State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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And Jennifer Willmott was so concerned about the copyright of the psychological tests Dr. Demarte did!! Remember she was so offended that Juan may have gotten a copy of the tests when he interviewed Dr. D?:floorlaugh:

She apparently, somehow became a "test reading" expert too, trying to argue with Dr. D about the results. Did not go over well.
Didn't the felon Anthony say she was going to start a project too -- to help find missing children? Well, we all know how that worked out!

I don't think Arias can come up with an independent thought on her own. It's impossible.


Oj was going to find the real killers, the Anthony clan was going to devote their lives to missing quickly they forget.
Didn't the felon Anthony say she was going to start a project too -- to help find missing children? Well, we all know how that worked out!

I don't think Arias can come up with an independent thought on her own. It's impossible.


She should give Casey Anthony a call, finding missing children are her thing now, and I hear she is still out of work.
I hesitate to post this, so don't yell at me please. Remember reading KCL's account of the day she went with one of the Alexander girls and met the new homeowner? The homeowner told the Alexander sister after some unusual things going on in the home and a shadow she sees. Everyone feels differently about spirits and whether they exist or not. I personally do believe from firsthad experience that my husband, son and I have all experienced.

I really hope people don't get started on that nonsense. It really lacks maturity imo and this case is more important than padding the wallets of pseudo-science supernatural "research" scammers. A detestable group if ever there was one.
Thurston your post several pages back was awesome. Your post and the autopsy pictures could be Juan's closing arguments. Your post brought tears to my eyes but summed things up perfectly. Thank you.

Kensie, Thank you for such a kind compliment. You are an uplifting poster that brings kindness to a board with "heavy" subject matter. I enjoy your quote by John Maxwell, "There is choice you make in everything you do. In the end, the choice you make, makes you."

This board is filled with so many smart, intelligent, caring individuals. I feel it is an honor to post on this board - a place that is filled with the words of great thinkers, detective minds, loving & dedicated individuals.

atthelake and syrakelly have also been both very kind and helpful to me. Again, this is a great board filled with wonderful posters!

Awesome post as always Thurston. Cheers !!!
Really?, Cheers back to you!
I wish I could thank this twice.
Mare10, I thank you infinitely.

You all have such enormous strength and determination to right wrongs. Your words - and the immense time you dedicate to people in their darkest hours do provide boundless hope.

This board may be a confined place - however, I know that your actions in life make the world a better place (it is evident from your great postings).

I really am grateful to be in the company of all of you - it really is honor to read your posts.

You all deserve to be saluted and commended for sharing your "hearts of grace" with others.
bettybaby00, I agree with you.

I was using the examples of: Let's assume that the truth is: Arias was on her knees outside of TA's shower taking pictures of him. Arias drops the camera, TA comes after her in a rage, Arias fears for her life, she runs (after TA body slams her onto the tile) to the closet, where Arias floats to the top shelf and grabs a gun on her first try, Arias points the gun at Travis Alexander to make him stop coming after her, Arias accidently shoots Travis Alexander in the head.

Shot in the head, Travis Alexander is not a viable threat to Arias. Arias could have fled to safety, and, called the police. With medical care, Travis Alexander may have survived being shot in the head by Arias.

Let's assume that Arias (in her fog) got it all wrong - except for the part that TA was coming after her with the intent to kill her. Arias picks up the knife and stabs Travis Alexander in his chest hitting his superior vena cava. At this time, Travis Alexander is not a threat to Arias' life. Arias could have fled, called 911 - and it is possible that with quick medical care Travis Alexander could have survived being stabbed through his superior vena cava. Had Arias sliced Travis Alexander throat causing trauma to his jugular vein - Arias could have fled to safety, called 911 - and there is a chance, again, with prompt medical care that Travis Alexander could have survived trauma to the jugular vein.

Arias did not stop until she had inflicted 29 severe stab wounds, sliced his throat, and shot him in the head. If Arias was "fighting for her life" - IMO, Arias would have wanted to get as far away from Travis Alexander when she could (which would have been after Arias inflicted significant trauma to Travis Alexander's body).

due to the fact that Arias admits to inflicting bodily harm to Travis Alexander. Arias' claim that she had to inflict bodily harm because Travis Alexander was a threat to her life makes no sense. If Arias was afraid for her life - after shooting Travis Alexander in the head, or stabbing him through the chest, or slicing his throat Arias would have incapacitate Travis Alexander to the point of allowing herself to flee to safety, and, call 911.

The fact that Arias mutilated Travis Alexander does not show a female that is afraid for her life, wanting to get away, and not wanting to harm Travis Alexander.

Again, I agree with you - Travis Alexander wet and naked would have been enough for Arias to get away from without stabbing, shooting, or slicing his throat. However, Arias did do these things - but she wants to claim that she was forced to in order to save her life. This makes no sense because after stabbing Travis Alexander in the chest - Arias could have easily got to a safe place and called 911; after shooting Travis Alexander in the head - Arias could have got to a safe place and called 911; after slicing his throat Arias could have gotten to a safe place and called 911.

With one of these injuries had Arias called 911 and Travis Alexander received prompt medical attention it is possible that he would be alive today.

Arias did not stop until she slaughtered Travis Alexander. Travis Alexander's deadly injuries, and, the crime scene do not match "woman trying to save her life from a much stronger male."

The crime scene along with Travis Alexander's deadly injuries match "Arias knowingly and willingly committed a malodorous pre-planned murder."

Well, yes. All that and JA specifically said, I believe in response to a juror's question about why didn't she just run out of the bedroom instead in the first place, that it was quicker to run into the closet and easier to run in to the closet than it was to run around the bedroom door. She had choices that didn't include stabbing him or shooting him at all.

She made the CONSCIOUS DECISION to (according to her stupid story) go for a gun she 1) wasn't sure was there, 2) wasn't sure was loaded, and 3) didn't even intend to shoot her "attacker" with. She admits freely that she could have quite easily gone the other way and not used any force against Travis (you know, in her piece of junk lie that only she believes).

Remember... JA didn't shoot Travis Alexander at all according to her! The gun just accidentally went off. :scared:
I hesitate to post this, so don't yell at me please. Remember reading KCL's account of the day she went with one of the Alexander girls and met the new homeowner? The homeowner told the Alexander sister after some unusual things going on in the home and a shadow she sees. Everyone feels differently about spirits and whether they exist or not. I personally do believe from firsthad experience that my husband, son and I have all experienced.
I don't doubt your sincerity, but I do not believe in spirits, psychics or any of that stuff as it has been debunked scientifically so many times. Personally I have had strong gut feelings based on physical signs - illness, common sense etc. but in my own opinion there is no such thing as hauntings, ghosts, Big Foot, Nessie, Astrology, Tarot or anything like that. I believe that evil exists ONLY in the minds of humans. I have stayed in haunted houses before to give the benefit of the doubt and felt nothing 0 in fact I had a strong idea that the owner of the haunted B&B was rattling chains! Maybe I am just a 'thick' person, so to each his own.
I really hope people don't get started on that nonsense. It really lacks maturity imo and this case is more important than padding the wallets of pseudo-science supernatural "research" scammers. A detestable group if ever there was one.
ITA. And it rankles me that they prey on the bereaved.
I just posted that account above. I am hoping KCL will come on thread and comment. jmo

Thank you, I'm glad someone else remembered. This is what happens when you are 4000 pages behind (more or less). By the time I get to what I posted, someone else has already taken care to respond.

Also remember about the little stuffed elephant Samantha has in remembrance of Travis and the strange escapades she's had with it?
Can't be, she has a 119 IQ, lol.

Something tells me, Albert Einstein, if he were still around, would not be too thrilled with that monster comparing herself to him. As Samuels would say "Just speculating. " I need to go look online for that funny "spoof" picture of Samuels's office, makes me laugh.
I can't stand that picture of her with the white jacket, with the hood on. She tries to look so beautiful but is far from. Although I can see how men would see her as a sex symbol.

Whew happy to be back here! I was just in another thread that should be called "Time to Trash the Victim".

If the twitter got you mad, there is a rumor going on that Ghost Hunters and Taps are going to film at Ta's old house and see if they can contact him. Now I think this is totally absurd and really don't believe it. If so, it would be a terrible slap in the face to the Alexanders. This is only a rumor I found per someone else's twitter.

I would have to do some searching for the post but didn't KCL say that she met the current owner of the house and either she or her son felt Travis's presence? I don't buy the majority of those ghost hunter deals but I will admit that I had an experience once with a passed relative and it was like no other experience I have ever have. So, I do believe you can be "visited" if you know what I mean.
I really hope people don't get started on that nonsense. It really lacks maturity imo and this case is more important than padding the wallets of pseudo-science supernatural "research" scammers. A detestable group if ever there was one.

I'm not going to argue with you, but you might want to ask KatieCoolLady.
Like I said, believe what you want. I've had first hand experience and it IS very real. I guess there are a whole lot of immature people on this site according to your post.
Whenever I think she's gone as low as she can go, she drops to another level of low-rent sludge. What. A. Tool. :help: :help: :help: :help:

You know battered women's shelters are going to be lining up to change their name to "Jodi Arias House".
You caught her! She's a tracer, not an artist. Unfortunately, she is not that good at tracing either. Look what she did to Elvis!

She definitely adds her own..."artistic" touches to the pictures. Like Elvis' lips and the Dior lady's chin.
I don't doubt your sincerity, but I do not believe in spirits, psychics or any of that stuff as it has been debunked scientifically so many times. Personally I have had strong gut feelings based on physical signs - illness, common sense etc. but in my own opinion there is no such thing as hauntings, ghosts, Big Foot, Nessie, Astrology, Tarot or anything like that. I believe that evil exists ONLY in the minds of humans. I have stayed in haunted houses before to give the benefit of the doubt and felt nothing 0 in fact I had a strong idea that the owner of the haunted B&B was rattling chains! Maybe I am just a 'thick' person, so to each his own.

I agree with you and feel the same way. But, if this makes the owner feel better while living in a house of horrors, I say let her be. I know I c ould never live there. jmo
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