Spain - Amy Fitzpatrick, 15, Malaga, 1 Jan 2008

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Seven years.

Ms Justice Heneghan said the defendant had offered a plea of guilty of manslaughter prior to the trial, but this plea had been rejected by the DPP, and she said she must take this into account when sentencing.

She said that Mr Mahon had also apologised, through his barrister, to all those who knew Mr Fitzpatrick, and had indicated he would not be appealing the verdict.

Ms Justice Heneghan imposed a seven year sentence.

He has literally got away with murder IMO. His story doesn't stand up whatsoever.

But I'm not blaming the jury, there really wasn't much evidence. I can't understand the reason the eyewitness to what happened didn't give evidence.

Still hoping Amy's case will be resolved one day.

RIP Dean.
Bit from the father of Dean and Amy:

Christopher Fitzpatrick was speaking after his ex wife’s new husband was sentenced to seven years in prison for killing Dean.

“I just thought it would be a longer sentence than what he got,” Mr Fitzpatrick said of David Mahon’s seven-year term.

“He was a nice young man. He was only growing up. He was a young man when he died, far too young to die.”

He said that things had been very hard, but that having the court case behind them would help with the grieving. “I just felt the sentence could have been longer, but that seems to be the way the system works here.”

Mahon had apologised in court through his counsel.

“I wouldn’t accept his apology under any circumstances,” said Mr Fitzpatrick, adding that everybody was aware of what he had done.

He said Mahon was not his son’s stepfather. “He wasn’t even married at the time. It’s just what he called himself. That’s it.”

Asked what was keeping him going, Mr Fitzpatrick said he had “another son left” and that he and Dean’s little boy were keeping him going.

DM may appeal the length of the sentence:

Within minutes of David Mahon being sentenced over the manslaughter of his wife's son, Dean Fitzpatrick, it was clear his legal team was already contemplating an appeal against the severity of his jail term.

The seven-year sentence imposed by Ms Justice Margaret Heneghan was by no means the worst outcome Mahon could have expected.
Letter to the Irish embassy from the mother of Amy's friend two years before her disappearance. I've seen it reported before, but not in as much detail.

Sounds like Amy and Dean had pretty tragic lives in Spain.

“If Amy is picked up on the street by [Mahon] is probable that she will disappear,” she chillingly predicts.

She adds: “Amy is scared for her own safety in terms of possible violence. My family are also at risk of threats and violence.”

Amy (then 15), disappeared on New Year’s Day 2008. She was last seen by Debbie Rose and her daughter Ashley, who had put her up over the holiday period.

Both Debbie and Ashley claim that Amy had her phone with her when she left their house, never to be seen again.


“When Amie was locked out of her mum’s house in Ireland or unfed, she would go to her father. Here in Spain she and her brother had no address to go to, and no food or money when locked out.

“Amie is very underweight and eats huge portions and often when at our house, she is hungry. The exception to this is the last two days when she is too anxious to eat.”


Pearl wrote that on another occasion, and despite the obvious threat, another family member told the teenage girl “to go to Audrey’s boyfriend, David [Mahon], who had previously strangled her brother in front of Audrey and Amie”.

“Dean, her brother, has since run away, works and stays at a friend’s house. This strangulation happened twice. Not a safe place for Amie and why should the boyfriend take on the responsibility of someone else’s child.”

Family insiders claim that in one of Dean’s last admissions, he recalled Mahon trying to break down a bathroom door with a hammer, where Amy had tried to barricade herself for her own safety.

Much more at link.

BBM. Amy's phone has always been a bone of contention. It was originally thought to be missing until it was spotted in the background in an interview with AM and DM at their home.

AM's subsequent explanation was that Amy had left her phone at home.
A €3,000 bounty to ‘slice up’ convicted killer Dave Mahon has been accepted by his fellow inmates.

The 45-year-old has only served a month of his seven-year sentence for the manslaughter of his partner’s son, Dean Fitzpatrick.

But bosses at the Mountjoy Prison in Dublin are now keeping Mahon locked in his cell for 22 hours a day, noting a ‘very serious and credible threat’ to his safety.
I'm sorry if this is annoying to the experienced hands here, but I'm new to the case and find the coverage confusing. I apologize for not having read most of the info available, but was Mr Mahon and/or Amy's Mom in Spain when she disappeared? There seems to be suspicion of Mr M, or is just that Amy just didn't want to be around him. Thanks.
I'm sorry if this is annoying to the experienced hands here, but I'm new to the case and find the coverage confusing. I apologize for not having read most of the info available, but was Mr Mahon and/or Amy's Mom in Spain when she disappeared? There seems to be suspicion of Mr M, or is just that Amy just didn't want to be around him. Thanks.
Hi. You're right to be confused. There is no real clear picture of what happened. Amy's Mom and stepdad were both in Spain at the time.

According to Mr & Mrs M Amy spent NYE babysitting with a friend. But I've also read that Amy had been staying with friends since Christmas eve. I don't know exactly how bad Amy's life was in Spain (or not) but she was clearly very unhappy.

I guess part of the confusion comes from the conflict between Amy's parents. There was even a court case over Dean's body.

I'm not sure we'll ever know what happened to Amy. And yeah, I also get the feeling that some people may be suspicious of Mr M.

She said: “It was someone out there who knew her, that’s my opinion. I know Amy’s dead. I don’t hold on to any hope of ever finding her alive.”

Ashley is convinced Amy was killed and she believes she knows who did it.

Ms Rose explained: “We all had someone in our radar at the time and that hasn’t changed over the years.”


Ashley recalled how stressed Amy was over her family life at the time, and that she’d regularly come to her door in floods of tears.

She added: “When I was 13, I didn’t really see how upset she was. But now I can see it, I understand it.”

Ashley revealed she was devastated when she learned of Dean Fitzpatrick’s death.

Mr Mahon was arrested by gardai earlier this week over Dean’s death but was later released without charge. He claims he was acting in self-defence.

She revealed: “I don’t think Amy liked Dave and neither did I. Amy told me she was never comfortable around him.”
Thank you very much L B, that helps me to understand some of the things I've read. It often seems the cases with the most contradictory information are the most fascinating!
Documentary on Amy was pulled by Irish TV because of legal threats from her mother.

Audrey Fitzpatrick claimed the programme – which is a part of TV3’s new Missing series – could potentially damage her reputation.

Earlier this year, Audrey came under fire after she continued to stand by her husband Dave Mahon following his conviction for killing her son Dean.

And the Sunday World can also reveal that Dave has been moved out of protection and into a different prison.
Just come across this poor girl's thread. No words for her mother.

Am I allowed to wonder if DM has connections to organized crime? Has that ever been mentioned? It would explain a lot - at least to me - if he has.
I was going to post about DM's source of income always seeming a bit sketchy, but this just popped up on my news feed. It doesn't really mean anything, but interesting...

Killer Dave Mahon and his partner Audrey Fitzpatrick praised crime boss Daniel Kinahan for helping to organise a fund-raiser for missing Amy Fizpatrick, it has emerged.


"Audrey Fitzpatrick and Dave Mahon wish to give heartfelt thanks to all, especially Daniel Kinahan and all his staff here for their support for Amy," it said.


Daniel Kinahan is the son of international crime boss Christy Kinahan.
Interview with AM.

Opening up about the constant accusations that Dave had something to do with Amy's disappearance, Audrey insisted: "They've said it before. We already had accusations from day one.

"I've seen it online but no one says it to my face.

"We were never suspects, none of us, the three of us. Me, Dave and Dean - we were never suspects.

"I know he didn't do it. People with small minds have small thoughts and that's the way it is. I trust him and love him always."
And insisting she'll never give up on Amy, Audrey added: "My son is gone and there's nothing I can do about it, my husband is in jail because he agreed to his conviction and there's nothing I can do about that.

"But I mean there is still work to be done looking for Amy, I can't let her be forgotten. I'm the only one in the world that seems to remember."
AM no longer thinks Eric 'Lucky' Wilson murdered Amy.

Speaking to the Irish Daily Star the mother-of-two, whose son Dean was killed by jailed husband Dave Mahon, now concedes that Eric 'Lucky' Wilson did not murder her 15-year-old daughter.

Tragic Amy vanished in the Spain on New Year's Day 2008.

In 2012 Audrey claimed in her book that she and Dave were told by an underworld figure who told them that Wilson, who is serving a 23-year-sentence for the murder of Englishman Daniel Smith, was responsible for the disappearance.

Gardaí and Spanish police had both ruled out the possibility and now Audrey (48) has conceded that this is the case.

"I think we might have been hoodwinked into making him out to be the big bad guy," Audrey told the Irish Star.

"I personally think now that someone might have had a grudge against him and used us as the big thicks."
Please just stop.

Audrey Mahon, whose daughter Amy Fitzpatrick vanished in Spain in 2008, has opened up about the stabbing which saw husband Dave Mahon locked up last year for Dean's manslaughter.

She remains devoted to her husband, and has now said that Dean could have accidentally killed Dave.

Speaking to the Irish Daily Star, she said: "At the end of the day, I know my son and I'm not blaming my son but it could have been very easily the other way round.

"It could have been really easily the other way, only for Davey, who is so diplomatic and can turn the situation around.

"I'm not saying he's the be-all and end-all, but it could have been the other way around, and my son would never, ever have been able to live with that, because he did love Dave and he loved me. He idolised me."
Killer Dave Mahon has been put in protective custody in prison.

The 46-year-old is understood to have received recent threats.

It's understood Mahon was warned by staff that there was a threat against him and that he would be put in protective custody until further notice.


Mahon is serving the second year of a seven-year sentence.

He is due to appear in court in October to appeal the severity of his sentence for killing Dean.

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