State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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TWO questions.
1) I assume the DT's doc has been examining JA over these days off trial. When would Juan's doc get a chance to do the same? Might there be yet another delay?

2) Am I remembering this correctly - could someone vote yea or nay before I actually go look through the tapes to find it -
Did the questionnaire JA filled out on the PD test - didn't she mark on that test that she had NO PROBLEM remembering the event?
Of course, if she's talking about the ninjas, that would hold true. However she claims to have that fog when talking about her murder of Travis.
Samuels said the answers would be the same with either event----whala!!

Does any one think the NEW DT doc will contradict Samuels? - the OLD DT doc.
As I said in a previous post long ago on here I just have no idea what the jury will do. None. I thought I knew what they would do in the CA trial and I was wrong. Dead wrong. I will admit this is different, she has admitted it and lots evidence. But I still have no clue.
This trial is starting to resemble an election. Everyone trying to get that last vote. Hopefully 3 more days.

Indeed, IMO the DT just doesn't want to give it up to the jury just yet, which I am actually glad for. Why, anyone says? Well, do we want to get to a verdict, only to have it changed on appeal in a year? Give it to them, eradicate the appeal potentials now and in the process...

This last witness is such an obvious attempt to try to pull the case back to the DT way, but it is more than that an obvious desperation, and I don't see this doing anything but further showing that this case is beyond ready to go to jury. Further delays and opinions about JA's personality won't sway anything this late in the game and will not eradicate premeditation and murder 3x over.
In which case this would be an all-or-nothing verdict....I know she's guilty but the thought of that makes me a lil nervous. I know what she deserves. I just what that to be what she gets.

TBO I believe the Judge will include the lesser charges.

I know I might be alone in this but I would rather see this jury hang then she get a lesser. She would not get out and they would retry her and I believe she would then be convicted of 1st degree murder. I know if I were on the jury I wouldn't settle for anything less then 1st.
As I said in a previous post long ago on here I just have no idea what the jury will do. None. I thought I knew what they would do in the CA trial and I was wrong. Dead wrong. I will admit this is different, she has admitted it and lots evidence. But I still have no clue.

yep. none of us can tell the future.
What's fun is making an educated guess as to probabilities of possible outcomes.

Like :moo:
P(Guilty) = 94%
P(Hung Jury) = 5%
P(Not Guilty) = 1%
Curious in indianna, I dont think they were rude or disgusting for talking to Travis when they thought jodi was sleeping. If it was me, I would have thrown her out of the house.

Deedee, I totally agree with you that I would have thrown her and Travis out. But they didn't! Instead they lay there all night wondering if their children were safe.

So I believe they were rude as to talking about her while she was in their home. If they truly thought she was evil, why allow them to stay? Didn't make sense to me,
But...they didn't kick her out. That was later.

Sky kicked JA the next morning, and the Hughes and Travis had been talking late at night so not so long after. I wonder though if that's the time JA came back again after they had kicked her out??
Chris will also be on Trishes true crime radio this Sunday at 8 oclock.


Thank you, thank you, thank you! This bears repeating so I bolded your quote pertaining to Chris Hughes. I will set my phone alarm to remind myself! :seeya:
I remained silent as I read pages upon pages of disparraging remarks against Chris and Sky Hughes, but I can no longer keep to myself.

I have developed a relationship with Chris and he is one of the most caring, concerned, helpful and compassionate people I have ever had the fortune of getting to know.

To claim that the Hughes are somehow hungry for their own fame and glory in regards to this trial is blatantly false. Chris swore he would NOT speak to anyone until the trial was over. While I was surprised when he told me he was doing the Dr. Drew show, I was glad he was. Both Chris and Sky are in AZ now...they rented a house for a month so they could support Travis' family during these last few days of testimony and also to wait with them for a verdict. While Chris was NOT under subpoena, Sky was until just a couple of days ago. It took Wilmott two days to answer Sky's inquiry as to whether or not she could be released from her subpoena.

Chris was the executor of Travis' estate. Everyone knew how important the friendship was between the Hughes and Travis. They only did 48 Hours to talk about their friend.

Chris WAS scared for Travis...he DID try reaching him. He DID reach out to friends in the Phoenix area to do a safety check on Travis. For those on this forum who pretend to know HOW they'd react if they were in the same situation, YOU HAVE NO IDEA what you would actually do!

Chris, Sky and all other players in this nightmare are forever changed. When a few days passed between our communications, imagine my surprise when the local police showed up at my home to perform a welfare check on me! Yes, Chris had contacted them. Since Travis' death, they no longer can "wait" to find out why a person (like myself) may have gone off the grid.

The Hughes are wonderful people. There's nothing insincere or phony about either of them. People ridiculed Sky for "grinning" while she was both on 48 Hours and also on the witness stand. She was nervous! There are people whose mouths are always in an apparent frown....Sky's mouth always has a hint of a smile. It's her facial features, and NOT something sinister or manipulative!

While I understand we are all entitled to our opinions, I cannot stand judgement against people who others have never met, encountered, etc.

As for the Travis Alexander Legacy Fund, this is something very near and dear to NOT ONLY Chris, but also to Travis' family and friends. Having witnessed their most loved Travis being cast as a pedophilic sexual deviant domestic violence perpetrator has served as a motivation to bring Travis' reputation back to that of the honorable, decent, kind, generous, motivated man Travis actually was. Chris has asked me to be on the board...and I can assure all of you that Chris has no intention of taking ANY salary or monies from this fund for personal gain. It's offensive to claim otherwise.

Please be mindful as you trash Chris (and indubidably Sky after tonight's episode of Dr. Drew) that the Hughes have friends on this forum and your statements are highly offensive and hurtful to those of us who know, love and respect them.

Thank you.

Thank you for signing on and speaking on their behalf. No one can know for sure what they would do in a certain situation until they are faced with it.

I love the work the Hughes are doing in Travis' memory. He was not a perfect human being, and as a fellow imperfect human being, seeing him slandered these past few months has been so frustrating and heart-wrenching. I imagine for Travis' family and friends it has been almost unbearable.

I hope the Hughes know they were good friends to Travis, even in their criticism of him. I know my true friends will call me out when I need it.

But they stood by him and they continue to do so, even in his death.
Hi All,

Just a quick flyby to say I posted some "happenings" I learned today over at the courthouse area on the Court Observer thread.

I know I might be alone in this but I would rather see this jury hang then she get a lesser. She would not get out and they would retry her and I believe she would then be convicted of 1st degree murder. I know if I were on the jury I wouldn't settle for anything less then 1st.

I dont think you would be alone on this.
TWO questions.
1) I assume the DT's doc has been examining JA over these days off trial. When would Juan's doc get a chance to do the same? Might there be yet another delay?

2) Am I remembering this correctly - could someone vote yea or nay before I actually go look through the tapes to find it -
Did the questionnaire JA filled out on the PD test - didn't she mark on that test that she had NO PROBLEM remembering the event?
Of course, if she's talking about the ninjas, that would hold true. However she claims to have that fog when talking about her murder of Travis.
Samuels said the answers would be the same with either event----whala!!

Does any one think the NEW doc will contradict Samuels?

I can't see any other reason for having the new witness there other than to refute the 'fog' the 'PTSD' and every other lie this malingerer has told.
I remained silent as I read pages upon pages of disparraging remarks against Chris and Sky Hughes, but I can no longer keep to myself.

I have developed a relationship with Chris and he is one of the most caring, concerned, helpful and compassionate people I have ever had the fortune of getting to know.

To claim that the Hughes are somehow hungry for their own fame and glory in regards to this trial is blatantly false. Chris swore he would NOT speak to anyone until the trial was over. While I was surprised when he told me he was doing the Dr. Drew show, I was glad he was. Both Chris and Sky are in AZ now...they rented a house for a month so they could support Travis' family during these last few days of testimony and also to wait with them for a verdict. While Chris was NOT under subpoena, Sky was until just a couple of days ago. It took Wilmott two days to answer Sky's inquiry as to whether or not she could be released from her subpoena.

Chris was the executor of Travis' estate. Everyone knew how important the friendship was between the Hughes and Travis. They only did 48 Hours to talk about their friend.

Chris WAS scared for Travis...he DID try reaching him. He DID reach out to friends in the Phoenix area to do a safety check on Travis. For those on this forum who pretend to know HOW they'd react if they were in the same situation, YOU HAVE NO IDEA what you would actually do!

Chris, Sky and all other players in this nightmare are forever changed. When a few days passed between our communications, imagine my surprise when the local police showed up at my home to perform a welfare check on me! Yes, Chris had contacted them. Since Travis' death, they no longer can "wait" to find out why a person (like myself) may have gone off the grid.

The Hughes are wonderful people. There's nothing insincere or phony about either of them. People ridiculed Sky for "grinning" while she was both on 48 Hours and also on the witness stand. She was nervous! There are people whose mouths are always in an apparent frown....Sky's mouth always has a hint of a smile. It's her facial features, and NOT something sinister or manipulative!

While I understand we are all entitled to our opinions, I cannot stand judgement against people who others have never met, encountered, etc.

As for the Travis Alexander Legacy Fund, this is something very near and dear to NOT ONLY Chris, but also to Travis' family and friends. Having witnessed their most loved Travis being cast as a pedophilic sexual deviant domestic violence perpetrator has served as a motivation to bring Travis' reputation back to that of the honorable, decent, kind, generous, motivated man Travis actually was. Chris has asked me to be on the board...and I can assure all of you that Chris has no intention of taking ANY salary or monies from this fund for personal gain. It's offensive to claim otherwise.

Please be mindful as you trash Chris (and indubidably Sky after tonight's episode of Dr. Drew) that the Hughes have friends on this forum and your statements are highly offensive and hurtful to those of us who know, love and respect them.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for posting this Michael. Throughout this trial I've never had reason to think poorly of nor insult the Hughes. In what I've seen, as a simple outside observer, they were wonderful friends of Travis' and seem to be wonderful people, certainly after reading your personal account of their friendship anyone would be lucky to have them as friends. Chris was great on Dr. Drew last night and I'm happy he went on there to set things straight. In fact I did something I rarely do after watching him on Dr. Drew and tweeted Dr. Drew suggesting he spend his full show tonight with Sky rather than anything else. I think the Hughes have some the best and most accurate insight into what happened between Travis and Jodi. Not only do their words serve to set the record straight, restoring Travis' image, but they also serve as a tale of caution to people who are in relationships with people like Jodi and the signs that things may be really wrong. If I encounter negativity on WS about the Hughes, I will speak up as well, because I firmly do not believe they deserve any negative commentary.

Again, THANK YOU for posting Michael.
TWO questions.
1) I assume the DT's doc has been examining JA over these days off trial. When would Juan's doc get a chance to do the same? Might there be yet another delay?

2) Am I remembering this correctly - could someone vote yea or nay before I actually go look through the tapes to find it -
Did the questionnaire JA filled out on the PD test - didn't she mark on that test that she had NO PROBLEM remembering the event?
Of course, if she's talking about the ninjas, that would hold true. However she claims to have that fog when talking about her murder of Travis.
Samuels said the answers would be the same with either event----whala!!

Does any one think the NEW doc will contradict Samuels?

on your first question. I don't think he will or has interviewed JA. I think it will all be an attack on Dr.D's method of interpreting the reports and how she came to the conclusion that she did. I think the questions and answers will all be generalizations, and nothing specific. JMO
your second question, I don't recall seeing that. Hopefully someone else has a better memory.
I know I might be alone in this but I would rather see this jury hang then she get a lesser. She would not get out and they would retry her and I believe she would then be convicted of 1st degree murder. I know if I were on the jury I wouldn't settle for anything less then 1st.

You aren't alone I'm sure. I'd take a hung jury over a lesser too. This is about having her stand accountable for what she did to Travis and also for protecting future victims. This chick will kill again. I want to know that she's locked up. Tight. Or given the DP. I can't imagine anything less than M1, DP but I have so wrong in the past.
Well the jury knows Jodi flat lied on the stand about the gas can and she cant be believed at all. I hope "No jury will convict me" rings in their ears.
It seems like for Wilmott it's really become about winning.

I completely agree. I have posted this before but Willmott strikes me as the kind of woman who HAS to have the last word and HAS to be right. With a surrebuttal she saw her chance to get the last word. I also think she really, REALLY doesn't like Juan and this trial may be bringing out sides in her that other juries haven't seen before. Perhaps she has never had a defense be so thoroughly decimated. Either way, it does seem like she just wants to win at this point and beat Martinez and she will do whatever it takes.

Both sides have presented their case. That should have been it. But she just cannot let it lie. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I don't think I'll watch tomorrow.
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