South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016

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Justice for Reeva ... at last

Dr Deidre Abrahams, chief Pathologist for Paarl in charge of West Coast/Winelands to be cross-examined by Jason #Rohde's defence over autopsy on his wife Susan's body

Judge arrives and trial resumes with pathologist Dr Abrahams reminded she is under oath, and some admin over the documents handed up


  • Dr Deidre Abrahams.JPG
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Advocate Graham van der Spuy starts cross examination with Abrahams after they exchange greetings. VD Spuy specialises in the medical aspect of the #Rohde trial

Defence questions pathologist's objectivity given her remarks on the "so-called opinion" of Dr Reggie Perumal, who did 2nd autopsy on Susan, and was paid by defence. Perumal found suicide. State found strangulation

Defence throws Constitution at her (not literally) on #Rohde's right to challenge evidence, engage independent pathologist. Abrahams says one of discrepancies was that time of death was "obtained from the accused"

Defence asks pathologist if she thinks defence should work for nothing? Abrahams says the Inquest Act requires independence at autopsy.

Abrahams says forensic pathologists are supposed to be neutral and impartial. Some info in Perumal's report based on what accused told him about Susan, says Abrahams. She thinks there is a problem with this.

Van der Spuy turns the tables on Dr Abrahams: Says she is paid by the State - does that mean she will tailor her findings in favour of the State? She says she does not.

Defence says Abrahams's conduct by accusing Perumal of negligence is "outrageous" and constitutes unprofessional conduct. VD Spuy v annoyed by "hired gun" insinuation".

Abrahams is asked if she knows that Dr Reggie Perumal is a senior man of standing in his profession. Abrahams says they are not here to discuss his track record, but his report on Susan
The Rohde case has adjourned for 30 minutes after the judge called them all into chambers.

Trial back on. Defence says Abrahams' opinion of Dr Perumal's private autopsy report is irrational, unconstitutional, biased. She disagrees.

Defence says that at the time of the State autopsy on Susan , Dr Abrahams made no notes for herself. She says only did some time of death calculations, and deleted them after Coetzee-Khan's report was done.

State pathologist confirms that she deleted some of her notes while calculating Susan #Rohde's time of death. She says she did not do so intentionally.

Defence says first time Abrahams wrote anything down regarding Susan's Rohde's death was in an affidavit dated 6 Oct 2017 to say she had commented on colleague Akmal Coetzee-Khan's autopsy report. VD Spuy making jibes about her "good memory".

Dr Abrahams being grilled over the list of 5 drugs tested for on Susan. Defence asks her to bring to court the testing kit, testing strips, instruction pamphlet on how to interpret the strips.

Going through the process of rigor mortis again, as defence goes over time of death of Susan again.

Judge threatens #Rohde defence adv Van der Spuy that she will report him to the Bar Council for way he is cross examining pathologist Dr Abrahams. VD Spuy had asked very loudly about notes taken re temp readings at Susan's death. He says Abrahams evades questions.
Pathologist Abrahams is doing some calculations regarding Susan Rohde's time of death. (I would not be able to do numbers under such stress)

Now the defence whips out the big blue Knights Forensic Pathology. Turn to page 84 if you just happen to have one on your desk. Refers to the Henssge nomogram which helps calculate time of death.

Defence says that there is a 95% probability that Susan Rohde died between 2.52 and 8.28 and that it is totally misleading for defence to narrow it down to 5.40. Time of death calculation v important re timeline of events at Spier before Susan died.

Now Abrahams is being asked to read something on the "successful use of the nomogram". All quiet while we wait. VD Spuys says even inventor of nomogram says a central mean value must not be offered.

Dr VD Spuy asks very saggies for a short comfort break. Back at 13:20
Trial resumes after short break. Pushing through lunch.

VD Spuy, #Rohde's defence, turns to State pathologist Dr Akmal Coetzee-Khan's finding that post mortem showed that Susan died in a supine, or lying down position. Not consistent with death in an upright position (this is re suicide by hanging defence).

Defence says "forensic medicine 101" says you can't use lividity to say in what position a person died. Also, lividity could start after person taken down shortly after hanged self. Depends on a whole host of circumstances. Abrahams agrees.

Abrahams says that the other factors included in Coetzee-Khan coming to his finding was that there were also signs of manual strangulation.

Defence moves on now to why State did not take samples of Susan's stomach, bowel, or any X-rays. Abrahams said no need because manual strangulation finding clear. Private pathologist did not test stomach either she said.
We're hearing about the blood found in Susan Rohde's stomach. Abrahams says she cannot remember if the blood from her stomach was put back in her body in a bag, or if it was discarded. Adds that sometimes run out of the bags so do not put each organ in separate bag.

Abrahams says that when she is answering on autopsy of Susan, his defence Adv VD Spuy becomes aggressive. He says he is not being aggressive, just wants answers.

Defence says State should also have taken brain sample from Susan in determining her cause of death.

Abrahams said Coetzee-Khan did full autopsy on Susan in line with standard operating procedures before he concluded she died of "clear manual strangulation". There was not even evidence of a knot on her body

VD Spuy is asking for adjournment. Defence will see judge in chambers. Court resumes Wed 10am
Today the trial opens with cross examination in the ligature mark found on Susan Rohde's body.

Dr Deidre Abrahams is reading from medical literature that a ligature mark can be as a result of something applied up to 24hrs after death. Trial trying to figure out whether Susan strangled or hanged

The prosecution objects to Dr Abrahams not having enough time to read the academic literature on ligatures. Defence complains that it was given to her yesterday.

Judge Gayaat Salie-Hlophe says that even if Abrahams is an expert she still needs time to read the literature before replying to questions drawn from 180pg, 146pg articles.

Salie-Hloohe takes the lead and adjourns so that lawyers can discuss the reading of the literature by the pathologist
The Jason #Rohde trial resumes today. Pathologist Dr Deidre Abrahams will be cross-examined on autopsy

Defence asks pathologist who observed Susan's autopsy to explain the first autopsy processes. She explains that nail and other swabs taken, then a Y incision from chest to pelvic area is made

Dr Abrahams says she was present for the external examination of Susan #Rohde's body, and her autopsy

After the "Y" incision is made, the rib case is examined and the chest is opened up. After that, the skull is opened, the brain is removed and the neck area is drained, says Abrahams, testifying on the autopsy on Susan

Defence says that it is common to avoid making the autopsy incision higher so that relatives do not see it later, and to avoid confusion with injuries sustained before death. Pathologist agrees

Pathologist denies that they did anything wrong during the first processes in Susan #Rohde's autopsy. They did their first processes without causing any damage to Susan's neck

Defence adv Graham van der Spuy moves on to the 5-panel urine drug test conducted on Susan #Rohde. Tested for methamphetamine, amphetamine, opiates, THC and Benzodiazepines

Van der Spuy holds up a drug kit that Abrahams was asked to bring him. She points out that the one he has is not the same as the one used for Susan #Rohde because dept is using slightly different looking one now
VD Spuy says according to the package insert of the kit Abrahams gave him, the package insert says it tests for THC, amphetamines, methamphetamines, opiates and cocaine. Not benzos. Abrahams insists her kit tested for benzos

Remember Susan was prescribed Urbanol, a benzodiazepine, by her doc when she said she was having marital problems

V Spuy says what he is looking for is an official document to say what drugs were tested for on Susan Rohde's body. Pathologist says she could go back on orders done at the time and will see if she can bring them in

Dr Abrahams said that her colleague Dr Akmal Coetzee-Khan had asked for the door of the room at the Rohde's suite at Spier wine farm to be examined to see if the hook could take Susan's weight. He also wanted the ligature examined

The door itself is in the court room, next to the dock where Jason #Rohde sits. We are not allowed to take pics of it

Dr Abrahams said minimum norms and standards, and literature Van der Spuy is referring to does not say it is mandatory to do histology (tissue samples) in hanging cases. Their dept's minimum norms also does not make it compulsory.

Defence's VD Spuy says by not doing histology on Susan's neck and ligature mark, valuable independent evidence lost (on whether she was hanged or strangled). Dr Abrahams says the private pathologist arranged by Jason's legal team did not do one either.

Dr Abrahams says State had a cause of death: manual strangulation, airway obstruction, so it is not mandatory to take tissue samples. Abrahams says there was no indication on Susan's skin that she was alive at the time that the ligature was placed on her neck
Dr Abrahams going through literature submitted by defence on how to tell whether hanging was done before a person died or after a person died. She says the article is poorly edited, some of it is old, doesn't prove histology can help with ante- or post-mortem hanging

Abrahams adds that she is not comfortable criticising the academics

Trial adjourns for tea. Sate pathologist repeats that they have no doubt that the cause of death for Susan was manual strangulation

Trial resumes after tea. Defence's adv Graham van der Spuy launches with literature on skin changes and internal neck structures and changes that can be seen on microscopy and histology re hanging cases

The defence and the State pathologist sparring about concluding cause of Susan's death macroscopically - what you see with the naked eye - vs microscopically, as defence insists State should have done histology for cellular changes

Dr Abrahams complains that she does not understand what the relevance of Van der Spuy's questioning is. State found "without a doubt" Susan died of manual strangulation. Says she and defence disagree on interpretation of autopsy process literature

Moving on. Court hears that 66% of hangings in the Indian hanging autopsy study the Rohde trial is referring to are done using sari material. 6% electrical cord, 7% cloth.

Abrahams says the autopsy literature does show the importance of a diligent internal and external exam, plus photography and full report, which the State did for Susan. Repeats that it is not mandatory for them to take histopathology (samples on a slide)

Pathologist Abrahams reads section of the Inquest Act to defence which says it is in the doctor's discretion to take histology. Says State did nothing wrong

Trial adjourns so that defence can rearrange its papers. Judge also wants to see lawyers in chambers. Back after lunch
Abrahams seems to be a good witness and reads the Riot Act ... oh, that was meant to be the Inquest Act :D ... to van der Spuy. Loved when she told him that the literature submitted by defence was poorly edited, some of it is old, and doesn't prove histology can help with ante- or post-mortem hanging.

Nothing is getting past this lady.
Jason #Rohde's trial resumes for charges of murder and obstruction of justice regarding the death of his wife Susan at Spier last year

Dr Abrahams's cross examination re the State and private autopsies on Susan Rohde will continue

Last Thursday the trial was adjourned so that Dr Abrahams could tend to the admin of having her car crashed into while she was in the witness
Jason #Rohde resumes cross examination of pathologist Abrahams with questions about "pallor" and how this can be a sign of smothering

Abrahams says perinasal (near nose) and perioral (near mouth) pallor, and some blanching of cheeks was found on Susan #Rohde. She says pallor changes if soft object pressed against these areas because blood drains out, and doesn't fill, in manual strangulation

Abrahams says if something is pushed over a face, person attempts to strain against the object and the blood also fills up in the back of the throat. Autopsy showed "intense congestion" in that area

Part of Susan's scalp had haemorrhage on the inside, which would fit in with "compressive force" to her face. No injury on external surface of scalp. Susan also had a dental imprint on inside lip showing "pressure against the mouth"

Asked how she thinks Susan died, Abrahams says manual strangulation was first cause of death, supported by external airway obstruction and smothering as "supporting" cause. Either could have caused death on their own, she says

Defence says she is being unscientific and he will draw on experts to prove this.

Defence adv Graham vd Spuy says state pathologist Dr Akmal Coetzee-Khan said nothing about palour on Susan #Rohde in his written notes. This only appeared in his post mortem report

VD Spuy says his expert says pallor cannot be used to decide whether there was smothering or strangulation. Abrahams says the expert must come and testify to that view

VD Spuy reads from literature that warns against over interpreting pallor changes. He is now reading literature about mercy killing of old people who are smothered to death.

Abrahams said that Dr Coetzzee-Khan found blood on a pillow in Susan's room, as well as makeup on it. She says this and the other signs on her face, inner scalp, back of tongue, form part of the picture for the pathologist.

Susan was "overcome fairly quickly", says Dr Abrahams of the signs found on Susan's face, upper airways, scalp. Insists this shows signs of soft object over mouth and nose, and simultaneous manual strangulation

The defence rejects Dr Abrahams' smothering and strangulation contention.

Defence wants to know exactly where pathologist Coetzee-Khan noted Susan's bite mark on lip. His boss Dr Abrahams points to pg 6 of his report which says "there is teeth indendation". VD Spuy says it doesn't say "there are". Abrahams concedes grammar error

VD Spuy questions whether the dental mark might have happened to Susan during CPR.

Defence VD Spuy moves on to what he describes as "various physical brawls" between Susan and Jason in the hours leading up to her death

VD Spuy asks Abrahams if she knew that Jason "grabbed" Susan by the neck or throat "or whatever you call it", pulled her physically after she tried to prevent him from going to an afterparty at Sotheby's conference. Abrahams says she doesn't know all details

VD Spuy is describing the various causes of death as a result of hanging self. Says could be quick, or even have severe convulsions. Abrahams agrees with this

Sjoe. Abrahams gave a long explanation re how take into account poss CPR damage to a body.

Dr Abrahams says that in suicidal ligature hangings there are usually very minimal injuries. In Susan #Rohde found clear signs of manual strangulation, but under the actual ligature mark on her neck there was no sign of haemorrhaging

Trial breaking for tea

Defence says injuries to cornua of the thyroid cartilage may occur in hanging and manual strangulation, but not necessarily, and pathologist Abrahams agrees

But Abrahams says cannot "just tick off" because there was no fracture there was no strangulation. Says there was a thyroid horn fracture on the left side of Susan's body caused by direct pressure from fingers

The Rohde defence advocate has accused the state of cutting Susan's thyroid superior horn. Abrahams denies it

Now we are talking about mascara apparently found on a pillow at Susan's room before she died. Defence wants to see the pic of the mascara

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