***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION

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How is the book (by anyone currently reading)?
JVM is a screamer - really. So over dramatic, its hard to listen to her at all, I wish they would just let the callers ask JA questions, and then he can answer. JVM can just sit there and play with her big hair.

Going over the 84 searches.. a mistake and big oops for LE, and SA.
84 or 1 (searches for Chlorform) became a bigger issue than there was search AT ALL.

forgive typos. I'm in a hurry here. lol
I read the entire thing in about 8 hours, loved it but there were a few mistakes in the book. I haven't read any comments on here yet but now I'm ready!

Some of her (JVM's) questions/statements show how much of a fan of Baez, though.. Ugh!

imho - she and jb share a similar intellectual profile...

I do so love the "turn about is fair play" use of this media mouthpiece though (eh, petty of me....deal). I hope the the great mass realizes just what motivates the media. And I am glad JA is taking that to the bank.
JVM: did casey make things up

JA: no, the defense just made things up, but the defense has to know if it's a lie. Did they?
Speaking about DT comforting and hugging OFC in front of jury, spoke to JP and he failed to stop it.

Mentions karma, and would not want OFC watching his checkbook.
Casey was all an act, but for the defense team to get "into all that" is appalling.

JA was angry, but sometimes these things happen and you need to move move. Karma. Karma balances scales and he wants CA to be left alone.
Neuclear lie . . . flashes across the screen . . . video clips of kc's issues of lying. . . .
JVM said 2 therapists were told by kc that GA murdered Caylee while molesting both Caylee and KC . . . later KC recanted any molestation . . . .

JA had couple of different computer searches programs . . . . fact that there were 84 searches or one search became bigger than the actual search that some one was searching for how to make chloroform . . . couldn't say that the website looked exactly like that when she searched it as websites change frequently . . . without know exactly what she looked at we couldn't say to the jury "this is what she saw" . . . we can't make things up . . . we can say put one and one together and see if they make 2 . . . but we can't . . . . kc made stuff up . . . . we will never know exactly what . . .

there is a point at which atty's are ethically bound to not put your crediblity behind someone if you know it's a lie . . . barring a client coming out and saying "I am going to lie about this" . . . .

JVM said kc was pretty, white, middle class. . . . JA doesn't know how things might be different . . . he will not take a wild guess . . . . we all saw how her demeanor was when jury was in the jury box and when they weren't . . . we tried to stop the grandfatherly hug and the atty's to get involved in hugs is somewhat questionable. . . . she is more infamous more than famous . . . .

JVM screaming any feelings of OMG she got away with it!!!! JA said there was a time he went thru a process of being angry about this . . . .. you have to get over things. . . he believes in karma. . . do not do anything to kc ever . . . . but she will be the victim of karma in her own way on her own terms. . . . her life will never be the same because of htis case. . . .

JVM live in your own personal hell . . . .

caller saying JA is a hero . . . . she would have been guilty if caller was on jury . . . 2 of the jurors felt she was guilty . . . why do people cave in . . . . why not hang the jury?

clip of juror saying could have gone either way each piece of evidence . . . .

JA do you blame jurors for their decision? don't blame them . . . they applied law how they saw . . . reasonable doubt . . . juror wanted one piece of evidence that was crystal clear . . . that wasn't this case . . . this was complex case. . . .

good or bad idea . . . not seeking the death penalty . . . . chance of kc getting death sentence was very very slim
JA: The odds of CA getting the death penalty was very, very slim.
for the first ime i ordered from amazon- they say it should arrive friday 21.80 hard cover - excited!!
I absolutely agree, especially with what you say about Cindy choosing OCA over Caylee. JA is absolutely clear that is exactly what CA did, and that her choice significantly affected the trial's outcome.

And now she has no granddaughter and her precious Casey won't have anything to do with her, just as she deserves.

Lee threw parents under the bus to help OCA and in doing so, contributed to JB's smoke screen that the Ants were full of secrets and that everyone was a victim.


High fiving OCA as she struts into JB's office. Boo-hooing over not being invited to the baby shower. Lee makes me :sick:.

JVM is a screamer - really. So over dramatic, its hard to listen to her at all, I wish they would just let the callers ask JA questions, and then he can answer. JVM can just sit there and play with her big hair.

I wonder how ever she manages to reach around that big hair to pat herself on the back for all she does for the animals, addicts, and the war on women? :rolleyes:

I'm thoroughly enjoying watching JA shoot down all her pointed attempts to say how SHE, the Great JVM, would have tried the case. She was full of advice during the trial - advice that clearly illustrated how unfamiliar she was with the facts.
I got my from amazon and it came today. Mine was shipped yesterday I believe. It might have something to do with where you live who knows. But if they dont shipped it by today I would be getting in touch with them asking them why. Off to read some more so far I love how JA is showing his emotional side as well as his professional side.
JA never thought CA would be acquitted of all charges (other than lying).
He thought CA guilt was obvious going by George's suicide letter. JA saw a broken, sad man (George).

JA knew going in that GA was going to be ATTACKED. One thing for GA to cheat on his wife but a totally other thing for him to kill/cover up the death of his grandchild.
JA . . . 1 thing to say oh this man may have issues with his wife . . . but another thing to say this guy murdered his granddaughter and oh by the way he molested her . . . .
JVM - do you have problem with defense saying during opening statement say oh by the way she really has been dead all along . . . .
we can't say in opening what the defense will be or it would be a mistrial . . . but we did try to say . . . anticipate the next lie. . .
the nuclear lie...

1. OCA implies that she slept so soundly June 16AM, she must have been drugged by George.
Ok, maybe it was because she was texting and talking to TL ALL NIGHT LONG! UGH! Her lies and innuendo are still disgusting.

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