State v Brad Cooper 4-8-2011

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So is it your opinion that because the bb was erased - even though they have all the documentation of every phone number that was the recipient of calls or made calls to that phone - BC should be released and the case against him is over? Do you honestly think there is no case against him without having text messages from her phone? And what in the world could possibly be on a facebook account that had two friends and hadn't been used in a long time? Do you contend that the accidental erasure of the cell phone even compares in evidence to the crap Brad was doing with his phones and the house phone and the computer, all the calls, forwarded calls, calling voice mail, transferring calls to other continents? I mean, really? You don't see all the activity that Brad did on phones, with phones, through phones suspect at all? I don't see how in the world what Nancy did with her phone (made simple calls that are documented as to the number, date, and time) compares to what Brad was doing with his phone in the months leading up to and the morning that Nancy was killed.

No. I'm not saying that at all. This is just one aspect of the case I wanted to hash out.

Yes, I do believe there could have been crucial information on that phone and the erasure of data is highly suspect, especially in a murder investigation. If anyone is okay with that, that worries me.
Mad, not because it was big to the case, it just gives Kurtz something to throw out there and blow totally out of proportion.

But you don't know if it was big to the case or not. That's the problem here. The toothpaste can't go back in the tube, just like the deposition "oops".
Okay, so if you were in charge and one of your detectives erased a cell phone in a murder investigation, you would say "no big deal".

He might very well have been counseled over the incident and a letter of reprimand or counseling would more than likely be placed in his personnel file. When time for merit raises or promotion, the letters are used as a tool to determine if a merit is given or if the promotion is given/denied based on that letter and also any letters of commendation, citizen letters of appreciation for that officer, time of service, work record, training hours, court time, supervisors' recommendations and merit reviews, etc.
No. I'm not saying that at all. This is just one aspect of the case I wanted to hash out.

Yes, I do believe there could have been crucial information on that phone and the erasure of data is highly suspect, especially in a murder investigation. If anyone is okay with that, that worries me.

What else do you want to hash out?
The BB phone is kinda boring cause it means nothing really.
He might very well have been counseled over the incident and a letter of reprimand or counseling would more than likely be placed in his personnel file. When time for merit raises or promotion, the letters are used as a tool to determine if a merit is given or if the promotion is given/denied based on that letter and also any letters of commendation, citizen letters of appreciation for that officer, time of service, work record, training hours, court time, supervisors' recommendations and merit reviews, etc.

Too bad someone's life is hinging on this.
What else do you want to hash out?
The BB phone is kinda boring cause it means nothing really.

Can we hash out JA's actions and testimony and everything that conflicts with it?

ETA: I should start a new thread though because it has nothing to do with the court proceeding of today.
As far as what might have been found on the BB:

- Word documents
- Video clips
- Audio files
- Audio recordings
- Image files
- E-mails
- Text messages
- Contact lists
- Other digital files

At least those are the items that the Cary PD said that they wanted to access in the search warrant for the BB.

I'm wondering if everyone is so sure that there was nothing meaningful on it why they bothered to get a search warrant for it.
Of course we all know that.
What was the reason for the Kurtz fit on FB?

The reason for the "fit" was that no one ever contacted FB corporate and said "we are investigating a murder. This person had an account here and we would like to retrieve access to all of the messages that have been received and sent on her FB account." That was never accomplished. Again......ineptness.
Too bad someone's life is hinging on this.

So what do you expect to happen? You want Det Young hung in the town square? He made a mistake. He doesn't get killed or fired for a mistake. The case goes on. The court has accepted the evidence they have presented thus far. That is not the ONLY piece of evidence they have. They haven't thrown the case out of court because a cell phone was erased upon trying to unlock it, especially when they have the paper documentation to back up what was on the phone. I just don't see what you think SHOULD be done. You said yourself that you can't put toothpaste back in the tube. So short of releasing Brad and dropping the case or hanging Det. Young what do you think should happen? It will be up to the jury now to decide if they are uber-obsessed over the phone being erased or if they will accept it was a mistake and base a decision on the evidence they have before them.
No, just southern talk.
No offense.
I take it you are not originally from these parts?

I'm a Yankee but have lived here since '96. I used to live in Maryland though and "hon" was very common there. :)

Thanks for clearing that up.
So what do you expect to happen? You want Det Young hung in the town square? He made a mistake. He doesn't get killed or fired for a mistake. The case goes on. The court has accepted the evidence they have presented thus far. That is not the ONLY piece of evidence they have. They haven't thrown the case out of court because a cell phone was erased upon trying to unlock it, especially when they have the paper documentation to back up what was on the phone. I just don't see what you think SHOULD be done. You said yourself that you can't put toothpaste back in the tube. So short of releasing Brad and dropping the case or hanging Det. Young what do you think should happen? It will be up to the jury now to decide if they are uber-obsessed over the phone being erased or if they will accept it was a mistake and base a decision on the evidence they have before them.

No, I don't want to hang him in the town square, but there is no evidence in this case, which makes it all the more crucial to look at every single possible thing and we will never be able to do that now and there's a guy sitting in jail right now who may be innocent. This botched handling of evidence could be harmful to him and it's not fair and there is no excuse for it.
After reading all the posts from this afternoon, I really, really hope that no matter the verdict in this case, that some members of the jury will elect to speak with the press after the the case is over. I would be most interested in finding out what they thought was important/not important and how this shaped their decison.
The fact that this was SO important to this case, and Young did not even know what a SIM card was.....he very obviously should have let the FBI handle the phone. He started messing with it before he even had a search warrant. If he wasn't positive he knew what he was doing, he shouldn't have been handling it!

He should have at the very least had Det. Ice or the other computer forensics guy handling those phones.
When someone lies repeatedly, as Brad Cooper did, it's difficult to then know when they are telling the truth. As I listen to the deposition and think about witness testimony I am hearing lots of lies from Cooper.


But do you think BC is hearing them? Serious question. Does he know the difference?

(Sorry I'm so behind in posts. I hope you can remember what you said several pages back!)
So is it your opinion that because the bb was erased - even though they have all the documentation of every phone number that was the recipient of calls or made calls to that phone - BC should be released and the case against him is over? Do you honestly think there is no case against him without having text messages from her phone? And what in the world could possibly be on a facebook account that had two friends and hadn't been used in a long time? Do you contend that the accidental erasure of the cell phone even compares in evidence to the crap Brad was doing with his phones and the house phone and the computer, all the calls, forwarded calls, calling voice mail, transferring calls to other continents? I mean, really? You don't see all the activity that Brad did on phones, with phones, through phones suspect at all? I don't see how in the world what Nancy did with her phone (made simple calls that are documented as to the number, date, and time) compares to what Brad was doing with his phone in the months leading up to and the morning that Nancy was killed.

This just shows how things are becoming jumbled together. The international calls, calls between voicemail systems, etc. had nothing to do with placing a call to himself or spoofing calls from his home number. They were completely different phone systems and the witness read all of the records down to the digits dialed during the call. There was nothing there related to this case at all.
As far as what might have been found on the BB:

- Word documents
- Video clips
- Audio files
- Audio recordings
- Image files
- E-mails
- Text messages
- Contact lists
- Other digital files

At least those are the items that the Cary PD said that they wanted to access in the search warrant for the BB.

I'm wondering if everyone is so sure that there was nothing meaningful on it why they bothered to get a search warrant for it.

It was confirmed by several Nancy used a paper address book.
Her e-mails would be on the server
Audio recordings? Bet she liked music too.
Image files? Bet she had her girls photos and a nice camera
Video clips? ditto
word documents? She didn't work + she had a computer for those
text meaasges? sure a few, but she preferred voice calls and those communications were traced.
So what do you expect to happen? You want Det Young hung in the town square? He made a mistake. He doesn't get killed or fired for a mistake. The case goes on. The court has accepted the evidence they have presented thus far. That is not the ONLY piece of evidence they have. They haven't thrown the case out of court because a cell phone was erased upon trying to unlock it, especially when they have the paper documentation to back up what was on the phone. I just don't see what you think SHOULD be done. You said yourself that you can't put toothpaste back in the tube. So short of releasing Brad and dropping the case or hanging Det. Young what do you think should happen? It will be up to the jury now to decide if they are uber-obsessed over the phone being erased or if they will accept it was a mistake and base a decision on the evidence they have before them.

So true less.....There are so many layers to this case..and a mis-step I am sure is an embarrassment..but not a closer either way....

I am of the feeling that protocols now include..NO manipulations or opening of phones or other electronic devices THEY MUST be handled by no one other than the Professionals...There is aways lessons to be learned..and thankfully there is other evidence to be able to suspicions is one thing..but they have so much to show Brad's invasions and manipulations of Nancy's private items..BUT the huge one was the DRAFT Separation agreement that Brad claims nancy forewarded to him..NOW THAT is just rediculous...IF anyone here has ever been thru separation and divorce proceedings with a lawyer..ONE party would NEVER NEVER foreward such stuff...That is between Lawyers..who are the only ones who make money out o it in the end :banghead:

Brad's claim of the Agreement draft being transfered to him is going to show exactly how he spyed on everything Nancy did or said..Yikes..When will people understand that internet is NOT PRIVATE ..Its open for the world to see if someone with the abilities choses to snoop and expose it..Scary stuff,eh?? :couch:
How is it that testimony from 50 some witnesses is not considered any evidence in a case? Or is it that only DNA, fingerprints, a gun or knife and a bloody crime scene is considered evidence?

Cooper threw away or somehow discarded his own shoes, two right shoes of Nancy's, items from the foyer, and he had some technical equipment in his possession that was not found either. On today's deposition Cooper said Nancy had a dozen or so jogging bras and knew exactly which one she was wearing when her body was found, though he said he didn't see her before leaving. I see red flags with all of this pointing straight to Cooper.
He should have at the very least had Det. Ice or the other computer forensics guy handling those phones.

That I agree with. Hindsight is always 20/20. I have to believe that every single person right down to Det. Young himself wishes that he had never tried to look at that phone. He obviously doesn't know cell phones and had no business taking it upon himself to examine it. If he was directed to examine it, the person who gave him that direction should also be kicking himself in the pants. I also don't think that Nancy's cell phone is as significant as the defense would like to make everyone believe. MOO
How is it that testimony from 50 some witnesses is not considered any evidence in a case? Or is it that only DNA, fingerprints, a gun or knife and a bloody crime scene is considered evidence?

Cooper threw away or somehow discarded his own shoes, two right shoes of Nancy's, items from the foyer, and he had some technical equipment in his possession that was not found either. On today's deposition Cooper said Nancy had a dozen or so jogging bras and knew exactly which one she was wearing when her body was found, though he said he didn't see her before leaving. I see red flags with all of this pointing straight to Cooper.

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