State v Brad Cooper 4-8-2011

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Brad would have been much better off if he didn't try to set up that alibi call.
It actually backfired and is strong evidence that points to guilt.
That just doesn't make sense. None of the activities he was doing with the Cisco phones has anything to do with setting up a remote call or an automated call and it was done after the 6:40 am call was made.

Even checking his voicemail at 6:30 am doesn't seem unreasonable if he was working with people in Ireland. It was nearly noon there.

Thank you for that. But I see things differently.
I think yesterday when the dad was testifying, he said BC called with the financial requests, which I found extremely interesting? I can't imagine ever calling my inlaws for $ (or my parents for that matter).

Especially when you're driving around a TWO door BMW Z4!!
Did I hear right?
BC said NC woke up in the wee hours of the morning on 7/12/08 because of the youngest daughter crying.

Kurtz said in opening NC woke because of the noise of the TV.
IIRC, Mr Rentz finally told Brad they needed to start solving their own financial problems.

Another nail in nancy's coffin. Gravy train ran out. I wonder how HM's folks are about 'helping out' financially?
When friends watched the girls while BC was interviewed, did the youngest have a bottle in her diaper bag? I'm having a hard time with the fact a two year old has a head full of teeth and can eat something if hungry versus having a baby bottle of milk. Was there other milk in the fridge or beverage other than "warm water" available?

Is it true BC couldn't remember what he or the girls ate for breakfast the morning of the 12th?
2 friends on facebook and the account was inactive for a long period.
Krista said Nancy talked on the phone and very rarely used text messages. The At&T bill would show anyone suspicious. Rest assured CPD and Kurtz have studied in detail.

No kidding, her *secret* facebook account. That was what Kurtz called it when he asked her friends, wasn't it? Perhaps she was a secret farm town junkie.
I generally agree with you that it was most likely a bumbling mistake as opposed to something devious that the detective was doing. But, you have to admit, he couldn't have made it look more suspicious had he tried.

I didn't see the detective's testimony, but from what I read on here, he was otherwise very thorough and took meticulous notes of everything that was done, every interview he did, everything he found and where. But then when it came to the phone, he waited a week after talking to the AT&T rep and then just winged it from memory? And then when he got a warning that it was about to erase everything on the device, rather than stepping back and thinking "maybe I should get some help with this before I screw up", he just went ahead and erase it.

I also think it is at least a tiny bit hypocritical for those who are sure that Brad is guilty to be saying "Oh, it's unimporant. There wasn't anything on the phone, etc." What if Brad had done this? What if his story was, "well, I just went from memory" and "when it told me it was going to erase everything on the device, I didn't realize it really meant that". Everyone here would be saying that's absurd and just another of Brad's many lies, there is no way he didn't know that he was erasing everything.

So again, I think it was probably just a poor decision followed by a dumb mistake, but they handed the defense something to make a big stink of. You can't blame the defense for using it.

I'm convinced Det Young will feel the pain of this error for the rest of his life. From my observation he was not pro-BC.
No, just southern talk.
No offense.
I take it you are not originally from these parts?

I like to 'open a whole big can 'o whup a$$'. That's been one of my favorite southern talk.


That I agree with. Hindsight is always 20/20. I have to believe that every single person right down to Det. Young himself wishes that he had never tried to look at that phone. He obviously doesn't know cell phones and had no business taking it upon himself to examine it. If he was directed to examine it, the person who gave him that direction should also be kicking himself in the pants. I also don't think that Nancy's cell phone is as significant as the defense would like to make everyone believe. MOO

I vote for drawn and quartering.
Not trying to be obtuse....but much time was lost looking for a missing women..Brad was NOT considered a suspect but a resource of information along with friends to try and find this women who was missing..It wasnt until Nancy was found by a dog walking person July 14th 7PMish..and later ID'd that they knew Nancy was a VICTIM of foul play.....Given that scenerio..They couldnt even start to investigate until July 15th/late in the day..and as ALL Investigations, they always start ruling OUT the inner circle...Unfortunately for Brad he never got cleared of suspicion..and the more they dug into it..the more suspicions they had..and Brad's behaviors certainly didnt show appropriateness.. But understanding Brad's personality many could very well make excuses..PROBLEM..He did just too much prior to her death to exclude him..

I am sorry..but blaming her friends or people who cared about Nancy ( and happen to be the ones who called about Nancy's missing status) is just not koolaid I can swallow...SO FAR I have NOT heard any credible reasonable showings that anyone else (stranger or not) shown to be responsible..Course we have not heard Defense side yet:waitasec:

JA wacked her over the head with those ducks she so covetted. Is it one T or 2 in coveted?
Excellent -- I can only identify about 3 qualities that BC does show. How can anyone not see this? Thanks.

And to add just these two words,

Ipse dixit. (The thing speaks for itself.)

Ohh man I picked alot more..and think some of them perked their ugly head back before Children for Nancy..Sadly she didnt follow her GUT sense of things :maddening:
But heres what I happen to see given what history we know now and what we have seen since~~

Glibness/Superficial Charm
Manipulative and Conning
Pathological Lying (lies or denies until back against the wall) Lies when he doesnt have to..JMO on thatLack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
Shallow Emotions (unable to share emotions with his inlaws post death) and unable to assimilate what Nancy's complaints were regarding his lack of attentions..Conventional appearance
Incapable of real human attachment to another (other than parents or sibblings..not many long term nurtured friends)Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life (especially in the last 6 months!!)Callousness/Lack of Empathy ( didnt appear to feel anything??)Secretive ( Not one to share his thoughts or feelings about much)Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity ( numerous affairs over the years)

Okay..My bolded are MY remarks given the symtoms..But for me ,although he exhibits many of Sociopathic symptoms..I think he is just truly lacking empathetic abilitites to associate and not so much on a criminal way..just totally lacking ability to conform or adjust to NORMS..and given that he used his abilities to stop the one thing that was interferring with his focus..and thats to do whatever he feels he needs to do....A true self preservationist..Is that illegal? Nope..however if you kill someone to achieve that then Yepper..You are a criminal and murderer....:banghead:

This case is really mentally exhausting for me..So sad a case and brings back alot of sad memories.:-((( So will say Salut and Good night :eek:fftobed:
JA wacked her over the head with those ducks she so covetted. Is it one T or 2 in coveted?

:waitasec:..Sorry must be tired..are you being sarcastic in response to what I said?

Nevermind..I am just too mentally exhausted now..I hope I didnt offend you with my comment that you quoted :waitasec:
When friends watched the girls while BC was interviewed, did the youngest have a bottle in her diaper bag? I'm having a hard time with the fact a two year old has a head full of teeth and can eat something if hungry versus having a baby bottle of milk. Was there other milk in the fridge or beverage other than "warm water" available?

Is it true BC couldn't remember what he or the girls ate for breakfast the morning of the 12th?

Yup, he fed them breakfast, but couldn't remember what. And there were two containers of milk in the fridge IIRC. Lactose free for Nancy & maybe skim for Brad?
:waitasec:..Sorry must be tired..are you being sarcastic in response to what I said?

Nevermind..I am just too mentally exhausted now..I hope I didnt offend you with my comment that you quoted :waitasec:

No, I thought we were supposed to be giving alternative theories of the crime. Plus, I'm doped up on meds. :banghead:
No, I thought we were supposed to be giving alternative theories of the crime. Plus, I'm doped up on meds. :banghead:
No probs gracielee..Take care of yourself..I must be out of it myself (being mentally exhausted and all) just didnt catch your rationale..Sure hope you have a better night ..God Speed:innocent:
:waitasec:..Sorry must be tired..are you being sarcastic in response to what I said?

Nevermind..I am just too mentally exhausted now..I hope I didnt offend you with my comment that you quoted :waitasec:

Sorry, I had to go back and read your comment again, cause I didn't think mine would be misconstrued. :( Sorry, I apologize. I was remarking about her friends. I think attempting to tie JA into this because she called LE and reported Nancy missing is just terrible. She was a friend, loved her friend, worried about her friend, and tried to help her friend. My remark was to show how ridiculous I think it is to try and blame her friend/s. They all came across to me as caring friends. So, I guess I thought my remark was in agreement with yours? :seeya:
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