GUILTY South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016 - #2

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Jenna Etheridge
Defence lawyer Graham van der Spuy: "Nmerous issues have arisen, problems have occurred and has become apparent that I completely underestimated some of the problems. Some were really unpredictable." @TeamNews24

VDS: Jason's two younger daughters, twins, are in matric at the moment and are writing exams. "There was a strong need to consult with the accused’s daughters for obvious reasons." @TeamNews24
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Jenna Etheridge
VDS says defence needs more time to consult with Jason, his psychiatrist, his daughters and their psychologist, and other witnesses. He says consulting conditions at Pollsmoor prison are not optimal

Defence indicates that Jason will NOT testify in mitigation of sentence.

State is not opposing the defence's application for a postponement. Judge Salie-Hlophe grants it and postpones matter until December 5 for sentencing proceedings.
Well, it seems like the defence lawyer was unprepared for Jason to be found guilty. He does not have other witnesses to speak for his client except for his three daughters? Former colleagues, personal friends of the family? That speaks volumes. Especially considering the fact that Jason did not want their names to be heard in court. Now they are going to testify? He is desperate.
WATCH LIVE: Jason Rohde sentencing gets underway
Sorry guys.
I only found the video AFTER the tweets.
Well, we know we have another postponement, if you wish to hear the Defence 's dribble.
As usual, he goes on, and on and on.
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At least he's not out on bail. Thanks tmar and sorry I got here late.

What can any of them say that will make a difference? We get it, he wasn't in trouble before. Then he found a new love interest and he wanted rid of his wife. And he smashed her up, breaking her ribs, making her lungs bleed, strangling her, punching her in the face, and smothering her to death, then telling everyone she killed herself. So he's a devious lying coward cheating violent murderer to say it politely. I can't believe there is anything a psychiatrist can say that is relevant.
At least he's not out on bail. Thanks tmar and sorry I got here late.

What can any of them say that will make a difference? We get it, he wasn't in trouble before. Then he found a new love interest and he wanted rid of his wife. And he smashed her up, breaking her ribs, making her lungs bleed, strangling her, punching her in the face, and smothering her to death, then telling everyone she killed herself. So he's a devious lying coward cheating violent murderer to say it politely. I can't believe there is anything a psychiatrist can say that is relevant.

If you get a chance, listen to the video.
It appears VDS doesn't have a great deal to present.
All this would have been known previously.
Perhaps they may now also have a friend of Rohde, for a character witness, who VDS hasn't spoken to, and doesn't even know his name!!!!!
So perhaps still searching for someone.
Just a waste of time.
Glad Rohde is still in Prison, as the way VDS was speaking, I thought he would request a meeting away from this confined place, where only one person could sit.
What a pity, he doesn't have his own comfortable lounge room.
If you get a chance, listen to the video.
It appears VDS doesn't have a great deal to present.
All this would have been known previously.
Perhaps they may now also have a friend of Rohde, for a character witness, who VDS hasn't spoken to, and doesn't even know his name!!!!!
So perhaps still searching for someone.
Just a waste of time.
Glad Rohde is still in Prison, as the way VDS was speaking, I thought he would request a meeting away from this confined place, where only one person could sit.
What a pity, he doesn't have his own comfortable lounge room.
Such a pity, as you say. I'm devastated for him. :D

CEO having to adjust to life in Pollsmoor. Maybe he'll become an expert at opening locked doors. Scum of the earth.

I'm going to watch the video now.
Thanks for the updates and for posting the judgement, I've not read all of it yet, I was shocked when I read of all the injuries that poor Susan had, what that woman went through in her final minutes is heartbreaking.
I'm so pleased the judge has observed everything about him, right down to his scheming attempts last February to delay his trial when he checked into a clinic the night before court resumed. That is the last person anyone should be trying to fool, she doesn't miss a trick.
I re-watched parts of the trial to refresh my memory. What I noticed, which I missed the first time, is Jason being PROUD of his mistress. He always referred to her using her first name, Jolene. Even on the day that Susan died, her relatives were informed by Jason that he had an affair with "a Jolene". I would think that someone being accused of murdering his wife would keep a distance from his mistress and refer to her as "Ms. Alterskye"? At least that is the impression I got, he showed off because he had a beautiful woman like her.
Thanks to all for the updates. Much appreciated.
I’m going to do it! I am! What is the purpose of those large numbers pinned up on the front of the Dock in SA trials? TIA
Thanks to all for the updates. Much appreciated.
I’m going to do it! I am! What is the purpose of those large numbers pinned up on the front of the Dock in SA trials? TIA
What are you going to do Hag? :D

I've often wondered the same about those numbers. I think they could be for cases where there are multiple defendants, like gangs, and they refer to them by number? Like stand up number 10 or something? I know, that does sound a bit daft. Or maybe it's to tell the defendants where to sit, they give them a number. But it's not like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is it. So I can't work it out after all that. :D
I re-watched parts of the trial to refresh my memory. What I noticed, which I missed the first time, is Jason being PROUD of his mistress. He always referred to her using her first name, Jolene. Even on the day that Susan died, her relatives were informed by Jason that he had an affair with "a Jolene". I would think that someone being accused of murdering his wife would keep a distance from his mistress and refer to her as "Ms. Alterskye"? At least that is the impression I got, he showed off because he had a beautiful woman like her.
It rather sounds to me as if he knew on the first day her family arrived at the hotel that he would end up in court and they would discover the affair, so he told them because he didn't want them to discover his deception later on and give them more reason to despise him. Although I suppose he had to give them Susan's motive for "hanging herself"too. Yes, I think having a young mistress gave him an ego-boost. Maybe she liked the fact he was the CEO. I can't think what else was attractive about him, being a cheat to boot.
What are you going to do Hag? :D

I've often wondered the same about those numbers. I think they could be for cases where there are multiple defendants, like gangs, and they refer to them by number? Like stand up number 10 or something? I know, that does sound a bit daft. Or maybe it's to tell the defendants where to sit, they give them a number. But it's not like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is it. So I can't work it out after all that. :D

Well, get the courage to ask the question. o_O I’ve been waiting and waiting for someone else to do so. I thought I was the only one not able to work it out. The lack of sequence really stumped me! Let’s hope some bright spark comes up with a logical answer. Yours sounded good, but.......:rolleyes:
Well, get the courage to ask the question. o_O I’ve been waiting and waiting for someone else to do so. I thought I was the only one not able to work it out. The lack of sequence really stumped me! Let’s hope some bright spark comes up with a logical answer. Yours sounded good, but.......:rolleyes:
Ah, gotcha. I must be in need of more caffeine. It's a great question and quite often the questions we think are the most daft are the ones on everyone else's mind too. So don't be shy, you're amongst good company here :)

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