State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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You're right, I thought it didn't look right. Now that I think of it, she demonstrated a light plane coming in for a landing. :floorlaugh: she attempted to get her "head trajectory" just right :floorlaugh:
i have to say, i was a little skeptical about juan calling dr hays as a sur-sur-rebuttal witness, but not only is she smart. educated and so well spoken, but just just has such a calm and soothing demeanor that imo it is helping the state to end up on a very good note

It's weird. The defense witness' have been rude or unorganized or both. I know they're fighting an uphill battle, but surely they could have found some people more competent.

She is a prosecution surr-surr-rebuttal witness. They finished a few hours ago, but HLN has to "pay the bills" or something like that.

I only get upset because they try to say it's "LIVE". So fake.

Yeah, the "LIVE" thing bothered me too. I figured out that they could honestly use it because they'd have a live announcer like JVM or NG talking about the testimony. They don't have the "LIVE" up now.

Trying to hold onto the big picture. Whatever the jury verdict, JA's worst nightmare has already come to pass. She murdered Travis to prevent him from revealing the truth about who she is. Now the entire world sees her for what she is..a lying, manipulative, cold, soul-less, angry, cruel, deluded narcissist who murdered a wonderful person in cold blood.

Travis was murdered because he was the antithesis of JA. He chose to believe and see the best in everyone he knew, and he believed that everyone is capable of genuine growth, both emotional and spiritual. He was generous because he knew what it is to be in need, funny because he knew firsthand what tragedy is but knew as well that laughter heals and is a gift to others.

Travis chose to be a motivational speaker because he wanted to uplift others, to teach them that their pasts need not determine their future, that it is possible to overcome anything and be whole and happy. I wish that he were alive to keep relaying that story of hope and faith, but I also think that his life now provides inspiration to thousands and thousands of people who would never have heard of him otherwise.

I also see so many people, here and elsewhere, who have brought more light into the world because of their loving, compassionate support of Travis' family.

JA robbed the world of a fine human being, of a man who would have been a wonderful father and so much more, but nothing she has done or could do diminishes the good that has emerged from the darkness she created, in spite of her.


You're exactly right. That's what cost him his life. If he had filed a restraining order or called the police about the slashed tires he may still be dead, but it would make it a lot harder for the defense to make him look like a bad guy.

Lol Steely I think that's it .. Now to me that's still murder 1 because she could have got away after the head shot the DT were so determined to prove WAS NOT FATAL .. So pretty much in her fog she decides to find a knife and stab him until her arm couldn't stab anymore then nearly cut his head off .. Which is intent to kill for no reason .. Murder 1.

Well, the defense wants us to believe that she had a reason for the stabbings and such. That reason was long term abuse by Travis. Poor Jodi put up with it because she fits the textbook example of a battered woman who eventually just snaps. Whether or not you or the jury chooses to believe that horse hockey is up to you. I have a feeling you don't.

The most disgusting part of that defense is that it makes a mockery of women who really are abused. I wonder if anyone associated with the defense team would be working for them if they had experienced, or knew someone who'd experienced REAL abuse.

Thanks. I have seen jurors before on this crime shows I watch say things like "we were told not to consider that," etc. So I was wondering about it. I've watched SO many of these types of shows that I can't be specific. But I'd heard of jury instructions being problems for Jury's in coming to their verdicts

On the jury I served on we had to go back into the court three times to have the same portion of law explained to us. Some of my juror mates couldn't figure out what it meant. :banghead:

Or, what really happened, she stalked TA to death. And she did. No doubt. Fabricated from the beginning.

Pffft. If you wanna believe that line of garbage. :rolleyes:

What an insane day!!! When I left this morning for back-to-back meetings I returned home at 6:00 and they were still at it. I can't believe this judge allowed a case of this magnitude to wind up like a train wreck! The jurors must have been starving - having eaten nothing since lunch; Juan looked like he was ready to drop; the family is exhausted; and they all have to be bright eyed and bushy-tailed tomorrow morning. Thankfully - it's OVER!

Hopefully the jurors will totally disregard the gasbag's testimony - he is nothing more tha ALV with a moustache! Dr. Horn's unfortunate gaffe should not be held against him - sometimes a cigar is just a cigar; and a typo is just a typo. JW's cross was excruciatingly amateurish and painful to watch.

Dr. Hays was a 'steel magnolia'! She made short shrift of the tiger/bear scenario - how can you believe a liar who has no evidence of 'claw marks'?

This jury will see through all the smoke and mirrors from the DT. In the final analysis it doesn't really matter which came first - gunshot or knife. It was premeditated; it was over-kill; JA used TWO weapons to make sure Travis was dead; she lied and covered up her tracks before and after the murder; and most importantly, there was absolutely no evidence of battered woman syndrome or PTSD! Jodi Arias is a crazed psychopath who knew exactly what she was doing and why she did it. Time to smile....and say 'cheese', Jodi!


Just to reiterate what I said above. It is a REAL insult and step backward for women who really are abused. :stormingmad:

Yes, the "self defense" defense has surely been obscured. And probably that was the plan all along. The DT is hoping just one juror is befuddled.

I'm sure Juan will put things back in order during the summary. This has gone on so long I forget a lot of it myself, and I've been glued to all the coverage the jury can't see.


The court finds the motion for a new finding of probable cause on the aggravating factor
is not timely. Defense counsel learned approximately one year ago that the testimony of
Detective Flores at the hearing held on August 7, 2009 was inconsistent with the testimony of the medical examiner Kevin Horn. The inconsistency relates to the sequence of the wounds inflicted on the victim on June 4, 2008. A motion for a new finding of probable cause should have been filed no later than 20 days prior to trial. Rule 16, Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure. Also see Chronis v. Steinle, 208 P.3d 210 (2009), and Rules 13.5 and Rule 5, Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure.

The court further finds that, even if timely filed, the motion for new finding of probable
cause should be denied. The court finds the evidence relating to the sequence of the wounds was not material to the issue of whether there was probable cause to believe the offense was especially cruel under the theory the crime involved both physical and mental suffering of the victim. See minute entry dated August 18, 2009. The court’s findings in August 2009 support that court’s determination the victim suffered both physically and mentally regardless of when the wounds were inflicted, and that the defendant knew or should have known that the victim would suffer. In its ruling, the court noted the victim was stabbed 27 times, had defensive wounds from grabbing the knife and was shot on the right side of his head. The bullet lodged in the victim’s left cheek. The defendant told police the victim was unconscious after being shot but
crawled around and was stabbed. Based upon these facts, the court concluded the victim would have felt pain and mental anguish associated with the multiple wounds. The court finds the inaccurate testimony of Detective Flores at the hearing on August 7, 2009 would not have changed the court’s finding that the offense was especially cruel and was thus harmless error.
See Pitts v. Adams, 179 Ariz. 108, 876 P.2d 1143 (1994).
The court further finds that the evidence presented at trial in January 2012, including the testimony of Kevin Horn on January 9, 2012, established probable cause to believe the offense was especially cruel under the theory that it involved both physical and mental suffering of the victim. The court finds this evidence established probable cause the victim would have felt pain and mental anguish associated with the multiple wounds inflicted, and the defendant knew or should have known that the victim would suffer. See State v. McCray, 218 Ariz. 252, 259, 183
P.3d 503 (2008), State v. Sansing, 206 Ariz. 232, 235, 77 P.3d 30 (2003) and State v. William
Herrera Jr., 176 Ariz. 21, 859 P.2d 131 (1993).
IT IS ORDERED denying the oral motion for new finding of probable cause on the
aggravating factor the offense was especially cruel.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED denying the motion for mistrial based upon the inaccurate
testimony of Detective Flores at the hearing conducted on August 7, 2009.
If JSS was a voted in judge, she will certainly lose next term. Az residents should hold her feet to the fire. This was the biggest circus ever and she allowed it. She could have taken some control, death case or not. One and a half hr. lunches for the jurors when they were running so far behind, allowing so many side bars. JBB did a lot of moving things along in the CA trial and so could have this judge. JA was allowed to run this show and she got her way, manipulate as usual. :seeya:

geeze , not reelected from one trial? apparently you follow EVERY trial there . i thought you
were a writer, not a commentator.
You're right, I thought it didn't look right. Now that I think of it, she demonstrated a light plane coming in for a landing. :floorlaugh:

The Flying Nun is what I cant purge from my mind. :floorlaugh:
You're right, I thought it didn't look right. Now that I think of it, she demonstrated a light plane coming in for a landing. :floorlaugh:

Heh. Yeah, I don't think that Jodi is much of a football fan. That stance does, however, look like some wrestling moves that I have seen... and Travis was a wrestler. Not that I believe one iota of her story, but she could have seen him horsing around at one time looking like that -- and she HAD to figure out a way to position his head lower than the gun and off-center.
I think if Jodi doesn't get first degree conviction, I BLAME THE JUDGE. She let in way too much HEARSAY testimony for the defense. She DIDN"T hold the DEFENSE TEAM to the SAME STANDARDS she did JUAN, especially with regards to respecting the courtroom and witnesses. She also let Witnesses for the defense PRATTLE ON ABOUT THINGS THEY HAD NO BASIS OR EXPERTISE EVEN EXPOUNDING UPON, and like tonight WHEN WILNOT ASKED THE LAST WITNESS A QUESTION THE JUDGE DID NOT MAKE SURE she had THE OPPORTUNITY TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS WILNOT ASKED HER. Hope the JUDGE is raked over the coals this next election!!!
The laughing and smiling from Dr. G was just not professionl or appropriate at all. Poor Travis is dead and this guy comes strolling in like he was having a jovial old time. And of course Wilcott is right there with him laughing it up in the courtroom.

Incredible. The poor family. I hope they get justice very soon.
Well, I'm off to bed :eek:fftobed: I hope I wake up in time for the beginning of closing arguments. I think the defense goes first, so if I miss them it might keep my blood pressure from making my head explode.


Thanks for catching me up on stuff. :seeya:
I don't recall Dr. D. saying she didn't know about any scales. Do any of you?
I won't be eating PUDDING for a long, long time! :gasp:
Who does closing first? I'm going to be without a computer on Friday at work. We are moving and our IT guy is bringing them down at 8am for the move.

If JM is last ill have to watch Friday night.
I don't recall Dr. D. saying she didn't know about any scales. Do any of you?

I may be mistaken, but I seem to recall her bringing up something about the sliding scale type stuff they keep referring to. It was very brief though and I think they are making a big deal over nothing.
On HLN , the attorneys brought up about how the judge has been careful through the whole trial until right at the very end and now with this stay until finished late day, she brought in needless danger of appeal issues.

I agree with them on HLN. It almost seems like the judge's boss finally told her to speed up this trial and get it over with. After this trial dragging on at a snail's pace with 3 and 4 day work weeks, starting late, and ending early each and every day, and with 1 1/2 hour lunches, the judge all of a sudden forces everyone to work a 10-12 hour day and then to report in the morning. It is so bizarre.

After the way this trail dragged on, I would have rather had a single extra day than to risk what she just ordered on this 1 crazy day out of the past 3 months.
Someone over her must have slammed down the gavel on her.

Totally bizarre like the rest of this trial. Why even risk it at this point. What is another extra day after 3 months of dragging feet. Incredible.
I decided that all the defense approaches are a part of their exercise regime.
Who does closing first? I'm going to be without a computer on Friday at work. We are moving and our IT guy is bringing them down at 8am for the move.

If JM is last ill have to watch Friday night.

Juan's up first, then jenny, then Juan, then jury instructions.
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