South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016

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The #Rohde trial will hear testimony by psychologist Jane Newcombe today at the Western Cape High Court

Jane Newcombe is sworn in at #Rohde trial. She does not want to be videoed coz of her job as a therapist

Prosecutor hands up copies of written history Susan #Rohde gave Newcombe. Newcombe saw Susan for 8 sessions

Newcombe explaining her training: Nursing Diploma, BA Psych, went into psychiatric nursing at Tara in Jhb and Sterkfontein

Newcombe's 1st close encounter with suicide was ex-soldier with PTSD at Tara who wanted to shoot himself. Got gun from him

Newcombe also worked with anxiety, depression patients. Dissertation in later study was on PTSD, impact on adolescents in exams

She specialises in psycho-dynamic therapy. Based on how past family relationship patterns affect current relationships.

First met Susan #Rohde after giving a talk on suicide and depression for volunteer counsellors at Sandton police

Newcombe first consulted Susan #Rohde 25 May 2016

First session they decide whether they are a good fit, so talk a bit about family structure, themselves

Susan #Rohde was given a ''history'' form to fill in, and she brought it to her second session

Susan #Rohde said in 2nd session with Newcombe she discovered Jason was having affair in Feb when found Valentine's card.

Susan #Rohde told psychologist her husband Jason started an affair June 2015

Susan told therapist she was battling to cope with Jason's affair, they fought a lot about it, but there was no violence

Said Jason #Rohde also seeing his own therapist, and they were seeing a couple's therapist. She was feeling anxious, depressed

Susan #Rohde called Jolene to ask her to leave Jason alone. She had spoken respectfully about Jolene. Was not angry with her.

Susan #Rohde asked Jason to cut off all comms with Jolene, to block her. Felt Jason needed to be protected by her from Jolene

Susan #Rohde wanted help managing her emotions - her life was turned upside down by affair

Psychologist said she picked up a pattern of Susan saying people close to her got irritated with her

Susan got Unisa degree in psychology, English. Taught at Brescia School in Jhb. Enjoyed it.

Now talking about Susan #Rohde's ex boyfriends before she met Jason

Susan #Rohde told her psychologist she thought Jason was her soul mate

Susan #Rohde was also a volunteer victim support counsellor with Sandton Police

Susan #Rohde's biggest fear was that her and Jason would not work through their problems and that her family would be affected

Relationship between Jason + Susan always loving and then it became distant. Friends didn't believe he was having affair

Susan said couldnt see what the attraction was (to Jolene).

Psychologist said there was no indication at all that Susan was suicidal. She was anxious, but not depressed, suicidal

#Rohde trial resumes after lunch. Prosecutor adv Louis vNiekerk kicks off with role marriage counsellor played re Rohdes

Susan did not think couple's therapy was working. Psychologist encouraged her to speak up and be heard

Susan #Rohde was so distressed once during couple's counselling, she was almost admitted to hospital, psychologist says

Susan did not want to be admitted. Said she would just dwell on problem and come out and nothing would have changed

Psychologist felt that Susan could be emotional, but had the ability to pull back and think her way out of the emotion

Psychologist was monitoring Susan in case she fell apart. She was also taking meds prescribed by a GP

The Rohdes' arguments could be volatile, verbally aggressive. Never tipped into violence. Except once Jason pulled her hair.

Susan was not a mouse, she came from background of volatile arguments, so could speak up

Jason's anger was a ''cold anger'' - he withdrew and disengaged, Susan told psychologist.

Susan could get angry, and cool down after 10 mins, said psychologist. Her goal was to fix her marriage

Ok buckle up. Psychologist is going to be cross examined by defence adv Pete Mihalik now on Susan's therapy

Mihalik asks psychologist to confirm that Susan #Rohde sought her out after she gave a talk on suicide and depression

Defence asks if some of Susan's messages to Jason #Rohde were rational ie ''you are going to die today". Psychologist says Susan is enraged

psych grilled on whether anxious person could commit suicide. Psych says if anxiety tips into depression is poss

Psych says Susan #Rohde showed some signs of narcissism, but not at disorder level.

Defence getting info on how often Susan #Rohde volunteered at orphanage, as counsellor etc. Psych says does not know

Defence now going over Susan #Rohde's relationship with her 3 children who she spoke about with concern, love

Defence asks why no info on Susan #Rohde taking her kids out for breakfast etc even tho said she was very involved with her kids

Okay so I am not going to tweet the #Rohde kids' private stuff

Defence's point seems to be that the psych took what Susan #Rohde told her about her relationship with her kids, at face value

Psych said therapy is about client's perception of their life. Issues with that come up in long term therapy.

Psych is taken back to first suicide patient she worked with. SADF person with PTSD. She took gun from him

Psych said none of her patients committed suicide b4. About 10 attempted Most had personality disorders with impulsivity

psych asks for alarm bell suicide words by defence. She says it is more than the words

Psych says markers for depression could be: feeling numb, can't enjoy anything, appetite changes.

Psych: If someone says ''don't want to live'' take it v seriously. But no one word, sentence that indicates suicidal behaviour

psych says physiological and psychological depressions are not same. Physiological is due to chemical imbalance

Mihalik says they have evidence that Susan was sad for a long time. Pros asks for doc if it exists. Court adjourned today
Thanks Prime for those very interesting messages.

The following messages were sent following those between JR and Alterskye:

WhatsApp exchange between Rohde and Susan on the morning of 23 July 2016:

Rohde (10:20:39): “That is not true sue!!”

Susan (10:36:50): “And I know you’re going to divorce me so I’m doing what I want now.”

Rohde (10:37:40); “You hear and think what you want to. U just go off on a tangent!!”

Rohde (10:55:49): “Do you have the car‚ I have my briefcase in there??”

Rohde (10:57:59): “?????”

Susan (11:00:25); “Yes”

Rohde (11:01:08): “I need my speech and some notes‚ when can I get it Plse?”

Susan (11:01:21); “One hour”

Rohde (11:01:31): “Ok”

Susan (11:02:23): “Or are you just checking how much time you have”

Rohde (11:03:18): “Oh for *advertiser censored** sakes I’m sitting in a conference with 150 people watching me!!!!!”

Susan (11:18:37): “You are going to die today and so is she!!!!!!!!”

Susan (11:19:09): “Change those *advertiser censored**ing numbers on your phone that are blocked to normal numbers now and not letters.”

Rohde (11:21:25): “What is your problem!!!!”

Susan (11:23:35): “You are a devious *advertiser censored**ing *advertiser censored*!!!!!”

Rohde (11:32:45): “U can now pack your bag and leave.”

Susan (11:34:07): “And take her bloody name off too!!!!!”

Susan (11:34:11); “Why is she a contact”

Rohde (11:35:49): “Because if I call her it will come up on seri your idiot!!! Now leave‚ I have had enough. On my work day you are doing this to me. I want you gone now and I don’t care about the consequences.”

Susan (11:36:38): “Take it off”

Rohde (11:59:49): “I’m in the conference!!!!”

Rohde (12:00:08): “What the *advertiser censored** are you calling me for!!!!”

Susan (12:00:25): “Thought it was finished”

Rohde (12:00:37): “We are finished”

Susan (12:02:00): “Threaten me once more Jason!!!!!!!!”

Rohde (12:02:56): “U made that choice”

Rohde (12:13:15): “What u doing?”

Susan (12:17:32): “Looking for her car”

Rohde (12:21:03): “Good for you”

Things were certainly coming to a head by this time and it's obvious JR wanted Susan out of his life.
WhatsApp exchange between Susan and her psychologist Jane Newcombe at about 8pm on 23 July 2016:

Susan: “I shook her hand and said I hoped we didn’t have to meet again.”

Newcombe: “Did it leave you feeling in control?”

Susan: “Yes.”

Newcombe: “Great! So tomorrow will be better. Have a good night.” (This message was never read.)

On July 24‚ the final messages from Susan’s phone went to Alterskye just after 7 am on the morning Rohde said he found her hanging from a towel hook fixed to the bathroom door.

According to Rohde‚ at about 7 am he and Susan woke up and she was still “very cross” with him. He said she went into the bathroom and he fell asleep again.

If the police's records are accurate‚ it was about that time that Susan replied to an earlier message sent by Alterskye which read: “Go wash your mouth.” Susan wrote: “*advertiser censored*-wash your own *advertiser censored**ing mouth…After you such my husband’s dick” (sic)..Jason said you were only good for one thing and that’s why he keeps coming back. He said you would be the last person he ever wanted to be with.”

At the same time Jason receive a message from a friend asking if he was OK. He replied: “Drama‚ but okay.”

Van Niekerk also testified that Rohde and Alterskye called each other a total of more than 2‚266 times between February and July 2016.

JJ, it's heartbreaking reading Susan's desperate messages to save her marriage, if only she'd walked out earlier. She may have committed suicide but she was fighting so hard till the end, could this have caused JR to lose control and kill her?

Protective factors that would have prevented Susan #Rohde from being suicidal was her community volunteer work, says psych.

Susan had not arrived for scheduled appointment, so started worrying

Psych says Susan was for the most part coherent. Her verbal and non-verbal cues were congruent. Never raised her voice. Spoke with passion

Her general demeanour was appropriate for the situation says psych of Susan

Now psych is explaining ''suicidal ideation". Eg: someone says keep thinking of crashing car on highway barrier. If find searches on their google, indicates suicidal contemplation

Defence asks if anxiety is directly related to suicide. Per se anxiety on its own does not indicate suicide. Helplessness, yes

Susan lost 10% of body weight from Feb (when found Valentine Card), sleep disturbances, forced Jason to keep card from Jolene on him

Susan #Rohde was anti-smoking but started, sent incessant volumes of WhatsApps to Jason, was tracking his every move

Jason #Rohde does not flinch during the cross examination.

Mihalik says Susan's therapist convinced her she was anxious, not depressed. Therapist disagrees

Mihalik said therapist should have been on high alert with Susan, should have contacted her GP re meds, and contacted a psychiatrist

Psych said much of Susan's demeanour was a response to Jason's infidelity. Was helping her recover a sense of self and stability.

Psych saw Susan at 8:30 appointment and she never smelled of alcohol

Susan's mood swings common in situation of infidelity - wanted to be more lovable, but also angry about situation she did not cause

Susan #Rohde was a perfectionist, concerned about what others thought about her and her family. Never told psych she had ADHD, did not see symptoms

Pls note, not clear to me if Susan #Rohde had ADHD. Just propositions being put to psych by defence

If she was an unreliable witness to her life, I may well have drawn the wrong conclusions, but I had no reason to think she might be lying to me, says psych of Susan

Psych said Susan #Rohde's weight loss was sign of anxiety.

Susan expressed low self esteem which is more about not being lovable enough, says psych. She was distressed, but no despair

Mihalik has just accused Susan's psych of being negligent for not checking that mix of symptoms and her meds could cause suicide

Defence reading depression symptoms from DSM5 -like dictionary of psychiatric illnesses. Says Susan showed 5 symptoms

Defence says Susan #Rohde displayed loss of weight, agitation, sadness, insomnia, reoccurring thoughts of death

Mihalik says Susan also showed feelings of being sad, empty. Newcombe is standing her ground and fighting back. Says must diagnose if mild, moderate, severe

Now we are going thru more WhatsApp/SMSs between Jason #Rohde and Susan.

Therapist says Susan #Rohde never told her about that. But she needs context - was it an emotional outburst, exaggerated to make him feel as bad as poss?

Therapist says if Susan #Rohde had spoken about wanting to kill herself in her rooms, she would have been very concerned.

case postponed to tomorrow for psychologist to check messages between Susan and Jason

''I have to beg u to go places with you, i have to beg u to be with u.'' Text from Susan to Jason

Susan texted to Jason that he had been with gf Jolene Alterskye for 302 days. Susan texted also: Now for 72 days I have felt like dying''.

"I felt like dying" is hardly "I want to literally die." It's shortened version of "I felt like I was dying"
JJ, it's heartbreaking reading Susan's desperate messages to save her marriage, if only she'd walked out earlier. She may have committed suicide but she was fighting so hard till the end, could this have caused JR to lose control and kill her?

Yes Prime, I found it heartbreaking too. She was obviously fighting hard, very hard to save her marriage. From the tweets we can infer two things:

1) Jason obviously had a strong motive to kill Susan as he wanted her out of his life in order to be with the mistress;
2) It's possible that Susan had hit such a low, and having accepted the situation, she was now prepared and did end her life.

"Susan #Rohde's biggest fear was that her and Jason would not work through their problems and that her family would be affected".

Susan appeared to be close to her daughters, particularly the eldest one. Would she be prepared to abandon her girls, or was she in such a fragile state that they didn't enter her mind?

"Susan was not a mouse, she came from background of volatile arguments, so could speak up", and she obviously spoke up loudly about the affair. I wonder if all these "volatile arguments" related only to the affair. They seemed to be fighting on a regular basis, but no matter what Jason said or did, she still wanted to save her marriage. Did she finally reach breaking point and act on an impulse that morning when she realised that the marriage was definitely over?

It's already had a profound effect on the eldest daughter who nearly overdosed on drugs. The girls will no doubt hate him with a vengeance because it's due to his infidelity that their mother is now dead. They'll probably continue to live with their grandparents while he sails off into the sunset with his mistress. It was sickening to learn that he said WTTE "She'll never see her grandchildren". As the girls were only in their teens, it would have been more appropriate to think about the girls losing their mother.

The outcome of the trial may hinge on the testimony of Khan and Perumal after all. Now that we know than Khan got the time of death wrong by several hours, his credibility will no doubt suffer.

This case seemed quite open and shut in the beginning, especially after Khan's testimony, but now I'm not so sure.
Court stars. Jason #Rohde's lawyer adv Pete Mihalik resumes extracts of msgs Susan sent J. Such as: I am going to go there and cut that *****'s face".

Psychologist Jane Newcombe is reading them out. Another of the snapshots of msgs says: ''I'm not living like this''. Has to do with Susan #Rohde's state of mind

Remember Jason #Rohde's defence is that she killed herself at Spier on 24 July 2016
Psychologist reading a series of ''where are you'', ''call'', ''why aren't you answering'', and lots of pings and ''answer bloody phone'', ''call f&*kface'' fm Susan #Rohde to Jason.

Newcombe says Susan #Rohde did not tell her about ''incessant'' WhatsApps, but did say she was checking Jason's phone

Defence is handing up a document of images downloaded from #Susan Rohde's phone.

Psychologist asked to read out the words on the images. One is of Bob Marley, with the words: ''The truth is everyone is ging to hurt you, you've just got to find the one who is worth suffering for.''

Mihalik said that there are pics that show that Susan #Rohde flew down to Cape Town by herself and took pics of all the places Jason and his gf had been to. eg: Protea Hotel
Susan downloaded info about poet Sylvia Plath. Mihalik says there are material parallels between the way Plath and Susan #Rohde died

Susan #Rohde also downloaded the theme song from the "Suicide Squad"

Susan #Rohde wrote this to Jolene. ''If I had any choices in this I would to choose to die right now and every other minute that I continue to breathe.'' Says defence

Mihalik says total phone calls from Susan #Rohde to Jason fm Feb 2016 to date of her death was 1703. 2229 is the total WhatsApp messages she sent to Jason
Psych says the Bob Marley quote is motivational, and the others were about emotions, not nec about suicide. Judge points out that there is also a lot about forgiveness

Judge Gayaat Salie-Hlophe says points out a Gandhi quote: ''The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong''.

Judge says the whole submission, not just the ones Mihalik has singled out may be important. Psych re-reads the Gandhi quote, and says tone changed between J+S in June. Could have been working on forgiveness and reconciliation

Prosecutor adv Louis van Niekerk says it is important for the psychologist to have more context and chronology
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