State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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DT's best closing statement. Our client is a liar. Please don't kill her. Thank you. Nothing further.
Look on the bright side! He has enough questionable history that JM will tear his credibility to shreds before that jury.

The jury will know he is the 3rd DT hired gun expert and dismiss his testimony outright. :floorlaugh:

ETA: Because it's a DP case, JSS had to grant the DT a surrebuttal or risk having this case overturned on appeal.

Yep!!! The Bright Side is.....................Juan Martinez!!!!!:rockon:
The:banghead: DT:banghead: never:banghead: ceases:banghead: to:banghead: Surprise:banghead: Me:banghead:

JSS should never have granted this DT this ridiculous surrebuttal:stormingmad:
This pseudo expert's credibility and field of experience is so tarnished and lacking to be testifying in a DP case!!:furious:

I am sure Mr.Martinez will make mincemeat of his testibaloney.
Just wow! Blood on the bottom of the bath mat, and underneath the scale.

Holy cow, this is worth watching twice!!!!

Whoa! I am not watching-I'm at werk, but did JM say that? Or were there pics? I thought there was almost no blood on the bathroom floor. :scared:

Thank in advance! Stupid real life...grumble grumble
:snail::snail:Someone was saying last night, I think it was Beth Karas, that most likely KN will be giving closing arguments because JW did the opening statement. I figured they would split it up, like they did in FCA trial. If KN does it, that means he will up there talking forever and ever. PAINFUL to think about.:snail::snail:

It doesn't surprise me to hear that Nurmi is doing the closing argument. I hate to say it but I think he'll do a better job too. JW would end up putting up extracts from JA's diary saying "doesn't it say this ......." "doesn't it say that".
Nurmi is not death qualified, Willimott is. Does that make a difference who does the closing?
Whoa! I am not watching-I'm at werk, but did JM say that? Or were there pics? I thought there was almost no blood on the bathroom floor. :scared:

Thank in advance! Stupid real life...grumble grumble

Yes, he did. I have been looking everywhere for the cut off portion of his opening statement!
It won't surprise me to hear that Nurmi is doing the closing argument. I hate to say it but I think he'll do a better job too. JW would end up putting extracts from JA's diary saying "doesn't it say this ......." "doesn't it say that".

True. I wish they had an "option c".
It won't surprise me to hear that Nurmi is doing the closing argument. I hate to say it but I think he'll do a better job too. JW would end up putting extracts from JA's diary saying "doesn't it say this ......." "doesn't it say that".

I hope that JS puts a time limit on the closing arguments-or we will be here until Christmas.
DT's best closing statement. Our client is a liar. Please don't kill her. Thank you. Nothing further.

Things I expect them to say:
a) If Jodi is such a good liar, wouldn't she have thought of a better lie? (My response: NO! She's a good liar in the sense that she can sit there and lie to your face without breaking a sweat. She's not a SMART liar however)
b) If Jodi was trying to hide that she had three gas cans, why did she go inside to pay for a purchase? (My response: She didn't know about the fraud prevention and she was trying to not be caught in Arizona! She didn't care who saw her face at a gasstation in UTAH)
c) Travis Alexander was abusive and Jodi was fearing for her life (My response: plenty of pictures and videos and audio capturing their "sinful" behaviour but not one picture of a bruise or injury. And the incident she flashed back to the day he allegedly bodyslammed her, ended up with him apologizing. How can that cause so much fear in her?)
d) Our client was in a fog, she had PTSD, she was in fight and flight mode! (My FIRST response: who cares!????) ( My second response: Then how was she able to think rationally and clean up the crime scene!?)
I believe that JM's version is the most accurate. It's exactly how JA murdered Travis. She started stabbing him when he was sitting down naked and vulnerable.

Rose I believe this also. I will also go a step further. I'm not too sure if Travis hadn't already been stabbed when the picture was taken. His face (to me) looks like he is in fear and in pain.
I'm not understanding why a discredited expert is being allowed to testify in a murder trial. Hasn't Judge Stephens looked this guy up??

This. A billion times this. 24/7 this. The blame for that falls directly on Judge Stephens. Period. The DT had access to Dr. D's findings. They had TWO "expert" witnesses testify. Both tanked. So what? Doesn't remotely justify this circus continuing.

And now, to the surprise of absolutely NO ONE, they have filed a motion to get in more testiphony and time wasting. Shameful, chum bucket dealings here.

I've heard several times on a few different HLN shows (namely NG and DrD) that if Judge Stephens didn't allow the sur rebuttal that would be an almost guaranteed reason for appeal. I really do believe that everything that annoys us during the trial about her (overruling JM objections, sustaining DT objections, allowing certain things in, not allowing others) is a well thought out plan she has to give the murderess the least amount to work with for appeal. I don't think this sur rebuttal witness is going to make any difference in the eyes of the jury and I think JM knows what the judge is doing and he plans for it accordingly.
Keep the faith - JM will get justice for Travis and his family.
I know this will not be a popular statement,but I was not impressed with Juan's opening statement.His statement was about 15 mins long.OS are suppose to be like a road map to the jury as to what the state's case will need to prove.He did not go into all the planning she did.Very little about the lies she told,nothing about the gas cans,nothing for the pre-med murder charge.I hope his closing is better..JMO

No, I think you caught the end. I've been listening to him for atleast an hour now. I'm watching right now and he's talking about the planning, the gun stolen from grandma's, the cancun trip, the stabbing, the camera, Jodi lying, Jodi blaming another person, the Utah trip, Jodi at mr.Burns, the rental car dude noticing that Jodi was blond when she rented the car, etc. Are you sure you saw the whole thing?
So, is JSS now going to allow Jodi to have a ME on surrebuttal?
No, I think you caught the end. I've been listening to him for atleast 45 minutes now. I'm watching right now and he's talking about the planning, the gun stolen from grandma's, the cancun trip, the stabbing, the camera, Jodi lying, Jodi blaming another person, the Utah trip, Jodi at mr.Burns, the rental car dude noticing that Jodi was blond when she rented the car, etc. Are you sure you saw the whole thing?

I watched the David L.It showed him talking about the ninjas & played the Inside tape of her-No one will convict me
I know there has been much debate whether the stabbings or gun shot to the head occurred first. I lean towards the stabbings occurring first.
I think JA deserves the DP because it was premeditated and also
she slit his throat while TA was still alive. It makes me physically sick to think of that. Whether TA was shot or stabbed first, his throat was slit while
he was still alive. He was no threat to her whether she stabbed him first or shot him first. She could have left, run to safety and called 911.

Every since last Thursday, this trial has really affected me and I am not sure I can see it to the end.

I've been really emotional the last few days. I couldn't even finish watching the opening statements just now. My head hurts and my heart aches. I will get down on my knees and say 'thank you' when the guilty verdict is announced.
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