State rests rebuttal case- thread #163

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I very much agree.. She is a liar, but imo not a great one and yet the extreme horror she described TA enduring during that intruder story was incredibly authentic sounding... Even in movies you don't hear a victim crying things out like that they can't feel their legs and things like that.. I do believe that her description of what TA was doing was overwhelmingly true, she probably figured that a truthful description surrounded by her lies on the intruders could boost her believability.. Very heartbreaking and also it proves to me, without a doubt, she has many many memories of the whole thing.

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From everything we've seen of her, she not only has the memories of her slaughter/butcher/torture murder of Travis, she savors and revels in them.
I have no doubt she brought the knife. I'm just wondering where she got it.

Yeah, its a good question because I dont think she would buy it. I just have a feeling she got it from somewhere. Many options though. steal from Gramps, steal from friends, steal from Gram, etc.

I just dont think she went out and bought a new one as she did not want to be on videos.
:seeya: Thanks for putting us at ease ... I need it !

JMO ... I have full faith in Mr. Martinez ...

JMO ... but what I do NOT have full faith in is jurors - juries ...


Dog.Gone - that is how I feel too.
:seeya: Thanks for putting us at ease ... I need it !

JMO ... I have full faith in Mr. Martinez ...

JMO ... but what I do NOT have full faith in is jurors - juries ...


You're welcome :)

I too do NOT have faith in is the jurors after the CA case... to make that day worse for me I was suffering through food poisoning and the verdict at same time :(
Oh I believe Wilmott and Nurmi will pull out all the stops next week. They even had her grandma fly in wheelchair and everything obviously she is not doing well but they had her come anyway.

Pathetic. Poor grandma ... she shouldn't be there (unless she WANTS to be there). Somehow I think she is not a willing participant ... just part of a plan to make Arias look more sympathetic and "human" .. as things draw to a close.

So many people victimized by this horrible monster ..... I wanna throw up!

Dry heave ... dry heave ... dry heave ... waaaiiit for it .... (geez can't find the vomit smiley) ... so I'll leave you to your imaginations :floorlaugh:
I still find chilling the descriptions JA gave of TA while being wounded and murdered by "the intruders".

Interesting that "the female did" Travis.

I believe that some of TA's words, labored movements, inability to ambulate, calls for help, etc. may have been the only truths within her account of the incidents of June 4, 2008 to actually slip out from between her vile lips.

Yeah, I was watching JA's eye movements today on "In Session" - the tiny bit of time they allow it to be on TruTV still - as she testified about murdering Travis, and it seemed like she was referring back to an actual happening.

Not that I believe her version at all - or even that the sky was blue if she told me so - but thought that she is "genius" enough to refer to an actual happening or part of something that really did happen, to make her story sound/seem more believeable.

Also thought of neurolinguistic programming, which I only know is, in part, the study of eye movements as they relate to certain kinds of thoughts, e. g., location, memory, lying. It seems JA did dabble in a lot of things over her life, and she may have run across something about NLP, and could utilize it.
:eek: Have y'all seen this ?

PHOENIX - A local Valley police department confirms to ABC15 that a man arrested over the weekend on a DUI charge was also claiming to be a juror in the Jodi Arias trial .

The arrest happened on Saturday and it was at that time the suspect told the officer he was a member of the jury.

Read more:


Geez, poor guy. Not b/c he got caught driving drunk, but for being majorly exposed in the media due to the trial. That is, if the story is even accurate. Sometimes the media ought to not exploit...
Will the Defense do Closing Arguments on Thursday and our hero Juan on Friday?
His throat was definitely slit in that picture. You can see the blood dripping down from the throat area. If she is kneeling or bending, his head could be rested up against her knee/leg, hence how it stayed it that position for the picture.

I don't think she planned to dismember him either. :)

All you see is blood running around his neck and down his back, that could have come from any of his injuries. If you look at the photo his head is not resting on anything, you can see it, hence not resting.

Juan needs to be very careful in closing argument to focus on PREMEDITATION evidence and Dr. Demarte's testimony and the lack of evidence of Travis ever owning a gun, stolen gun from grandma's. Doesn't matter in what order she did what. Focus on what we know. What we know is premeditation and lack of evidence supporting any claims of physical abuse.
What puzzles me about this trial, is that it has been 4 years in the making, and still the sequence of events are still somewhat blurred 4years and 4 months into the trial. I still think a lot of the forensic evidence is missing like the bloodied fibres that were found but not considered revelatory and remain untested.
Explanations of blood patterns like the aspirated blood on the bathroom mirror, and a clearer outline of events based on those patterns is missing from the evidence. Duct tape, hasn't been epxlained the confusion of the the two camera cards and who they belonged to and to which camera, remains a mystery because they are not interchangeable. The presence of blood on a possible cord used to upload images, has not been accounted Some photographs recovered from the cameras have not been revealed by the prosecutor, but why? What they might reveal? They can't get any worse surely? Detective Flores also gave JA ample time to dispose of, reorder and conceal further information. He tipped her off too soon.
So, for a few years in the making, the evidence isn't all it's cracked up to be. There are significant gaps in the forensic evidence, which is a little unusual especially when blood distribution clearly tells the story. And 4 years and 4 months later there we are still trying to work it out how it happened, and the prosecutor doesn't know, we don't know. The camera information was wrong wrt to the two sets of cards found. So whomever was talking one card, a different person talked about the other card. Do we know why they were entered into evidence by two separate people, and why that was? how were they collected? Is there a chain of custody. The forensics are not stellar.
But she admits to some things and deserves punishment, but I'm a bit concerned these things are left out.
Geez, poor guy. Not b/c he got caught driving drunk, but for being majorly exposed in the media due to the trial. That is, if the story is even accurate. Sometimes the media ought to not exploit...

BBM: I did a search to see if this story is being covered by any other media -- for accuracy as well as to get more info -- but my search came up with nothing but this story from ABC.

JMO ... but I would like to know IF -- IF this is true ...

What puzzles me about this trial, is that it has been 4 years in the making, and still the sequence of events are still somewhat blurred 4years and 4 months into the trial. I still think a lot of the forensic evidence is missing like the bloodied fibres that were found but not considered revelatory and remain untested.
Explanations of blood patterns like the aspirated blood on the bathroom mirror, and a clearer outline of events based on those patterns is missing from the evidence. Duct tape, hasn't been epxlained the confusion of the the two camera cards and who they belonged to and to which camera, remains a mystery because they are not interchangeable. The presence of blood on a possible cord used to upload images, has not been accounted Some photographs recovered from the cameras have not been revealed by the prosecutor, but why? What they might reveal? They can't get any worse surely? Detective Flores also gave JA ample time to dispose of, reorder and conceal further information. He tipped her off too soon.
So, for a few years in the making, the evidence isn't all it's cracked up to be. There are significant gaps in the forensic evidence, which is a little unusual especially when blood distribution clearly tells the story. And 4 years and 4 months later there we are still trying to work it out how it happened, and the prosecutor doesn't know, we don't know. The camera information was wrong wrt to the two sets of cards found. So whomever was talking one card, a different person talked about the other card. Do we know why they were entered into evidence by two separate people, and why that was? how were they collected? Is there a chain of custody, regarding these items? The forensics are not stellar.
But she admits to some things and deserves punishment, but I'm a bit concerned these things are left out.
:eek: Have y'all seen this ?

PHOENIX - A local Valley police department confirms to ABC15 that a man arrested over the weekend on a DUI charge was also claiming to be a juror in the Jodi Arias trial .

The arrest happened on Saturday and it was at that time the suspect told the officer he was a member of the jury.

Read more:


Maybe the trial drove him to drinking. Seriously, though, one would expect jurors to be, at minimum, law-abiding.


From everything we've seen of her, she not only has the memories of her slaughter/butcher/torture murder of Travis, she savors and revels in them.

100% agree. She is proud and feels justified about his slaughter. She is not sorry. I bet she's dying to scream "you stupid morons, you're completely wrong about x, y or z..." when the testimony varies from the actual events, all of which are solidly embedded in her "memory."

Speaking of memory, it occurs to me that she was taunting/playing games with LE in the interrogation video when she sang the Dido line. She knew darn well she was being video-recorded. "It might change my memory..." was just a jab at interrogators and for posterity.

Photo of Travis with blood in neck area. No way his throat has been slit at this point because it would render his head position in this photo impossible. ME even testified to this yesterday without realizing it. I do not believe Travis was shot first,but I do believe his throat was not slit until she got him back in bathroom area. Her intent was to dismember him. She soon realized this was impossible, more than likely after she took a breather, realized how time consuming and strenuous that was going to be and noticed how much blood Travis had gotten on carpet,nothing something she could clean up.

Sorry for typos working on an iPad.

It seems that yesterday they said that one of the roommates arrived about a hour or 1/2 hour or so after Jodi murdered Travis. Don't know if she knew that his arrival was imminent, but that would have made it quite the hurry-hurry operation. But I'm not sure of when she would have had time to put stuff in the laundry (which the pictures show as still having blood on them - did they even go through the cycle?) in that short of a time frame.
All you see is blood running around his neck and down his back, that could have come from any of his injuries. If you look at the photo his head is not resting on anything, you can see it, hence not resting.

Juan needs to be very careful in closing argument to focus on PREMEDITATION evidence and Dr. Demarte's testimony and the lack of evidence of Travis ever owning a gun, stolen gun from grandma's. Doesn't matter in what order she did what. Focus on what we know. What we know is premeditation and lack of evidence supporting any claims of physical abuse.

good post pertaining to Juan.
I was in the middle of my post when thread closed, so brought this over:

posted by Rose22 [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162[/ame]

If it is true about juror 8's DUI then I think the Defense would have fought to keep him on the jury. The Judge and prosecution would have felt otherwise. I appreciate his dedicated note-taking for all these months though...

What gets me about JA is her belief that even after what she did (even going with her story of self-defense) that she is worthy of even breathing. She comes into court with her 3 strands of hair on her forehead making a stupid fashion statement, she glares and stares at people she doesn't like, she gossips and smirks with her lawyer. If I were in her shoes 'I'd want to jump off a bridge.'

What makes people think that if she had really planned this murder from May that she would have done a better job of hiding her tracks and covering up evidence? She is SO stupid that she cannot even pretend to act normal in front of this jury. That tells you all you need to know about her. Being manipulative/sneaky and being able to parrot 'big' words does not make a person smart.

I agree. I think JA planned it that far ahead, and I think she was so, so sure that she had planned the perfect murder. With that firm belief in her warped mind she was going to get away with it.

I also think it was solely her above average verbal skills and chameleon-like ability to adapt and mirror others that kept her functioning in society at the level she did for so long. It enabled her to repeatedly worm her way into and manipulate her way through the lives of those she used.

Unfortunately for JA, her belief that she was of "Einstein" intelligence also is what created her arrogance and had her fully convinced that she was smarter than everyone, could outwit everyone. In reality though, being manipulative and having superior verbal skills are simply not enough on their own. All it did for her was get her caught in her own web. :twocents:
O/T a quick post about nothing. Saw that my number of posts was at 666 and could not leave it there!!! Now to post 667.
What puzzles me about this trial, is that it has been 4 years in the making, and still the sequence of events are still somewhat blurred 4years and 4 months into the trial. I still think a lot of the forensic evidence is missing like the bloodied fibres that were found but not considered revelatory and remain untested.
Explanations of blood patterns like the aspirated blood on the bathroom mirror, and a clearer outline of events based on those patterns is missing from the evidence. Duct tape, hasn't been epxlained the confusion of the the two camera cards and who they belonged to and to which camera, remains a mystery because they are not interchangeable. The presence of blood on a possible cord used to upload images, has not been accounted Some photographs recovered from the cameras have not been revealed by the prosecutor, but why? What they might reveal? They can't get any worse surely? Detective Flores also gave JA ample time to dispose of, reorder and conceal further information. He tipped her off too soon.
So, for a few years in the making, the evidence isn't all it's cracked up to be. There are significant gaps in the forensic evidence, which is a little unusual especially when blood distribution clearly tells the story. And 4 years and 4 months later there we are still trying to work it out how it happened, and the prosecutor doesn't know, we don't know. The camera information was wrong wrt to the two sets of cards found. So whomever was talking one card, a different person talked about the other card. Do we know why they were entered into evidence by two separate people, and why that was? how were they collected? Is there a chain of custody, regarding these items? The forensics are not stellar.
But she admits to some things and deserves punishment, but I'm a bit concerned these things are left out.

IMO it doesn't matter to find her guilty. The important components have been proven. She planned it and she alone carried it out.

We know how it happened. Jodi+plan + knife+ gun= murder 1
Will the Defense do Closing Arguments on Thursday and our hero Juan on Friday?

Closing Arguments

When both sides have presented their evidence, each side may make closing arguments. Closing arguments are similar to opening statements. They provide an opportunity for the attorneys to address the judge or jury a final time. The plaintiff/prosecutor speaks first, usually summarizing the evidence that has been presented, and highlighting items most beneficial to the prosecution. The attorney for the defendant speaks next. The defense attorney will usually summarize the strongest points of the defendant’s case and point out flaws in the case presented by the prosecutor. The prosecutor then has one last opportunity to speak.

I hope this helps !

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