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On a lark, I did a white page telephone directory lookup at the Anywho web site for the Powell surname.

I find that there are 30 folks listed with the Powell surname living in Anderson, IN and 5 folks with the Powell surname living in Pendleton,IN.
I did a little more looking around at MD. Prior to working at the juvenille facility in Pendleton he was with a juvenille correctional facility in Topeka, KS. This may or may not mean anything. We know based on the Y-DNA test BK may have some ties to the Kansas area.... however, I have no idea if MB has any relation whatsoever to the Powell surname, perhaps a mother who is the daughter of a Powell. I didn't hear anything back today. I'm hoping this week. He's about 40, so definately too young to be a brother or cousin of BK's. Perhaps a nephew or ??? if anything.

The wait is frustrating! (I need some more patience God, haven't I demonstrated enough with the Cubs? do I really need more?, lol)
He's about 40, so definately too young to be a brother or cousin of BK's. Perhaps a nephew or ??? if anything.
I definitely would NOT rule out brother or cousin.The fact is that we do not know the exact age of BK or MD. Benjamin thinks his birth date would make him 60, but that is not a guarantee... he could be 55 or even a bit younger. Judging from the photo, MD looks to be between 35 and 45... although he could be older depending on when the photo was taken. This definitely puts him close enough to BK's age to be his brother.

As far as cousins, age means nothing. I am over 20 years older than some of my first cousins. It can vary depending on age gap between siblings and when in life a person had children... my mother had me when she was 22, but her younger brothers didn't have children until they were over 35.

Actually, I wouldn't even rule out that MD could be BK's son. It is quite feasible that there is more than a 20 year age gap between them.

They do look very much alike... in fact, when I first saw the photo I thought it was BK.
Another photo of MD I found through Google Images:


I am shocked at how much they look alike... the eyes are absolutely dead on. The only difference is the nose. I will actually be surprised if these two men turn out to be of no relation whatsoever.
Thank you TheGodfather. So true about the differences in ages between siblings and cousins. My sons paternal grandmother is actually one year older than my grandmother. I agree about the eyes, they caught my attention too. I don't think we have run across anyone who has the same eyes. Plenty with similiar noses, but none that I can recall with the same eyes.

I'm sure he is busy, but I do hope he takes the time to reply to my email.

ETA: I asked my 7 year old if he thought they were from the same family. I told him they were not the same person, but do you think they look like they are from the same family. His reply, I think they look like 'brovers, twins, no brovers, definately brovers". :)
Interesting news article on MD.

A job becomes a passionate career
June, 2008 | by Glenda Beal

When he took a job in 1985 as a correctional officer at the Missouri State Penitentiary, 21-year-old Michael Dempsey did not expect it to lead to a satisfying career. At the time, it was just a job, a necessary part of his resolve to get his life together after troubled teen years and no high school diploma--a job suggested by his father, a Missouri prison lieutenant who had retired from law enforcement.

Throughout his career, Dempsey's passion to make a difference in the lives of youths has been rooted in that beginning. "It's an important part of my life. It changed me".

more at link.

The Missouri State Penitentiary has since been renamed Jefferson City Correctional Center in Jefferson City Missouri. According to the map Jefferson City is about half way between Kansas City and St. Louis. Still within a relatively close distance to Coffeyville (sp?) KS and Northern OK as indicated for the closest y-dna line per BK's wiki page.
Gosh Cubby, they do look alike, more so in that first picture. See, insomnia is good for something! LOL. As it turns out, looks are about all we have to go on anyway in the search for Ben's identity. One thing's for sure, Benjamin looks like some of his relatives, and some of his relatives look like him whoever and wherever they are!
I showed the pictures of Ben to my husband and told him I wanted him to look at another pic of 2 men and wanted him to tell me who they were. It was the pic of the 2 men by the flag and he said immediately that is Ben, refering to MD. I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the pic. of MD, they have so many similarities, I agree the nose looks different but the eyes and smile are almost identical.
Here's a photo comparison I just made... BK on left, MD on right:



  • bkmdcomp.jpg
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They both have the would you call pattern, too!
There is a possibility that BK and MD could be related.

They could be related to the family as blood relatives, or related to the family by marriage.

They could also be related as distant relatives and not even know that they are even related.

Usually, those who are distant relatives would have and share the same ancestor. They would also share the same facial features as well.

The facial features could be anything. It could be the color of the hair or eyes, or the shape of the face, nose, mouth.
I wish I was comfortable posting my family pictures but I'm not right now.. may at some time then remove them; but none of us look alike.

I'm 5'8" - blond hair & gray/blue eyes.
My dad was 5'9" (maybe a little taller) brown hair, brown eyes
mother 5'4"- blond with hazel eyes
older sister - 5'6" - brown eyes & hair - no children.
younger sister - 5'5" - brown eyes & hair - 1 son who resembles my fathers brother.

Aunt (mothers sister) - blue eyes blond hair she's probably 5'6"
Aunt's daughter blue eyes, brown hair, no clue on height; haven't seen her in 20 years.

My son - 5'12" - dirty blond hair with my gray/blue eyes; has his fathers hairline & color. His face resembles mine, and my dad
My girl has the darkest brown eyes with dark brown hair. At her current age (16) she resembles both my one sister (younger) and her fathers sister; who looks nothing like my ex. My girl also resembles my fathers side even though you wouldn't know she was my daughter if you saw our pictures together.

Feature wise - I look like my dad; as I said, my son looks like me.
Sisters are a mix of father & mother I guess (if they are even related to me - because that's another story). The oldest has features of my birth mother; the youngest (if she's even related) resembles my fathers mother. FWIW - there is question of all of our paternity - I am the only one that actually had a DNA test confirming my dad is my dad; which is funny since I was the one that my birth mother was busted cheating on my dad at the time of conception.

While I look like my dad; my coloring, eyes & hair resembles my aunt.
My maternal cousin - while she has her mothers eyes; she looks like her father.

Throw into the mix the son that my "birth mother" gave up for adoption - he has her nose (which NONE of us have) and while he's blond & hazel eyes; I'm not sure how much he looks like her or any of us girls that have a different father.

Take my hubby - 3 boys & 5 girls - none of the boys are the same height, nor do they look alike. The girls also don't look alike.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if Ben has relatives they may look nothing like him.

How many of you actually look like your siblings?
If you are female, who do you resemble most, father or mother or are you a mix?
Do you have brothers and if so, who do they look like?

I am a twin for my dad which is funny because my mother looks just exactly like Olivia DeHaviland...doesnt that figure?? My family has a very strong gene pool-we all have big light eyes, long narrow faces and high dad's brother's kids look exactly like us, for example.

Now my ex's family is the opposite-although my ex is a twin for his father, the rest of the family is distinctly different from both father and is weird.
I am a twin for my dad which is funny because my mother looks just exactly like Olivia DeHaviland...doesnt that figure?? My family has a very strong gene pool-we all have big light eyes, long narrow faces and high dad's brother's kids look exactly like us, for example.

Now my ex's family is the opposite-although my ex is a twin for his father, the rest of the family is distinctly different from both father and is weird.

You mentioned Olivia DeHaviland - I just wiki'd her.. I see she has a sister

[ame=""]Olivia de Havilland[/ame] and sister [ame=""]Joan Fontaine[/ame]

ok.. just found a pic of both together.. Sibling rivalry: Hollywood's oldest feud - Direct link to photo My eyes are too tired after being outside shoveling (all the white snow; then coming in and them trying to adjust).. I found this link that has pictures of both.

I think looks are a crap shoot.

I don't know Rose, maybe it is a crapshoot. My older natural sister and I look nothing alike, nor does my older natural brother. Older sis has blue eyes, red hair; older bro blue eyes and blond hair. My younger sister is my doppelganger however, except for height---I am short and she is tall (if I were only taller I would be thinner, LOL!) Our faces are exactly alike though, we could be twins, except she has blue eyes, I have hazel (but my eyes were dark brown until I was about 18 then they turned more green). She has more natural blond than I do I think, Miss Clairol helps me with my blond.

Ironically, I have a similar look to my adopted family, to the extent that when people would find out I was adopted, they were shocked. It made me feel good when I was growing up that I looked similar to them-helped me feel more like I belonged.

However, in this family, my brother and sister are quite obviously siblings, and they have very strong features of both my mom and dad and each other. Several of my cousins look very close to my brother and sister too--people who saw all of us would know that we are related. I really do think that more families share resemblances than not.
May be a crapshoot, may not. My sisters and I all resemble each other enough that if someone knew one of us but just met the other, we were always asked are you a <last name>? When I was 20 and my sister was 16 someone asked if we were twins, lol. We resemble each other but not enough to be considered twins. Her son and my son also resemble each other so much, when mine started school we were immediately asked if he was <names> brother or cousin.

I have collected some photos of my great grandparents, great great grandparents and great great Uncles and Aunts. While there are several generations difference, I can still see traits within myself, face and hands, that resemble those older relatives.

I guess one never knows, so we'll see. I have not heard back from MB one way or the other. If he is a more distant relative, perhaps he recalls stories from the older generation of an Uncle, or brother of someone who lost contact with the family. If he sees enough of a resemblence perhaps he will share the picture with other relatives when he has a chance and inquire with them before he replies to my email. Or, having such a long family history in LE, perhaps he would make contact directly with the person assigned to investigate Mr. Kyles case rather than replying to me. I really don't know. I do hope he replies one way or the other and recognizes the reason why 'amateurs' such as ourselves would do research in this area knowing how limited LE's time is with regards to older versus newer cases.
Everyone has an excellent point here. You can be related in your immediate family but you may not look alike with your parents or siblings.

For myself, I have some of my mother's and my father's facial features. My mother had black hair but I had brown hair. My father had brown hair that turned gray as I was growing up. But if one really knew me and looked closely at my facial features, they would identify me more with my father's family.

When I was in high school, there was a girl who had the same surname that I had but we wasn't even related. But everyone though we were related as siblings since we had the same hair color. Oh yes, plenty of guys asked me if they could date her.
I heard back from MB. He does not recognize Benjaman. He was kind enough to reply that he has only been in the Indianapolis area for a few years and that he grew up further east in Missouri than I had originally thought. (He gave me the city, but for privacy reasons I would prefer not to post it here.)

So it looks like MB is just another someone who strongly resembles BK.

No stone left unturned. Back to the drawing board.
I found this site of missing relatives and friends and have found several Powells that family is searching for. Do you think if someone entered Mr Kyle as an 'AMNESIA VICTIM" looking for his idenity and family and included a picture of him that would help in the search? I don't know how to do this but I would be happy if someone else could do it. Also Mr Kyle might be able to read and some memories could come back to him if he is being searched for on this site. I am an older lady and not good on the computer like so many of you are. You are a great group.
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