Specifically, why is Casey no longer acknowledging her parents in the courtroom?

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It's what they do! Go back now that you recognize this behavior in her and you'll find you will see it *and other "like" behaviors often. It's these kinds of behaviors that leave me with no doubts about Cindy. She (like her daughter) really is quite transparent.

I don't think I have met anyone with a personality disorder who wasn't overly jealous/afraid of rejection. Some, when they get jealous go as far as to make up stories to tell the children about the husband that are untrue.. Then tell the husband a story about the children that is untrue. Just to cause problems between the kids and the father.

I'm a few days behind but I have lived this experience myself. I've been in therapy for nearly 20 years and I still don't understand how a mother can do those things. And the only mother-daughter interaction Casey understands has jealousy, resentment, and rivalry all wound up with "love." That doesn't make Casey less culpable; it just makes her mother (meaning Cindy) responsible for using Caylee as an emotional pawn. Without that dynamic, Casey might have been able to just give the child up for adoption, or to her parents. For Cindy and Casey--"It's all about ME."
I'm a few days behind but I have lived this experience myself. I've been in therapy for nearly 20 years and I still don't understand how a mother can do those things. And the only mother-daughter interaction Casey understands has jealousy, resentment, and rivalry all wound up with "love." That doesn't make Casey less culpable; it just makes her mother responsible for using Caylee as an emotional pawn. Without that dynamic, Casey might have been able to just give the child up for adoption, or to her parents. For Cindy and Casey--"It's all about ME."

First of all-

Bold is mine-

Good for you for trying- don't give up!! There are many that come from homes like this that end up in a gutter or prison (I know there is also a large percentage of people that do very well and "get out" as soon as they can and don't pass on the dysfunction to their children). But one thing is the same, we are damaged.. We grow up feeling un-loved, unloveable..unworthy and insignificint. Nothing we do is ever good enough, ever.

Sadly, you will probably never know or understand why your mom did the things she did but I can tell you that it was nothing you did or didn't do. YOU are fine, SHE is sick! I wish you much happiness :)
If the remains are destroyed, and if in ten years some newfangled test for (insert what you like, chloroform, xanax, etc.) is discovered that could prove Caylee died from an overdose, then it could benefit Casey (assuming she is the murderer) that Caylee's body is essentially destroyed and unable to be tested further.

Dr G the medical examiner for Orange County, saved a 6" long bone. It was mentioned in a news conference back in late December. :clap:
I don't have the slightest doubt you're right. Almost immediately after LP remarked that Casey liked Rob Dick? (young bounty hunter), Cindy engaged in an inappropriately long and affectionate hugging scene with him at JBP while looking straight at the cameras throughout it.

Far worse and more telling than that episode was Cindy's jealous reaction at the jail both times that George opened a conversation with Casey with an especially "warm" remark. The first time was when he said "Hi, gorgeous" (or was it "Hi, beautiful"?) The next time was when he opened with "I love you." On both those occassions--and NO others--Cindy immediately leaned waaayyy back in her chair so she could snuggle her head against his chest but she was looking straight at Casey in the monitor when she did it.

To me, this is evidence of yet another kind of serious malfunction in that distorted mother-daughter relationship. IMO.

Good morning-

I just wanted to add that you are so correct about this version of CA. I said months ago when the news broke of the duct tape with a heart sticker that this was a mercy killing. Although there is no doubt in my mind that KC has done this to Caylee, I also have no doubt in my mind that CA is the truly truly sick one in this situation. KC has no idea of what is proper and correct in a normal world but CA made that all possible. KC didn't get to this psychological dillusion on her own. IMO
New technology in the next six months that would discover toxins in bones not previously discoverable = benefit to Casey. As far as you stretch to say there is absolutely no benefit, you can stretch just as far to say there is.
Blanket statements like that almost never work.

I think it's highly, actually ridiculously, unlikely that there will be some new test developed before the trial to test for a unknown toxin. What toxin? What could Casey have used on Caylee that can't be tested for now?

The ME released the remains, that means they're done with them. Had the A's been concerned with cremating the remains in order to prevent further testing, they wouldn't have waited 3 months to do it. If the state doesn't have enough to convict Casey already, some new technology developed in the next 6 months is not going to help.
I think it's highly, actually ridiculously, unlikely that there will be some new test developed before the trial to test for a unknown toxin. What toxin? What could Casey have used on Caylee that can't be tested for now?

The ME released the remains, that means they're done with them. Had the A's been concerned with cremating the remains in order to prevent further testing, they wouldn't have waited 3 months to do it. If the state doesn't have enough to convict Casey already, some new technology developed in the next 6 months, is not going to help.

Well.. ok then. Cremating her helps KC because she got to issue a statement saying she was against it. Therefore, she can argue that she really did care about what happens to the remains and that proves she wouldn't have dumped the child in the swamp.

But really, my point wasn't that the cremation would or would not help. I was just pointing out the fact that you cannot say with absolute authority whether it will or not without all the facts. Even the devil's advocate needs checked sometimes. :)
Hey, guess what? In "A" World: Caylee's dead. The A's can't bring her back to enrich and brighten their lives. That door is closed, due to death. Now, KC is alive, which means they will support her to the bitter end. , IMO. And, as LE, said, they will have to be Caylee's voice.
Why? Because she can't look them in the eye.

For a normal person, I would tend to agree with you. But remember, this is KC we're talking about. I don't think that girl can feel shame. And we know that she always feels like she's the victim. I'm more on the side that says she thinks she's punishing her parents.

However, I'm still not sure that she isn't acknowledging them. It seemed like she looked in their direction on the way out. Whether they made eye contact or not, I don't know- it happened so fast.
I have yet to see anything that indicates that Casey didn't have a wonderful upbringing or that she suffered anything bad at the hands of CA. It appears to me that, if anything, Casey was over-indulged and spoiled. Why would she protect Caylee from that?

Many times, abuse looks that way on the out side. The perfect home, the perfect family. Perfect.

What goes on inside, a different story. And verbal abuse leaves no physical evidence.

Some times, the spoiling, is payment or 'hush stuff'.
1.I think all of these people have been given way too much credit period
2.I believe they communicate via JB - letters and email and possible live video stream and possibly JB's cell. All he would have to do is dial their number and put it on speaker phone and KC could talk to them, and to Jail officials it would appear as if KC was talking to JB. I don't think KC has refused to see them. I don't think that anyone is mad at anyone. I think it's mutual because the visit would not be private. I think all decisions have been made by KC and JB and CA and GA as to what is in the best interest for KC's Defense.
KC not gawking and waving and smiling at her parents in the courtroom (as if KC was at graduation or won an award and being so happy that family was there to see how wonderful she looks and tell her "good job") is a Defense ploy. I imagine JB has read or heard the bad press KC has gotten in the past for not appearing somewhat like it is a serious event being in a courtroom at motion hearing relating to a Murder charge against her.
I gave this some thought. They don't like the cameras watching every tiny interaction. I've heard it said before that if George and Cindy and Lee want to communicate outside the spotlight, then they need to go through the courtroom. So what I figure has happened is that they've written letters (the packet of papers Jose tossed at Casey as she sat down) and Casey read them, and then she wrote her responses (the writing she's seen doing). At the end of the hearing, Jose snaps up the packet and off he goes to deliver the response to the Anthony's. That way she doesn't have to be uber examined for every little thing. And it further explains why he was so conscientious to mention that if the camera was going to be up front that they don't focus on what she's doing with the papers.

They don't want every single interaction, conversation, glance, etc displayed and disected every day and night by the media. I would have to agree with them on this.

Yes, we could say they asked for it, but IMOO..... I don't think that they knew that it would turn into such a media vulturefest......
If the remains are destroyed, and if in ten years some newfangled test for (insert what you like, chloroform, xanax, etc.) is discovered that could prove Caylee died from an overdose, then it could benefit Casey (assuming she is the murderer) that Caylee's body is essentially destroyed and unable to be tested further.

Casey will have been tried before then and therefore whether convicted or not cannot be tried again. Double Jeopardy...........
Why isn't KC acknowledging her parents in court?

Lets entertain the idea that the missing diary pages say what has been recently reported. If it is KC's intention to blame her mother for a mercy killing, that could be a reason she is ignoring them in court. CA looks totally deflated when KC doesn't acknowledge them. KC could mouth the words thank you (for being there) at the very least.

Would LE allow JB to arrange for "secret" visits through his laptop? Is this allowed? I'd have to think no, but I have no idea. This would not be the first time JB has broken the rules during visits. Wouldn't it be considered the same as a phone call that is unmonitored? It seems to me it could hardly fall under the category of attorney/client privilege since other parties are involved.

Also, I just want to say hooray for GA for wearing his Caylee button at each and every hearing.
Many times, abuse looks that way on the out side. The perfect home, the perfect family. Perfect.

What goes on inside, a different story. And verbal abuse leaves no physical evidence.

Some times, the spoiling, is payment or 'hush stuff'.

I never used the word perfect. No family is perfect. I've seen nothing to indicate that there was abuse or 'hush stuff' that took place in the A home as Casey was growing up, and I can't assume that, because there is no sign of it, it must have happened.
First of all-

Bold is mine-

Good for you for trying- don't give up!! There are many that come from homes like this that end up in a gutter or prison (I know there is also a large percentage of people that do very well and "get out" as soon as they can and don't pass on the dysfunction to their children). But one thing is the same, we are damaged.. We grow up feeling un-loved, unloveable..unworthy and insignificint. Nothing we do is ever good enough, ever.

Sadly, you will probably never know or understand why your mom did the things she did but I can tell you that it was nothing you did or didn't do. YOU are fine, SHE is sick! I wish you much happiness :)
Thank you,I'm in there too.
i think its because she knows no one beleives what they say anymore and they will just hurt her case now ..they cant get her out so no purpose to her whatsoever as long as they arnt beneficial to her they are no longer important to her its all about princess kc

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