South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016

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After the lunch break, lead defence counsel Advocate Pete Mihalik asked if he could talk to the judge without Steenkamp in the courtroom. The
The doctor left the courtroom, and Mihalik said that he and his colleagues decided they had been testing the patience of the court and "engaging in silly semantics", but said the details were important with regard to the "suicide vs murder" question.

"We don't want to be on the wrong side of this honourable court." The judghe said she would intervene again if the witness was "badgered" and "harangued".

Steenkamp returned and after a brief polite session, the case was postponed to November 25 for the state pathologist to continue testifying.
Thank you JJ. Why oh why do women cling to these men who “do them wrong”? I can see “reasons” but still don’t understand it.
The News24 journalist tweeted the incorrect date for the trial to resume. Nov 25 is this coming Saturday. It resumed on Monday so I'll post all the tweets for Mon and Tues as quickly as I can in time for tonight.

Pathologist Dr Akmal Coetzee-Khan is back in the witness box for further cross- examination regarding the death of Susan

Resumption of Jason #Rohde trial on a charge of the murder of his wife Susan. He has pleaded not guilty. Believes it was suicide

The #Rohde trial resumes with pathologist Dr Akmal Coetzee-Khan sworn in again. He last testified Thurs 19 Oct 2017 then was booked off for a while

Defence advocate Graham vd Spuy opens with a request for email communications he had wanted, and some info relating to Coetzee-Khan's letter of appointment

Re Coetzee-Khan's (CK) letter of appointment, CK says only CEO can hand over annexures to his appointment, such as acceptance, performance details. Prosecutor Louis Van Niekerk says he has some documents.

Coetzee-Khan is confirming that he found what he considered to be some unusual factors on Susan #Rohde's body after her death when he did the autopsy on 26 July. Susan died on 24 July 2016 at Spier

CK said that whenever you have a case of suspected strangulation, must always check whether ligature found on scene matches ligature mark found on the skin of the deceased. In Susan #Rohde's case it did not

CK confirms he was contacted by forensic pathologist Dr Klepp on behalf of Jason #Rohde's defence. CK told her that he thought it was not consistent with hanging and that he was considering manual strangulation.

Dr Klepp said she was not going to take the case and so Durban pathologist Dr Reggie Perumal was brought on board by the defence for Jason
#Rohde's lawyer says Perumal called CK as a courtesy and invited him to attend second autopsy on Susan #Rohde at Doves in Johannesburg. CK denies being invited

Defence says CK told Perumal Susan had a fractured hyoid bone during the courtesy call. CK strongly denies saying this as he is quizzed on Perumal's finding that her hyoid bone was not fractured

I remember from listening to previous cases that the hyoid bone is in the neck at the back of the tongue and its condition is often used in detecting strangulation

#Rohde's lawyer insists that CK said Susan's hyoid was broken when he and Perumal spoke on phone. Perumal asked defence for go ahead to do CT scan and an X-ray to show hyoid intact.

Defence asks why would Perumal bother with all the extra procedures if CK had not mentioned Susan's fractured hyoid? CK says he cannot comment on Perumal and the defence's work decisions.

CK being quizzed on why the CAS number for Susan #Rohde was only logged in to the computer at 7.04pm. CK says they get preliminary number then later it gets put on the computer. Defence is looking for slip ups in process by the look of things

CK says that during Susan #Rohde's autopsy found 50ml of blood stained fluid in right thoracix cavity, but was not causes death of patient

We are going through a blow by blow of Susan #Rohde's autopsy conducted by CK and forensic assistant (I will get name during break). Jason Rohde is blinking a bit, but is composed.

I will spare you the step by step details of Susan #Rohde's autopsy, but think CSI

Defence asks why CK did not write down in his hand written notes that there was evidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage on Susan #Rohde. CK says he took photographs, he did not make it up. Google says this is bleeding in space between brain & tissue covering brain.
Defence says six experts disagree with CK. CK says if anybody disagrees with him they can come and testify.

Defence says CK is not telling the truth about the sequence of his hand written note-taking in Susan #Rohde autopsy. CK says that is the defence's opinion. Tea break now.

The forensic pathology officer who helped Dr Coetzee-Khan with Susan #Rohde's autopsy is Mr V Ngindisi

Plus minus 100ml of blood-stained fluid found in Susan #Rohde's stomach. CK says immediately saw blood present and decanted it into a jug to measure it

CK explains that the reason it's blood stained is because it is mixed with gaastric fluid. It was predominantly blood so he started looking for an ulcer in Susan #Rohde's stomach

There was no food found in Susan #Rohde's stomach.

CK found fractures in ribs three to five in the front of Susan #Rohde's body. Defence says Perumal found another rib broken - VD Spuy asks CK how he could have missed this.

CK says he has pics to show that the fourth broken rib was not present at Susan #Rohde's autopsy. Says there is no blood in that area, so it could have broken while she was being taken to Doves in Jhb

Defence says he will bring someone in to prove CK is wrong. CK says defence can do so

Defence says Coetzee-Khan is not telling the truth about his findings, given his written notes. "What?" exclaims CK
CK is accused of writing in his handwritten notes that Susan #Rohde's hyoid was broken, changing this in typed notes. Strong denial

So now we are discussing the injuries that can be sustained by a patient during resuscitation - specifically CPR. The knowledge of people who did CPR on Susan #Rohde was 'what they saw on TV', says defence.

Jason #Rohde and his colleague Mark Thompson first did CPR on Susan #Rohde when her body was found in bathroom at Spier

CK says that in his testimony in chief he said the fractures to Susan #Rohde's ribs could possibly be due to resuscitation attempts. Not in his report

Now defence is going over CKs notes on how he determined that Susan died lying down based on lividity he noted. Lividity is the way fluid goes to the lowest point of the body after death due to gravity

In hanging cases - blood goes to lower legs and arms when die. CK found ''contact pallor" on Susan #Rohde's shoulder blades and buttocks, indicating lying down position

Lividity refers to the colour left on the body due to the process of hypostatis - accumulation of blood in lower and dependent parts of body

Defence going over previous testimony by CK - reading the record back to him, particularly his findings on the position in which she died

Defence says he has consulted far and wide, and contends CK is "100% wrong" about his position of death finding. CK says defence must bring them to testify

Khan reads some of Van Der Spuy's literature on lividity and hypostasis and says that the literature says that "some" changes may occur while cutting down somebody who was hanged.
Coetzee-Khan says the hypostasis could have changed if Susan #Rohde was cut down within 30 minutes after her death.

Now the defence wants to know why CK noted bluish pallor on tip of nose, sign of smothering to CK, and felt that this backed up his finding that Susan #Rohde died from manual strangulation and external airway obstruction

Defence wants to know why CK did not note "smothering" in his report. CK points it out as "item e" in his report - factor which was included in coming to his conclusion

CK gets lip from defence for rolling his eyes when defence says Perumal did a "proper" autopsy. Defence considers rolled eyes slur against Perumal

Trial adjourned for lunch. Pathologist Akmal Coetzee-Khan was looking for a reference in the ''pathologists' Bible" Knights Forensic Pathology. Back at 2pm.

Trial resumes after lunch with defence saying he spoke to a leading pathologist who said Coetzee-Khan should have taken some specimens of Susan's stomach re the blood traces

CK said he had a cause of death - manual strangulation - so didn't deem it necessary to take further samples from Susan #Rohde. Also not routine to take samples, just if in doubt over cause of death

CK says do not take histology routinely as state pathologist - says he was not taught to do it on every single case, only if in doubt of cause of death

CK says Susan Rohde's cause of death was obvious to the naked eye - manual strangulation

Defence contends that if CK had done histological tests he might have observed a reaction that would have exonerated Jason #Rohde. CK says yes.
Defence says histological and microscopic examination - the third leg in the autopsy on Susan Rohde - was missing

Defence asks CK if potential benefit of doing histology could have been of benefit to everyone but now it is lost forever. CK says "Yes".

Going through who was in the room when the autopsy was done - police etc - and that forensic pathology officer Victor Ngindisi bathed Susan #Rohde's body when it was completed

We are talking about the blood in the stomach again. Defence says that for blood to have passed through small intestines, a couple of hours must have passed. CK says depends. Stress, other factors could affect this

Susan #Rohde had blood in her nose. CK is asked if the cup of blood in her stomach was from this. CK says she would have had to have been bleeding while she was still alive

CK asked that Jason #Rohde be examined because he found signs of a struggle on Susan #Rohde's body.

Examination of Jason #Rohde showed he had little cut on his finger - he had cut himself a day or two before with vase that he broke - a day or 2 after Susan's death + 2 superficial scratch marks that need a magnifying glass.

Pathologist says he found it odd that there were no marks from Susan grabbing at Jason #Rohde when they were arguing

Where did that come from? says CK when defence accuses him of putting on blinkers and advising police to consider taking Jason #Rohde's passport

Defence says CK was way out of line to ask police to take Jason #Rohde's passport.
Now we are looking at "mechanism of death" regarding strangulation and hanging like constricting blood flow to heart, obstruction of airways

Now defence referring to people who have filmed themselves killing themselves. Apparently there is a collection of this to study what the body does during hanging

Coetzee-Khan says is can be within five to 10 minutes that they are dead and lists physical responses recorded as a result of pressure on the carotid artery.

Coetzee-Khan concedes that some people also try to grab at the ligature, and there is a vertical pattern and the deceased can cause scratch marks found on their body

CK says it can be both subconscious reflex action when in "agonal state" or, can be because changed mind - scratches on neck during hanging

Defence asking for adjournment because going to shift topic.

CK needed in court for another case on Wednesday. Judge asks if defence will be done by then. Van der Spuy says he will try. Court adjourned until tomorrow
Good morning from a beautifully rainy Cape Town. The defence in the Jason #Rohde murder trial will continue cross examining the pathologist who examined his wife Susan's body

And the #Rohde trial resumes with the defence's adv Graham van der Spuy opening with the blood alcohol level of 0.05% found in Susan's blood. Defence found same result

State pathologist Coetzee-Khan explains that lab did a 5-panel drug test on Susan #Rohde for THC, opioids, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, tricyclic anti-depressants. It finds traces or by-products

Coetzee-Khan (CK) says the urine-based test is conducted at a lab. They now do a 10-panel test, but CK does not say what the extra drugs are

Defence says swabs also taken of a fleck of blood on one of Susan's eyelids and some scratch marks. Jason #Rohde's DNA found in none.

Maybe a trigger warning here. We are listening to excerpts of literature on "complete" and "partial" hangings. @TeamNews24 #rohde trial

Defence referring to pictures of partial hangings of people touching a surface - ie sitting down with feet on the floor. CK agrees possible. Says there has to be a constriction to the neck.

A typical hanging is with a rope where the point of suspension is from the back of the neck. The others are regarded as atypical says #Rohde defence and CK agrees

Van der Spuy says he may have earlier said Susan #Rohde's last drink was around 12.30 on 24 July 2016. VDS says now believes it was around 02.30.

Defence asks CK to comment on Susan #Rohde's "alcohol elimination" rate. CK says can't because he does not know which equations and variables were taken into account
Van der Spuy says according to Jason #Rohde when he left for the dinner dance at Spier on 23 July 2016, Susan was drinking wine out of the bottle in their room

Later on 23 July, Susan took a caddy and her met Jason at the venue. It was a black tie affair, open bar, address by Lew Geffen, speech by Jason, awards, party, dancing.

Jason #Rohde avoided both Susan and Jolene Alterskye (who he had affair with, Sotheby's staffer), went outside to smoke, drank a few whiskeys. Says Susan was dancing provocatively with other men

The conference delegates parties near a fire later. Jolene also there.
Around 2.30 last round called and Susan wife ordered two double Amarettos.

Later on way back to their room, Jason was invited to afterparty and Susan #Rohde said no.

We have heard that a huge fight started between Jason and Susan #Rohde when she caught him in the bathroom trying to text Jolene Alterskye. He tried to delete and she "went ballistic"

They had a massive verbal and physical fight as Susan would not let Jason #Rohde leave the room. She pulled at him, he tried to get away, he hit her to get away

He eventually got to room of Jolene and her friend. Jolene not there. Susan still screaming at Jason. Wearing only gown. Huge scene.

At one point Susan fell into a flower bed and cut her toe. They later went back to the hotel room. Jason told Susan it was over and tried to get some sleep

In morning Susan #Rohde woke Jason up and said: "Your *advertiser censored* has sent me a message."
Jason told Susan he's "through with this" and wanted out of the marriage. She got up and went to the bathroom.
When Jason #Rohde woke up later he needed to go and do conference closing address and wanted to brush teeth etc. Door was locked and he thought Susan was trying to spite him

The pathologist is asked to comment on what he heard re the fight and the injuries he found on Susan

Pathologist says that Jason's version could explain some of his findings, but he needs more info because there was definitely signs of blunt force trauma on Susan

We have adjourned for tea

After the adjournment, the pathologist says that Jason #Rohde own lack of injuries does not make sense to him

We are back to the hyoid bone and that it can be fractured in manual strangulation, and hanging

We are now talking about iatrogenic injuries - injuries sustained during a medical or forensic procedure. Defence says radiology can be done on the neck to avoid this but none done on Susan

State pathologist now asked to look at private pathologist Dr Reggie Perumal's report. Going to cut lights for slide show. Jason #Rohde moves out of dock to allow for slides to be projected on wall behind dock

Jason #Rohde clasps his hands together as a picture of Susan's toe abrasion is shown with a ruler next to it. He is not looking at the pics of her toes with dark grey nail polish on

Susan had one of those bleeders you get in nail on left side of big toe and a cut on another toe from falling into the flower bed during confrontations between her and Jason at Spier
Shown old big bruise on Susan's upper right hand thigh; and big healing bruise on left upper thigh

Shown pic of Susan #Rohde lying on terra cotta tiled-floor of bathroom at Spier, gown pulled up, legs exposed. Also close up of left eye abrasion

The abrasion is slightly below Susan #Rohde's left eyebrow and there are some red marks on her eyelid. CK called them two separate blunt force trauma injuries

Coetzee-Khan asked about injury to Susan's left shoulder? Was she dragged to bathroom, and if so any carpet fibres? CK says dragging is possible, but no fibres found

Susan #Rohde's body was washed and bathed twice before it was sent to Dr Perumal for a private autopsy

Jason #Rohde is almost like a statue, with the screen to his right showing images of his wife Susan's body during her autopsy. He is only twirling his thumbs occasionally. Does not look at pics

Next to the slides projected on the wall is the door from the #Rohde suite at Spier. Defence asking about Susan's ligature marks on her neck

The pathologist said did not find leather-like or parchment-like appearance on Susan #Rohde's neck. Expected to find leathery look if she hanged self by the cord found in the bathroom from the rubbing against her neck.

Coetzee-Khan says soft ligatures like scarves do not leave this leathery look.

Defence adv Graham vd Spuy can't find some pics he needs. Looks over at investigating officer and says not getting help from. Prosecutor says the defence has everything that has been placed before court already. Defence says will press on then
Defence asking about neck and jaw injuries present on Susan #Rohde. Wonder whether this might have been caused at resuscitation by Jason's colleague Mark Thompson, and Jason. Apparently resusc injuries are common when done by lay people

Court shown close up of the ligature mark and defence and pathologist thrashing out details of colour and texture on Susan's neck

Defence asks for comfort break if going to push through lunch. Judge says he said he need 1.5 days and past that now. Short break now.

The #Rohde trial pushes through lunch after short break because Judge Gayaat Salie-Hlophe has to leave at 14:30 and Coetzee-Khan needed for another case tomorrow

Were are looking at pics of Susan #Rohde's scalp and defence asks if the pathologist did not actually cause the haemorrhages and red marks on Susan's scalp. CK disagrees, says he checked these marks specifically

Defence asks whether pathologist caused a subarachnoid haemorrhage in Susan #Rohde's brain (bleeding). CK says no, can't just tell from a pic, plus they examined it closely. CK says it can't alone cause death

Jason #Rohde goes back to his seat as the lights go back on and medical slide show of Susan's autopsy ends

Defence telling pathologist CK that literature shows that plastic electrical flex, if used as a ligature, leaves very little dermal abrasion, so might be why no "leathery texture" on neck. CK says study is from 1959. Defence says body hasn't changed much since then

Defence now again discussing CPR-related injuries. CK confirms he is trained to look out for that

Defence in #Rohde trial whizzing through literature on resuscitation injuries, hanging injuries that he wants to put on record.
Defence says not going to finish by 2.30pm. VDS says he will need another couple of hours in cross examination of CK and to summarise. CK needed elsewhere tomorrow, Judge needs to go at 2.30

Judge suggests they all start at 9am on Wed to accommodate everyone. Judge says will let other judge know that CK will be late for other case on Wed.

Defence adv Pete Mihalik says they still want CK's emails to his senior over Susan #Rohde's autopsy. Keep asking for them, but have not got them yet

Prosecutor says got some emails today, lunch too short to print them but will organise for Wednesday. Trial adjourned to Wednesday

Defense now shows diagrams of different ways people have committed suicide by hanging. Very morbid. But we are establishing that ones feet or body does not have to be off the ground to hang oneself - as in the case of Susan, the defense says.

Now we turn to the night before Susan’s death. Defense advocate van der Spuy says Jason left to function at Spier at 19:00. Susan was drinking wine straight from wine bottle in the room...

Susan wanted Jason to come and get her in room so they could arrive together. Jason met her at event instead and walked in with her. Bar, black tie event, speeches, awards, followed by partying and dancing.

Later, Jason went outside to have cigarette. Jason avoided Susan and Jolene Alterskye. Jason had a ‘few whiskeys to drink’. Susan was dancing with others ‘in a provocative manner’ and keeping an eye on Jason and Jolene constantly.

Night was winding down. Last rounds at bar. Two double amaretto shots were ordered and downed by Susan. Susan then said we are leaving. Jason and Susan then walked back to room 221.

Susan and Jason met two younger colleagues on way back to room. They wanted them to join them for an after party. Susan said: “No f%*king way!”.

They are now in the room. Susan changed into bath robe. Jason then decided to send message to Joelene!!! Susan caught him in bathroom sending message and this created an ‘explosion’. Susan started calling Jolene ‘bad names’.

Jason said he was leaving and going to after party. Susan then became physical - blocking his path out of room. Grabbed his arm and collar repeatedly. He grabbed her wrist and lower arms but could not force Susan out of the way.

NB to note - this is Jason’s story of the night of Susan’s death....

During the standoff, he slid past and swung his arm backward at her and “can clearly recall connecting with his right arm in her face”. He now left and walked towards sounds of blaring music. But his wife followed him in bath robe with now shoes or clothes underneath.
Susan was following him, swearing at him but he continued. He got to after party (Jolene was not there). Jason started speaking to Simone at party, Susan was right behind him. Jason was looking for Jolene. Susan was shouting and screaming.

Jason says Susan was angry irrational and very very aggressive. He found Jolene but decided to go back to hotel room. She repeatedly grabbed and pulled at him. Jason says he jerked his right elbow behind him and now he connected her in the nose.

Jason says Susan, during the continuing struggle, tripped & fell over a small wall & fell on her right side onto corner of paving and garden bed. They got back to room-her toe was cut, she screamed at him “I’ve cut my f%*king toe!”. Jason says he was exhausted, he had enough.

��NB to note: during the struggle in the room, where Susan wasn’t allowing Jason to leave, Jason grabbed her throat in order to move her out the way. Now Dr. Khan is commenting on the injuries sustained & if they could have been from the way Jason said the events went down.

Just want to confirm the last bits of the moments before Susan’s death: Jason said he had enough and was going to bed (we are unsure of the time at this point but somewhere around 5am) Jason dozed off then was woken up by Susan at 7am showing him a message from Jolene...

Susan at this point says: “your *advertiser censored* sent me a message” Jason now said he is over the marriage and wants a divorce and then falls asleep again. He wakes up a bit later to get ready but realizes the bathroom door is locked. At this point Susan is dead.

We are back in court after tea adjournment. Dr Coetzee-Khan now responds to Jason’s story of the night before Susan’s death and how they correlate to the injuries he found on Susan’s body.

Dr Coetzee-Khan says the throat fracture and hemorrhage around the neck would require a lot more pressure & force than how Jason described he grabbed Susan, therefore I cannot comment on that.

Dr. Khan also says if Susan was so violent and aggressive, why are there no wounds on Jason? “I don’t know if it’s because he was wearing a suit or what, but I would think we would see more injuries on accused after an altercation like this.”

DrK: Hyoid bone fractures occur mainly in manual strangulation cases rather than hanging cases. But this does not mean fracture will cause death. Also more likely to have thyroid cartilage fracture in manual strangulation.
The resumption of the #Rohde trial focuses on the long-awaited email from the State pathologist Akmal Coetzee-Khan and his boss Deidre Abrahams.

The pathologist is asked why his calculations on Susan #Rohde's time of death differed from his draft conclusions and his final conclusions. He said he used the wrong edition of Knights Forensic pathology text book 4 draft. Changed it when saw this.

Coetzee-Khan said he made a mistake on the evening when he calculated Susan #Rohde's time of death. CK says easy to make a mistake when typing late. That is why he checked and picked up his mistake, and changed it.

CK is also accused of lying about having Susan #Rohde's weight when he typed up his draft report. CK denies this, said the mortuary had by then said she weighed 52kg
CK says he has already conceded that he expressed just the range of Susan #Rohde's time of death, and not the mean value.

Defence accuses CK of injuring Susan #Rohde's traumatic thyroid cartilage fracture during his autopsy. CK denies this. Yesterday CK suggested Perumal had caused some post-death injuries on Susan. Pathologist v Pathologist
Jason #Rohde is asked to move out of the witness box so that some pics of the autopsy can be projected on the wall behind him.

CK asks for pointer to discuss whether some of injuries shown on slides were caused during autopsies. Defence says well I don't have one for you. Share, says Judge.

Ck says he was very gentle in his autopsy on Susan

Defence moves on to attempts to resuscitate Susan #Rohde. Defence says Jason started resusc before his colleague Thompson.

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