Specifically, why is Casey no longer acknowledging her parents in the courtroom?

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Bold is mine-

She sure is! There are times I think Caylee's death was a blessing.. I can't imagine what the TWO of them would have done to her psyche, her spirit, by the time she was Casey's age. Scary to think about.

Could be! Months ago, I posted a response regarding a possible motive, a strange motive: I said that KC could have thought (in a twisted way) that by killing Caylee she was doing the right thing; that is, freeing Caylee from a lifetime of what she went through at the hands of CA.
Could be! Months ago, I posted a response regarding a possible motive, a strange motive: I said that KC could have thought (in a twisted way) that by killing Caylee she was doing the right thing; that is, freeing Caylee from a lifetime of what she went through at the hands of CA.

I have yet to see anything that indicates that Casey didn't have a wonderful upbringing or that she suffered anything bad at the hands of CA. It appears to me that, if anything, Casey was over-indulged and spoiled. Why would she protect Caylee from that?
Specifically, Casey has a malignant narcissistic personality. Therefore:

1. Her parents are no longer useful.
2. Her parents ask too many questions
3. Her parents are the whole reason she is in the position she is in. If it weren't for them, she wouldn't have had to do what she had to do.
4. She now suspects her parents know the truth.
5. She must now rely on her attorneys to get her out of this mess.

I think for Casey, it's a simple equation. If I need "them" (in this case her parents), I will use them. If not, buh-bye.
Could be! Months ago, I posted a response regarding a possible motive, a strange motive: I said that KC could have thought (in a twisted way) that by killing Caylee she was doing the right thing; that is, freeing Caylee from a lifetime of what she went through at the hands of CA.

I can't beleive that anyone would think that Caylee is better off dead to "save" her from CA. There has been absolutly nothing
showing that there was any physical abuse in that home. And the emotional abuse many seem to be concerned with, is based on
snippets we have gathered from the news or documents taken in the worst possible situation imaginable.
Last year, the prisoner was similarly capricious about actual visits from Geo., Cindy and Lee. There would be agreement and a visit would be scheduled and then upon arrival, the family would be refused. And, when asked about this behavior, Cindy made excuses and rationalizations for the prisoner. It seems her "moods" were always indulged and her threats made them jump.

Sometimes she will condescend to ackowledge their presence in the courtroom and sometimes not. Apparently, they are meant to accept that as part of a long tradition. Just as they are meant to accept being cussed at in the most personal and vile way. No royal in history has been shown this regard. Her tantrums must have been thunderstorms and fireworks.
Last year, the prisoner was similarly capricious about actual visits from Geo., Cindy and Lee. There would be agreement and a visit would be scheduled and then upon arrival, the family would be refused. And, when asked about this behavior, Cindy made excuses and rationalizations for the prisoner. It seems her "moods" were always indulged and her threats made them jump.

Sometimes she will condescend to ackowledge their presence in the courtroom and sometimes not. Apparently, they are meant to accept that as part of a long tradition. Just as they are meant to accept being cussed at in the most personal and vile way. No royal in history has been shown this regard. Her tantrums must have been thunderstorms and fireworks.

yeah and allowing your child to get away with this behavior- that's some great parenting! :crazy:
Could be! Months ago, I posted a response regarding a possible motive, a strange motive: I said that KC could have thought (in a twisted way) that by killing Caylee she was doing the right thing; that is, freeing Caylee from a lifetime of what she went through at the hands of CA.

In the beginning of this case, after not being able to watch CA speak another time, & wondering if KC had an epiphany that she had become a souless creature, as a result of her mother's control issues, this thought crossed my mind also?:(
Could be! Months ago, I posted a response regarding a possible motive, a strange motive: I said that KC could have thought (in a twisted way) that by killing Caylee she was doing the right thing; that is, freeing Caylee from a lifetime of what she went through at the hands of CA.

What a shame they all lived on fantasy Island.

I haven't been thru the entire thread so this may have been mentioned. Scuze me if so...

The first thing that came to me is that she's big time PO'd because she has to appear in court in CA's clothes !! KC's clothes are too small now, and they weren't appropriate for court anyway! CA just goes into her closet and VOILA! Problem solved. Being such a spiteful and all, having to wear CA's clothes must be the ultimate insult. You know that she's got to resent that!!
KC has huge entitlement issues and probably thinks that she should have a personal shopper to consult with and a new wardrobe tailored for her court appearances.
But if that's the case, what happened to her paralegal look? That was the most appropriate look for court. The sweater last appearance was way too casual for court. You are supposed to look conservative and make a good appearance to be respectful for the judge. I'm just a layperson, but I have won in small claims court, even going up against a lawyer, and even I know that!
But if that's the case, what happened to her paralegal look? That was the most appropriate look for court. The sweater last appearance was way too casual for court. You are supposed to look conservative and make a good appearance to be respectful for the judge. I'm just a layperson, but I have won in small claims court, even going up against a lawyer, and even I know that!

You know, in the jurisdictions where I've covered trials, the defendants never wear street clothes, just orange jail jumpsuits at pre-trial hearings. Only at trial do they wear regular clothes. In fact, in serious cases, both their hands and ankles are shackled during hearings. Only at trial are their hands left unshackled and considerable pains are taken to hide the ankle shackles from the jury by bringing them in before the jury is seated and skirting open defendant's tables.

Keep in mind, even though these hearings are being televised, they are simply pre-trial hearings.

The sweaters may have looked awful on her and have been somewhat casual, but they weren't inappropriate for a pre-trial hearing.
Just watched "Grey Gardens" documentary about a mother/daughter enmeshed relationship, and came to the conclusion about the motives of unemployed children.

In this case KC--was waiting to get control of the house. No matter how long it would take, it was worthwhile for her to embed herself and wait to get control of the house, because she would never have to work at a normal job that she thought was beneath her.

KC is not above killing to get what she wants. She just regrets being caught and exposed, because ultimately she's a very private kind of spider.

(BTW, in Grey Gardens, the daughter fought off lawyers and the health department for 25 years, but eventually got control of the 28 room house in the Hamptons.)

I watched Grey Gardens a few years ago. What a tragic story about a woman who had so much potential and lost it all because of her relationship with her mother and their eventual shared mental illness.

I think one of the most telling clues about Cindy's relationship with Casey, besides her treatment of her parents in the jail calls and visits, is Cindy's venom against JG. And I don't mean since Caylee's disappearance but going back to when they were engaged.

It was probably too late in Casey's life for that relationship to work anyway, but that could have been a real turning point in her feeble attempts to escape from the spiderweb of enmeshment with her mother. And I truly believe Casey broke the engagement because of her mother's antagonism to JG after he had the unmitigated gall to stand up to her.
Not offended in the least, Friday. KC's having to grow up with someone like Cindy as a mother, is the reason that I have a "smidgen" of pity for KC. Just so I don't get punched...I do feel that KC is the only one responsible for killing Caylee, but I do feel the way she was treated by CA, while growing up, had a huge influence on KC.
No punches from me. ITA.
I don't have the slightest doubt you're right. Almost immediately after LP remarked that Casey liked Rob Dick? (young bounty hunter), Cindy engaged in an inappropriately long and affectionate hugging scene with him at JBP while looking straight at the cameras throughout it.

Far worse and more telling than that episode was Cindy's jealous reaction at the jail both times that George opened a conversation with Casey with an especially "warm" remark. The first time was when he said "Hi, gorgeous" (or was it "Hi, beautiful"?) The next time was when he opened with "I love you." On both those occassions--and NO others--Cindy immediately leaned waaayyy back in her chair so she could snuggle her head against his chest but she was looking straight at Casey in the monitor when she did it.

To me, this is evidence of yet another kind of serious malfunction in that distorted mother-daughter relationship. IMO.

Woah! That's a great observation of Cindy's behavior. I would have never caught it. Such subtle signals. But it does fall in line perfectly with what many of us think is going on with Cindy. What a trip!
Woah! That's a great observation of Cindy's behavior. I would have never caught it. Such subtle signals. But it does fall in line perfectly with what many of us think is going on with Cindy. What a trip!

She tried to pull another time too- Casey and George were on the phone during visitation and Cindy reached her hand out to grab the phone so she could speak but George didn't hand it right over and continued talking to Casey so Cindy starts moving around in her seat, leaning into George, doing her usual and that doesn't work either.. so then she places her hands on her chest as if her heart hurts, or has pains or something and Casey says to George, "Tell mom to keep breathing". But instead, George ignores it and says nothing to Cindy, doesn't even glance in her direction to see WTF Casey is talking about. Like he already knows, doesn't even have to look and certainly doesn't have to worry. Casey, too, let's it drop.

Cindy gets bored pretty quickly and stops rubbing on herself, IMO because she isn't getting the desired reaction (attention- in this specific case, to make George give her the phone) I doubt this is new behavior (and their reaction or lack of, to it firms that up for me), this is very often another way those with personality disorders control her "loved ones"... "health problems".

I wish I could recall off the top of my head which visit it was, I think it was one of the visits Friday brought up.
No punches from me. ITA.

Me too.. I can totally empathize. But I also know that if it was Casey that killed Caylee, nothing- not anything Cindy did caused Casey to murder her child.
Me too.. I can totally empathize. But I also know that if it was Casey that killed Caylee, nothing- not anything Cindy did caused Casey to murder her child.

Even if you have a nightmare upbringing, even if your genes are all lined up just waiting for the right trigger for a disorder, unless you are a vegetable you still have the option and the responsibility to seek help and treatment and not behave in ways that harm others and hopefully your self.

In most cases, families also seek help before the person is an adult and at least urge they seek treatment when they are an adult, unless they're in complete denial that there is anything wrong with their perfect child. Ring any bells?

My gosh, there are many, many people who had horrible childhoods, who have crippling disorders and who never harm anyone. And who do strive mightily to get help.
I don't have the slightest doubt you're right. Almost immediately after LP remarked that Casey liked Rob Dick? (young bounty hunter), Cindy engaged in an inappropriately long and affectionate hugging scene with him at JBP while looking straight at the cameras throughout it.

Far worse and more telling than that episode was Cindy's jealous reaction at the jail both times that George opened a conversation with Casey with an especially "warm" remark. The first time was when he said "Hi, gorgeous" (or was it "Hi, beautiful"?) The next time was when he opened with "I love you." On both those occassions--and NO others--Cindy immediately leaned waaayyy back in her chair so she could snuggle her head against his chest but she was looking straight at Casey in the monitor when she did it.

To me, this is evidence of yet another kind of serious malfunction in that distorted mother-daughter relationship. IMO.

Wow, this is right on the money. I'm not joking here, it reminds me of Meerkat Manor. The mother queen who doesn't allow any of her daughters to mate and when they do, they take over the children as their own (or kill them but we're not really talking meerkats here. And Casey was never tossed out of the clan to make it alone in a harsh African savannah.)

Okay, I'm going too far but Cindy shows this flirty sexualization in such completely inappropriate situations. I never thought of it as marking territory until you wrote this.
They have not had a jailhouse visit since last fall, even with the finding of Caylee's remains, the holidays etc. Sure feels like some type of rift between them. I would imagine the A's handling of Caylee's Memorial Service and the fact that they cremated her against KC's wishes might have something to add to an already apparent rift. JMHO

Kew, I'm not so sure KC's public disavowal of the cremation wasn't yet another smoke screen. Who could possibly benefit by having no remains to test if new technology is available in the future? KC. But she wouldn't want the public (and future jury pool) to know it was her choice so good ole Mom and Dad took the hit for the cremation/memorial.
Kew, I'm not so sure KC's public disavowal of the cremation wasn't yet another smoke screen. Who could possibly benefit by having no remains to test if new technology is available in the future? KC. But she wouldn't want the public (and future jury pool) to know it was her choice so good ole Mom and Dad took the hit for the cremation/memorial.

There is no benefit to Casey in having the remains cremated.
I'm not quite sure why Casey is giving Cindy & George the cold shoulder treatment in the courtroom.
Maybe it's because she's a self centered, self serving evil little witch?
And a really stupid one at that... with treatment such as that toward the last 2 people on this earth that give a rat's butt about her!

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