State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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TWO questions.
1) I assume the DT's doc has been examining JA over these days off trial. When would Juan's doc get a chance to do the same? Might there be yet another delay?

2) Am I remembering this correctly - could someone vote yea or nay before I actually go look through the tapes to find it -
Did the questionnaire JA filled out on the PD test - didn't she mark on that test that she had NO PROBLEM remembering the event?
Of course, if she's talking about the ninjas, that would hold true. However she claims to have that fog when talking about her murder of Travis.
Samuels said the answers would be the same with either event----whala!!

Does any one think the NEW doc will contradict Samuels?

Maybe she doesn't need to meet with JA.

per Jill Hayes' website:

Explain the practical implications of relevant research, examination of findings, and the opinions of other psycholegal experts.
As I said in a previous post long ago on here I just have no idea what the jury will do. None. I thought I knew what they would do in the CA trial and I was wrong. Dead wrong. I will admit this is different, she has admitted it and lots evidence. But I still have no clue.
And this man!


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I have a question for the mods. Why do we need to have like 5 posts at the beginning of every thread? Can we condense these into one post?
Considering that about a year later she stabbed Travis 29 times, slit his throat from ear to ear and shot him in the head I'd commend them for their good judgement.

But Rose, Travis respected them. Why just talk in a whisper while she is asleep? Why not take charge and let Travis know if he was going to date this weirdo, he had to leave with her immediately to protect their family? Think of the impact that would have had. He may have done some real soul searching at that point.

In the end, neither they nor Travis were going to prevent Jodi from being a murderer but had he dumped her sooner, maybe she would have moved on like she did from her other boyfriends. I don't know, I just wouldn't allow evil to stay in my home.
No, their character and intentions were trashed on here last night. They were called scammers and manipulators. This is about Jodi. She is the one on trial. People should stop talking about people they don't know. It's one thing to discuss their actions but if you don't know them then don't discuss their character. That's sort of the whole problem with this trial, isn't it?

Wow, am I ever glad I didn't log on here last night after watching Chris on DD. I thought he was great on DD and represented himself and Travis well. If I would have read those types of posts it would have been extremely difficult for me to sit on my hands...
Indeed, IMO the DT just doesn't want to give it up to the jury just yet, which I am actually glad for. Why, anyone says? Well, do we want to get to a verdict, only to have it changed on appeal in a year? Give it to them, eradicate the appeal potentials now and in the process...

This last witness is such an obvious attempt to try to pull the case back to the DT way, but it is more than that an obvious desperation, and I don't see this doing anything but further showing that this case is beyond ready to go to jury. Further delays and opinions about JA's personality won't sway anything this late in the game and will not eradicate premeditation and murder 3x over.

I think this jury has 'expert fatigue' by now. Or maybe it's just me.
I can't see any other reason for having the new witness there other than to refute the 'fog' the 'PTSD' and every other lie this malingerer has told.
Sorry. I should have been more clear. I meant will the new DT doc agree with the old DT doc. I'll go fix it.
I don't think anyone is either pure evil, or pure goodness. It's a lot more complicated than that. Jodi is not pure evil, neither was Travis a saint. It doesn't have to be one or the other. It's more of a combination between people IMO. A perfect storm if you will.

I'm a little bit country ... and a little bit rock n' roll.:rockon:

Does fasting require one to abstain from alcoholic beverages? TIA
Found this about Dr Geffner:

Dr Geffner's testimony - O'Rourke v. O'Rourke.

The trial court ultimately found that Dr. Geffner was simply a "hired gun" and that his testimony was completely without merit. In light of the deference that the appellate court is required to give to the credibility determinations of the trial court, it appears unlikely to us that any additional testimony that Dr. Geffner might have been allowed to give would have had any effect on the ultimate outcome of this case. We find that the trial court acted within its discretion by imposing a discovery sanction on his testimony and that, in any event, Mother has not demonstrated how his testimony was in fact limited in a way that affected the outcome.

O'ROURKE v. O'ROURKE - November 3, 2009 Session.
Free US Case Law, Legal, Law, Opinion, Order

O'ROURKE v. O'ROURKE - November 3, 2009 Session.
Free US Case Law, Legal, Law, Opinion, Order
Well of course it's all speculation because no one can get close to Arias' thinking seeing it doesn't act remotely normal are a few theories as to why she might've transposed those photos onto his camera:

1) To do exactly what was accomplished (placing her there as an invited guess) then perhaps someone else (Matt?) was supposed to kill him in a burglary/robbery while she was there? But something obviously went wrong (Matt couldn't make it?) and that plan fell through and she changed her mind.

2) Perhaps she really WAS going to give Travis one more opportunity and when he rejected her.....she was going to make like she was there (put photos on his camera) and set his house on fire (15 gallons of gas) in the garage? Then changed her mind.

3) To frame him with his Bishop? Then, changed her mind.

4) Perhaps Travis himself put it on his camera at an earlier time (April?) and the time-stamps were when they were actually deleted not, taken.

No one has ever explained why some photos contained time/date and others didn't. I don't think the State actually believes the scenario they're putting out there but because the ending was the same, it doesn't really matter.

I do believe there was a LOT of truth in those interrogation tapes. I do believe the Intruders either were factual or they were a plan that didn't transpire for some reason (or Flores himself gave her that idea. I don't know. But Flores even said that to her mother so......)

As much as I am passionate about not believing Travis had sex with her that day and invited her in, I am equally as passionate that Matt and Gus Searcy were MUCH more involved than we know/think. And Darryl was the knowing recipient of stolen merchandise (DVD/remote) and that's why HE'S being loyal to her.

I hope this jury does the right thing!!! Pray!

ETA- Arias knows/knew a lot more about digital cameras than we're giving her credit for. After all, those encrypted messages from her jail cell were in photography magazines. There are ways to manipulate time and date.

Also, what was said in that blog was, that memory card didn't fit Travis' camera. So it might've been Arias'? Here's another thing that sort of ties this in. A lot of attention was given to his 'office' and his computer.
Perhaps she had these photos on a memory stick and was trying to upload to his computer (to email to Mimi?) and his computer didn't cooperate for whatever reason.
His camera was in that room. The screen that was found on the lawn, was to his office window.
She also made sure Flores got the impression she had sex with Travis in that room. Why? Perhaps she wanted to explain why here DNA was recently in there?

I mean......I can go on and on and because I will never believe he had willing sex with her that day, the theories are endless to me.
I wish I could find a photo of her fingers/nails from that day because I also don't believe she had her nails done. Who does that when you are 'broke'? This story the State unfolds doesn't sit well with me. But we all know she killed him and that's the only thing that matters!

Wow, Sundawn, kind of think we saw two different trials! I guess facts don't matter - when they can be believed away. Good luck with your trial. I'm counting on Arias being convicted on the facts presented by the prosecution.
I dont think you would be alone on this.

Its funny because I always hear the worst thing that could happen is the jury could hang or it only takes one and I always think the worst that could happen is conviction on a lesser charge! I have always wished the CA jury would have at least hung but I know there will be no aquittal, I'm pretty confidante ;)
Deedee, I totally agree with you that I would have thrown her and Travis out. But they didn't! Instead they lay there all night wondering if their children were safe.

So I believe they were rude as to talking about her while she was in their home. If they truly thought she was evil, why allow them to stay? Didn't make sense to me,

She was probably angry when she found out she was no longer welcome in their home anymore. I have a sister I dont speak to. She showed up at my door one night. I refused to let her in. Shes a trouble maker.
I strongly disagree, nay*, vehemently disagree. With all due respect, it is not rude, nor is it disgusting. The Hughes did not care about social niceties when they were that alarmed.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we expect our friends to look out for us. Clearly, they felt there was a good opportunity they would not get the chance to wait. Sadly, their feelings of great alarm were validated.

Here's what I've learned in my life so far: if I ever have a creepy or freaked out feeling about someone who is involved with my friend, I will move heaven and earth to warn them. I don't care who I offend or if that other person's feelings are hurt.

If I'm feeling alarmed enough to warn him/her, God help anyone who tries to stop me.

BIG difference between disliking a person and fearing that person may be a mortal danger to your friend.

*just laughing that I finally get to use "nay" lol

I agree. I agree! For everyone throwing rotten tomatoes at me please know that I know Jodiis evil and she slaughtered a good man. But at the beginning, if I had a guest in my home and I felt they were odd I would tell my friend we MUST talk the next day, but if I proceeded to be so rude to talk about a guest while they were in my home and then found they were lurking outside the door, and have them give me an evil look, I would not say "Good night now". And lay there wondering if my kids were safe. The guest and my friend would be out on their tails then. So to go back all those years and say they thought she was evil but they allowed for her to stay? Hmmm. I don't know.
I think, like most of Jodi's stories, there is much more to this one and no one remembers exactly how or why things happened the way they did.

Maybe Travis had already told her something about what she had packed and she balked at him being more knowledgable then she was about hiking. Then when Dan discovered the heavy pack, he and Travis decided to "lighten her load" on their own, and it pissed her off even more.

Who knows? Some arguments that seem important at the time, are forgotten rather quickly. I've had arguments with my husband and then later forgotten what made me mad in the first place.

That's one reason why Jodi's "perfect recall" makes me so angry. She can "remember" all these insignificant little details and events and actions that are denigrating to Travis, but anything related to her viciously murdering him, "Oh, I'm in a fauxg." It's ridiculous.

This is all JMHOO.

Trust me... I wasn't taking Jodi's word! Travis friend, the one that lightened her load, testified about it. I still think its outta line, it was not his place to go through her belongings.

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18 Hours and counting. It finally feels like we're in the home stretch

18 hours?!? Are we really that close? Seems like an eternity since we had testimony. :scared:

Maybe I'm being silly, but I'm all in a jumble of nerves finally being so close to the end. I think maybe the Florida CaseyA verdict of not guilty is preying upon my mind, along with the media putting that thought in my mind, so I've decided to swear off of HLN until we begin again tomorrow. Except for Dr. Drew, have decided to watch that for Skye Hughes appearance tonight.
But...they didn't kick her out. That was later.

Sky Hughes told her to leave their home the morning after their discussion with Travis. This is what Chris Hughes said on Dr. Drew.

I don't understand why they are coming under so much fire for being concerned friends. They wanted their friend to end his relationship with a woman, but they weren't his keepers or his parents. He was a grown man and all they could do was express their concerns.

And I see no problem with the way they handled it. They didn't want to speak with him while Jodi was there, so they waited until she was asleep. He was their friend. What is wrong with that? The fact that she was eavesdropping outside the bedroom door bothers me much more than them having a private conversation with their friend.

They didn't grab their children up or toss Jodi out of the house immediately, so that makes their intentions suspect? I'm sure they didn't assume she was a dangerous killer. Maybe they just thought she wasn't a good person and didn't want their friend involved with her.
But Rose, Travis respected them. Why just talk in a whisper while she is asleep? Why not take charge and let Travis know if he was going to date this weirdo, he had to leave with her immediately to protect their family? Think of the impact that would have had. He may have done some real soul searching at that point.

In the end, neither they nor Travis were going to prevent Jodi from being a murderer but had he dumped her sooner, maybe she would have moved on like she did from her other boyfriends. I don't know, I just wouldn't allow evil to stay in my home.

What's the point in questioning what they did? They didn't know she was going to kill him.
Wow, Sundawn, kind of think we saw two different trials! I guess facts don't matter - when the can be believed away. Good luck with your trial. I'm counting on Arias being convicted on the facts presented by the prosecution.

Also, to SunDawnn, people have explained the time stamps several times. There is an explanation for it.
Wow, Sundawn, kind of think we saw two different trials! I guess facts don't matter - when the can be believed away. Good luck with your trial. I'm counting on Arias being convicted on the facts presented by the prosecution.

Post of the trial.:takeabow::yourock::tyou::winner:
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