how serial rapists can get 100+ year sentences and premeditated mass murderers can get 25 years. I am still hopeful he will never be released. I think remorse (therefore admission) is a parole requirement.

You might like to have a look at the amendment to #566 above. I believe their Constitution was amended to provide some hope for prisoners serving long sentences to be able, but not necessarily granted, to apply for parole, but I haven't checked if it refers to people with life sentences. It's 2.18am here and I have to go to bed shortly so I'll investigate further.
Pollsmoor prison. Looks nice there - NOT!!

He won't have to endure those conditions. Those prisoners were on remand. White prisoners, who only represent 1.6% of the total prison population in SA, are usually segregated.

Apart from assault, segregation – formerly known as solitary confinement or isolation – is one of the most common methods of torture used in prisons, according to Langa.
The Correctional Services Act defines solitary confinement as “being held in a single cell with loss of all amenities” which “may be for part of or the whole day”. It also lists the conditions under which segregation is permissible:

  • if a prisoner requests to be placed in segregation;
  • to give effect to the penalty of the restriction of amenities;
  • if prescribed by a medical practitioner;
  • when a prisoner is a threat to himself or others;
  • if recaptured after escape and there is reason to believe that he will attempt to escape again; and
  • at the request of the police in the interests of justice.”

I've seen videos of other convicted white murders who share a cell with one or two others.
And then there's these he looks like a baby in the first one



The trial lasted for 66 days in one of South Africa's most sensational murder trials.

From beginning to end‚ with the odd exception‚ it was a damning judgment for both HvB and the case presented by his defence.

Desai mapped out a judgment that left no room for doubt, referring to the "highly unlikely" chance of an intruder having breached the estate perimeter; the wounds on HvB’s body, deemed "self-inflicted" by two "highly professional" and credible expert witnesses; the aggressive fight heard by a neighbour on the night of the attacks; and HvB’s emotionless state in court – "even as he described the fatal blows to his parents and brother".

Desai said it would be odd for an intruder to try to wipe out an entire family and "leave one member" with so little harm. He had neither tried to help nor consoled his family members and displayed "a peculiar lack of empathy", instead phoning his girlfriend.

He said the call to emergency services on the night of the attack had shown a "lack of urgency" and that the "demeanour of the accused" during an "unduly long conversation" with emergency services seemed "highly unusual for a traumatised victim".

Desai said that HvB had "become emotional from time to time" during the trial - which was "to be expected" – but that in general‚ he "did not show a great deal of emotion when he demonstrated the fatal blows to his family members" by an alleged axe-wielding attacker.

He added that HvB "was the only person alive who could remember what had happened"‚ but had "sarcastically responded that he had had no idea who the attackers were".

Referring to the plea statement, in which he claimed there had been unknown intruders on the premises, Desai said the court agreed with the the prosecutor "that it is highly unlikely the perimeter of the estate was breached by an intruder". There was "no credible evidence that an intruder entered the estate” on the night of the incident, the judge said.

Desai added that he would have had ample time to tamper with evidence.

Each piece of evidence "on its own" might not have been enough to convict him‚ but "cumulatively" there was only one reasonable inference that could be drawn from the evidence and testimonies – that he was guilty.

Desai said the court had concluded the chances were "virtually nil" that a second axe had been used. The lack of Marli's blood on the axe did not mean she had not been attacked with that axe.

He emphasised that forensic pathologist Dr Anthony had described the types of injuries to Marli's head as being "highly similar to those sustained by the other family members" and that "it is highly unlikely the alleged attacker would have brought along an axe similar to the one in the family home".

HvB’s bail has been revoked and he will be detained in the hospital section of Pollsmoor prison while awaiting sentencing. The defence team will have to provide medical certificates and have his medical condition verified independently if he is to remain in the medical wing.
I missed those. Will have to watch it again :D

I found this one fairly quickly. If I come across the other/s I will post them. Desai is cautious how he words things but I did feel this was specifically aimed at Botha.

@ roughly 17 to 18.17 minutes

Apropos the photo of the shoe being introduced by Botha.

Desai effectively says the Defence should refrain from wasting court time with sideshows which merely cloud the issues. It was not in the interest of justice to do so.
I assumed that WS was not operating last night so watched the trial on a video but nodded off just at that crucial moment so did not hear the word, GUILTY. So I did a search on google using "Henri van Breda, Guilty" and there were already media reports there. I found Galloway difficult to understand so did not really know what she was saying. Botha fought to the end for his client but I did not appreciate his tactics as they were so time-wasting.

I have a feeling that Marli (hope so) might be there on June 5 to give an impact statement. I think she needs to do this to get closure for herself as she will probably not wish to see her brother ever again. Perhaps one of his uncles will also give a victim impact statement.

I don't see any mitigating factors. Do you?
Thanks again to all for all the tweets and summaries and posts!! It made all the difference in following this from America.

Btw, my DD had just come home from her 3rd year of college when I started following this and I just told her we finally had a verdict...she graduates in a week and couldn't believe it was still going on up until now... amazing how long this took. But w the right result so that is what matters in the end!! [emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122]

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