State v Brad Cooper 4-8-2011

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No probs gracielee..Take care of yourself..I must be out of it myself (being mentally exhausted and all) just didnt catch your rationale..Sure hope you have a better night ..God Speed:innocent:

Thank you, me too. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. this morning, throwing up. I've been using a nebulizer for my tight, congested chest. I'm thinking maybe all the different meds, with the inhaler added in, was just too much. :(
One of my little grandsons always came over with his shoes on the wrong feet. He was probably around 3 at the time. Didn't seem to bother his feet, so perhaps nancy had the kind of feet where she couldn't tell/wasn't bothered by, didn't notice she was wearing her shoes on the wrong feet? :floorlaugh:

< snort >

Glee - Love the < snort >. Made me LOL. Also agree w/your post. My son was in pre-school with twin boys. They were dressing themselves and one morning one was in 2 right shoes, and one was in 2 left shoes. It looked like one was heading west and one was heading east. Just a scream. Their parents didn't fix it because they were encouraging them dressing independently -- which was good, I thought. But seeing those 2 cute little boys (about 4 yo, I think) was such a scream!!!

But somehow, it just seems to me that a serious half-marathoner would have noticed that something just didn't feel right. But you know, she could have simply been hung-over since she forgot her 2nd sports bra, undies, shorts, t-shirt, her Bosox cap and her car keys. But I could be wrong....
Maybe Brad can sue Lifetime for 3 million dollars alleging that it is an invasion into his life.

Well, he's already got an attorney that would probably jump at that suit!

Ohh man I picked alot more..and think some of them perked their ugly head back before Children for Nancy..Sadly she didnt follow her GUT sense of things :maddening:
But heres what I happen to see given what history we know now and what we have seen since~~

Glibness/Superficial Charm
Manipulative and Conning
Pathological Lying (lies or denies until back against the wall) Lies when he doesnt have to..JMO on thatLack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
Shallow Emotions (unable to share emotions with his inlaws post death) and unable to assimilate what Nancy's complaints were regarding his lack of attentions..Conventional appearance
Incapable of real human attachment to another (other than parents or sibblings..not many long term nurtured friends)Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life (especially in the last 6 months!!)Callousness/Lack of Empathy ( didnt appear to feel anything??)Secretive ( Not one to share his thoughts or feelings about much)Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity ( numerous affairs over the years)

Okay..My bolded are MY remarks given the symtoms..But for me ,although he exhibits many of Sociopathic symptoms..I think he is just truly lacking empathetic abilitites to associate and not so much on a criminal way..just totally lacking ability to conform or adjust to NORMS..and given that he used his abilities to stop the one thing that was interferring with his focus..and thats to do whatever he feels he needs to do....A true self preservationist..Is that illegal? Nope..however if you kill someone to achieve that then Yepper..You are a criminal and murderer....:banghead:

This case is really mentally exhausting for me..So sad a case and brings back alot of sad memories.:-((( So will say Salut and Good night :eek:fftobed:

Ooh, boy -- I did not edit that error. It SHOULD be thus:
Originally Posted by borndem
Excellent -- I can only identify about 3 qualities that BC does NOT show. How can anyone not see this? Thanks.

And to add just these two words,

Ipse dixit. (The thing speaks for itself.)

Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I saw sociopathology in the man early, early on...
I am tired, can't remember the crime lab guy who lost his job when the mess came out a couple of months ago. But his testimony in the Michael Peterson trial was good and I thought he did an excellent job with that case.
I worked in law enforcement in my 'past' life and things were much simpler and easier back then. I would hate to think that corruption is rampant in much of our LE and legal system but I'm sure there is more of it than I want to realize.
With the Duke Lacrosse case--I never for one tiny moment thought those boys were guilty. Never. So happy that case had a good ending but I have wondered had the boys' families not been rather wealthy and had not hired the best lawyers available what the outcome would have been.

Nor did anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together, but the Durham DA was convinced.... and even after having all of them not only declared "innocent" by the state AG, and the Durham DA being disbarred and bankrupted over the case, when pressed for an answer as to why he did what he did his answer was "Well SOMETHING happened that night to make everyone leave suddenly..." Dude, get a clue. - So, if anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together could easily see the case had more holes than swiss cheese, and you STILL think there was anything to it, where does that leave you? :loser:

I, for one, wish that the Blackberry had been handled with more care and the data that was on it preserved.

I don't really think there was much on it that is not revealed in the phone records that are available, but it is still problematic.

ISTR it was a BB Pearl, and I have tried to use one of those once. It was a PITA, and I could not see myself using it for text messaging much, it does not have a full keyboard, and it is a pain trying to send text messages with a phone like that, but it IS possible that there was a message on there, unlikely, but possible.

Nevertheless, I am leaning towards a BC Dunnit. I do think there is something to the phone evidence, and if so, I hope there is a sufficient weight of proof that would convince anyone. I know the guy did phones for a livin' and so playing with the phone stuff could be normal, but the timing of all this stuff and how important to the case it is just bugs me too much to let it ride.

That aside, and even if it did not exist, some of the rest of the story just don't add up. [sic] too much coincendence about the cleaning, calls, attire, attitude to pull me to the SODDI side. So, my opinion is worth a bit less than :twocents: 'cause I ain't on the jury, and I know there will be loose ends either way. Perry Mason has not been on in a long while.

On the bright side, even though the Lifetime movie deal might not ever be done, we don't have to worry about Kurtz's future. He can open a pet shop specializing in kittens!

I, for one, wish that the Blackberry had been handled with more care and the data that was on it preserved.

I don't really think there was much on it that is not revealed in the phone records that are available, but it is still problematic.

ISTR it was a BB Pearl, and I have tried to use one of those once. It was a PITA, and I could not see myself using it for text messaging much, it does not have a full keyboard, and it is a pain trying to send text messages with a phone like that, but it IS possible that there was a message on there, unlikely, but possible.

Nevertheless, I am leaning towards a BC Dunnit. I do think there is something to the phone evidence, and if so, I hope there is a sufficient weight of proof that would convince anyone. I know the guy did phones for a livin' and so playing with the phone stuff could be normal, but the timing of all this stuff and how important to the case it is just bugs me too much to let it ride.

That aside, and even if it did not exist, some of the rest of the story just don't add up. [sic] too much coincendence about the cleaning, calls, attire, attitude to pull me to the SODDI side. So, my opinion is worth a bit less than :twocents: 'cause I ain't on the jury, and I know there will be loose ends either way. Perry Mason has not been on in a long while.

On the bright side, even though the Lifetime movie deal might not ever be done, we don't have to worry about Kurtz's future. He can open a pet shop specializing in kittens!


Thanks for the last paragraph! Love it, love laughing this early in the morning!!
Glee - Love the < snort >. Made me LOL. Also agree w/your post. My son was in pre-school with twin boys. They were dressing themselves and one morning one was in 2 right shoes, and one was in 2 left shoes. It looked like one was heading west and one was heading east. Just a scream. Their parents didn't fix it because they were encouraging them dressing independently -- which was good, I thought. But seeing those 2 cute little boys (about 4 yo, I think) was such a scream!!!

But somehow, it just seems to me that a serious half-marathoner would have noticed that something just didn't feel right. But you know, she could have simply been hung-over since she forgot her 2nd sports bra, undies, shorts, t-shirt, her Bosox cap and her car keys. But I could be wrong....


Well that sure would have woken up those early morning drivers out there, 'eh?

As for our twins, daughter usually doesn't even notice. With three little boys all within 20 months of each other, she's just relieved they are all dressed, *have shoes on*, and are still all within eye-sight or ear-shot. :great: Thats why my husband call's 'em 'the wrecking crew'. Since I've been sick, I haven't seen 'em up close in a couple day, so yesterday evening there were all standing under my bedroom window, in our drive-way, calling up to me. Love those little boys. :loveyou:

Can someone tell me, now that there is a different 'front page' on WS, is there an easy way to find ones way back to the Nancy Cooper area? My little quick-clicker on the front page is gone. The missing man is there instead.

Imagine if NC's body was never found. Believe BC's moans were due to the fact he never thought she would be found. No body in this trial or even a body found, say, a month or so later? We would not be watching this trial. IMHO.

Well that sure would have woken up those early morning drivers out there, 'eh?

As for our twins, daughter usually doesn't even notice. With three little boys all within 20 months of each other, she's just relieved they are all dressed, *have shoes on*, and are still all within eye-sight or ear-shot. :great: Thats why my husband call's 'em 'the wrecking crew'. Since I've been sick, I haven't seen 'em up close in a couple day, so yesterday evening there were all standing under my bedroom window, in our drive-way, calling up to me. Love those little boys. :loveyou:

Can someone tell me, now that there is a different 'front page' on WS, is there an easy way to find ones way back to the Nancy Cooper area? My little quick-clicker on the front page is gone. The missing man is there instead.


Nancy Cooper - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I put that link on my desktop...makes it easy to get to. Had the same challenge this morning.
Wonder if the garage door was ever used? This side door would be much less obvious. Especially if a car was backed up to the garage.


  • side garage door.jpg
    side garage door.jpg
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Hey, I've got a group of ladies over at my house, and come to find out, one of them works at the courthouse and is friends with Judge Gessner! Hmmm...
Hey, I've got a group of ladies over at my house, and come to find out, one of them works at the courthouse and is friends with Judge Gessner! Hmmm...

We want the scoop!!!!!!!!!!

I really like him.
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